
Title: American Society for Cell Biology records
Call Number: Coll008
Creator: American Society for Cell Biology
Dates: 1959-1995
Size: 75 boxes (83 linear feet)
Language: English
Abstract: Files documenting the origins of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), its significant growth in membership and standing committees, the opening of its National Office and its work in promoting both education and research in the field of cell biology. Contains correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, reports, accounting and membership. Of particular interest is correspondence covering the proposed merger between ASCB and the Society for Developmental Biology, documents relating to the Society's publication Journal of Cell Biology, records and grant proposals pertaining to summer study at the Marine Biological Laboratories (Woods Hole, Mass), and files documenting the Women in Cell Biology Committee. This collection contains additional accessions that have not been fully incorporated.
Citation: American Society for Cell Biology records, Center for Biological Sciences Archives, Collection 8, Special Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Baltimore, MD).

Administrative/Biographical Note

The American Society for Cell Biology was organized in 1960 when a group of cell biologists, headed by Keith R. Porter, met on January 9th and on May 28th to explore the desirability of founding a new society and beginning the organization process. This move had been suggested by two organized groups, the Tissue Culture Association and the Cell Biology Study Section of the Public Health Service, and by a number of individual cell biologists. On March 13, 1961 a provisional Executive Committee was appointed with Keith Porter as Chairman; the new American Society for Cell Biology was incorporated in the State of New York on July 31, 1961. The first meeting of the Society was held November 2-4, 1961 at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago, Illinois and Don W. Fawcett was elected the first president. In the early years, The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) was guided and operated by volunteers who served as officers, as members of Council, or on various committees. The executive committee was made up of four officers: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and thirteen Council members. Unlike the President and President-Elect who served for one year only, the Secretary and the Treasurer served for several years running. From 1961-1978 only three members were elected Secretary: Montrose J. Moses (1961-1967), George D. Pappas (1967-1973), and Nancy L. R. Bucher (1973-1978). The Secretary’s office was the hub of the organization, sustaining its continuity by guarding its archives, maintaining membership and dues billing records, and, more importantly, coordinating the Society’s activities.

The Society expanded rapidly both in membership and in the number of committees that carried out the Society’s activities. In July 1962, President Dan Fawcett appointed a Publications Committee to look into the advantages and disadvantages of founding a new journal or sponsoring an existing one. At the Annual Meeting on November 4, 1962, the Council unanimously voted to recommend cosponsorship of the Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) in conjunction with the Rockefeller Institute. A proposal to the editors of JCB and the president of Rockefeller Institute was approved, and by April 1963 the membership had approved the proposal by an overwhelming vote. The members of ASCB had a particular interest in the issue of education in the biological sciences, and by 1966 the Educational Policy Committee was a standing committee. This committee was to perform a significant part of the work of the Society, sponsoring workshops and providing funding for students and teachers by way of grants from organizations such as the National Science foundation and others. In addition, a small group of members, realizing the importance of contacting legislators and other government officials about funding, especially NIH funding for the discipline of Cell Biology, began to monitor legislation. By 1971, recognizing that the relationships between government and the universities and the scientific community were changing, this unofficial group became a new committee, the Public Policy Committee. Its task would be not to monitor only legislation and the development of public policy regarding the biological sciences, but also to take an active role in helping to shape that policy.

ASCB hosted the First International Congress for Cell Biology in conjunction with its Seventeenth Annual Meeting at Boston, in 1976. It was an such an enormous undertaking for the young society that it was clear that the Society would have to change its management style if future challenges were to be met. In the fall of 1977, Nancy Bucher, Secretary of the Society at the time of the Congress, sent a letter to President-Elect Keith Porter suggesting the establishment of a permanent business office. She felt that the Society’s established mode of operating was no longer practical due to the greatly increased size of the membership, the consequent requirements for office space, and the demands on the Secretary’s time. She recommended that while the Secretary would continue to make decisions regarding policy, routine business should be handled by an executive officer in a central office. This central office would also assist the Treasurer and perform much of the routine work that burdened the Program Chairperson and eventually take over the Placement Service. At the Annual Meeting in San Diego, the Council agreed that a national office should be established. At the same time that Nancy Bucher and Keith Porter asked Emma Shelton to run for the office of Secretary and to take over the duties of establishing and managing a permanent office.

A lease for office space in Bethesda, Maryland was signed on October 1, 1978 and Marion Cyr was hired as the new administrative assistant. The first order of business was to transfer to the Bethesda office the files of the Secretary as well as the voluminous files that had accumulated and been passed from one Treasurer to another since the Society’s creation. Shortly thereafter, the Constitution and By-Laws Committee met at the new office to prepare revisions to the constitution that would permit the establishment of the National Office and the hiring of an Executive Officer. On May 1, 1979, a contract was signed making Emma Shelton the first Executive Officer for the new National Office.

With the opening of the National Office, other changes took place that while less dramatic were nonetheless significant in indicating that the young society had come of age. In an effort to make the Society more responsive to the needs of the membership and to make the new office a kind of clearinghouse for information, the new Executive Officer began the publication of a regular Newsletter. The first ASCB Newsletter appeared in March 1979, and continues to the present. In addition, Keith Porter instituted several changes. First, he asked the National Office to purchase a gavel to be used as a symbol of the Office of President, and, then, at the Annual Meeting in Toronto in 1979, instituted a formal procedure for passing responsibility from one president to the next. He also felt the Society needed a logo to represent itself and in the fall of 1979 showed some pictures of cells to Mark Swisher who subsequently drew the design that was later accepted as the Society’s logo. In 1980 the E.B. Wilson Award was established through the work of Keith Porter who arranged for the design of the medal. The E.B. Wilson Medal has been awarded each year to an outstanding cell biologist for scientific achievement ever since. This was not the only award to be established in the years following the opening of the central office. In 1982 Lewis G. Tilney became the first awardee of the new Keith Porter Endowment Fund. This fund, named in honor of Keith R. Porter, supports the lecture given every year by an eminent cell biologist at the Annual Meeting.

ASCB had long been concerned with the issue of inclusiveness and the role and presence of minorities and women in the Society, and by the early 1980’s, an ad hoc minorities group was formed. This group held a breakfast and discussion meeting each year during Annual Meeting. Society presidents supported these efforts with small discretionary grants to support minority travel. Shortly thereafter, a NIH/Minorities Access to Research Careers (MARC) grant was received that would support the funding of minority travel and participation in the Society’s Annual Meeting. This grant was administered through the Society office and was to have a duration of ten years but has been renewed by the NIH/MARC program under the present administration. These efforts led to the establishment of the original minority group and thereafter to the Minorities Affairs Committee. The first chairman of the Minorities Affairs Committee, Dr. George M. Langford, was elected in 1985. Similarly the Minorities Affaires Committee, the Women in Cell Biology Committee began as an informal group and operated for a number of years as an ad hoc committee, publishing its own newsletter beginning in 1974. It ultimately achieved full committee status in 1993.

In 1986 the Executive Committee began a discussion about the possibility of sponsoring a second journal whose focus would be cell regulation. It was felt that this was a growing area and that a journal dedicated to cell regulation would be of benefit. At the Council Meeting on April 17, 1987 a motion was passed to authorize a committee to take steps to investigate the financial and scientific aspects of starting the new journal and to approve a tentative editorial board. In November 1987 the Council approved, in principle, the publication of the new journal. By the end of 1988 an Editor- in - Chief had been hired and the first issue of Cell Regulation appeared in November of 1989.

On December 20, 1982 Richard Young, Executive Officer of the Society, initiated a move to collect and organize the records of the Society. The Society was now twenty years old and he had found that there was a very poor record of the Society’s history. He hoped to remedy the situation by retrieving any records still in the hands of former officers. This was the beginning of a long process toward the creation of an archive. The first formal steps were taken at the 1986 business meeting when the membership passed a motion to create an archive for the Society. At the Council meeting in the spring of 1987, Robert Trelstad was appointed to chair a committee to carry out this task. At the Council Meeting in November 1992 an Archive Project Proposal was put forward. The intent was to create a formal archive, and since it was noted that the amount of work necessary to develop and maintain it might be too much for the National Office and Council, it was agreed that a depository organization should be sought. At the December 1994 Council Meeting the council approved the donation of the ASCB archives to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where it now resides.

Scope & Content


Organized into five series: Series I. National Office, 1959-1995. Series II. Meetings, 1960-1994. Series III. Publications, 1961-1995. Series IV. Public Affairs, 1970-1994. Series V. Committees, 1974-1994.

Series I. National Office

  1. Correspondence
  2. Reports
  3. Agendas
  4. Minutes
  5. Articles of Incorporation
  6. Bylaws & Constitution
  7. Accounts
  8. Bank Records
  9. Invoices and Receipts
  10. Lease
  11. Rosters
  12. Administrative Procedures
  13. Tax Forms
  14. Ledgers
  15. Awards
  16. American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) Proposed Merger
  17. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
  18. Placement Service
  19. Nominations and Elections
  20. Membership
  21. Photos
  22. Videotape

Series II. Meetings

  1. Annual Meetings
  2. Regional Meetings
  3. Summer Research Conference
  4. ASCB/EMBO Meetings
  5. ASCB/American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
  6. International Congress of Cell Biology (ICCB)
  7. ASCB/American Association of Immunologists (AAI)
  8. Programs
  9. Announcements

Series III. Publications

  1. Book Order
  2. Editorial Policy Committee
  3. Invoices
  4. Publications Committee
  5. A guide to Opportunities in Cell Biology
  6. Journal of Cell Biology (JCB)
  7. Journal of Cell Regulation (JCR)
  8. Rockefeller University Press (RUP)
  9. News Releases
  10. Printed Matter

Series IV. Public Affairs

  1. Legislative Oversight Committee
  2. Public Affairs Committee
  3. Public Information Committee
  4. Public Policy Committee

Series V. Committees

  1. Education Committee
  2. Minorities Affairs Committee
  3. Women in Cell Biology


This collection of records of the ASCB documents the origins of the Society, its significant growth in membership and standing committees, the opening of its National Office and its work in promoting both education and research in the field of cell biology. These records have been arranged into five primary series that reflect the committee organization set forth in the ASCB management packet. Each of the series: National Office, Meetings, Publications, Public Affairs, and Committees contain the documents of committees and individuals responsible for the workings of a particular area of ASCB activity.

The first series, National Office, contains the records of the Executive Committee, Council, and Finance Committee pertaining to the bureaucratic and fiscal management of the Society including membership dues, subscriptions, and the placement service. It contains correspondence, minutes, agendas, reports, rosters, bylaws and constitutions, resumes, accounts and ledgers, invoices and receipts, and other administrative files. There are correspondence files of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Officer as well as the Committees Coordinator from as early as 1959 and continuing up to early 1995. The correspondence covers nearly all aspects of the Society’s activities, from NIH grant proposals and the proposed merger between ASCB and the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) to the arrangements for the business office and the hiring of the Executive Officer. Of particular interest are letters outlining the activities that led to the founding of ASCB. Some of these documents are among the correspondence of the Executive Officer, Richard Young, which were collected when he began the movement to create an archive for the Society. The others are found in the correspondence files of the President. There is a nearly complete run of minutes for both annual and interim council meetings as well as Executive Committee meetings and a partial run of minutes for the business meetings. While less extensive than those for later years, the minutes of the early years present a clear picture of the birth and growth of the new society.

Documents relating to the nomination and election of officers and the creation and emendation of the constitution and bylaws are numerous. They include correspondence, notes, nomination forms, resumes, rosters, and ballots. Of particular interest is the mass of correspondence surrounding a change made to the bylaws in 1978 in response to the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The decision not to hold meetings in states that did not ratify the ERA provoked a flurry of letter writing both for and against the decision.

This series also contains a substantial amount of material relating to the management of the organization and the running of the National office. Reports from both the offices of the Secretary and Treasurer are present as well as those of the Finance Committee that provide information about the responsibilities and functions of these officers and the workings of this Committee in managing the growing society. The Secretary’s reports contain mailings to the general membership concerning a variety of Society activities including information on the nomination and election of officers and the council, announcements, surveys and questionnaires.

Reports from the Treasurer’s office contain the budgets, financial statements and annual reports done by independent auditors that outline the workings and fiscal standing of the Society while reports of the Finance Committee provide a look into the decision making process. Accounting files, invoices and receipts, bank records, ledgers, time sheets and tax forms document the day to day operations involved in running the national office and managing the financial aspects of society activities particularly those of meetings and membership.

Membership records comprise a significant proportion of the documents in this series; since the tracking of membership applications, dues and subscriptions is one of the primary functions of the National Office. Membership files include member application forms beginning with the very first year of operation. These include correspondence, letters of recommendation, resumes, transcripts, and article offprints. In addition, there are questionnaires and surveys sent to members, correspondence, invoices and receipts relating to dues and subscriptions and printed member directories.

A significant number of records in this series are administrative files pertaining to variety of society activities and initiatives, directed by the National Office, executive officers and council. Correspondence, surveys, reports and memos tracking the initiative to merge the SDB and ASCB are present, as are the files of the Committee to Consider Joining FASEB. Additionally there are the documents recording the selection and deliberations of the Awards Committee and the records that detail the work of the Placement Service.

The second series, Meetings, contains the records of the Annual Meeting, regional meetings, conferences of the ASCB plus records from gatherings cosponsored with other professional societies. These files contain the documents of the Program Committee, the Local Arrangements Committee, the Conference Committee and the Exhibits Advisory Committee. Correspondence, memos, budgets, schedules, floor plans, contracts, program drafts, brochures and other documents outline the planning and preparation involved in running a major scientific meeting. Canceling a scientific meeting can be equally difficult, as is exhibited in the files for the 1986 Annual Meeting. The meeting was to have been in Denver, but was cancelled and rescheduled for Washington D.C. The voluminous records created by the negotiations and litigation that followed the cancellation of the meeting are noteworthy. Also included are the final printed programs for the Annual Meeting each year as well as some for regional meetings and conferences. In some instances there are abstract packets and announcements for these meetings.

The documents in the series Publications relate to the production and tracking of Society publications and include the files of the Publications Committee and the Editorial Policy Committee. While not extensive, the minutes, agendas, reports, correspondence, invoices and brochures do provide information on the work involved in the production of the Society’s publications. These are the Journal of Cell Regulation and A Guide to Opportunities in Cell Biology that the society publishes and the Journal of Cell Biology that is produced in conjunction with Rockefeller University Press.

Like Publications, the series Public Policy has a limited number of records but those that are available are significant because they provide a look into an important aspect of ASCB activities. Files include those of the Legislative Oversight Committee, the Public Affairs Committee, the Public Information Committee, and the Public Policy Committee. Included with the minutes, agendas, correspondence, memos and reports are copies of House of Representative Bills being tracked by the Society.

The final series, Committees, includes the files of the Education Committee, the Minorities Affairs Committee and the Women in Cell Biology Committee. The records of Education Committee contain the agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence of the Education Committee as well as large number of documents related specifically to the preparation and organization of conferences and workshops sponsored by the committee. These files include program drafts, schedules, brochures, and abstracts along with documents pertaining to the travel grants given by the committee for student travel to ASCB meetings, conferences and workshops. As with the Education Committee, the Minorities Affairs Committee files contain records related to ‘sponsored’ programs and travel grants awarded. In addition, there are grant proposals and other documents pertaining to the NIH-MARC grant that provided funding for minority travel and for awards for summer study at the Marine Biological Laboratories at Woods Hole. The files of the committee, Women in Cell Biology, contains the minutes, correspondence memos, and reports of the committee along with awards files, a questionnaire and a newsletter, published 1974 – 1981 before the group had committee standing.

Provenance Information

Provenance and Acquisition Information

SARCV 1995-01, SARCV 1998-08, SARCV 1998-09, SARCV 1999-03, SARCV 2000-01, SARCV 2000-02, SARCV 2000-10, SARCV 2000-14, SARCV 2001-02, SARCV 2002-01, SARCV 2003-05, SARCV 2007-02, SARCV 2008-03, SARCV 2012-02; the first accession was donated by the American Society for Cell Biology on March 30, 1995, with subsequent accessions donated in 1998 to 2012.

Processing Note

Currently, only the SARCV 1995-01 accession has been processed. This collection was processed under the supervision of Marcia Frank Peri and completed in April 2000. The accession of the records of ASCB arrived in 85 boxes and 3 steamer trunks. While the records from later years were in reasonably good order, those for the period prior to the establishment of the National Office were extremely disordered. This was not surprising, because records from the early years were passed from officer to officer and from place to place. It was therefore determined that the organization of these records would follow from the order discernable in the later materials and along the lines of the committees structure set out in the ASCB management packet. This arrangement left the bulk of the disordered materials in one series, National Office. These documents were then arranged by activity. Thus, correspondence for all officers were kept together, as were reports, minutes, accounts, awards, nominations and so forth. When necessary this subseries was further subdivided by subject or date. For example, in the case of the correspondence it was necessary to further organize the documents by officer. Multiple copies have been disposed whenever there were more than two copies of a given document as have old checks and checkbooks.

Related Materials: Records of the Society for Developmental Biology, the American Society for Microbiology, the American Association of Immunologists, the American Type Culture Collection, and the International Union of Immunological Societies, American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

Descriptive Rules Used

Describing Archives: a Content Standard (DACS)

Archives Processing Manual: Description (2015): The processing manual used in Special Collections for all descriptive platforms, including PastPerfect.

Access & Use

Finding Aids

Finding aid available.

Finding Aid: http://library.umbc.edu/speccoll/findingaids/coll008.php

Access Conditions

No restrictions.

Conditions Governing Reproductions and Use

Reproductions allowed for research purposes. Copyright maintained by the creator.

Subject Headings


American Society for Cell Biology


Porter, Keith R.

American Society for Cell Biology -- Archives

Society for Developmental Biology

Cellular control mechanisms

Cytology -- Societies, etc.

