Library Cards
UMBC Students, Faculty, and Staff
Your UMBC Campus ID card allows you to borrow materials from the library. To access library online resources from off-campus, you will need a myUMBC account, which is issued by the Division of Information Technology.
Your UMBC Campus ID card also lets you borrow material from other USMAI libraries and several local libraries that allow reciprocal borrowing.
USMAI Students, Faculty, and Staff
USMAI affiliates may borrow items directly from the UMBC Library stacks collection with a valid Campus ID card. Alternately, you may use the "request" button in the Catalog to have books shipped to your campus library. A full list of affiliated schools is available at USMAI Member Libraries.
Special Borrowers
The following guests are eligible to apply for Special Borrowing privileges for free or a cost up to $50:
- UMBC alumni
- Friends of the Library
- Parents of current UMBC students
- Spouses of UMBC faculty and staff
- UMBC Emeritus and retired faculty and staff
- Students, faculty and staff at Reciprocal Borrowing colleges and universities
- High School Students
- OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program members
- USM Golden ID card holders
Borrowing Info
Loan Periods
Patron Type |
Books |
Music and Video |
AV Equipment |
Laptops |
Off-Campus Database Access |
UMBC Undergrad Students |
May 1 |
7 days |
7 days |
7 days |
Yes |
UMBC Grad Students |
May 1 |
7 days |
7 days |
7 days |
Yes |
UMBC Faculty, Staff, TA's |
May 1 |
7 days |
7 days |
7 days |
Yes |
USMAI Undergrad Students |
May 1 |
no loan |
no loan |
no loan |
No |
USMAI Grad Students |
May 1 |
no loan |
no loan |
no loan |
No |
USMAI Faculty and Staff |
May 1 |
no loan |
no loan |
no loan |
No |
UMBC Special Borrowers, Reciprocal Borrowers, and USMAI Alumni |
56 days |
no loan |
no loan |
no loan |
No |
Books, CDs, DVDs, and laptops are available to be checked out in person at the library. AV equipment may be checked out at the Digital Media Lab.
Materials needed longer than the regular loan periods may be renewed, provided another user has not requested them.
To renew materials checked out from UMBC, use the library's online catalog. Items that you are unable to renew must be returned by the due date or fines will accrue. You may renew your items online, or in person at a library service desk. We do not renew items by telephone.
A recall is a request to ask the patron who has an item checked out to return it to the library within two weeks. You can request a recall if a book you wish to use is currently on loan.
The library may recall your borrowed items if requested by another user. When a recall is initiated, a notice giving the new due date is sent. The loan period may be shortened in these circumstances and you will be held responsible for any overdue charges incurred due to late returns.
Returns are being accepted in person at the library or the curbside bin on Walker Ave near Parking Lot #7. If you are unable to return your items, please be sure to renew them as they become due.
LAPTOPS & DML ITEMS: to avoid damage, do not put DML equipment or laptops in the curbside bin. Please return these items to an attendant during library hours
Fines and Fees
Please note that failure to return or renew library materials on time may result in the assessment of fees. Efforts will be made by email and postal mail to contact patrons concerning outstanding fees; however, it is the patron's responsibility to return or renew library materials on time and to ensure that the library has accurate contact information on file. Updates to contact information may be made at the Check Out Desk.
Item Type |
Late Fine |
Fine to Replace |
Books |
- |
$135 |
Music and Videos |
- |
$135 and $185 |
Recalled Items |
$2 per day |
$135 |
Laptops |
$5 per day |
$1900 |
AV Equipment |
$5 per day |
Varies |
Hourly Reserves |
$2 per hour* |
$135 |
Daily Reserves |
$2 per day* |
$135 |
Daily Locker Keys |
- |
$50 |
Semester Locker Keys |
- |
$50 |
*Plus an additional $35 if more than 5 days late
Items that are significantly overdue will be assessed replacement and processing fees. If you wish to replace a lost or damaged item, please fill out the Replace an Item Form and wait for approval.
For information about lending policies, see Guideline 251.
Appealing a Fine
You may contact the Circulation Department with questions about a fine. If you are a UMBC student, faculty or staff member and would like to appeal a fine, please fill out the Library Fine Appeal Form. All others, please email If an item you have already returned remains on your library account, a Claims Returned form can be filed at the Check Out Desk.
Payment Information
Fines and fees are payable at the Check Out Desk within 30 days of the original billing date. Payment options are credit card or check. The library cannot accept cash. You can also mail a check payable to UMBC to the address below.
Albin O. Kuhn Library
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
Bill Transfers
After 30 days from the original billing date, fines and fees are payable to the UMBC Student Business Office, who will assess a transfer fee of $5.
Requesting USMAI Items
Current UMBC students, faculty, or staff may borrow most circulating material from any USMAI library. You can request any circulating item that is in the online catalog of any USMAI library. The item(s) will be delivered to the library you designate.
When the item is ready, you will be sent an email that pick-up is available at the Check-Out Desk.
Note: Alumni and Special Borrowers may not place holds on items from other libraries, you are limited to borrowing UMBC’s items only. For more information on lending policies, see Guideline 251.
Direct Borrowing from Other Libraries / Interlibrary Loan
In addition to using InterLibrary Loan service to request books from non-USMAI libraries, UMBC has reciprocal agreements with several schools outside the USMAI. As a result, current faculty, staff, and students from UMBC may borrow materials directly from these schools and vice versa.
Materials may be used on the premises of the owning library or may be borrowed, depending on the policies of the lending library. Privileges vary from institution to institution.
To borrow materials, the visiting patron must present a valid campus ID card and any other identification the lending library requires at the main campus library of the participating institution.
It is the responsibility of borrowers to:
- Present a campus ID card along with other required identification, when accessing or borrowing materials from another library.
- Observe the regulations of the lending library.
- Return borrowed materials directly to the lending library, not to UMBC.
- Return materials in person or by mail, within the loan period prescribed by the lending library.
- Return materials when requested to do so, if recalled by the lending library.
- Pay fines or other charges incurred due to late return of materials or damage to materials.
Please note that reciprocal borrowing is a program of privileges. At its discretion, a participating institution may suspend the privileges of a borrower or suspend participation in the program.
Participating Institutions:
- Carroll Community College
- Chesapeake Biological Laboratories (CBL)
- Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) - All Campuses
- Goucher College
- Maryland Institute College of Art
- Maryland University of Integrative Health (formerly Tai Sophia)
- McDaniel College
- Stevenson University
- University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
UMBC faculty may also have direct borrowing privileges from libraries at institutions that participate (PDF) in the OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program.
Professors can put library materials on reserve for their classes to use. Reserves are available at the Check Out Desk and electronic items are available online. To see what reserves are available for your course, use Blackboard.
Lockers are located on floors 3 - 7 of the Library, and are a convenient place to store your study materials. You can get a locker either for a semester or for a day. Daily locker keys can be checked out at the Check Out Desk. To reserve a locker for the entire semester, you'll need to fill out the Online Application Form.
Materials kept in daily lockers are the responsibility of the user. The library takes no responsibility for material lost, stolen, or damaged while stored in lockers. Also, food and drink may not be stored in lockers. For more information on locker policies, see Guideline 223.
Study Rooms
We have first-come first-serve study rooms for quiet individual study, reservable study rooms for individuals or groups, and some just for faculty members. For more information on study room policies, see Guideline 220.