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Cassettes of Paul Affolter’s Celestial Music via Walter Uphoff

Two cassette tapes next to cassette cases and printed paper slips.

On the A side of the first tape (the top cassette), it is labeled “Paul Affolter’s recording & Paranormal Music.” A paper slip of context came with the cassette that reads:

PAUL AFFOLTER – EVP “Celestial Music” via Walter Uphoff

Intro — Walter Uphoff introduces Paul Affolter (of “South Switzerland”) who (briefly — in German) “describes the conditions under which he obtained the music which we call celestial or paranormal for lack of a better term” then follows — from 1986 — radio? broadcast of “spacey” orchestral music — further brief commentary by Affolter at the end of it

On the front of the second tape (bottom cassette), its A side is labeled “on PAUL AFFOLTER 2 music via Walter Uphoff; inc. Alex Tanous.” A slip of paper was also included with this cassette which reads:

PAUL AFFOLTER – EVP “Celestial Music” 2 via Walter Uphoff

more Paul Affloter

c 1981
vial Walter Uphoff

Walter Uphoff introduces and plays EVP-influenced “celestial music” recorded by Paul Affloter followed by lecture by Uphoff on genesis of this so-called paranormal music — including excerpts of — and comments on — a tape sampling supposedly posthumus (German) communication y Thomas Edison (!)
side two — begins with low-quality audio – Alex Tanous speaks on out-of-body experience (“astral projection”), recognizes Affloter music as ancient Egyyptian [sic] funereal music (It sounds like electronic music..but (you) have to listen closely to the winder instruments..”)!)
also voice of Mary Jo Uphoff reads her notes on Tanous and on Paul Affloter (& Walter Uphoff similarly reads notes (poor audio) — ends with more Affloter music.

“PAUL AFFLOTER _ EVP ‘Celestial Music’ 2 via Walter Uphoff,” cassette tape, 1981, Box 14, Eileen J. Garrett Parapsychology Foundation Collection, Collection 331, University of Maryland Baltimore County (Baltimore, MD).

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