Archives Month 2011

The Special Collections department of the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery at UMBC is pleased to be celebrating our Second Annual American Archives Month! Using UMBC's 45th anniversary as our starting point, we've put together several exhibits and resources for interested students, staff, and alumni to learn more about the past 45 years at UMBC.

Exhibit installation on the 1st floor

Stop by the 1st floor of Albin O. Kuhn Library and view an exhibit from the University Archives, "In the Archives: UMBC at 45." The exhibit will highlight the many types of materials collected by the University Archives as well as the varied groups, events, and stories documented within the materials. This exhibit will be installed on October 12, the first day of Homecoming.

UMBC: An Evolution

Reprinted with permission from The Retriever Weekly, this ten part essay series documents the planning, development, and controversies of UMBC from 1955 to 1981. Originally written for UMBC's 15th anniversary in 1981, this student essay series reveals important historical facts about the establishment of our campus. It is also a great example of student research - something that has continued to be a key aspect of UMBC students' academic life.

Reference book display

UMBC history is taking over the Reference department's monthly book display! This month you can browse (and check out) faculty publications from the early years of campus (circa 1965-1970) and current faculty publications (circa 2009-2011). The full list of books available is listed below. You can also browse all of UMBC's faculty/staff publication holdings through the Library catalog; using the UMBC-only catalog search, select "UMBC Faculty/Staff Publications" from the named collections drop-down menu.

Other resources

Retriever Fever! Visit for more information on UMBC's 2011 Homecoming celebrations, October 12-15

Archives Month webpage on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference website (link updated 2016-12-13)

American Archives Month at the Society of American Archivists (link updated 2016-12-13)

Reference Display - Archives Month 2011

45 years of faculty and staff publications

Reflecting on the scholarship produced by the faculty and staff of a campus is an important step in understanding the central themes, directions, and priorities of a college or university. In 2011, our 45th fall semester, it is interesting to look back a few decades to the scholarship produced by some of our early faculty and administrators during their time at UMBC or even before. Also included here you'll find recent publications, a snapshot of the scholarly and personal writing being performed at UMBC.

You are welcome to browse the Library's complete holdings of faculty and staff publications through the Library catalog. Using the UMBC-only catalog search, select "UMBC Faculty/Staff Publications" from the named collections drop-down menu.

The early years

Recent publications

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