Women scientists -- United States

Series Description & Container List

  1. Series I. National Office

    Date: 1959-1995; bulk 1961-1993

    Extent: 35 boxes (39 linear feet)

    Description: Records of the Executive Committee, Council, and Finance Committee pertaining to the physical and fiscal management of the National Office and Society activities including dues, subscriptions, and placement service, arranged into 22 sub-series by activity.

    1. Subseries I.A. Correspondence

      Date: 1960-1995; bulk 1970-1990

      Extent: 8.25 boxes (10 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence files arranged into 5 sub-series by title; Executive Officer, President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committees Coordinator. General correspondence is in date order followed by subject files arranged in alphabetical order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Executive Officer, January - March 1983 1983 1 1
        Executive Officer April - May 1983 1983 1 2
        Executive Officer June - July 1983 1983 1 3
        Executive Officer August 1983 1983 1 4
        Executive Officer September 1983 1983 1 5
        Executive Officer December 1983 1983 1 6
        Executive Officer 1984-1987 1984-1987 1 7
        Executive Officer July - December 1988 1988 1 8
        Executive Officer January 1989 1989 1 9
        Executive Officer February 1989 1989 1 10
        Executive Officer March 1989 1989 1 11
        Executive Officer April 1989 1989 1 12
        Executive Officer May 1-21, 1989 1989 1 13
        Executive Officer May 22-31, 1989 1989 1 14
        Executive Officer June 1989 1989 1 15
        Executive Officer July 3-20, 1989 1989 1 16
        Executive Officer July 21-31, 1989 1989 1 17
        Executive Officer August 1-21, 1989 1989 1 18
        Executive Officer August 22-31, 1989 1989 1 19
        Executive Officer September 1989 1989 1 20
        Executive Officer October 2-3, 1989 1989 1 21
        Executive Officer October 16-31, 1989 1989 1 22
        Executive Officer November 1989 1989 1 23
        Executive Officer December 1989 1989 1 24
        Executive Officer January 1-10, 1990 1990 1 25
        Executive Officer January 11-31, 1990 1990 1 26
        Executive Officer February 1990 1990 1 27
        Executive Officer March 1990 1990 1 28
        Executive Officer April 1990 1990 2 1
        Executive Officer May 1990 1990 2 2
        Executive Officer June 1990 1990 2 3
        Executive Officer July 2-20, 1990 1990 2 4
        Executive Officer July 23-31, 1990 1990 2 5
        Executive Officer August 1990 1990 2 6
        Executive Officer September 1990 1990 2 7
        Executive Officer October 1990 1990 2 8
        Executive Officer November 1990 1990 2 9
        Executive Officer December 1990 1990 2 10
        Executive Officer 1991-1992 1991-1992 2 11
        Executive Officer/Advertising 1987 2 12
        Executive Officer/Annual Meetings 1961-1965 2 13
        Executive Officer/Annual Meetings of Council 1983 2 14
        Executive Officer/Annual Meetings-Houston, TX 1989 2 15
        Executive Officer/Annual Meetings-San Diego, Part I of III 1990 2 16
        Executive Officer/Annual Meetings-San Diego, Part II of III 1990 2 17
        Executive Officer/Annual Meetings-San Diego, Part III of III 1990 2 18
        Executive Officer/ASCB Annual Meeting Info 1991 2 19
        Executive Officer/ASCB Annual Report 1985 2 20
        Executive Officer/ASCB Archives, Early Development of circa 1985 2 21
        Executive Officer/ASCB Archives, cont circa 1985 2 22
        Executive Officer/ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meetings-San Francisco, CA: General Info, Part I of II January - February 1989 1989 2 23
        Executive Officer/ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meetings-San Francisco, CA: General Info, Part II of II January - February 1989 1989 2 24
        Executive Officer/ASCB Committees 1981 2 25
        Executive Officer/ASCB Committees 1983-1985 2 26
        Executive Officer/ASCB Committees 1986 2 27
        Executive Officer/ASCB Committees 1987-1988 2 28
        Executive Officer/ASCB Committees 1989-1990 2 29
        Executive Officer/ASCB Mission Statement 3 1
        Executive Officer/ASCB/SDB Merger 1989 3 2
        Executive Officer/ASCB/SDB Merger 1992 3 3
        Executive Officer/ASCB Public Policy Questionnaire 1985 3 4
        Executive Officer/Auditor Information 1987 3 5
        Executive Officer/Charlie Binder 3 6
        Executive Officer/Gary Burisy, Proposal of the Interim Meetings 1984 3 7
        Executive Officer/Brantun Correspondence 1985 3 8
        Executive Officer/B.R. Brinkley 3 9
        Executive Officer/British Society for Cell Biology 1987 3 10
        Executive Officer/Bulman, Goldstein, Feld, Dunie, and Freeman/Executive Officer Contract 3 11
        Executive Officer/Business Office-Arrangements 1970-1975 3 12
        Executive Officer/Canadian Society For Cell Biology/Mailing List 1989 3 13
        Executive Officer/Cell Regulation, Proposal For/Promotion and Manuscript Tracking 3 14
        Executive Officer/CESSE Compensation Report 1990 3 15
        Executive Officer/Chinese Cell Biologists 1990 3 16
        Executive Officer/Commemorative Stamp/Dr. Just 1991 3 17
        Executive Officer/Constitution and Bylaws Committee 1989 3 18
        Executive Officer/Council Meetings /Info, Journal Cell Regulation 1988-1989 3 19
        Executive Officer/De Paz/Kampman 1988-1989 3 20
        Executive Officer/Denver Settlement Agreement 1991 3 21
        Executive Officer/Diatome, U.S. 3 22
        Executive Officer/Directory of Members, ASCB 1990 3 23
        Executive Officer/Directory of Member 1990 3 24
        Executive Officer/Dorothy Doyle 1989 3 25
        Executive Officer/Evenet Photographs 3 26
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Joann Horai 1991 3 27
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Interviewees 1991 3 28
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Interviewees 1991 3 29
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Job Application 1991 3 30
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Job Search 1991 3 31
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Job Search 1991 3 32
        Executive Officer/Executive Director/Position Ad 3 33
        Executive Officer/Executive Officer Position/E. Marincola 3 34
        Executive Officer/Fellowship 1985-1986 3 35
        Executive Officer/Financial Audits 1986 3 36
        Executive Officer/Financial Audits 1986 3 37
        Executive Officer/Former Employees 3 38
        Executive Officer/G. Fuller 1989 3 39
        Executive Officer/Future Meetings 3 40
        Executive Officer/John Genove 3 41
        Executive Officer/Joint Meeting Poll 1985 3 42
        Executive Officer/Joint Meeting 1989 3 43
        Executive Officer/Kathy King 1989 3 44
        Executive Officer/Dr. Robert Klebe 1987 3 45
        Executive Officer/Legal Documentations 1978-1990 3 46
        Executive Officer/Long Range Planning Committee 1990 3 47
        Executive Officer/Membership Committee 1989 3 48
        Executive Officer/Georgia A. Moniter 1981 3 49
        Executive Officer/Diana Mosedale 3 50
        Executive Officer/New York State/Bond Policy 3 51
        Executive Officer/Edward Newman 1990 3 52
        Executive Officer/Newsworthy Articles 3 53
        Executive Officer/Niams Material 3 54
        Executive Officer/Reports/NSF Reports/Japan Grant 1986 3 55
        Executive Officer/NSF Grants/Summaries 7 3 56
        Executive Officer/NSF Travel Grant 1983 3 57
        Executive Officer/NSF/NIH Japan Travel Awards 3 58
        Executive Officer/NSF/NIH Japan Travel Awards 1984-1985 1984-1985 3 59
        Executive Officer/OSI 1990-1991 3 60
        Executive Officer/Pardue, ML 1985 3 61
        Executive Officer/People to People International 3 62
        Executive Officer/Phone Call Log 1985-1986 3 63
        Executive Officer/Keith Porter/Ninth Annual Lecture 1990 3 64
        Executive Officer/Porter Lecture 3 65
        Executive Officer/Porter 1988, undated 3 66
        Executive Officer/Profile of a Professional Society 1978-1980 3 67
        Executive Officer/Program Committee Meeting 1982 3 68
        Executive Officer/Program Committee Chair/Instructions to... 1984 3 69
        Executive Officer/Proposed Resolution, Nuclear War 1983 4 1
        Executive Officer/Questionnaire/Educational Policy Committee 1983 4 2
        Executive Officer/Rental Lease at Beaumont 1986 4 3
        Executive Officer/Ruddle Correspondence 1987 4 4
        Executive Officer/San Diego Meeting 1990 4 5
        Executive Officer/San Francisco Meeting 1991 4 6
        Executive Officer/Society Foundation Materials 1960 4 7
        Executive Officer/Standing Committees 1984 4 8
        Executive Officer/Subgroup Survey Questionnaire 4 9
        Executive Officer/Julie Taylor 1988 4 10
        Executive Officer/Trelstad Correspondence 1987 4 11
        Executive Officer/Used Equipment Registry 4 12
        Executive Officer/Robin Wilder 1989 4 13
        Executive Officer/E.E. Wilson 1990 4 14
        Executive Officer/Workshop/"How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal" April 19, 1988 1988 4 15
        Executive Officer/Young Cell Biologist of the Year 1989-1992 4 16
        Executive Officer/Young Peoples Handbook 1986 4 17
        President 1960-1961 4 18
        President 1962-1963 4 19
        President 1967 4 20
        President 1969 4 21
        President 1970 4 22
        President 1971 4 23
        President 1972-1973 4 24
        President 1973-1974 4 25
        President 1974-1975 4 26
        President 1975-1976 4 27
        President 1976-1977 4 28
        President 1977 -1978 4 29
        President 1979-1981 4 30
        President 1985-1986 4 31
        President 1991-1992 4 32
        President/Annual Meeting 1971 4 33
        President/Annual Reviews 1970 4 34
        President/Annual Reviews Inc. 4 35
        President/Dr. Frederickson's Talk/Budget and Funding January 13, 1983 1983 4 36
        President/IFCB Rules and Formation 4 37
        President/Microstructural Analysis Society 4 38
        President/NSF 1963-1966 4 39
        President/National Association of Biological Teachers 1974 4 40
        President/News Clippings/Tax Reform Act 4 41
        President/Origins of Society 1959-1961 4 42
        President/Panel Discussion on Government and Science 1971-1972 4 43
        President/Search Committee for Executive Officer 1981 4 44
        President/Tissue Culture Association 4 45
        President/E.B. Wilson Invitations 4 46
        Secretary 1965 4 47
        Secretary 1966 4 48
        Secretary 1967 4 49
        Secretary 1968 4 50
        Secretary 1969-1970 4 51
        Secretary 1972 4 52
        Secretary 1973 4 53
        Secretary 1974 4 54
        Secretary 1975 4 55
        Secretary 1976 4 56
        Secretary 1977 4 57
        Secretary 1978 5 1
        Secretary 1979 5 2
        Secretary 1980-1981 5 3
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1971 5 4
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1972 5 5
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1973 5 6
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1974 5 7
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1975 5 8
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1976 5 9
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1977 5 10
        Secretary/Abstracts Printing 1978 5 11
        Secretary/Abstracts Requests, Payments 1978 5 12
        Secretary/Advances and Salary 1979-1980 5 13
        Secretary/Affirmative Action/Women and Minorities in Cell Biology 1975 5 14
        Secretary/American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 1969-1975 5 15
        Secretary/Archives and Awards Committee 1980 5 16
        Secretary/Annual Meeting Arrangements 1980 5 17
        Secretary/ASCB Committee 1983 5 18
        Secretary/ASCB Mailings 1977 5 19
        Secretary/ASCB Mailings 1978 5 20
        Secretary/Dr. Eugene Bell 1975-1976 5 21
        Secretary/Biophysical Society 1975-1977 5 22
        Secretary/British Society For Cell Biology 1969-1976 5 23
        Secretary/Cell (Journal) 1973-1974 5 24
        Secretary/Cell Biology/International Report 1977-1978 5 25
        Secretary/Cell Biology Study Program 1973-1974 5 26
        Secretary/Directory 1973-1974 5 27
        Secretary/Directory 1975 5 28
        Secretary/Directory/Supplement 1975 5 29
        Secretary/Directory 1976 5 30
        Secretary/Directory 1977 5 31
        Secretary/Directories/Complaints/Requests/Suggestions 1975-1976 5 32
        Secretary/Directory Requests 1974-1978 5 33
        Secretary/Editors/JCB 1978 5 34
        Secretary/Educational Policy Committee 1973-1974 5 35
        Secretary/Educational Policy Committee/Dr. Eugene Bell 1976-1978 5 36
        Secretary/Election of Officers 1976 5 37
        Secretary/Election of Officers 1978 5 38
        Secretary/Emma Shelton Shelton 5 39
        Secretary/Expenses/1978 Meetings 1978 Meetings 5 40
        Secretary/Federation Committee 1979 5 41
        Secretary/Geographical File/Address Changes 1973 5 42
        Secretary/"A Guide to Opportunities in Cell Biology" 1970-1971 5 43
        Secretary/"A Guide to Opportunities in Cell Biology"/Responses 1969-1971 5 44
        Secretary/IBM Typewriter 1971-1974 5 45
        Secretary/I.C.R.D.B. (International Cancer Research Data Bank) 1980 5 46
        Secretary/IFCB Applicants to ASCB 1973 5 47
        Secretary/IFCB/Cell Biology International Reports 1984 5 48
        Secretary/IFCB/Executive Committee 1977 5 49
        Secretary/IFCB/Imperial Cancer Research Fund 1976 5 50
        Secretary/Insurance 5 51
        Secretary/Interim Council Meeting/Announcements and Planning 1979 5 52
        Secretary/International Federation for Cell Biology 1977-1982 5 53
        Secretary/IUBS 1971-1975 6 1
        Secretary/JCB Correspondence 1972-1974 6 2
        Secretary/Joint Committee on the Status of Women 1976 6 3
        Secretary/Joint Meetings 1975 6 4
        Secretary/Journal Announcements 1979 6 5
        Secretary/Mailings 1974 6 6
        Secretary/Mailing List 1973-1974 6 7
        Secretary/Mailing Lists 1975 6 8
        Secretary/Membership/TNES Changes 1974-1975 6 9
        Secretary/NIH Travel Grant Report 1980 6 10
        Secretary/NIH Travel Grant 1980 6 11
        Secretary/NSF Travel Grant 1980 6 12
        Secretary/NSF Travel Grant Proposal 1979 6 13
        Secretary/NSF Travel Grant Report 1981 6 14
        Secretary/National Association of Biology Teachers 1974 6 15
        Secretary/National Academy of Science/Cooperating Societies/National Research Council 1974-1975 6 16
        Secretary/National OFFICE/Establishment 1975-1978 6 17
        Secretary/National Research Council 1974-1978 6 18
        Secretary/O.N.R. Travel Grant Report 1980 6 19
        Secretary/Post Office 1974 6 20
        Secretary/Postal Permit 1973-1978 6 21
        Secretary/Poster Session Questionnaire 1974 6 22
        Secretary/Processing of Abstracts 1979 6 23
        Secretary/Processing ASCB Checks 6 24
        Secretary/Professional Associates 1979-1980 6 25
        Secretary/Program For US/SOVIET Participation in Cell Biology 1988 6 26
        Secretary/Recombinant DNA Research 1978 6 27
        Secretary/Requests For Mailing List 1975-1979 6 28
        Secretary/Dr. Hans Ris 1977 6 29
        Secretary/Technology Use/Proposals 1989-1990 6 30
        Secretary/Toxic Substances Control Act 6 31
        Secretary/Travel/Columbus, Dennis, Donovan, Garber 1974 6 32
        Secretary/Travel Proposals 1979-1980 6 33
        Secretary/W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center 1973-1976 6 34
        Secretary/A.M. Zimmerman ASCB 1978 6 35
        Treasurer 1961 6 36
        Treasurer 1962 6 37
        Treasurer 1963-1964 6 38
        Treasurer 1965 6 39
        Treasurer 1966 6 40
        Treasurer 1967 6 41
        Treasurer January - June 1968 1968 6 42
        Treasurer July - December 1968 1968 6 43
        Treasurer 1969 6 44
        Treasurer 1971 6 45
        Treasurer 1972 6 46
        Treasurer 1973 6 47
        Treasurer January - June 1974 1974 6 48
        Treasurer July - December 1974 1974 6 49
        Treasurer 1975 6 50
        Treasurer 1976 6 51
        Treasurer 1977 6 52
        Treasurer 1978-1979 6 53
        Treasurer 1980 7 1
        Treasurer 1981 7 2
        Treasurer 1982 7 3
        Treasurer 1983 7 4
        Treasurer/American Institute for Biological Sciences 7 5
        Treasurer/Annual Audit 1981 7 6
        Treasurer/Archives and Awards 1980 7 7
        Treasurer/Bayless-Rup 7 8
        Treasurer/Bids on Keypunching 1969 7 9
        Treasurer/Brinkley, Bill 1973-1974 7 10
        Treasurer/Cell Biology Meeting Symposium/Dr. Lee Peachey 1965 7 11
        Treasurer/Fidelity Bond 1971-1974 7 12
        Treasurer/Finance Committee 7 13
        Treasurer/Funding Requests From Outside Sources 1985-1989 7 14
        Treasurer/Gall, Joseph Dr. 1969 7 15
        Treasurer/Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories 1978 7 16
        Treasurer/International Federation for Cell Biology/Dr. Franks 1972-1980 7 17
        Treasurer/Local Committee 1971-1972 7 18
        Treasurer/Mailings 1975-1976 7 19
        Treasurer/Membership Dues 1972 7 20
        Treasurer/New York State Board of Social Welfare 1970 7 21
        Treasurer/New York State Board of Social Welfare 1971 7 22
        Treasurer/Office Salaries December 1974 - January 1975 1974-1975 7 23
        Treasurer/Organizing Committee/First International Congress on Cell Biology 1973-1975 7 24
        Treasurer/Padykula, Helen A./Wellesley College 1975 7 25
        Treasurer/Padykula, Helen/President 1980 7 26
        Treasurer/Palade, George E./Yale University 1976 7 27
        Treasurer/Pappas 1968-1970 7 28
        Treasurer/Pappas January - May 1972 1972 7 29
        Treasurer/Pappas June - December 1972 1972 7 30
        Treasurer/Pappas 1973 7 31
        Treasurer/Pappas' Letters Requesting Checks 1972-1973 7 32
        Treasurer/Placement Office 1971 7 33
        Treasurer/Placement Service 1974 7 34
        Treasurer/Placement Service 1979 7 35
        Treasurer/President's Office/M.J. Moses 1969 7 36
        Treasurer/Program Committee 1971 7 37
        Treasurer/Program Committee/Meeting 1973 7 38
        Treasurer/Refund Requests 1972-1973 7 39
        Treasurer/Reimbursement Guidelines 7 40
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press 1964-1966 7 41
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press 1969 7 42
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press January - May 1970 1970 7 43
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press June - December 1970 1970 7 44
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press 1971 7 45
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press January - April 1972 1972 7 46
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press May - December 1972 1972 7 47
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press 1973 7 48
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press 1974 7 49
        Treasurer/Rockefeller Press 1975 7 50
        Treasurer/Satir, Birgitt 1968 7 51
        Treasurer/Savings 1972-1973 7 52
        Treasurer/Secretarial Salaries 1976 7 53
        Treasurer/Secretary's Expense Checks 1965-1968 7 54
        Treasurer/Secretary's Office 1970 7 55
        Treasurer/Siekevitz, Philip Dr. 1967 7 56
        Treasurer/Symposium Speakers 1972 7 57
        Treasurer/Transfer of Office/Robert King to Arthur Zimmerman 1974-1975 8 1
        Treasurer/Transfer of Fiscal Affairs of ASCB/FASEB/Treasurer to Central Office 1979-1980 8 2
        Treasurer/University State Bank 1970 8 3
        Committees Coordinator/Elizabeth 1993 8 4
        Committees Coordinator/Dr. Gerbi 1993 8 5
        Committees Coordinator December 22, 1992 - February 4, 1993 1992-1993 8 6
        Committees Coordinator February 8 - March 15, 1993 1993 8 7
        Committees Coordinator March 15 - May 3, 1993 1993 8 8
        Committees Coordinator May 4 - June 16, 1993 1993 8 9
        Committees Coordinator June 18 - July 9, 1993 1993 8 10
        Committees Coordinator July 12 - August 18, 1993 1993 8 11
        Committees Coordinator August 17 - September 24, 1993 1993 8 12
        Committees Coordinator September 27 - October 7, 1993 1993 8 13
        Committees Coordinator October 8-18, 1993 1993 8 14
        Committees Coordinator October 19 - November 3, 1993 1993 8 15
        Committees Coordinator November 4-18, 1993 1993 8 16
        Committees Coordinator November 19 - December 21, 1993 1993 8 17
        Committees Coordinator January - February 1994 1994 8 18
        Committees Coordinator February - March 1994 1994 8 19
        Committees Coordinator April - May 1994 1994 8 20
        Committees Coordinator June - August 1994 1994 8 21
        Committees Coordinator September 1994 1994 8 22
        Committees Coordinator October 1994 1994 8 23
        Committees Coordinator November 1994 1994 8 24
        Committees Coordinator December 1994 1994 8 25
        Committees Coordinator/UNESCO 1993 1993 8 26
        Committees Coordinator/Reimbursements for Annual Meeting 1992 1992 8 27
        Committees Coordinator/T-Shirt Order Forms 1993 1993 8 28
        Committees Coordinator/T-Shirt Order Forms 1993 1993 8 29
        Committees Coordinator/T-Shirt Sales Info 1992-1993 1992-1993 9 1
    2. Subseries I.B. Reports

