Special Collections maintains a growing Baltimore Sun archives which includes millions of photographs, negatives, transparencies; print volumes of the Sun and Evening Sun; and archival collections documenting the Sun’s history dating to 1837. Materials have been donated by the Sun, by retired Sun staff, retrieved prior to destruction, or purchased by UMBC.
Print issues
Baltimore Sun – online access
Proquest National Newspapers provides an online searchable pdf backfile (1990-) and plain text access is also available through Lexis Nexis Academic and Newsbank for the same dates [UMBC login required].
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Baltimore Sun contains online searchable scans of the Sun from 1837 to 1993 [UMBC login required].
UMBC affiliate researchers: use the links above and sign-in with your UMBC account.
USMAI affiliate researchers: consult your campus library for access to the databases above.
Maryland residents: access to both databases is provided by the Enoch Pratt Free Library or your local county public library system; a valid public library card is required.
All other researchers: individual articles can be requested through Interlibrary Loan at your local university or public library system, or by emailing speccoll@umbc.edu. If you wish to conduct more in-depth research, you could consider purchasing a subscription to newspapers.com; this will provide online access to both the Baltimore Sun and the Evening Sun. This service is not affiliated with UMBC.
Baltimore Sun – print and microfilm
Special Collections holds a substantial run of the print holdings of the Baltimore Sun (1837-1968) and the Evening Sun (1910-June 1969); due to preservation concerns, these volumes are limited to staff-use only.
The Serials department holds a microfilm copy of the Baltimore Sun (1837-present, incomplete), the Baltimore Sun Morning Index (1891-1951), and the Evening Sun (complete); the current two months of the Baltimore Sun are available in paper format in the Serials stacks (filed under Sun).

Special Collections manages prints, negatives, transparencies, and digital files dating from the 1930s through 2012. It is estimated that 90% are original Baltimore Sun photographs while the remaining are from non-Sun sources. Submit research requests to Special Collections by emailing speccoll@umbc.edu. A small selection of Sun photographs related to UMBC are available online in the UMBC Digital Collections.
1930s – 1970s: Prints are available and are organized alphabetically by name (personal or corporate) or by subject (view the folder listing in the finding aid). This collection is not complete; prints from this time period are also managed by the Baltimore Sun. Submit research requests to Special Collections by emailing speccoll@umbc.edu.
1982 to 2012: Negatives and digital files are available and are organized primarily by date and then photographer name. Submit research requests to Special Collections by emailing speccoll@umbc.edu.
Did you purchase a print from a vendor or see a print available for sale? These prints were sold directly from the Sun. Please use their Photo Request form to request a digital file.
Publication and permission requests should be submitted to the Sun directly using their Photo Request form.
Archival collections
Philip M. Wagner papers, Collection 1
Baltimore Sun foreign bureaus records, Baltimore Sun Archives, Collection 24
Baltimore Sun memorabilia collection, Baltimore Sun Archives, Collection 32
Harold A. Williams papers, Baltimore Sun Archives, Collection 33
Baltimore Sun financial and selected labor records, Baltimore Sun Archives, Collection 34
Geoffrey Fielding collection of Baltimore Sun cartoons, Baltimore Sun Archives, Collection 35
Baltimore Sun photographs, Baltimore Sun Archives, Collection 117
James Hall Bready collection, Collection 201
Related publications
Bibliography of UMBC holdings relating to the Baltimore Sun:
Abell (A.S.) Company. A New Home for the Sunpapers of Baltimore: Containing a Brief History of the Past 114 Years and a Description of the Modern Production Equipment in the New Plant. Baltimore: Abell Company, 1951.
PN4900.S8A3 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Abell, William S. Arunah Shepherdson Abell (1806-1888): Founder of the Sun of Baltimore. Chevy Chase, Md.: William S. Abell, 1989.
PN4899.B3 A4 1989 (Special Collections – Arnold)
The Baltimore Sun 150: People Who Shaped the Way We Live: 150th Anniversary Issue, 1837-1987.Baltimore: The Baltimore Sun, 1987.
