Archival collections come in many forms – personal diaries and correspondence, institutional records, sketchbooks, original manuscripts of books, audiovisual recordings, and research files are all examples of collections held at UMBC. Our collecting areas include: photography manuscripts, UMBC department records and historical artifacts, the history of biological sciences, local Maryland history and folklife, and science fiction literature.
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Finding Aids
A finding aid is a guide that helps researchers use an archival collection.
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Center for Biological Sciences Archives
The mission of the Center for Biological Sciences Archives (CBSA) is to identify, preserve, and provide access to manuscripts, personal papers, and archives generated by individuals and institutions involved in the biological sciences. In addition the CBSA will encourage research, scholarship, and publication of writings on the history, policy implications, and social and cultural impact of the biological sciences. Public programs concerning the archives will be featured in the future as the archives and its activities are developed. Browse finding aids…
University Archives
The University Archives is a diverse collection of materials documenting the history of the growth and development of our campus, faculty, staff, students, and campus life. Included are departmental publications, the administrative records of the university, faculty papers, photographs, theses and dissertations, and oral histories with former faculty members and staff. Browse finding aids…
Science Fiction Literary Manuscripts
These collections include pre-publication materials, such as manuscripts, galley proofs, and correspondence, from authors such as Brian C. Daley, Robert Zelazny, David F. Bischoff, and Thomas F. Monteleone, among many others. Browse finding aids…
Maryland History Collections
These manuscripts and records contain the papers of individuals and organizations connected with Baltimore and the greater Maryland region. Researchers may also consider consulting the Local History research guide. Browse finding aids…
Photography Historical Manuscripts
Papers and records collections that relate to the history of photography. Browse finding aids…
Folklife Collections
Housed in Special Collections at the Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery since 2014, the Maryland Traditions Archives (MTA) is a partnership with Maryland Traditions, the state folklife program of the Maryland State Arts Council. The collections are administered using a “shared stewardship” model, in which MTA staff collaborate with members of the communities represented within the collections (“source communities”) to share curatorial authority. Learn more…
Related Resources and Guides
- Arnold book collection: The Marylandia book collection in Special Collections, named after Dr. Joseph Arnold, contains over 3,000 local history texts. The collection is included in the main Library catalog.
- Visual Art research guide
- Music research guide
- Local history research guide
- American Folklore Society (AFS) Folklore Collection database
- Maryland Traditions
- American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress
- Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Personal Papers
Collections of the personal papers of writers, photographers and other individuals held at UMBC. Personal papers from local people and families are listed under the Maryland history collections above.
Rita Saltz collection, Collection 3
Mildred Grossman papers, Collection 6
Jule Eisenbud collection on Ted Serios and thoughtographic photography, Collection 23
John Price Bell papers, Collection 29
Mark Rice papers, Collection 41
Dick Higgins collection, Collection 43
Barbara S. Kraft papers, Collection 86, Special Collections
Leonardo J. Sirios papers, Collection 101
Eleanor Hovda collection, Collection 119
Robert W. Fichter collection, Collection 132
Steven Gentry manuscript, Collection 133
Annie Greene manuscript, Collection 151
John Q. Lane sketchbook, Collection 152
J. H. Swartz manuscript, Collection 153
John Dos Passos letter, Collection 154
Lizette Woodworth Reese manuscript, Collection 155
Die-cut scrapbook, Collection 156
Commodore Philip Voorhees log book, Collection 157
Autograph book, Collection 158
Andrew D. Jack journal, Collection 160
Account sheets, Collection 161
Baudour Porcelain records, Collection 162
Chinese paper money, Collection 163
Charles J. Ingersoll papers, Collection 165
Levy Lammott promissory note, Collection 166
Puerto Rico official documents, Collection 168
V. K. Findlay scrapbook, Collection 177
Edward Bafford recordings, Collection 206
Douglas McMurtrie papers, Collection 310
George Cruikshank collection, Collection 315
Archives Month
American Archives Month is a collaborative effort by professional organizations and repositories around the nation to highlight the importance of records of enduring value. Archivists are professionals who assess, collect, organize, preserve, maintain control of, and provide access to information that has lasting value, and they help people find and understand the information they need in those records. – Society of American Archivists, www.archivist.org