      Date: 1960-1992; bulk 1965-1990

      Extent: 1.5 boxes (2.25 linear feet)

      Description: Committee reports and official mailings along with budgets, audits, and financial statements are organized into 3 sub-series; Finance Committee, Secretary, and Treasurer, then further arranged in alphabetical order by type of report, and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Finance Committee 1979 9 2
        Finance Committee 1980 9 3
        Finance Committee 1981 9 4
        Finance Committee 1982 9 5
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1983 9 6
        Finance Committee 1984 9 7
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1985 9 8
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1986 9 9
        Finance Committee/Meeting April 1987 1987 9 10
        Finance Committee/Meeting October - Novemeber 1987 1987 9 11
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1988 1988 9 12
        Finance Committee January, March 1989 1989 9 13
        Finance Committee/Meeting May 1989 1989 9 14
        Finance Committee/Meeting October 1989 1989 9 15
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1990 1990 9 16
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1991 1991 9 17
        Finance Committee/Meeting 1992 1992 9 18
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1960-1963 9 19
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1964-1967 9 20
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1968-1969 9 21
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1970 9 22
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1971 9 23
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1972 9 24
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1973 9 25
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1974 9 26
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1975 9 27
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1976 9 28
        Secretary/Administrative Reports and Mailings 1977 9 29
        Secretary/Financial Reports 1972-1978 9 30
        Secretary/Budget 1960-1961 9 31
        Secretary/Budgets and Expenses 1974-1980 9 32
        Treasurer/Audits 1965 9 33
        Treasurer/Audits 1966 9 34
        Treasurer/Audits 1967 9 35
        Treasurer/Audits 1968 9 36
        Treasurer/Audits 1969 9 37
        Treasurer/Audits 1970 9 38
        Treasurer/Audits 1971 10 1
        Treasurer/Audits 1972 10 2
        Treasurer/Audits 1973 10 3
        Treasurer/Audits 1974 10 4
        Treasurer/Audits 1975 10 5
        Treasurer/Audits 1976 10 6
        Treasurer/Audits 1977 10 7
        Treasurer/Audits 1978 10 8
        Treasurer/Audits 1979 10 9
        Treasurer/Audits 1980 10 10
        Treasurer/Audits 1984 10 11
        Treasurer/Audits 1986 10 12
        Treasurer/Audits 1986 10 13
        Treasurer/Audits 1987 10 14
        Treasurer/Audits 1990 10 15
        Treasurer/Budget 1972 10 16
        Treasurer/Budget 1973 10 17
        Treasurer/Budget 1974 10 18
        Treasurer/Budget 1976 10 19
        Treasurer/Budget 1980 10 20
        Treasurer/Budget 1980-1981 10 21
        Treasurer/Budget 1981 10 22
        Treasurer/Budget 1982 10 23
        Treasurer/Budget 1983 10 24
        Treasurer/Budget 1984 10 25
        Treasurer/Budget 1984-1985 10 26
        Treasurer/Budget 1986-1987 10 27
        Treasurer/Budget 1989-1990 10 28
        Treasurer/Budget 1989-1990 10 29
        Treasurer/Budget 1990-1991 10 30
        Treasurer/Financial Report 1961 10 31
        Treasurer/Financial Report 1962 10 32
        Treasurer/Financial Report 1963 10 33
        Treasurer/Financial 1968-1969 10 34
        Treasurer/Financial 1970-1972 10 35
        Treasurer/Financial 1973 10 36
        Treasurer/Financial 1974 10 37
        Treasurer/Financial 1975 10 38
        Treasurer/Financial 1976 10 39
        Treasurer/Financial 1977 10 40
        Treasurer/Financial 1978 10 41
        Treasurer/Financial 1979 10 42
        Treasurer/Financial 1980 10 43
        Treasurer/Financial 1981 10 44
        Treasurer/Financial 1982 10 45
        Treasurer/Financial 1983 10 46
        Treasurer/Financial 1984 10 47
        Treasurer/Financial 1990 10 48
    3. Subseries I.C. Agendas

      Date: 1974-1995; bulk 1981-1994

      Extent: .75 boxes (1 linear feet)

      Description: Council meeting agendas and related materials arranged in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Council Meeting Nov 1974 1974 10 49
        Council Meeting/Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nov 1979 1979 10 50
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD March 1981 1981 10 51
        Council Meeting/Anaheim, CA November 1981 1981 10 52
        Council Meeting/Baltimore, MD November 1982 1982 10 53
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD April 1983 1983 10 54
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD November 1983 1983 10 55
        Council Meeting/Kansas City, MD November 1984 1984 10 56
        Council Meeting November 1987 1984 10 57
        Council Meeting May 1988 1988 10 58
        Council Meeting/San Francisco, CA January 1989 1989 10 59
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD May 1989 1989 11 1
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD May 1990 1990 11 2
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD June 1991 1991 11 3
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA December 1991 1991 11 4
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD May 1992 1992 11 5
        Council Meeting/Denver, CO November 1992 1992 11 6
        Council Meeting/Denver, CO November 1992 1992 11 7
        Council Meeting April 1993 1993 11 8
        Council Meeting April 1993 1993 11 9
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Part 1 June 1994 1994 11 10
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Part 2 June 1994 1994 11 11
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD June 1994 1994 11 12
        Council Meeting/San Francisco, CA December 1994 1994 11 13
        Council Meeting/San Francisco, CA December 1994 1994 11 14
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA April 1995 1995 11 15
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD May 1995 1995 11 16
    4. Subseries I.D. Minutes

      Date: 1960-1993

      Extent: 3 boxes (3.25 linear feet)

      Description: Meeting minutes organized into 3 sub-series; Council Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings, and Business Meetings, and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Council Meeting/NYC, NY 1960/1 1960 11 17
        Council Meeting/NYC, NY 1960/5 1960 11 18
        Council Meeting/NYC, NY 1961/1 1961 11 19
        Council Meeting/Chicago, IL 1961/11 1961 11 20
        Council Meeting/NYC, NY 1962/12 1962 11 21
        Council Meeting/San Francisco 1962/11 1962 11 22
        Council Meeting/Philadelphia, PA 1965/11 1965 11 23
        Council Meeting/Denver, CO 1967/11 1967 11 24
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA/Annual 1968/11 1968 11 25
        Council Meeting/Detroit 1969/11/5 1969 11 26
        Council Meeting/San Diego, CA/Annual 1970/11 1970 11 27
        Council Meeting/New Orleans, LA/Annual 1971/11 1971 11 28
        Council Meeting/St. Louis, MO/Annual 1972/11 1972 11 29
        Council Meeting/Miami Beach, FL/Annual 1973/11 1973 11 30
        Council Meeting/San Diego, CA/Annual 1974/11 1974 11 31
        Council Meeting/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Annual 1975/11 1975 11 32
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA/Annual 1976/9 1976 11 33
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA/Annual 1976/9 1976 11 34
        Council Meeting/San Diego, CA/Annual 1977/11 1977 11 35
        Council Meeting/Boulder, CO/Interim 1978/3 1978 11 36
        Council Meeting/Bandera, TX/Annual 1978/11 1978 11 37
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1979/3 1979 11 38
        Council Meeting/Toronto, Ontario, Canada/Annual 1979/11 1979 11 39
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1980/3 1980 11 40
        Council Meeting/Cincinnati, OH/Annual 1980/11 1980 11 41
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1981/3 1981 11 42
        Council Meeting/Anaheim, CA/Annual 1981/11 1981 11 43
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1982/4 1982 12 1
        Council Meeting/Baltimore, MD/Annual 1982/11 1982 12 2
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1983/4 1983 12 3
        Council Meeting/San Antonio, TX/Annual 1983/11 1983 12 4
        Council Meeting/Rockville, MD/Interim 1984/4 1984 12 5
        Council Meeting/Kansas City, MO/Annual 1984/11 1984 12 6
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1985/5 1985 12 7
        Council Meeting/Atlanta, GA/Annual 1985/11 1985 12 8
        Council Meeting/Airlie, VA/Interim 1986/4 1986 12 9
        Council Meeting/Washington, DC/Annual 1986/12 1986 12 10
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1987/4 1987 12 11
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1987/4 1987 12 12
        Council Meeting/St. Louis, MO/Annual/Part 1 1987/11 1987 12 13
        Council Meeting/St. Louis, MO/Annual/Part 2 1987/11 1987 12 14
        Council Meeting/St. Louis, MO/Annual/Part 3 1987/11 1987 12 15
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1988/5 1988 12 16
        Council Meeting/San Francisco, CA/Annual 1989/1 1989 12 17
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1989/5 1989 12 18
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1989/5 1989 12 19
        Council Meeting/Houston, TX/Annual 1989/11 1989 12 20
        Council Meeting/Via Telephone 1990/1 1990 12 21
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1990/5 1990 12 22
        Council Meeting/San Diego, CA/Annual 1990/12 1990 12 23
        Council Meeting/San Diego, CA/Annual 1990/12 1990 12 24
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1991/6 1991 13 1
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA/Annual/Part 1 1991/12 1991 13 2
        Council Meeting/Boston, MA/Annual/Part 2 1991/12 1991 13 3
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1992/5 1992 13 4
        Council Meeting/Denver, CO/Annual 1992/11 1992 13 5
        Council Meeting/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1993/4 1993 13 6
        Executive Committee/NYC, NY 1960/7 1960 13 7
        Executive Committee/Chicago, IL/Annual 1961/11 1961 13 8
        Executive Committee/NY/Interim 1963/5 1963 13 9
        Executive Committee/NYC, NY/Annual 1963/11 1963 13 10
        Executive Committee/Philadelphia, PA/Annual 1965/11 1965 13 11
        Executive Committee/Detroit 1969/11/8 1969 13 12
        Executive Committee/San Diego, CA/Annual 1970/11 1970 13 13
        Executive Committee/New Orleans, LA/Annual 1971/11 1971 13 14
        Executive Committee/St. Louis, MO/Annual 1972/11 1972 13 15
        Executive Committee/Miami Beach, FL/Annual 1973/11 1973 13 16
        Executive Committee/San Diego, CA/Annual 1974/11 1974 13 17
        Executive Committee/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Annual 1975/11 1975 13 18
        Executive Committee/Boston, MA/Annual 1977/9 1977 13 19
        Executive Committee/San Antonio, TX/Annual 1978/11 1978 13 20
        Executive Committee 1979/11/8 1979 13 21
        Executive Committee 1980/3/8 1980 13 22
        Executive Committee/Cincinnati, OH/Annual 1980/11 1980 13 23
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1981/3 1981 13 24
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1981/6 1981 13 25
        Executive Committee/Anaheim, CA/Annual 1981/11 1981 13 26
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1982/4 1982 13 27
        Executive Committee/Progress Report/Conference Call 1982/9 1982 13 28
        Executive Committee/Baltimore, MD/Annual 1982/11 1982 13 29
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1983/4 1983 13 30
        Executive Committee/San Antonio, TX/Annual 1983/11 1983 13 31
        Executive Committee/National Office/Interim 1984/4 1984 13 32
        Executive Committee/Kansas City, MO/Annual 1984/11 1984 13 33
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1985/5 1985 13 34
        Executive Committee/Atlanta, GA/Annual 1985/11 1985 13 35
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1986/4 1986 13 36
        Executive Committee/Washington, DC/ Interim 1986/8 1986 13 37
        Executive Committee/Washington, DC/Annual 1986/12 1986 13 38
        Executive Committee/Washington, DC/Annual 1986/12 1986 13 39
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1987/4 1987 13 40
        Executive Committee/St. Louis, MO/Annual 1987/11 1987 13 41
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1988/5 1988 13 42
        Executive Committee/San Francisco, CA/Annual 1989/1 1989 13 43
        Executive Committee/San Francisco, CA 1989/2 1989 13 44
        Executive Committee/Progress Report 1989/4 1989 13 45
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1989/5 1989 13 46
        Executive Committee/Houston, TX/Annual 1989/11 1989 13 47
        Executive Committee/Houston, TX/Annual 1989/11 1989 13 48
        Executive Committee/San Diego, CA/Annual 1990/12 1990 13 49
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1991/5 1991 13 50
        Executive Committee/Annual 1991/8 1991 14 1
        Executive Committee/Bethesda, MD/Interim 1992/5 1992 14 2
        Business Meeting/First/Chicago 1961 1961 14 3
        Business Meeting 1962 1962 14 4
        Business Meeting/Philadelphia, PA 1965/11 1965 14 5
        Business Meeting/Denver, CO 1967/11 1967 14 6
        Business Meeting/Boston, MA 1968/11 1968 14 7
        Business Meeting/Detroit, MI 1969/11 1969 14 8
        Business Meeting/San Diego, CA 1970/11 1970 14 9
        Business Meeting/New Orleans, LA 1971/11 1971 14 10
        Business Meeting/St. Louis, MO 1972/11 1972 14 11
        Business Meeting/Miami Beach, FL 1973/11 1973 14 12
        Business Meeting/San Diego, CA 1974/11 1974 14 13
        Business Meeting/San Juan, Puerto Rico 1975/11 1975 14 14
        Business Meeting/Boston, MA 1976/9 1976 14 15
        Business Meeting 1977 1977 14 16
        Business Meeting/Houston, TX 1989/11 1989 14 17
        Business Meeting/San Diego, CA 1990/12 1990 14 18
    5. Subseries I.E. Articles of Incorporation

      Date: 1961

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Copies of the original Articles of Incorporation and related materials.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        6/3/1961 1961 14 19
        Incorporation and Initial Organization 1961 14 20
    6. Subseries I.F. Bylaws & Constitution

      Date: 1961-1993; bulk 1972-1987

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Working drafts, correspondence, notes, clippings & contracts, pertaining to the Constitution, the By-laws, and Society status. Arranged in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1962 1962 14 21
        1963 1963 14 22
        1971 1971 14 23
        1972 1972 14 24
        1973 1973 14 25
        1974 1974 14 26
        1975 1975 14 27
        1977 1977 14 28
        1978/ERA Letters of Dissent 1978 14 29
        1978/ERA Info 1978 14 30
        Polls and Proposed Revisions 1978 1978 14 31
        1979 1979 14 32
        1980 1980 14 33
        1981 1981 14 34
        1982 1982 14 35
        1983 1983 14 36
        1986 1986 14 37
        1987 1987 14 38
        1989 1989 14 39
        1992 1992 14 40
    7. Subseries I.G. Accounts