F189.B1 B36 1987 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Day, Price. Day in the Sun: The Columns of Price Day, Reporter, War Correspondent, Editor, The Baltimore Sun 1942-1979. Compiled and edited by Anthony Day, J.R.L. Sterne, and Harold Williams. Baltimore: The Baltimore Sun, 1993.
PN4874.D38 D38 1993 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Gardner, R.H. Those Years: Recollections of a Baltimore Newspaperman. Baltimore: Sunspot Books: Galileo Press, 1990.
PN4874.G325A3 1990 (Stacks)
Historic Pages: The Baltimore Sun. Baltimore: The Baltimore Sun, 1983.
PN4899.B3 H57 1983 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Hollowak, Thomas L. Index to Marriages and Deaths in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1837-1850. Baltimore: Geneological Pub. Co., 1978.
F189.B153A23 (Reference, Special Collections – Arnold)
Hollowak, Thomas L. Index to Marriages and Deaths in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1851-1860. Baltimore: Geneological Pub. Co., 1978.
F189.B153A24 (Reference, Special Collections – Arnold)
Johnson, Gerald W. The Sunpapers of Baltimore. New York : Knopf, 1937.
PN4899.B3S76 (Stacks, Special Collections – General)
Kallaugher, Kevin. Kaltoons: A Collection of Political Cartoons from the Baltimore Sun. Edited by Richard Samuel West. Baltimore: Chatsworth Press, 1992.
E881 .K34 1992 (Stacks)
Lerner, Leon L., ed. Gob Humor. Baltimore: Ottenheimer, 1953.
PN6162.E9 (Stacks)
Maryland Public Television. The Baltimore Sun: 150 Years (videorecording). Lincoln, NE: Great Plains National Instructional Television Library, 1987.
UMVID 438 (Media Stacks)
Owens, Hamilton. A Tour Through the Sunpapers’ New Building. Baltimore: The Sunpapers, 1952.
PN4899.B3 O93 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Sheridan Libraries. The Robert A. Wilson Collection of H.L. Mencken. Baltimore: Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University, 2006.
PS3525.E43 Z78 2006 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Sterne, Joseph R.L. A Century in the Sun: Photographs of Maryland. Baltimore: The Baltimore Sun, 1999.
F182 .C46 1999 (Special Collections – Bafford)
Style Book: Sunpapers of Baltimore. Baltimore: Sunpapers of Baltimore, 1968.
Z253.S82 1968 (Stacks)
University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Light for All: A History of the Baltimore Sun, 1837-1987: Created by the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Honor of the Baltimore Sun’s 150th Anniversary. Baltimore: The University, 1987.
PN4899.B27U55 1987 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Warner, Henry Edward. The Making of a Newspaper: A Description of a Trip Through the Baltimore Sun Building. Baltimore: A.S. Abell Company, 1931.
PN4899.B3S8 1931 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Williams, Harold A. The Baltimore Sun, 1837-1987. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987.
PN4899.B35S84 1987 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Bibliography of UMBC holdings relating to H.L. Mencken:
Bode, Carl. Mencken. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
PS3525.E43 Z5398 1986 (Stacks)
Bulsterbaum, Allison. H.L. Mencken: A Research Guide. New York: Garland, 1988.
PS3525.E43 Z543 1988 (Stacks)
Dorsey, John, ed. On Mencken: Essays. New York: Knopf, 1980.
PS3525.E43 Z76 1980 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Dreiser, Theodore, and H.L. Mencken. Dreiser-Mencken Letters: The Correspondence of Theodore Dreiser and H.L. Mencken, 1907-1945. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986.
PS3507.R55 Z485 1986 (Stacks)
Fitzpatrick, Vincent. H.L. Mencken. New York: Continuum, 1989.
PS3525.E43 Z554 1989 (Stacks, Special Collections – UMBC Faculty/Staff Publications)
Frey, Carroll. A Bibliography of the Writings of H.L. Mencken. Philadelphia, The Centaur Book Shop, 1924.
