This is the Cosmag-Science-Fiction Digest, which is an example of a digest booklet that was small enough to be center stapled.Cover for Grue, a fanzine published by Dean Grennell for FAPA. Summer 1954. Voice of the Imagi-nation January 1941Front Cover of Issue 6 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1976. Cover of the Fossil, a fanzine published for FAPA; special edition on H. P. Lovecraft published by Helen V. Wesson. July 1957. Cover for Dimensions 16, an apazine published by Larry Shaw for both FAPA and OMPA. January 1955. Cover of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly, a fanzine published by Lee Hoffman for FAPA. November 1951.The Fantasy AmateurCollection of photos from the London Convention; featuring (from top left to bottom right) Lars Helander, Mal Ashworth, James White, Rory Faulkner, Walt Willis, Chuck Harris, Madeleine Willis, Bob Madle, Forest J. Ackerman, H. Beam Piper.Cover of Stefantasy, an apazine published by Bill Danner for VAPA and later for FAPA. August 1954.Back cover of Lark, a fanzine published by Bill Danner for FAPA. November 1951. Third page of questionnaire given to science fiction and fantasy fans.Second page of questionnaire given to science fiction and fantasy fans.Voice of the Imagi-nation June 1941Cover for Fan Dango (Fandango), a fanzine published by F. Towner Laney for FAPA.Cover of Helen’s Fantasia: the Uplifting Fanzine, a fanzine published by Helen V. Wesson for FAPA. July 1954. Cover for The Rambling Fap, a fanzine published by Gregg Calkins for FAPA.Cosmag vol. 2, no. 2. Contents. Fan Pubs by Jerry Burge. Imagination, September 1938. Imagination, October 1938. Imagination, June 1938. Imagination, August 1938. Imagination, April 1938. Front cover of Issue 25 of Aurora, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1987. “Why Sci-Fi Writers Go Nuts,” a satirical piece written by Jack Coburn that was featured in the zine, Imagination!.Voice of the Imagi-nation December 1939Voice of the Imagi-nation May 1941Back cover of Issue 24 of Aurora, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1985. Comics in Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979.Back cover of Issue 6 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1976.Back cover of Issue 14 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1978. Back Cover of Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979Book Reviews column in Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979.Comic featuring the Xenomorph from the film “Alien” in Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979. Small comic featuring the Xenomorph from the film “Alien” in Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979. Film Review in Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979. Front Cover of Issue 16 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1979. Back Cover of Issue 18 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1980. Back cover of Issue 20 of Aurora, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1981. Photo of Katherine MacLean as part of the article “Katherine MacLean’s Subtle Humor” by Robin Roberts, featured in Issue 24 of Aurora, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1985. Comic featuring Yoda from the film “Star Wars” and Kermit the Frog in Issue 20 of Aurora, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1981. Front Cover of Janus Issue 18, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1980.Front Cover of Issue 14 of Janus, a fanzine published by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. 1978.