      Date: 1961-1982; bulk 1968-1980

      Extent: 1 box (1.5 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, receipts and statements relating to income and expenses arranged in alphabetical order by subject and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Adams Insurance 1969 14 41
        Abstracts/Payments Due 1979 14 42
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1961 14 43
        Annual Meeting 1962 14 44
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1963 14 45
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1964 14 46
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1965 14 47
        Annual Meeting/Income 1965 14 48
        Annual Meeting/Estabrook, Ronald W./Program Chair 1965 14 49
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1967 14 50
        Annual Meeting/Income 1966 14 51
        Annual Meeting/Income 1967 14 52
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1967 14 53
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1968 14 54
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1971 14 55
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1972 14 56
        Annual Meeting/Expenses/Miami 1973 14 57
        Annual Meeting/Expenses/San Diego 1974 14 58
        Annual Meeting/Expenses/Local Arrangements 1974 14 59
        Annual Meetings/Registration Refunds/San Diego 1974 14 60
        Annual Meeting/Expenses 1975 14 61
        Annual Meeting/Expenses/Local Arrangements 1975-1976 14 62
        Annual Meetings/Registration Refunds 1975 14 63
        Arthur Young and Co. 1965-1970 14 64
        Committee Meeting/Expenses 1967 14 65
        Constitution and Bylaws Committee 1979 14 66
        Committee Meeting/Expenses 1961 14 67
        Committee Meeting/Expenses 1963 14 68
        Committee Meeting/Expenses 1978 14 69
        Committee Meeting/Expenses 1979 14 70
        Committee Meeting/Expenses 1980 14 71
        Deloitte, Haskins and Sells 14 72
        Dues Checks 1965 14 73
        FASEB 1975-1976 14 74
        FASEB/ASCB Questionnaire 1976 14 75
        FASEB 1978 14 76
        FASEB 1979 14 77
        FASEB 1980 14 78
        Fuller, Gerald 1978 14 79
        Kelly Girls 1973-1974 14 80
        King, Robert 1972 14 81
        Miscellaneous Dues Refunds 14 82
        Miscellaneous Expenses 1962-1964 15 1
        Miscellaneous Expenses 1964-1971 15 2
        Miscellaneous Expenses 1975 15 3
        Miscellaneous Expenses 1981-1982 15 4
        Miscellaneous Income 1972 15 5
        Placement Service 1968 15 6
        Placement Service 1977-1980 15 7
        President's Office/Expenses 1971 15 8
        President's Office/Expenses/Revel Jean-Paul/Pappas, George 1973-1974 15 9
        President/Expenses/Pappas, George 1975-1976 15 10
        President's Office/Expenses 1980 15 11
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1968 15 12
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1969 15 13
        Professional Associates/Exhibitors 1969 15 14
        Professional Associates/Registration 1969 15 15
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1970 15 16
        Professional Associates/Exhibitors 1970 15 17
        Professional Associates/Registration 1970 15 18
        Professional Associates/Exhibitors 1971 15 19
        Professional Associates/Registration 1971 15 20
        Professional Associates/Exhibitors Fees 1972 15 21
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1972 15 22
        Professional Associates/Registration 1972 15 23
        Professional Associates/Exhibitors Fees 1973 15 24
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1973 15 25
        Professional Associates/Registration Fees 1973 15 26
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1974 15 27
        Professional Associates/Exhibitors Fees 1974 15 28
        Professional Associates/Registration Fees 1974 15 29
        Professional Associates/Meeting Expenses 1975 15 30
        Professional Associates/Registration 1975 15 31
        Professional Associates/Meeting Income and Expenses 1976 15 32
        Professional Associates/Registration 1980 15 33
        Program Committee/Fuller, Gerald M. Chair 1978 15 34
        Ridgway, John/Local Arrangements 15 35
        Rockefeller University Press 1972-1975 15 36
        Rollins Burdick Hunter Co./Fidelity Bond 1975-1979 15 37
        Science Policy Meetings 15 38
        Secretary/Expenses 1961-1964 15 39
        Secretary/Expenses/Pappas, George 1968-1969 15 40
        Secretary's Office/Expenses 1972 15 41
        Secretary/Expenses/Pappas, George 1973 15 42
        Secretary/Expenses/Pappas, George 1974 15 43
        Secretary/Expenses 1975-1976 15 44
        Secretary/Expenses 1978-1980 15 45
        Siekevitz, Philip 1972-1974 15 46
        Society Insurance 1966-1967 15 47
        Symposium Speakers 1974-1975 15 48
        Symposium Speakers 1975-1975 15 49
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1969 15 50
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1970 15 51
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1971-1972 15 52
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1972 15 53
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1974 15 54
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1975 15 55
        Treasurer/Zimmerman, Arthur/Expenses 1975 15 56
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1976 15 57
        Treasurer/Expenses 1978 15 58
        Treasurer's Office/Expenses 1979 15 59
    8. Subseries I.H. Bank Records

      Date: 1961-1983; bulk 1962-1974

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Bank books, statements and correspondence in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Bank Books/Savings Accounts 1962-1969 15 60
        Signature Changes/Maryland National Bank 1983 15 61
        Signature Changes/Mercantile Bank 15 62
        Bank Statements 1961 15 63
        Bank Statements 1962 15 64
        Bank Statements 1963 15 65
        Bank Statements 1964 15 66
        Bank Statements 1965 15 67
        Bank Statements 1966 15 68
        Bank Statements 1967 15 69
        Bank Statements 1968 15 70
        Bank Statements 1969 15 71
        Bank Statements 1970 15 72
        Bank Statements 1971 15 73
        Bank Statements 1972 15 74
        Bank Statements 1973 15 75
        Bank Statements 1975 15 76
        Bank Statements 1976 15 77
        Bank Statements 1979 15 78
        Bank Statements 1981 15 79
        Bank Statements 1982 15 80
    9. Subseries I.I. Invoices and Receipts

      Date: 1965-1985; bulk 1969-1975

      Extent: .5 boxes (.75 linear feet)

      Description: Files arranged in alphabetical order by subject and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Advertising 15 81
        American Institute of Biological Science 15 82
        Checks Paid #001-069 15 83
        Checks Paid #070-139 16 1
        Checks Paid #140-249 16 2
        Checks Paid #250-289 16 3
        Checks Paid #290-349 16 4
        Checks Paid #350-399 16 5
        Checks Paid #400-449 16 6
        Checks Paid #450-499 16 7
        Checks Paid #500-547 16 8
        Delivery Services 16 9
        FASEB 1973-1974 16 10
        FASEB 1975 16 11
        FASEB 1976-1977 16 12
        FASEB 1978-1979 16 13
        FASEB 1980 16 14
        IBM 1965-1969 16 15
        Mailing Services 1968 16 16
        Mailing Services 1972-1973 16 17
        Mailing Services 1974-1975 16 18
        Miscellaneous 16 19
        Office Supply Company 1965-1968 16 20
        Petty Cash Receipts 16 21
        Printing Services 1962-1968 16 22
        Printing Services 1973-1975 16 23
        Receipt Acknowledgements/Member Dues 16 24
        Secretarial Service 1963-1968 16 25
        Transfer of Fiscal Affairs 1979-1980 16 26
    10. Subseries I.J. Lease

      Date: 1978

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Intel X Corp/4326 Montgomery Avenue 16 27
    11. Subseries I.K. Rosters

      Date: 1961-1994

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Rosters of officers and committee members in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Officers and Committees 1961-1969 16 28
        Officers and Committees 1970-1979 16 29
        Officers and Committees 1980 16 30
        Officers and Committees 1981-1983 16 31
        Officers and Committees 1984-1985 16 32
        Council and Committees 1986 16 33
        Council and Committees 1987 16 34
        Journal of Cell Biology Editors 1955-1976 16 35
    12. Subseries I.L. Administrative Procedures

      Date: 1972-1991

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Files of instructions and procedures arranged by topic in alphabetical order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Audits and Recording Receipts and Disbursements 16 36
        Computers 1982-1983 16 37
        Dues Processing for Subscriptions 1972 16 38
        Guide for Organizing National Meetings 16 39
        Management Package 1991 16 40
        Rules and Regulations 16 41
    13. Subseries I.M.Tax Forms

      Date: 1963-1979

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: IRS and State forms in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1963 1963 16 42
        1965 1965 16 43
        1966 1966 16 44
        1967 1967 16 45
        1968 1968 16 46
        1969 1969 16 47
        1970 1970 16 48
        1971 1971 16 49
        1972-1973 1972-1973 16 50
        1974-1976 1974-1976 16 51
        1977-1979 1977-1979 16 52
        Exempt Forms/State of NY 16 53
    14. Subseries I.N. Time Sheets

      Date: 1972-1976

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Time sheets for office staff in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Paid in Error 1973 16 54
        Payroll 1972-1973 16 55
        Payroll 1974 16 56
        Payroll 1975-1976 16 57
        Payroll 1989 16 58
    15. Subseries I.O. Ledgers

      Date: 1961-1981

      Extent: .25 boxes (.5 linear feet)

      Description: General ledgers in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Checking Account Reconciliation 1972 16 59
        Checking Reconciliation 1974-1977 16 60
        Checking Reconciliation 1977-1979 16 61
        General Ledger 1961-1964 16 62
        General Ledger 1965-1968 16 63
        General Ledger 1971-1972 16 64
        General Ledger 1973 17 1
        General Ledger 1974 17 2
        General Ledger 1981 17 3
        Receipts and Disbursements 1965-1968 17 4
        Cash Receipts 1970-1972 17 5
        Receipts and Disbursements 1975- 1976 17 6
        Receipts and Disbursements 1981 17 7
    16. Subseries I.P. Awards

      Date: 1980-1992; 1983-1990 bulk

      Extent: 1.5 boxes (1.75 linear feet)

      Description: Nomination forms, correspondence, resumes, and supporting materials arranged by award or committee name and then in date order. Files are further subdivided by subject content.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Ad Hoc Archival and Awards Committee 1989 18 1
        Awards Committee/Reports 1984 18 2
        Edward Browning Award 1979 18 3
        E. B. Wilson Award 1980-1981 18 4
        E. B. Wilson Award 1982 18 5
        E. B. Wilson Award/Correspondence and Tallies 1983 1983 18 6
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1983 18 7
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1984 18 8
        E. B. Wilson Award/Correspondence and Tallies 1985 1985 18 9
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1985 18 10
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1985 18 11
        E. B. Wilson Award/Correspondence and Tallies 1986 1986 18 12
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1986 18 13
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1986 18 14
        E. B. Wilson Award/Correspondence and Vote Tallies 1987 1987 18 15
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1987 18 16
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1987 18 17
        E. B. Wilson Award/Correspondence and Vote Tallies 1988 1988 18 18
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1988 18 19
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1988 18 20
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1989 18 21
        E. B. Wilson Award/Recipient 1989 18 22
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1990 18 23
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1990 18 24
        E. B. Wilson Award/Correspondence and Vote Tallies 1991 1991 18 25
        E. B. Wilson Award/Nominations 1991 18 26
        E. B. Wilson 1992 19 1
        Burroughs Wellcome 1983 19 2
        Burroughs Wellcome 1984 19 3
        Burroughs Wellcome 1985 19 4
        Burroughs Wellcome 1986 19 5
        Burroughs Wellcome 1987 19 6
        Burroughs Wellcome 1988 19 7
        Burroughs Wellcome 1989 19 8
        Burroughs Wellcome 1990 19 9
        Burroughs Wellcome 1991 19 10
        Burroughs Wellcome 1992 19 11
    17. Subseries I.Q. American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) /Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) Proposed Merger

      Date: 1989-1992

      Extent: .25 boxes (.5 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, notes, proposals, ballots, and legal documents arranged in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Merger 1989-1992/Ballot for Proposed Merger 1989-1992 19 12
        Merger 1989-1992/Ballots With Comments 1989-1992 19 13
        Merger 1989-1992/Correspondence and Notes 1989 1989-1992 19 14
        Merger 1989-1992/Correspondence and Notes 1990 1989-1992 19 15
        Merger 1989-1992/Correspondence and Notes 1991 1989-1992 19 16
        Merger 1989-1992/Correspondence and Notes 1992 1989-1992 19 17
        Merger 1989-1992/Legal Documents and Correspondence 1989-1992 19 18
        Merger 1989-1992/Past Presidents' Mailing 1989/11 1989-1992 19 19
        Proposed Merger 1989-1992/Proposal Drafts 1989-1992 19 20
        Merger 1989-1992/Questionnaire 1989-1992 19 21
        Merger 1989-1992/Vote/Results 1989-1992 19 22
    18. Subseries I.R. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

      Date: 1969-1993; bulk 1977-1986

      Extent: .25 boxes (.5 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, reports, abstract forms, proposals, lease and newsletters arranged in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Abstract Program 19 23
        Affiliation With ASCB 1983 19 24
        Building Plans 1983-1984 19 25
        Committee to Consider Joining FASEB 1980 19 26
        Committee to Consider Joining FASEB 1981 19 27
        Committee to Consider Joining FASEB 1982-1983 19 28
        Committees Miscellaneous 19 29
        Correspondence 1969-1972 19 30
        Correspondence 1973-1975 19 31
        Correspondence 1976-1977 19 32
        Education Committee/FASEB Exhibitor Tutorials 1990 1990 19 33
        Executive Committee 19 34
        Williamsburg Retreat 1980/Summary of Plenary Sessions 1980 19 35
        Lease 19 36
        FASEB Management Proposal/ASCB Meetings 1991-1993 19 37
        Manual/Performance Management Program 19 38
        Meeting Agenda 1990/4 1990 19 39
        FASEB Newsletter 1970/7-1975/9/Volume 3 Number 7-Volume 8 Number 8 1970-1975 20 1
        FASEB Newsletter/Subscription Correspondence 1973-1976 1973-1976 20 2
        Personnel Information 20 3
        FASEB Report/”Strategies For Increasing Involvement…” 1983 20 4
        Retreat 1989-1990 20 5
        Statistical Reports 1982-1985 20 6
        Storage Space 20 7
        Summer Research Conference Committee 1984-1990 20 8
    19. Subseries I.S. Placement Service

      Date: 1967-1990; bulk 1973-1989

      Extent: .75 boxes (1 linear feet)

      Description: Brochures, bulletins, advertisements, correspondence, memos, forms, reports, schedules, receipts and site plans arranged in alphabetical order by subject and subsequently in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Annual Placement Service/Bulletin/Brochure 1967-1968 20 9
        Annual Placement Service Brochure 1973 20 10
        Annual Brochure Supplements 1974-1975 20 11
        Annual Placement Brochure 1976 20 12
        Annual Placement Service Bulletin/Brochure 1980, 1981 20 13
        Annual Brochure 1982-1983 20 14
        Annual Brochure 1984-1985 20 15
        Annual Brochure 1986 20 16
        Annual Brochure 1988 20 17
        Annual Placement Brochure 1990 20 18
        Correspondence 1970-1972 20 19
        Correspondence 1973-1974 20 20
        Correspondence 1975 20 21
        Correspondence 1976-1978 20 22
        Correspondence 1988 20 23
        Cover Letter For CV Requests 20 24
        JCB Ads 1988/Information 1988 20 25
        JCB Ads 1988/1/7 for March 1988 20 26
        JCB Ads 1988/3/15 for May 1988 20 27
        JCB Ads 1988/5/15 for July 1988 20 28
        JCB Ads 1988/7/15 for September 1988 20 29
        JCB Ads 1988/9/15 for November 1988 20 30
        JCB Ads 1989/Information 1989 20 31
        JCB Ads 1989/1/7 for March 1989 20 32
        JCB Ads 1989/3/15 for May 1989 20 33
        JCB Ads 1989/5/15 for July 1989 20 34
        JCB Ads 1989/7/15 for September 1989 20 35
        JCB Ads 1989/9/15 for November 1989 20 36
        JCB Ads 1990/1/15 for March 1990 20 37
        JCB Ads 1990/3/15 for May 1990 20 38
        JCB Ads 1990/5/15 for July 1990 20 39
        JCB Ads 1990/7/15 for September 1990 20 40
        Marlene Johnson 20 41
        1974-1976 Meetings/Equipment for Meetings 1974-1976 20 42
        1978 Meeting/Equipment for Meeting 1978 20 43
        1978 Meeting/Professional Associate and Local Committee 1978 20 44
        1980-1983 Meetings/Equipment for Meetings 1980-1983 20 45
        1984 Meeting/Meeting Room Layouts 1984 20 46
        1984 Meeting/Plans for Future 1984 20 47
        1985 Meeting/Placement Service Forms 1985 20 48
        1985 Meeting/Arrangements and Interview Schedules 1985 20 49
        1985 Meeting/Personnel Requirements 1985 20 50
        1985 Meeting/Cur Ltr Placement Service Brochure 1985 20 51
        1985 Meeting/On Site Brochure 1985 20 52
        1986 Meeting/Equipment and Supplies 1986 20 53
        1986 Meeting/Forms 1986 20 54
        1986 Meeting/Arrangements and Schedules 1986 20 55
        1986 Meeting/On Site Brochure 1986 20 56
        T1986 Meeting/Pre-Meeting Brochure 1986 20 57
        1987 Meeting/Hired Personnel 1987 20 58
        1987 Meeting/Kwik-Kopy 1987 20 59
        1987 Meeting/On Site Brochures 1987 20 60
        1987/On Site Interview Print Outs 1987 20 61
        1987 Meeting/Pre-Meeting Brochure 1987 20 62
        1987/Room Layout 1987 20 63
        1987 Meeting/Xerox 1987 20 64
        1987 Meeting/Table Schedule 1987 20 65
        1989 Meeting/Arrangements and Layout 1989 20 66
        1989 Meeting/Floor Plan 1989 20 67
        1989 Meeting/Forms 1989 20 68
        1989 Meeting/Job Descriptions 1989 20 69
        1989 Meeting/On Site Brochure 1989 20 70
        1989 Meeting/Personnel Requirements 1989 20 71
        1989 Meeting/Pre-Meeting Brochure 1989 20 72
        1989 Meeting/Cur Memo for Pre-Meeting Brochure 1989 20 73
        1989 Meeting/Show and Tell/Houston 1989 20 74
        1989 Meeting/Signs 1989 20 75
        1989 Meeting/Table Schedule/Interviews 1989 20 76
        1989 ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meeting/Application Forms 1989 20 77
        1989 ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meeting/Arrangements and Layout 1989 20 78
        1989 ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meeting/Cover Letters 1989 20 79
        1989 ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meeting/Pre-Meeting Brochure 1989 20 80
        1989 ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meeting/On Site Brochure 1989 20 81
        1989 ASCB/ASBMB Joint Meeting/Post Meeting Brochure 1989 20 82
        Reports 1973-1975 1973-1975 20 83
        Reports 1977-1978 1977-1978 20 84
    20. Subseries I.T. Nominations and Elections