PS3525.E43 Z559 1924 (Stacks,Special Collections – Arnold)
Harrison, S.L. Mencken Revisited: Author, Editor, and Newspaperman. Lanham, Md: University Press of America, 1999.
PS3525.E43 Z582 1999eb (Electronic resource, NetLibrary eBooks)
Hobson, Fred C. Mencken: A Life.New York: Random House, 1994.
PS3525.E43 Z467 1995 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Martin, Edward A. H.L. Mencken and the Debunkers. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1984.
PS3525.E43 Z675 1984 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. New York : A. A. Knopf, 1930, 1923.
PE2808 .M4 1930 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. A Book of Burlesques. New York: John Lane company, 1916.
PS3525.E43 B6 1916 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. A Book of Burlesques. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1924.
PS3525.E43 B6 1924 (Stacks,Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. A Book of Prefaces. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1920.
PS121 .M4 1920 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. A Choice of Days: Essays from Happy Days, Newspaper Days, and Heathen Days. Selected by Edward L. Galligan. New York : Knopf, 1980.
PS3525.E43 Z517 1980 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. The Diary of H.L. Mencken. Edited by Charles A. Fecher. New York: Knopf , 1990.
PS3525.E43 Z463 1989 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. The Editor, The Bluenose, and the Prostitute: H.L. Mencken’s History of the “Hatrack” Censorship Case. Edited by Carl Bode. Boulder: R. Rinehart, 1988.
PS3525.E43 H37 1988 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. and George Jean Nathan. Heliogabalus, a Buffoonery in Three Acts. New York, Knopf, 1920.
PS3525.E43 H4 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. “Ich Kuss Die Hand” : The Letters of H.L. Mencken to Gretchen Hood. Edited by Peter W. Dowell. University, Al: University of Alabama Press, 1986.
PS3525.E43 Z485 1986 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. The Impossible H.L. Mencken: A Selection of His Best Newspaper Stories. Edited by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. New York: Doubleday, 1991.
PS3525.E43 A6 1991 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. Letters from Baltimore: The Mencken-Cleator Correspondence. Edited by P.E. Cleator. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1982.
PS3525.E43 Z49 1982 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. Letters of H.L. Mencken. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1981.
PS3525.E43 Z48 1981 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. H.L. Mencken on American Literature. Edited by S.T. Joshi. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2002.
PS121.M434 2002 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. Mencken and Sara: A Life in Letters: The Private Correspondence of H.L. Mencken and Sara Haardt. Edited by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.
PS3525.E43 Z488 1987 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: First Series. New York: A. A. Knopf 1919.
PS3525.E43 P8 1919 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Second Series. New York: A. A. Knopf 1920.
PS3525.E43 P82 1920 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Third Series. New York: A. A. Knopf 1922.
PS3525.E43 P83 1922 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Fourth Series. New York: A. A. Knopf 1924.
PS3525.E43 P84 1924 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: A Selection. Edited by James T. Farrell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
PS3525.E43 P912 1996 (Stacks)
Mencken, H.L. Thirty-five Years of Newspaper Work: A Memoir. Edited by Fred Hobson, Vincent Fitzpatrick, and Bradford Jacobs. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
PS3525.E43 Z475 1994 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Mencken, H.L. The Vintage Mencken. Edited by Alistair Cooke. New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
PS3525.E43 A6 1990b (Stacks)
Nathan, George Jean, and H.L. Mencken. The American Credo: A Contribution toward the Interpretation of the National Mind. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1920.
E168.N27 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Schrader, Richard J. H.L. Mencken: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.
PS3525.E43 Z815 1998 (Special Collections – Arnold)
Scruggs, Charles. The Sage in Harlem: H.L. Mencken and the Black Writers of the 1920s. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.
PS3525.E43 Z82 1984 (Stacks, Special Collections – Arnold)
Stenerson, Douglas C., ed. Critical Essays on H.L. Mencken. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1987.
PS3525.E43 Z547 1987 (Stacks)
Teachout, Terry. The Skeptic: A Life of H.L. Mencken. New York: HarperCollins, 2002.
PS3525.E43 Z84 2002 (Stacks)