      Date: 1962-1992; bulk 1973-1992

      Extent: 1 box (1.25 linear feet)

      Description: Biographical notes, resumes, nomination forms, correspondence, memos, ballots and rosters organized into 3 sub-subseries; Elections, Nominating Committee, and Rosters and subsequently arranged in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1962-1968 1962-1968 21 1
        Election 1973 1973 21 2
        Election 1974 1974 21 3
        Election 1975 1975 21 4
        Election 1977 1977 21 5
        Election 1978 1978 21 6
        Election 1979 1979 21 7
        Election 1980 1980 21 8
        Election 1981 1981 21 9
        Election 1982 1982 21 10
        Election 1983 1983 21 11
        Election 1984 1984 21 12
        Election 1984/Biographical Material 1984 21 13
        Election 1985 1985 21 14
        Election 1986 1986 21 15
        Election 1987/Correspondence 1987 21 16
        Election 1987/Election Results 1987 21 17
        Election 1987/Nominations 1987 21 18
        Election 1988/Biographical Notes 1988 21 19
        Election 1988/Correspondence 1988 21 20
        Election 1988/Election Results 1988 21 21
        Election 1989/Ballot File 1989 21 22
        Election 1989/Biographical Notes 1989 21 23
        Election 1989/Correspondence 1989 21 24
        Election 1989/Nominations 1989 21 25
        Election 1990/Ballot File 1990 21 26
        Election 1990/Nominations 1990 21 27
        Election 1991 1991 21 28
        Election 1992 1992 21 29
        Nominating Committee 1972 21 30
        Nominating Committee 1973-1974 21 31
        Nominating Committee 1978 21 32
        Nominating Committee 1979 21 33
        Nominating Committee 1980 21 34
        Nominating Committee 1981 21 35
        Nominating Committee 1982 21 36
        Nominating Committee 1983 21 37
        Nominating Committee 1984 21 38
        Nominating Committee 1985 21 39
        Nominating Committee 1987 21 40
        Nominating Committee 1988 21 41
        Nominating Committee 1989 21 42
        Nominating Committee 1990 21 43
        Nominating Committee 1990/Committee Chair 1990 21 44
        Nominating Committee 1991 21 45
        Nominating Committee 1992 21 46
        Nominating Committee for Publications Committee 1982 21 47
        Roster of Elected Officers and JCB Editors 1961-1975 21 48
        Rosters/Nominating Committees/Status of Candidates 1960-1981 21 49
    21. Subseries I.U. Membership

      Date: 1960-1995; bulk 1965-1983

      Extent: 10.25 boxes (12.75 linear feet)

      Description: Application forms, resumes, correspondence, memos, notes, drafts, invoices, receipts, rosters, ledgers, and computer printouts are organized into 9 sub-subseries: applications, Correspondence, Directories, Dues & Subscriptions, Members, Membership Committee, Surveys & Questionnaires, Member List/Computer Printout, Ledgers. Application files are in date order by year and then in alphabetical order by name. Correspondence is divided into two groups; general correspondence arranged in date order and subject files in alphabetical order. Directories, Dues & Subscriptions, and Members are arranged in alphabetical order by subject and then in date order. The subseries Membership Committee, Surveys & Questionnaires, Member List/Computer Print Out, and Ledgers are arranged in date order by year.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Applications/A-E 1960 22 1
        Applications/F-M 1960 22 2
        Applications/N-Z 1960 22 3
        Applications/ A-E 1961 22 4
        Applications/F-M 1961 22 5
        Applications/N-Z 1961 1961 22 6
        Applications/A-L 1962 22 7
        Applications/M-Z 1962 22 8
        Applications/N-Z 1962 22 9
        Applications/A-L 1964 22 10
        Applications/M-Z 1964 22 11
        Applications/A-L 1965 22 12
        Applications/M-Z 1965 22 13
        Applications/A-L 1966 22 14
        Applications/M-Z 1966 22 15
        Applications/A-L 1967 22 16
        Applications/M-Z 1967 22 17
        Applications/A-J 1968 22 18
        Applications/K-Z 1968 23 1
        Applications/A-L 1969 23 2
        Applications/M-Z 1969 23 3
        Applications/A-K 1970 23 4
        Applications/L-Z 1970 23 5
        Applications/A-L 1971 23 6
        Applications/M-Z 1971 23 7
        Applications/A-L 1972 23 8
        Applications/M-Z 1972 23 9
        Applications/A-L 1973 23 10
        Applications/M-Z 1973 23 11
        Applications/Withdrawn 1973-1977 23 12
        Applications/A-L 1974 23 13
        Applications/M-Z 1974 23 14
        Applications/Approved with Reseverations 1974 23 15
        Applications/ Approved By Ellen Rasch's Mempershio committee in 1975 1975 23 16
        Applications/Students 1974 23 17
        Applications/A-L 1975 23 18
        Applications/M-Z 1975 23 19
        Applications/ Changes in Status/Problems 1975 23 20
        Applications/Students 1975 23 21
        Applications/A-L 1976 24 1
        Applications/M-Z 1976 24 2
        Applications/Problems 1976 24 3
        Applications/Students 1976 24 4
        Applications/A-D 1977 24 5
        Applications/E-L 1977 24 6
        Applications/M-Q 1977 24 7
        Applications/R-Z 1977 24 8
        Applications/Students 1977 24 9
        Applications/A-K E1076 1978 24 10
        Applications/L-Z 1978 24 11
        Applications/Student 1978 24 12
        Applications/ Hold/Pending 1978 24 13
        Applications/A-G 1979 24 14
        Applications/H-R 1979 24 15
        Applications/S-Z 1979 24 16
        Applications/Students 1979 24 17
        Applications/A-J 1980 24 18
        Applications/K-Z 1980 24 19
        Applications/Students 1980 24 20
        Applications/A-K 1981 25 1
        Applications/L-Z 1981 25 2
        Applications/Student 1981 25 3
        Applications/Rejected 1981 25 4
        Applications/A-D 1982 25 5
        Applications/E-K 1982 25 6
        Applications/L-P 1982 25 7
        Applications/Q-Z 1982 25 8
        Applications/Students 1982 25 9
        Applications/Problems 1982 25 10
        Applications/A-E 1983 25 11
        Applications/F-K 1983 25 12
        Applications/L-R 1983 25 13
        Applications/S-Z 1983 25 14
        Applications/Students/A-K 1983 25 15
        Applications/Students/L-Z 1983 25 16
        Applications/A-G 1984 25 17
        Applications/H-N 1984 25 18
        Applications/O-Z 1984 25 19
        Applications/Students/A-L 1984 25 20
        Applications/Students/M-Z 1984 25 21
        Applications/A-F 1987 26 1
        Applications/G-M 1987 26 2
        Applications/N-Z 1987 26 3
        Applications/Student 1987 26 4
        Applications/A-D 1988 26 5
        Applications/E-J 1988 26 6
        Applications/K-Q 1988 26 7
        Applications/R-Z 1988 26 8
        Applications/Students/A-L 1987-1989 26 9
        Applications/Students/M-Z 1987-1989 26 10
        Applications/A-L 1989 26 11
        Applications/M-Z 1989 26 12
        Applications/Student 1989 26 13
        Applications/A-E 1990 26 14
        Applications/I-P 1990 26 15
        Applications/R-Z 1990 27 1
        Applications/Student 1990 27 2
        Applications/A-I 1993 27 3
        Applications/J-O 1993 27 4
        Applcations/P-S 1993 27 5
        Applcations/T-Z 1993 27 6
        Applications/Student/A-L 1993 27 7
        Applications/Student/M-Z 1993 27 8
        Applications/A-G 1994 27 9
        Applications/H-M 1994 27 10
        Applications/O-Z 1994 27 11
        Applications/Student/A-K 1993 27 12
        Applications/Student/L-Z 1993 27 13
        Applications/A-CH 1995 28 1
        Applications/CH-G 1995 28 2
        Applications/H-L 1995 28 3
        Applications/M-Q 1995 28 4
        Applications/R-S 1995 28 5
        Applications/T-Z 1995 28 6
        Applications/Student/A-G 1995 28 7
        Applications/Student/H-M 1995 28 8
        Applications/Student/N-S 1995 28 9
        Applications/Student/T-Z 1995 28 10
        Applications/ Forms and Policy 28 11
        Applications/ Pending Further Inf 1973-1977 28 12
        Applications/ Rejected 1968, 1975-1977 28 13
        Correspondence/General 1963 28 14
        Correspondence 1965-1966 28 15
        Correspondence 1967-1968 28 16
        Correspondence 1969 28 17
        Correspondence 1970 28 18
        Correspondence, January - April 1971 1971 28 19
        Correspondence, May - December E11551971 1971 28 20
        Correspondence 1971 1971 28 21
        Correspondence, January - July 1972 1972 28 22
        Correspondence, August - December 1972 1972 28 23
        Correspondence 1974-1975 28 24
        Correspondence 1976-1979 28 25
        Correspondence 1976-1979 28 29
        Correspondence/Applications Requests 1981-1982 29 1
        Correspondence/ Overpayments 1965-1968 29 2
        Correspondence/ Overpayments 1980 29 3
        Directory/Advertisement Requests 1976, 1981-1982 29 4
        Directory 1979/Arrangements, Adjustments and Requests 1979 29 5
        Directory 1980/Arrangements, Adjustments and Requests 1980 29 6
        Directory 1981/Arrangements, Adjustments and Requests 1981 29 7
        Directory 1982-1983/Arrangements, Adjustments and Requests 1982-1983 29 8
        Directory/New Member Supplement 1977-1978 29 9
        Directories 1962-1965 29 10
        Directories 1966-1967 29 11
        Directories/1968-1969,1971 and 1972 supplement 1968-1969, 1971-1972 29 12
        Directories/1973 and 1974 Supplement 1973-1974 29 13
        Directories/1975 and 1976 Supplement 1975-1976 29 14
        Directories/1977 and 1978 Supplement 1977-1978 29 15
        Directories 1979-1980 29 16
        Directories 1981-1982 29 17
        Directories 1983-1984 29 18
        Directories 1985-1986 29 19
        Directories 1987 29 20
        Directories 1988 29 21
        Directories 1989 29 22
        Directories 1990-1991 29 23
        Directories 1992 29 24
        Ad Hoc Committee on Membership Materials 1975 29 25
        Dues and Subscriptions/Dues Notices 1976, 1980-1983 30 1
        Dues and Subscriptions/Graph 1974 30 2
        Dues and Subscriptions/Invocies and Receipts 1969 30 3
        Dues and Subscriptions/Invocies and Receipts 1970 30 4
        Dues and Subscriptions/Invocies and Receipts/A-K 1971 30 5
        Dues and Subscriptions/Invocies and Receipts/L-Z 1971 30 6
        Dues and Subscriptions/Invocies and Receipts 1972 30 7
        Dues and Subscriptions/JCB Pledges 1971 30 8
        Dues and Subscriptions/JCB Pledges 1972 30 9
        Dues and Subscriptions/ JCB Annual Summary Report 1974 30 10
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Journal Subscriptions 1965 30 11
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Journal Subscriptions 1966 30 12
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Journal Subscriptions 1967 30 13
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Journal Subscriptions 1968 30 14
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Journal Subscriptions 1969 30 15
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Journal Subscriptions 1972 30 16
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Dues Problems 1974-1975 30 17
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Dues Problems 1976 30 18
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Dues Problems 1977 30 19
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Dues Problems 1978 30 20
        Dues and Subscriptions/ Multiple Payments 1974 30 21
        Dues and Subscriptions/Overpayments 1965-1966 30 22
        Dues and Subscriptions/Statements of Payments 1972 30 23
        Form Letters 1974 - 1975 30 24
        Guidelines 1974 -1975 30 25
        Mailings 1970-1971, 1973 30 26
        Mailing List Requests 1975 30 27
        Mailing List Requests 1976 30 28
        Mailing List Requests 1977 30 29
        Mailing List Requests 1978 30 30
        Members/ Address Changes 1965, 1967-1968 30 31
        Members/ Address Changes 1969 30 32
        Members/ Address Changes 1970 30 33
        Members/ Address Changes 1971 30 34
        Members/ Address Changes 1972 30 35
        Members/ Address Changes 1973 30 36
        Members/ Address Changes 1974 30 37
        Members/ Address Changes 1978 30 38
        Members/ Approved Applicants 1963 30 39
        Members/ Complimentary 1982 30 40
        Members/ Complimentary 1983 30 41
        Members/ Deleted 1972 30 42
        Members/Emeritus 1972-1973 30 43
        Members New 1965-1967 30 44
        Members New 1969 30 45
        Members New 1970 31 1
        Members New 1971 31 2
        Members New 1972 31 3
        Members New 1973 31 4
        Members New 1979 31 5
        Members New 1980 31 6
        Members New 1981 31 7
        Members New 1982 31 8
        Members New 1985-1986 31 9
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1962-1966 31 10
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1967-1969 31 11
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1970-1973 31 12
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1974-1975 31 13
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1976 31 14
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1977-1978 31 15
        Members/Resigned, Suspended, Deceased 1979 31 16
        Members/Roster (Full) 1971 31 17
        Members/Roster (Full) 1972 31 18
        Members/Roster (Full) 1973 31 19
        Members/Roster (Full) 1974 31 20
        Members/Roster (Full) 1975 31 21
        Members/Status Changes 1975 -1978 31 22
        Members/Status Changes 1979 31 23
        Members/Students 19741976 31 24
        Members/Students 19741976 31 25
        Members/Students/Admitted 1974 31 26
        Members/Students/Change in Status 31 27
        Members/Students/Full List 1975 31 28
        Members/ Unpaid 1968-1972 31 29
        Members/ Unpaid 1973-1974 31 30
        Membership Committee 1976-1977 31 31
        Membership Committee/Evaluation 1976 31 32
        Membership Committee 1979 31 33
        Membership Committee 1980 31 34
        Membership Committee 1981 31 35
        Membership Committee 1982 31 36
        Surveys and Questionnaires 1972 31 37
        Surveys and Questionnaires 1974 31 38
        Surveys and Questionnaires 1976 31 39
        Surveys and Questionnaires 1982 31 40
        Surveys and Questionnaires 1983 31 41
        Member Lists 1969-1970, 1970-1971 32 1
        Ledgers/Dues and Subscriptions 1972 33 1
        Ledgers/Dues and Subscriptions 1973 33 2
        Ledgers/Dues and Subscriptions 1974 33 3
        Subscription List 1972 33 4
    22. Subseries I.V. Photographs

      Date: 1982-1990, undated

      Extent: 1 box (1 linear foot)

      Description: One photo album, miscellaneous photographs, slides, and snapshots many undated; some with identifications.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Miscellaneous Photos 34 1
        E.B Wilson Awardees 1981 34 2
        25th annual meeting 34 3
        Photo Album 34 4
        Miscellaneous Photos 35
    23. Subseries I.W. Videotapes

      Date: 1990, 1992, undated

      Extent: 1 box (1 linear foot)

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Keith Roberts Porter and The Electron Microscope In Cell Biology 35
        Pioneers in Modern Biology Berta Scharrer: A Partner in the Discovery of Neurohormones 35
        Pioneers in Cell Biology: Against the Tide 35
        George E. Palade: The Fushion of Morphology and Biochemistry into Modern Cell Biology 35
  2. Series II. Meetings

    Date: 1960-1994; bulk 1975-1993

    Extent: 19 boxes (24.5 linear feet)

    Description: Files relating to the physical and fiscal management of the Annual Meeting, regional meetings, and conferences. Includes records of interactions with the Program Committee, the Local Arrangements Committee, Conference Committee, and Exhibits Advisory Committee. Includes materials on the tracking of abstracts, and the production of programs and abstract issues. Files are organized into 7 subseries: Annual Meetings, Regional Meetings, Summer Research Conference, ASCB/European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Meetings, ASCB/American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Meetings, International Congress of Cell Biology (ICCB) Meetings, ASCB/American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Meetings, Programs, and Announcements.

    1. Subseries II.A. Annual Meetings

      Date: 1960-1993; bulk 1977-1992

      Extent: 10.5 boxes (14.5 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, memos, notes, reports, brochures, floor plans, invoices, receipts, forms, schedules, agendas, program drafts, abstracts, contracts, rosters, announcements, and case files pertaining to the planning, arrangements and activities of the Annual Meeting organized by date of meeting and then arranged by subject in alphabetical order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1960 Roster 1960 36 1
        1966 Houston Attendance Report 1966 36 2
        1967 Denver Attendees and Address Changes 1967 36 3
        1971 New Orleans 1971 36 4
        1972 St. Louis Attendees 1972 36 5
        1972 St. Louis Correspondence & Reports 1972 36 6
        1972 St. Louis Program Committee 1973 36 7
        1973 Miami Beach, FL/Correspondence and Reports 1973 36 8
        1973 Miami Beach, FL/Planning 1973 36 9
        Miami Attendance 1973 36 10
        Miami Pre-Registration 1973 36 11
        1974 San Diego Arrangements 1974 36 12
        1975 San Juan Attendees 1975 36 13
        1974 San Diego, CA/Correspondence and Reports 1974 36 14
        1975 San Juan , Puerto Rico/Committees 1975 36 15
        1975 San Juan , Puerto Rico/Correspondece 1975 36 16
        1975 San Juan, Puerto Rico/Council and Executive Committees 1975 36 17
        1975 Puerto Rico/Local Arrangements 1975 36 18
        1975 Program Committee 1975 36 19
        1975 San Juan, Puerto Rico/Programs 1975 36 20
        1975 San Juan, Puerto Rico/Travel 1975 36 21
        1976 Sept. & 1st ICCB Congress Boston/Correspondence 1976 36 22
        1976 Sept. & 1st ICCB Congress Boston/Council Meetings 1976 36 23
        1976 Boston /1st ICCB/Local Arrangement 1976 36 24
        1976 /W 1st Intern'L Congress for Cell Bio. Boston/Keith Porter 1976 36 25
        1976 Boston /W/1st Intern'L Congress/ Organizing Committee 1976 36 26
        1976 Sept. & 1st ICCB Congress Boston/Placement 1976 36 27
        1976 W/1st ICCM Planning 1976 36 28
        1976 Boston/W 1st ICCB Professional Assoc. 1976 36 29
        1976 W/ICCB Program Committee 1976 36 30
        1976 Sept. & 1st ICCB Congress Boston/Reports 1976 36 31
        1977 San Diego Letters to Council /& Chairmen 1977 36 32
        1977 San Diego Local Arrangements Committee 1977 36 33
        1977 Professional Assoc. 1977 36 34
        1977 San Diego Program Chairman 1977 36 35
        1978 San Antonio: Invoices 1978 36 36
        1978 San Antonio Expenses: Receipts 1978 36 37
        1978 San Antonio Meeting Agenda Planning and Production 1978 36 38
        1978 San Antonio Placement Service Reports & Expenses 1978 36 39
        1978 San Antonio Planning and Arrangements 1978 36 40
        1978 San Antonio Pre-Registration Refunds 1978 36 41
        1978 Professional Assoc. 1978 36 42
        1978 San Antonio Program Committee:Planning 37 1978 36 43
        1978 San Antonio Registration Deposits 1978 37 1
        1978 San Antonio Registration Packet 1978 37 2
        1978 San Antonio Registration Fee Deposits:Professional Associates/Convention Planners 1978 37 3
        1978 San Antonio Symposium Speakers Refunds 1978 37 4
        1979 Toronto Abstracts 1979 37 5
        1979 Toronto Agenda 1979 37 6
        1979 Toronto Chevy Chase Travel Inc. 1979 37 7
        1979 Toronto Custom / Power of Attorney 1979 37 8
        1979 Toronto International Customs Brokers Ltd. 1979 37 9
        1979 Toronto Local Arrangements Committee 1979 37 10
        1979 Toronto Local Arrangements Committee/Expenses 1979 37 11
        1979 Meeting Program/Draft 1979 37 12
        1979 Toronto Pre-Registration 1979 37 13
        1979 Toronto Pre-Registration Refunds 1979 37 14
        1979 Toronto Print & Mail 1979 37 15
        1979 Toronto Professional Associates/Direct Deposits / Exhibitor Space 1979 37 16
        1979 Toronto Program Chairman/General M. Fuller 1979 37 17
        1979 Toronto Program Committee Chair/Peter Satir 1979 37 18
        1979 Toronto Program Committee/Correspondence & Reports 1979 37 19
        1979 Toronto Program Committee/Meeting Expenses 1979 37 20
        1979 Toronto Professional Associates 1979 37 21
        1979 Toronto Referee Material 1979 37 22
        1979 Toronto Requests for Information 1979 37 23
        1979 Toronto Speakers Reimbursements 1979 37 24
        1980 Cincinnati Buisness Meeting 1980 37 25
        1980 Cincinnati Committee Reports 1980 37 26
        1980 Cincinnati Contracy with City of Cincinnati 1980 37 27
        1980 Cincinnati General Correspondence 1980 37 28
        1980 Cincinnati Exhibitors 1980 37 29
        1980 Cincinnati Invoices/Abstract Retyping 1980 37 30
        1980 Cincinnati JCB Announcements 1980 37 31
        1980 Cincinnati Local Arrangements Committee 1980 37 32
        1980 Cincinnati Local Arrangements Committee/Final Report 1980 37 33
        1980 Cincinnati Local Arrangements/Expenses 1980 37 34
        1980 Cincinnati Print & Mail 1980 37 35
        1980 Cincinnati/Professional Associates 1980 37 36
        1980 Cincinnati/Program Booklet/Drafts 1980 37 37
        1980 Cincinnati/Speakers adn Receptions 1980 37 38
        1980 Cincinnati/Travel 1980 37 39
        1980 Cincinnati/Program Chairman 1980 37 40
        1980 Cincinnati/Program Chairman 1980 37 41
        1980 Program Committee Expenses 1980 37 42
        1980 Cincinnati/Registration Refunds 1980 37 43
        1980 Cincinnati/Symposium Speakers/Reimbursements 1980 37 44
        1981 Anaheim/Abstract Packet 1981 37 45
        1981 Anaheim/Attendees 1981 37 46
        1981 Anaheim/Buisness Meeting 1981 37 47
        1981 Anaheim/Committee on Scientific Meetings 1981 37 48
        1981 Anaheim/Contract/Maiden Voyage Bond 1981 37 49
        1981 Anaheim/Daily Newsletter/Program Corrections 1981 37 50
        1981 Anaheim/Exhibitors 1981 37 51
        1981 Anaheim/Insurance Policy 1981 37 52
        1981 Anaheim/Grant Discussions/NSF 1981 37 53
        1981 Anaheim/JBC/Meeting Announcements and Abstract Issues 1981 37 54
        1981 Anaheim/Meeting Preparations 1981 38 1
        1981 Anaheim/Meeting Preparations 1981 38 2
        1981 Anaheim/Meeting Arrangements 1981 38 3
        1981 Anaheim/Professional Assoc. 1981 38 4
        1981 Anaheim/Program Chair 1981 38 5
        1981 Anaheim/Program Book 1981 38 6
        1981 Anaheim/Program Committee 1981 38 7
        1981 Anaheim/Program Finances and Reimbursements 1981 38 8
        1981 Anaheim/Program Participants 1981 38 9
        1981 Anaheim/Speaker Reception 1981 38 10
        1981 Anaheim/Receipts (Statistics) 1981 38 11
        1982 Baltimore/Abstract Issue 1982 38 12
        1982 Baltimore/Abstract Packet 1982 38 13
        1982 Baltimore/Business Meeting 1982 38 14
        1982 Baltimore/Comments and Criticisms 1982 38 15
        1982 Baltimore/Contracts 1982 38 16
        1982 Baltimore/Convention Center/Hotel 1982 38 17
        1982 Baltimore/Distribution and Abstracts to Program Committee 1982 38 18
        1982 Baltimore/E. B. Wilson Awards Dinner 1982 38 19
        1982 Baltimore/Exhibitors 1982 38 20
        1982 Baltimore/General Correspondence 1982 38 21
        1982 Baltimore/JCB Meeting Announcements 1982 38 22
        1982 Baltimore/Local Arrangements Chair 1982 38 23
        1982 Baltimore/Local Arrangements Committee 1982 38 24
        1982 Baltimore/Newsletters 1982 38 25
        1982 Baltimore/Newsletter/Poster Session/Exhibit Changes 1982 38 26
        1982 Baltimore/Newsworthy Abstracts 1982 38 27
        1982 Baltimore/Notes and Schedules 1982 38 28
        1982 Baltimore/Participant Reimbursements 1982 38 29
        1982 Planning 1979-1982/2 1982 38 30
        1982 Baltimore/Planning 1982/3-1982/8 1982 38 31
        1982 Baltimore/Planning 1982/9-1982/12 1982 38 32
        1982 Baltimore/Press Room 1982 38 33
        1982 Baltimore/Press Room/Press Announcements and Releases 1982 38 34
        1982 Baltimore/Professional Associates 1982 38 35
        1982 Baltimore/Program Book 1982 38 36
        1982 Baltimore/Program Chair 1982 38 37
        1982 Baltimore/Program Committee 1982 38 38
        1982 Baltimore/Program Planning Committee Meeting 1982 38 39
        1982 Baltimore/Public Policy Functions 1982 38 40
        1982 Baltimore/Speakers Reception 1982 38 41
        1982 Statistical Reports 1982 38 42
        1983 San Antonio/Business Meeting 1983 38 43
        1983 San Antonio/Exhibitor Contracts/A-E 1983 38 44
        1983 San Antonio/Exhibitor Contracts/F-Z 1983 38 45
        1983 San Antonio/Local Arrangement Committee Report 1983 38 46
        1983 San Antonio/Meeting Questionnaire 1983 38 47
        1983 San Antonio/Planning and Arrangements 1980/6-1982/12 1983 38 48
        1983 San Antonio/Planning and Arrangements 1983/1-1983/6 1983 38 49
        1983 San Antonio/Planning and Arrangements 1983/7-1983/12 1983 38 50
        1983 San Antonio/Planning and Arrangements/Contracts and Insurance 1983 38 51
        1983 San Antonio/Planning and Arrangements/Layouts and Signage 1983 38 52
        1983 San Antonio/Program Galleys 1983 38 53
        1983 San Antonio/Program Master 1983 39 1
        1983 San Antonio/Planning and Arrangements/Reservation and Special Request Forms 1983 39 2
        1983 San Antonio/Speakers' Reception 1983 39 3
        1983 San Antonio/Student Reception 1983 39 4
        1983 San Antonion/Student Fellowships 1983 39 5
        1984 Kansas City/Abstract Packet 1984 39 6
        1984 Kansas City/Local Arrangement Committee 1984 39 7
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements 1980/7-1983/12 1984 39 8
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements 1984/2-1984/12 1984 39 9
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Audio Visual Equipment 1984 39 10
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Banquet and Reception Contracts 1984 39 11
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Exhibitor Cancellations 1984 39 12
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Invitation Masters 1984 39 13
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Kansas City Convention Center 1984 39 14
        1984 Kansas City/Reimbursements and Complimentary (Waived) Registrants 1984 39 15
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Room Assignments and Floor Plans 1984 39 16
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Signage 1984 39 17
        1984 Kansas City/Planning and Arrangements/Symposia and Minisymposia 1984 39 18
        1984 Kansas City/President's Reception 1984 39 19
        1984 Kansas City/Porter Lecture 1984 39 20
        1984 Kansas City/Schedule of Events 1984 39 21
        1984 Kansas City/Press Kit 1984 39 22
        1984 Kansas City/Program Addendum 1984 39 23
        1984 Kansas City/Program Masters and Printing Set-Ups 1984 39 24
        1985 Atlanta/A-V Associates 1985 39 25
        1985 Atlanta/Audio Visual Info. 1985 39 26
        1985 Atlanta/Brede Registration 1985 39 27
        1985 Atlanta/Contract/GA World Congress Center 1985 39 28
        1985 Atlanta/Contract/Spangenberg 1985 39 29
        1985 Atlanta/Equipment 1985 39 30
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitors Advisory Committee 1985 39 31
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitors/Contract 1985 39 32
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitor/Correspondence 1985 39 33
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitor/Forms 1985 39 34
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitor/Listing 1985 39 35
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitor/Preliminary Annoucement 1985 39 36
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitors/Prospectus/1st Mailing 1985 39 37
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitors/2nd Mailing 1985 39 38
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitor/Statistics 1985 39 39
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibitor/Cancellations 1985 39 40
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibits/Floor Plans/Exhibit Hall 1985 39 41
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibits/Memoranda 1985 39 42
        1985 Atlanta/Exhibits/Product Code Listing 1985 39 43
        1985 Atlanta/Floor Plans 1985 39 44
        1985 Atlanta/Georgia World Congress Center 1985 39 45
        1985 Atlanta/Hotels/Room Assignments 1985 39 46
        1985 Atlanta/Housing 1985 39 47
        1985 Atlanta/Invoices and Receipts 1985 39 48
        1985 Atlanta/Local Arrangements 1985 39 49
        1985 Atlanta/Local Arrangements Committee 1985 39 50
        1985 Atlanta/MAPS/Floorplans 1985 39 51
        1985 Atlanta/Marriott 1985 39 52
        1985 Atlanta/Minority Travel to Annual Meeting 1985 39 53
        1985 Atlanta/Miscellaneous Invitations 1985 39 54
        1985 Atlanta/Participant Reimbursement/Refund Letters 1985 39 55
        1985 Atlanta/Personnel 1985 40 1
        1985 Atlanta/Placement Service 1985 40 2
        1985 Atlanta/Placement Service/Inception 1985 40 3
        1985 Atlanta/Planning 1985 40 4
        1985 Atlanta/Professional Associates 1985 40 5
        1985 Atlanta/Program Chair 1985 40 6
        1985 Atlanta/Program Committee 1985 40 7
        1985 Atlanta/Program Session Schedule 1985 40 8
        1985 Atlanta/Schedule 1985 40 9
        1985 Atlanta/Service Kit 1985 40 10
        1985 Atlanta/Spangenberg 1985 40 11
        1985 Atlanta/Symposia Speakers and Organizers 1985 40 12
        1985 Atlanta/Travel Awards 1985 40 13
        1985 Atlanta/Workshop/Video Microscopy/Announcement and Handouts 1985 40 14
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/1-1964/5 1986 40 15
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/6-1987/7 1986-1987 40 16
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/8 1986 40 17
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/9 1986 40 18
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/10 1986 40 19
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/10 1986 40 20
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1986/11-1986/12 1986 40 21
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1987/1-1987/3 1987 40 22
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1987/4-1987/7 1987 40 23
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1987/8-1987/12 1987 40 24
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Case File 1988 1988 40 25
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Correspondence 1981-1985 40 26
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Notes 1986 40 27
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Planning 1986 40 28
        1986 Denver/Aborted/Publicity 1986 41 1
        1986 Washington DC/Annual Report 1986 41 2
        1986 Washington DC/Convention Center/Contracts and Arrangements 1986 41 3
        1986 Washington DC/Convention Center/Floor Plans and Layouts 1986 41 4
        1986 Washington DC/Convention Center/Floor Plans and Layouts 1986 41 5
        1986 Washington DC/Convention Center/Floor Plans and Layouts 1986 41 6
        1986 Washington DC/Convention Center/Maps 1986 41 7
        1986 Washington DC/Exhibitors 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 8
        1986 Washington DC/Housing 1986 41 9
        1986 Washington DC/Housing 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 10
        1986 Washington DC/Local Arrangements Committee 1986 41 11
        1986 Washington DC/Local Arrangements/Social Events 1986 41 12
        1986 Washington DC/Miscellaneous 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 13
        1986 Washington DC/Newsletters 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 14
        1986 Washington DC/Personnel 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 15
        1986 Washington DC/Personnel/Monitors 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 16
        1986 Washington DC/Planning Arrangements 1986 41 17
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Final Report 1986 1986 41 18
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Program Meeting and Finalization 1986 41 19
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Interim Meeting, Press and Subgroup Alternatives 1986 41 20
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Abstract Packet and Booklet 1986 41 21
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Porter Lecture and Wilson Award 1986 41 22
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/”Reduction” Debate 1986 41 23
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Local Arrangements 1986 41 24
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Financial/Credit Card and Reimbursement 1986 41 25
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Workshop Tutorials 1986 41 26
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Minisymposia 1986 41 27
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Symposium Speakers Correspondence 1986 41 28
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Program Committee Meeting/Atlanta 1985/11 1986 41 29
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Symposia Suggestions 1986 41 30
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Program Committee and ASCB Newsletter 1986 41 31
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Suggested Schedule of Responsibilities 1986 41 32
        1986 Washington DC/Program Chair/Notes/Program Questionnaire 1986 41 33
        1986 Washington DC/Program Committee 1986 41 34
        1986 Washington DC/Summary of Activities and Correspondence/ Change of Venue Denver to Washington 1986 41 35
        1986 Washington DC/Questionnaires 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 36
        1986 Washington DC/Registration 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 37
        1986 Washington DC/Road Race 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 38
        1986 Washington DC/Security 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 39
        1986 Washington DC/Signs 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 40
        1986 Washington DC/Social Events 1986 41 41
        1986 Washington DC/Special Events 1986 41 42
        1986 Washington DC/Transportation 1986/12/7-1986/12/11 1986 41 43
        1987 St. Louis/Education Program 1987 41 44
        1987 Awards/Invitation Lists 1987 41 45
        1987 St. Louis/Legislative Alert Committee 1987 41 46
        1987 St. Louis/Local Arrangements Committee/Convention Monitors 1987 41 47
        1987 St. Louis/Local Arrangements/Road Race 1987 42 1
        1987 St. Louis/Local Arrangements Committee/Social Events 1987 42 2
        1987 St. Louis/Local Arrangements/Sightseeing and Transportation 1987 42 3
        1987 St. Louis/Minority Affairs Committee 1987 42 4
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/A-V Associates 1987 42 5
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Cervantes Convention Cente 1987 42 6
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Convention Hall Room Schedule 1987/11/14-1987/11/20 1987 42 7
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Convention Service Manual 1987 42 8
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Exhibitor Registration 1987 42 9
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Exhibitor Schedule 1987/11/17-1987/11/20 1987 42 10
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Exhibits 1987 42 11
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Schedules and Contacts 1987 42 12
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Travel and Lodgings 1982-1986 1987 42 13
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Travel and Lodgings 1987/1-1987/8 1987 42 14
        1987 St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements/Travel and Lodgings 1987/9-1988/1 1987 42 15
        1987 St. Louis/Program Committee 1987 42 16
        1987 St. Louis/Post Convention Exhibitor Questionnaire Results 1987 42 17
        1987 St. Louis/Program Corrections 1987 42 18
        1989 Houston/Andrews-Bartlett 1989 42 19
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Ad Hoc Public Information Committee 1989 42 20
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Education Committee 1989 42 21
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Executive Committee 1989 42 22
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Legislative Alert Committee 1989 42 23
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Minority Affairs Committee 1989 42 24
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Publications Committee 1989 42 25
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Summer Conference Committee 1989 42 26
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Arrangements 1989 42 27
        1989 Houston/Agenda/Associate Editors Luncheon 1989 42 28
        1989 Houston/Busing 1989 42 29
        1989 Houston/Catering 1989 42 30
        1989 Houston/Cell Regulation 1989 42 31
        1989 Houston/Convention Bureau 1989 42 32
        1989 Houston/Convention Center 1989 42 33
        1989 Houston/Convention Center/Contracts 1989 42 34
        1989 Houston/Deposits 1989 42 35
        1989 Houston/Editorial Board Luncheon/Dev. Bio JNL 1989 42 36
        1989 Houston/Education Programs 1989 42 37
        1989 Houston/Exhibits 1989 42 38
        1989 Houston/Finance Committee Report 1989 42 39
        1989 Houston/Insurance 1989 42 40
        1989 Houston/Jim Jameson Meeting 1989 42 41
        1989 Houston/JCB Luncheon 1989 42 42
        1989 Houston/Mamary Gland Biology Discussion 1989 42 43
        1989 Houston/Mini Symposium Organizer 1989 42 44
        1989 Houston/On Site Xeroxing 1989 42 45
        1989 Houston/Personnel 1989 42 46
        1989 Houston/Placement 1989 42 47
        1989 Houston/Road Race 1989 42 48
        1989 Houston/Room Schedule/Final 1989 42 49
        1989 Houston/Room Schedules/Preliminary 1989 43 1
        1989 Houston/Schedules 1989 43 2
        1989 Houston/Security 1989 43 3
        1989 Houston/Shipping 1989 43 4
        1989 Houston/Social Events 1989 43 5
        1989 Houston/Society For Developmental Biology/Board of Trustees Meeting 1989 43 6
        1989 Houston/Society For Developmental Biology/Proposed Merger 1989 43 7
        1989 Houston/Tutorials 1989 43 8
        1989 Houston/Travel 1989 43 9
        1990 San Diego/Business Meeting 1990 43 10
        1990 San Diego/Call for Papers 1990 43 11
        1990 San Diego/Cell Regulation 1990 43 12
        1990 San Diego/Education Committee Workshop 1990 43 13
        1990 San Diego/Exhibitors Advisory Committee 1990 43 14
        1990 San Diego/Exhibitor/Advertising 1990 43 15
        1990 San Diego/Exhibits 1990 43 16
        1990 San Diego/Film Session 1990 43 17
        1990 San Diego/High School Program 1990 43 18
        1990 San Diego/Information for Data Processors 1990 43 19
        1990 San Diego/Invitation Lists 1990 43 20
        1990 San Diego/Local Arrangements Committee 1990 43 21
        1990 San Diego/Manuals/Accounting and Registration 1990 43 22
        1990 San Diego/Manuals/ASCB Headquarters OFFICE 1990 43 23
        1990 San Diego/Meeting Management 1990 43 24
        1990 Minisymposia 1 –3/Monday 12/10 1990 43 25
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 4-6/Monday 12/10 1990 43 26
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 7-9/Tuesday 12/11 1990 43 27
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 10-12/Tuesday 12/11 1990 43 28
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 13-15/Wednesday 12/12 1990 43 29
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 16-18/Wednesday 12/12 1990 43 30
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 19-21/Thursday 12/13 1990 43 31
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia 22-24/Thursday 12/13 1990 43 32
        1990 San Diego/Minisymposia/Topics and Forms 1990 43 33
        1990 San Diego/Minorities Committee Breakfast 1990 43 34
        1990 San Diego/Minorities Forum 1990 43 35
        1990 San Diego/NIH 1990 43 36
        1990 San Diego/Organizers Evaluation 1990 43 37
        1990 San Diego/Past President's Dinner 1990 43 38
        1990 San Diego/Placement Service 1990 43 39
        1990 San Diego/Program Chairs 1990 43 40
        1990 San Diego/Program Committee 1990 43 41
        1990 San Diego/Program Information 1990 43 42
        1990 San Diego/Public Information 1990 43 43
        1990 San Diego/Public Policy Forum 1990 43 44
        1990 San Diego/Road Race 1990 43 45
        1990 San Diego/Service Kit 1990 43 46
        1990 San Diego/Shuttle and Show 1990 43 47
        1990 San Diego/Social 1990 43 48
        1990 San Diego/Soviet Scientists 1990 43 49
        1990 San Diego/Speaker's Lunch 1990 43 50
        1990 San Diego/Subgroups/Applications 1990 43 51
        1990 San Diego/Subgroups/Correspondence 1990 43 52
        1990 San Diego/Subgroups A-Q 1990 43 53
        1990 San Diego/Symposia 1-4 1990 44 1
        1990 San Diego/Symposia 4-8 1990 44 2
        1990 San Diego/Symposia/Schedule and Forms 1990 44 3
        1990 San Diego/Tutorial Evaluation 1990 44 4
        1990 San Diego/Tutorials A-L 1990 44 5
        1990 San Diego/Tutorials M-Z 1990 44 6
        1990 San Diego/Tutorials AA-LL 1990 44 7
        1990 San Diego/Tutorials MM-UU and List 1990 44 8
        1990 San Diego/E. B. Wilson Award 1990 44 9
        1990 San Diego/Women in Cell Biology 1990 44 10
        1991 Boston/Education Committee Workshop and Manual 1991 44 11
        1991 Boston/Education Committee Workshop Evaluations 1991 44 12
        1991/12 Boston/Education Committee/Workshop Registrants 1991 44 13
        1991 Boston/Education Meeting Workshop/Workshop Manual Master Copy 1991 44 14
        1991 Boston/Education Program 1991 44 15
        1991 Boston/Election/ASCB 1991 1991 44 16
        1991 Exhibitors 1991 44 17
        1991 Boston/Keynote Address/Walter Massey 1991 44 18
        1991 Boston/Local Arrangements Committee 1991 44 19
        1991 Boston/Minisymposia 1991 44 20
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Application and Submission Forms 1991 44 21
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Monitors 1991 44 22
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Registration 1991 44 23
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Retrospective Samples 1991 44 24
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Schedules and Room Assignments 1991 44 25
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Social Event 1991 44 26
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Tentative Schedules and Room Assignments 1991 44 27
        1991 Boston/Planning and Arrangements/Travel Information 1991 44 28
        1991 Boston/Porter Lecture 1991 44 29
        1991 Boston/Program Committee 1991 44 30
        1991 Boston/Program Masters 1991 44 31
        1991 Boston/Receptions/President and Wilson Award Invitation Lists 1991 44 32
        1991 Boston/Speakers Luncheon Attendance 1991 44 33
        1991 Boston/Special Poster Session 1991 44 34
        1991 Boston/Subgroup Applications 1991 44 35
        1991 Boston/Subgroup Overview 1991 44 36
        1991 Boston/Subgroup Program Withdrawals 1991 44 37
        1991 Boston/Subgroups A-J 1991 44 38
        1991 Boston/Subgroups K-P 1991 44 39
        1991 Boston/Symposia Speakers 1991 44 40
        1991 Boston/Symposia I-VIII 1991 44 41
        1991 Boston/Tutorials A-V 1991 44 42
        1991 Boston/Tutorials S -LL 1991 44 43
        1991 Boston/Visiting Scientists/British 1991 44 44
        1991 Boston/Visiting Scientists/Chinese 1991 44 45
        1991 Boston/Visiting Scientists/Russian 1991 44 46
        1991 Boston/Student Travel Awards/Applications A -F 1991 45 1
        1991 Boston/Student Travel Awards/Applications G-J 1991 45 2
        1991 Boston/Student Travel Awards/Applications K-P 1991 45 3
        1991 Boston/Student Travel Awards/Applications Q-Z 1991 45 4
        1991 Boston/Student Travel Awards/Selection 1991 45 5
        1992 Denver/Annual Meeting Notes and Comments 1992 45 6
        1992 British Awardee 1992 45 7
        1992 Denver/Call for Papers 1992 45 8
        1992 Denver/Chinese Society for Cell Biology 1992 45 9
        1992 Denver/Education Committee Workshop/Confirmation Letters 1992 45 10
        1992 Denver/Education Committee Workshop/Correspondence, minutes, notes 1992 45 11
        1992 Denver/Education Committee Workshop/Registration Forms 1992 45 12
        1992 Denver/Events 1992 45 13
        1992 Denver/FASEB Direction Revisions 1992 45 14
        1992 Denver/Form Letters 1992 45 15
        1992 Denver/Graduate Student Symposium 1992 45 16
        1992 Denver/High School Program/Abstracts to be Selected for Presentation 1992 45 17
        1992 Denver/High School Program/Arrangements 1992 45 18
        1992 Denver/High School Program/Exhibits and Poster Presentations 1992 45 19
        1992 Denver/High School Program/Minority Students 1992 45 20
        1992 Denver/High School Program/Miscellaneous 1992 45 21
        1992 Denver/High School Program/Teachers 1992 45 22
        1992 Denver/Local Arrangements Committee/Programs and Monitors 1992 45 23
        1992 Denver/Local Arrangements Committee/Social Events 1992 45 24
        1992 Denver/Marincola, Elizabeth/History 1992 45 25
        1992 Denver/Minisymposia 1992 45 26
        1992 Denver/Minorities Affairs Committee 1992 45 27
        1992 Denver/NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers) 1992 45 28
        1992 Denver/NABT/Current Topics in Cell Biology 1992 45 29
        1992 Denver/Order Form 1992 45 30
        1992 Denver/Planning and Miscellaneous Reports 1992 45 31
        1992 Denver/Postor Presentation Confirmation Letter 1992 45 32
        1992 Denver/Pre-Registration/Statistics 1992 45 33
        1992 Denver/Program Committee 1992 45 34
        1992 Denver/Rentals 1992 45 35
        1992 Denver/Road Race/Correspondence 1992 45 36
        1992 Denver/Road Race/Participants 1992 46 1
        1992 Denver/Road Race/Results 1992 46 2
        1992 Denver/Russian Program 1992 46 3
        1992 Denver/Speakers 1992 46 4
        1992 Denver/Student Program 1992 46 5
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awardees 1992 46 6
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications A-C 1992 46 7
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications D-F 1992 46 8
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications G-I 1992 46 9
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications J-L 1992 46 10
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications M-O 1992 46 11
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications P-R 1992 46 12
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications T-U 1992 46 13
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Applications V-Z 1992 46 14
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Evaluations 1992 46 15
        1992 Denver/Student Travel Awards/Form Letters 1992 46 16
        1992 Denver/Subgroups/Applications 1992 46 17
        1992 Denver/Subgroups/Arrangements Sessions a-q 1992 46 18
        1992 Denver/Subgroups/Correspondence 1992 46 19
        1992 Denver/Subgroups/Organizers 1992 46 20
        1992 Denver/Subgroups/Program Information and Schedules 1992 46 21
        1992 Denver/Thank You Letters 1992 46 22
        1992 Denver/Tutorial Evaluation 1992 46 23
        1992 Denver/Tutorials 1992 46 24
        1993 New Orleans/Coffee Break Forum 1993 46 25
        1993 New Orleans/Committee Meetings/Attendance 1993 46 26
        1993 New Orleans/Council Meeting 1993 46 27
        1993 New Orleans/Debriefing Notes 1993 46 28
        1993 New Orleans/Graduate Student Activities 1993 46 29
        1993 New Orleans/Education/Minority Affairs Committee 1993 46 30
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Abstracts Selected for Presentation 1993 46 31
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Abstracts Not Selected for Presentation 1993 46 32
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Exhibitors 1993 46 33
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Notes From 1992 1993 46 34
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Planning and Arrangement 1993 46 35
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Poster Session 1993 46 36
        1993 New Orleans/High School Program/Student/Teachers Attending 1993 46 37
        1993 New Orleans/International Affairs Committee 1993 46 38
        1993 New Orleans/Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy 1993 46 39
        1993 New Orleans/Local Arrangements Committee 1993 46 40
        1993 Member Abstracts 1993 46 41
        1993 New Orleans/Minorities Affairs Committee Meeting 1993 46 42
        1993 New Orleans/Minorities Affairs Committee/Abstracts for High School Program 1993 47 1
        1993 New Orleans/Minorities Affairs Committee/Events and Awards 1993 47 2
        1993 New Orleans/Miscellaneous Notes 1993 47 3
        1993 New Orleans/Pfizer Awards 1993 47 4
        1993 New Orleans/Planning and Arrangements/Contracts, Maps, Notes 1993 47 5
        1993 New Orleans/Planning and Arrangements 1993 47 6
        1993 New Orleans/Program Revisions 1993 47 7
        1993 New Orleans/Public Policy Committee 1993 47 8
        1993 New Orleans/Receptions/Past President and Graduate Student 1993 47 9
        1993 New Orleans/Road Race Entrants A -H 1993 47 10
        1993 New Orleans/Road Race Entrants I-Z 1993 47 11
        1993 New Orleans/Road Race/Planning and Arrangements 1993 47 12
        1993 New Orleans/Road Race/Winners 1993 47 13
        1993 New Orleans/Russian Cell Biologist Program 1993 47 14
        1993 New Orleans/Social Event (Aquarium)/Aquarium Arrangements 1993 47 15
        1993 New Orleans/Social Event (Aquarium)/Catering 1993 47 16
        1993 New Orleans/Social Event (Aquarium of the Americas)/Budget and Contracts 1993 47 17
        1993 New Orleans/Subgroups A-L 1993 47 18
        1993 New Orleans/Subgroups/Confirmations and Revisions 1993 47 19
        1993 New Orleans/Subgroups/Organizers and Applications 1993 47 20
        1993 New Orleans/Subgroups/Room Assignments and Equipment Request Form 1993 47 21
        1993 New Orleans/Symposia/Title and Speaker List 1993 47 22
        1993 New Orleans/Tax Exempt Forms/Louisiana 1993 47 23
        1993 New Orleans/Wilson Award/Nominations 1993 47 24
        1993 New Orleans/Women in Cell Biology 1993 47 25
        Guidelines for Meeting Organization 47 26
        Poster Displays/Contracts and Correspondence 1976-1984 1976-1984 47 27
        Professional Associate/Contract and Correspondence 1965 – 1965 47 28
        Signs 47 29
        Statistics 1961-1984 1961-1984 47 30
    2. Subseries II.B. Regional Meetings

      Date: 1990

      Extent: 1 box (.5 linear feet)

      Description: Abstracts, surveys/questionnaires, invoices, receipts, program drafts, correspondence, memos, and notes arranged in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1990/Chicago/Abstract Forms 1990 47 31
        1990 Bid Sheets for Future Meeting 1990 47 32
        1990 Chicago/Executive Committee Survey 1990 47 33
        1990 Chicago/Invoices and Receipts 1990 47 34
        1990 Chicago/Minisymposia Schedules 1990 47 35
        1990 Chicago/Organizers Conference Call 1990 47 36
        1990 Chicago/Organizers Notebook 1990 47 37
        1990 Chicago/Planning 1990 47 38
        1990 Chicago/Program 1990 47 39
        1990 Chicago/Questionnaire 1990 47 40
    3. Subseries II.C. Summer Research Conference

      Date: 1984-1992; bulk 1986-1992

      Extent: 2 boxes (3.5 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, forms, applications, resumes, abstracts, proof sheets, drafts, questionnaires, schedules, agendas, reports, proposals, invoices, contracts, floor plans, and photos organized by year of meeting and then in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1984 Summer Conference Advisory Committee 1984 48 1
        1985 Arrangements 1985 48 2
        1985 Grant Applications/Registration Forms 1985 48 3
        1985 Participants 1985 48 4
        1985 Program 1985 48 5
        1985 Queestionnaire 1985 48 6
        1985 Summer Conference Committee 1985 48 7
        1986 Arrangements 1986 48 8
        1986 Forms 1986 48 9
        1986 Funding 1986 48 10
        1986 Grant Applications 1986 48 11
        1986 Programs 1986 48 12
        1986 Questionnaire 1986 48 13
        1986 Speakers 1986 48 14
        1986 SRC Committee 1986 48 15
        1987 Arrangements 1987 48 16
        1987 AV Invoices 1987 48 17
        1987 Conference Committee 1987 48 18
        1987 Funding 1987 48 19
        1987 Grant Proposals 1987 48 20
        1987 Program 1987 48 21
        1987 Schedules, Announcements and Form Letters 1987 48 22
        1987 Speakers/Organizers 1987 48 23
        1988 Arlie House Information 1988 48 24
        1988 Arrangements/Travel, Meals, Housing 1988 48 25
        1988 Conference Statistics and Summaries 1988 48 26
        1988 Correspondence/Miscellaneous 1988 48 27
        1988 Forms and Form Letters 1988 48 28
        1988 Funding 1988 48 29
        1988 Funding/Donations and Grants Summary 1988 48 30
        1988 Funding/NIH Grant 1988 48 31
        1988 Funding/NSF Grant 1988 48 32
        1988 Itinerary 1988 48 33
        1988 Invoices 1988 48 34
        1988 Minorities Funding 1988 48 35
        1988 Organizers/Coleman, Goff/Abstracts, Arrangements 1988 48 36
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/A-B/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 37
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/C-D/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 38
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/E-F/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 39
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/G-H/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 40
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/K-M/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 41
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/O-R/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 42
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/S/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 43
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/T-Z/U.S. Institutions 1988 48 44
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/A-K/Foreign Institutions 1988 48 45
        1988 Participants/Application, Abstract, Arrangements/L-Z/Foreign Institutions 1988 49 1
        1988 Program 1988 49 2
        1988 Rejected Applications and Declined Invitations 1988 49 3
        1988 Speakers A-L/U.S. Institutions 1988 49 4
        1988 Speakers M-Z/U.S. Institutions 1988 49 5
        1988 Speakers/ Foreign Institutions 1988 49 6
        1988 Summer Conference Committee Meeting/Minutes, Budget, Policy 1988 49 7
        1989 Arlie House Info 1989 49 8
        1989 Arrangements 1989 49 9
        1989 Budget 1989 49 10
        1989 Correspondence Committee 1989 49 11
        1989 Correspondence/Miscellaneous 1989 49 12
        1989 Funding 1989 49 13
        1989 Invoices and Receipts 1989 49 14
        1989 Organizers Notebook 1989 49 15
        1989 Program 1989 49 16
        1989 Reports 1989 49 17
        1989 Retreat Questionnaire 1989 49 18
        1989 Rooming List 1989 49 19
        1989 Donations 1989 49 20
        1989 Speakers and Organizers 1989 49 21
        1989 Photo Requests 1989 49 22
        1990 Advertising 1990 49 23
        1990 Arrangements 1990 49 24
        1990 Office of Scientific Meetings/Calendar File 1990 49 25
        1990 Funding 1990 49 26
        1990 Future SRC Proposals 1990 49 27
        1990 Invoices and Receipts 1990 49 28
        1990 Organizer Correspondenc 1990 49 29
        1990 Participants/Applications, Abstracts, etc./A-D 1990 49 30
        1990 Participants/Applications, Abstracts, etc./E-H 1990 49 31
        1990 Participants/Applications, Abstracts, etc./K-P 1990 49 32
        1990 Participants/Applications/R-Z 1990 49 33
        1990 Photographs/Requests and Identifications 1990 49 34
        1990 Prelinimary Announcements 1990 49 35
        1990 Program 1990 49 36
        1990 Program Committee 1990 49 37
        1990 Questionnaire 1990 49 38
        1990 Reimbursements 1990 49 39
        1990 Speakers 1990 49 40
        1992 Accounting/Budget 1992 49 41
        1992 Accounting/Payments 1992 49 42
        1992 Accounting/Receipts and Refunds 1992 49 43
        1992 Advertising 1992 49 44
        1992 Applicants/Accepted/A-B 1992 49 45
        1992 Applicants/Accepted/C-G 1992 49 46
        1992 Applicants/Accepted/H-L 1992 50 1
        1992 Applicants/Accepted/M-R 1992 50 2
        1992 Applicants/Accepted/S-V 1992 50 3
        1992 Applicants/Accepted/W-Z 1992 50 4
        1992 Applicants/Miscellaneous Inquiries/Correspondence 1992 50 5
        1992 Applicants/Rejected A-M 1992 50 6
        1992 Applicants/Rejected N-Z 1992 50 7
        1992 Applicants/ Waiting List 1992 50 8
        1992 Arlie Contract 1992 50 9
        1992 Correspondence/Dr. Kathryn Howell/Organizer 1992 50 10
        1992 Donor Solicitation 1992 50 11
        1992 Donor Solicitation/Negative Responses 1992 50 12
        1992 Donor Solicitation/Positive Responses 1992 50 13
        1992 Form Letters and Applications/Masters and Revisions 1992 50 14
        1992 Funding/Grant Applications/NSF, NIH, NATO 1992 50 15
        1992 Notes/Organizers/Howell, Morre, Bergeron 1992 50 16
        1992 Photographs/Not captioned or dated 1992 50 17
        1992 Program/Preliminary Layouts 1992 50 18
        1992 Program/Proof and Copies 1992 50 19
        1992 Questionnaire Responses/Summary 1992 50 20
        1992 Registration/Acceptance Worksheets 1992 50 21
        1992 Registration Confirmations 1992 50 22
        1992 Registration/Withdrawals 1992 50 23
        1992 Speakers Abstracts 1992 50 24
        1992 Speakers/Applications and Abtracts/A-O 1992 50 25
        1992 Speakers/Applications and Abtracts/P-Z 1992 50 26
        1992 Statistics 1992 50 27
        1992 Transportation/Busing Contracts 1992 50 28
    4. Subseries II.D. ASCB/EMBO Meetings

      Date: 1987-1991; bulk 1988-1991

      Extent: 2 boxes (1.75 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, rosters, budgets, brochures, maps, notes, reports, schedules, applications, and abstracts arranged by year of meeting and then in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1987 1987 50 29
        Pitlochry 1988/Accounting 1988 50 30
        Pitlochry 1988/Atholl Palace Hotel 1988 50 31
        Pitlochry 1988/Conference Program 1988 50 32
        Pitlochry 1988/Correspondence 1988 50 33
        Pitlochry 1988/Funding 1988 50 34
        Pitlochry 1988/Participants and Organizers 1988 50 35
        Pitlochry 1988/Planning and Arrangment 1988 50 36
        Pitlochry 1988/Questionnaire 1988 50 37
        Pitlochry 1988/Registration 1988 50 38
        1989 Correspondence 1989 50 39
        1990 Advertising 1990 50 40
        1990 Arrangements 1990 51 1
        1990 Busing 1990 51 2
        Arlie 1990/Conference Speakers List 1990 51 3
        Arlie 1990/Correspondence/Conference Planning 1990 51 4
        1990 Correspondence/Speakers 1990 51 5
        Arlie 1990/Funding 1990 51 6
        1990 Housing 1990 51 7
        Arlie 1990/Notes/Letter Drafts, Personal Notes 1990 51 8
        Arlie 1990/Notes/Proposed Alternative Sites 1990 51 9
        1990 Organizers Notebook 1990 51 10
        Arlie 1990/Participant Funding 1990 51 11
        Arlie 1990/Participants List/ Applications Accepted 1990 51 12
        Arlie 1990/Participants List/ Applications Refused 1990 51 13
        Arlie 1990/Participant Questionnaire 1990 51 14
        1990 Preliminary Program 1990 51 15
        1990 Site Visit/Switzerland 1990 51 16
        1990 Travel 1990 51 17
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Applications/A-J 1991 51 18
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Applications/K-P 1991 51 19
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Applications/S-Z 1991 51 20
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Attendees/A-F 1991 51 21
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Attendees/G-L 1991 51 22
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Attendees/M-R 1991 51 23
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Attendees/S-Z 1991 51 24
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Budget 1991 51 25
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Commutte Lists 1991 51 26
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Correspondence/Kraehenbuhl 1991 51 27
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Correspondence/ Kurhaus Hotel 1991 51 28
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Correspondence/Miscellaneous 1991 51 29
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Deposits 1991 51 30
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/EMBO Members 1991 51 31
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Funding 1991 51 32
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Late Applications 1991 51 33
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Organizers Notebook 1991 51 34
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Lists 1991 51 35
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Planning and Arrangements 1991 51 36
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Program 1991 52 1
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Questionnaire 1991 52 2
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Speakers/Abstracts 1991 52 3
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Speakers/Abstracts/A-M 1991 52 4
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Speakers/Abstracts/N-Z 1991 52 5
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Schedules 1991 52 6
        1991 Arolla, Switzerland/Speakers/Travel 1991 52 7
    5. Subseries II.E. ASCB/ American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Meetings

      Date: 1988-1989

      Extent: 2 boxes (1.25 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, reports, notes, schedules, contracts, brochures, invoices, floor plans, abstracts, and rosters arranged in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Joint Meeting 1988 1988 52 8
        Joint Meeting 1989/Arrangements/Mendien Hotel 1989 52 9
        Joint Meeting 1989/Convention Center 1989 52 10
        Joint Meeting 1989/Exhibits Advisory Committee 1989 52 11
        Joint Meeting 1989/San Francisco/Exhibit Brochure/Call for Papers 1989 52 12
        Joint Meeting 1989/Exhibitor Tutorials 1989 52 13
        Joint Meeting 1989/Floor Plans 1989 52 14
        Joint Meeting 1989/Galaxy 1989 52 15
        Joint Meeting 1989/Invitation File 1989 52 16
        Joint Meeting 1989/Local Arrangements Committee 1989 52 17
        Joint Meeting 1989/Local Arrangements/Hotels 1989 52 18
        Joint Meeting 1989/Local Arrangements/Hotels 1989 52 19
        Joint Meeting/Local Arrangements/Hotels 1989 52 20
        Joint Meeting 1989/Local Arrangements/Hotels 1989 52 21
        Joint Meeting 1989/Meeting Invoices/Sound Labor 1989 52 22
        Joint Meeting 1989/Mini Symposium Reimbursements 1989 52 23
        Joint Meeting 1989/Minorities Forum 1989 52 24
        Joint Meeting 1989/Moscone Center 1989 52 25
        Joint Meeting 1989/Moscone Center/Contracts 1989 52 26
        Joint Meeting 1989/Plenary Lecturers 1989 52 27
        Joint Meeting 1989/San Francisco/Program Committee 1989 52 28
        Joint Meeting 1989/Room Arrangements and Plans 1989/1/27-1989/1/29 1989 52 29
        Joint Meeting 1989/Room Arrangements and Plans 1989/1/30-1989/1/31 1989 52 30
        Joint Meeting 1989/Room Arrangements and Plans 1989/2/1-1989/2/2 1989 52 31
        Joint Meeting 1989/Speaker Reimbursement 1989 53 1
        Joint Meeting 1989/Staff Assignments and Reimbursement 1989 53 2
        Joint Meeting 1989/Student Abstracts 1989 53 3
        Joint Meeting 1989/San Francisco/Symposia/Lecture Notes 1989 53 4
        Joint Meeting 1989/Symposia Organizers/Speakers 1989 53 5
        Joint Meeting 1989/Temporary Meeting Personnel 1989 53 6
        Joint Meeting 1989/Travel Awards Committee 1989 53 7
    6. Subseries II.F International Congress of Cell Biology (ICCB)

      Date: 1980-1992

      Extent: 1 box (1 linear feet)

      Description: Applications, abstracts, resumes, reports, correspondence, and grant proposals organized by year of meeting and then alphabetically by subject. For first ICCB meeting see 1976 annual meeting.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1980/Berlin/Correspondence 1980 53 8
        1980/Berlin/Constitution 1980 53 9
        1980/Berlin/Travel Grant Applications/1-45 1980 53 10
        1980/Berlin/Travel Grant Applications/46-80 1980 53 11
        1980/Berlin/Travel Grant Applications/81-115 1980 53 12
        1984/Tokyo/Correspondence 1984 53 13
        1984/Japan/Chevy Chase Travel Proposal For Service 1984 53 14
        1984/Japan/NIH Grant Application 1984 53 15
        1984/Japan/NIH Grant Application/ICCB Information 1984 53 16
        1984/Japan/NIH Grant 1984 53 17
        1984/Tokyo/Travel Grant Applicants/A-G 1984 53 18
        1984/Tokyo/Travel Grant Applicants/H-L 1984 53 19
        1984/Tokyo/Travel Grant Applicants/M-R 1984 53 20
        1984/Tokyo/Travel Grant Applicants/S-Z 1984 53 21
        1984/Japan/Travel Grant Awardees 1984 53 22
        1988/Montreal/Grants/NSF 1988 53 23
        1988/Montreal/Reports 1988 53 24
        1992/Madrid/Correspondence 1992 53 25
        1992/Madrid/Grants/NSF 1992 53 26
        1992/Madrid/Travel Grants 1992 53 27
        1992/Madrid/Travel Grant/Non-Recipients 1992 53 28
    7. Subseries II.G. ASCB/ American Association of Immunologists (AAI)

      Date: 1984

      Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, reports, floor plans, and schedules arranged by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1984/St. Louis/FASEB 1984 53 29
        1984/St. Louis/Planning and Arrangements 1984 53 30
    8. Subseries II.H. Programs

      Date: 1961-1992

      Extent: 1.25 boxes (1.5 linear feet)

      Description: Printed meeting programs arranged by meeting title and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Annual Meeting 1961, 1963-1969 1961, 1963-1969 54 1
        Annual Meeting 1970-1974 1970-1974 54 2
        Annual Meeting 1975-1977 1975-1977 54 3
        Annual Meeting 1978-1980 1978-1980 54 4
        Annual Meeting 1981-1983 1981-1983 54 5
        Annual Meeting 1984 1984 54 6
        Annual Meeting 1985 1985 54 7
        Annual Meeting 1986 1986 54 8
        Annual Meeting 1987 1987 54 9
        Annual Meeting 1989 1989 54 10
        Annual Meeting 1989 1989 54 11
        Annual Meeting 1990 1990 54 12
        Annual Meeting 1990 1990 54 13
        Annual Meeting 1991 1991 54 14
        Annual Meeting 1991 1991 54 15
        Annual Meeting 1992 1992 54 16
        Annual Meeting 1992 1992 54 17
        1st Regional Meeting 1990 1990 54 18
        ASCB Summer Research Conference 1985 1985 54 19
        Summer Research Conference 1986 1986 54 20
        Summer Research Conference 1987 1987 54 21
        Summer Research Conference 1988 1988 55 1
        Summer Research Conference 1989 1989 55 2
        Summer Research Conference 1990 1990 55 3
        Summer Research Conference 1992 1992 55 4
        ASCB/EMBO 1990 1990 55 5
        Joint Meeting/ASBMB and ASCB 1989 1989 55 6
        Joint Meeting/ASBMB and ASCB 1989 1989 55 7
        International Congress of Cell Biology 1980 1980 55 8
        ASCB/EMBO Joint Conference 1990 1990 55 9
    9. Subseries I.I. Announcements

      Date: 1981-1992

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Printed announcements, calls for abstracts, & calls for papers arranged by meeting title and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Call for Abstracts/Annual Meeting 1981-1985 55 10
        Call for Abstracts/Annual Meeting 1986-1987, 1989 55 11
        Call for Abstracts/Annual Meeting 1991-1992, 1995 55 12
        Call for Papers/1st Regional Meeting 1990 55 13
        Call for Abstracts/Madrid/ICCB 1992 55 14
  3. Series III. Publications

    Date: 1961-1995; bulk 1969-1992

    Extent: 5.25 boxes (5.75 linear feet)

    Description: Records related production and tracking of Society publications including the workings of the Publication Committee organized into 9 subseries: Book Orders, Editorial policy Committee, Invoices/Newsletter, Publications Committee, A guide to Opportunities in Cell Biology, Journal of Cell Regulation, Rockefeller University Press, News Releases, and Printed Matter.

    1. Subseries III.A. Book Orders

      Date: 1985

      Extent: 1 folder

      Description: ASCB/EMBO Joint Conference 1990

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1985/Cryoultramicrotomy Handbook 1985 55 15
    2. Subseries III.B. Editorial Policy Committee

      Date: 1969

      Extent: 1 folders

      Description: Correspondence and reports in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1969 1969 55 16
    3. Subseries III.C. Invoices/Newsletter

      Date: 1979-1981

      Extent: 1 folders

      Description: Invoices in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Newsletter 1979-1981 55 18
    4. Subseries III.D. Publications Committee

      Date: 1979-1922

      Extent: 30 folders (.75 linear feet)

      Description: Minutes, agendas, reports, correspondence, surveys, and notes organized by year and then in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Correspondence 1979 55 18
        Reports and Minutes 1979 55 19
        1980 1980 55 20
        1981 1981 55 21
        1982/Correspondence and Notes 1982 55 22
        1982/Meeting 1982/9/2-1982/9/3 1982 55 23
        1983 1983 55 24
        1984 1984 55 25
        1985 1985 55 26
        1986 1986 55 27
        1986/Blackwell Scientific 1986 55 28
        1987 1987 55 29
        1988/Correspondence 1988 55 30
        1988/Conference Call 1988 55 31
        1988/Telephone Survey 1988 55 32
        1988/Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Reports 1988 55 33
        1988 Telephone Survey 1988 55 34
        1989 1989 55 35
        1990/Correspondence 1990 55 36
        1990/Meeting Agendas and Minutes 1990 55 37
        1990/Meeting Attendance 1990 55 38
        1991/Minutes 1991/5 Meeting 1991 55 39
        1991/Agenda 1991/5 Meeting 1991 55 40
        1991/Conference Calls 1991 55 41
        1991/Correspondence 1991 55 42
        1991/Meeting Attendance 1991 55 43
        1991/Meeting Minutes, Agendas and Reports 1991 55 44
        1991/Publication Changes 1991 55 45
        1992 1992 55 46
        Reference to By-Laws and Constitution 1978-1985 1978-1985 55 47
    5. Subseries III.E. A guide to Opportunities in Cell Biology

      Date: 1969-1989

      Extent: .25 box (.5 linear feet)

      Description: Drafts, correspondence and printed booklets in date order

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Draft and Correspondence 1968-1969 56 1
        Requests 1968-1969 56 2
        Requests 1974 56 3
        Requests 1975 56 4
        Requests 1976 56 5
        Requests/Not Filled 1976 56 6
        Requests for Copies 1977-1978 56 7
        Requests for Copies 1979 56 8
        Requests for Copies 1980 56 9
        Correspondence 1988-1989 56 10
        Opportunity and Adventure in Cell Biology 1988-1989 56 11
    6. Subseries III.F. Journal of Cell Biology (JCB)

      Date: 1961-1992

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Minutes, agendas, reports and correspondence arranged in alphbetical order by subject

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Advertising 1992 56 12
        Correspondence 1961-1963 56 13
        Miscellaneous Correspondence 1973-1983 56 14
        Editorial Board 1969-1970 56 15
        Editorial Board 1975 56 16
        Editorial Board 1977-1978 56 17
        Editorial Board 1980 56 18
        Editorial Board 1981 56 19
        Editorial Board 1982-1983 56 20
        Editorial Board 1986-1987 56 21
        Editorial Board 1989 56 22
        Editorial Board 1990 56 23
        Editors 1978-1982 56 24
    7. Subseries III.G. Journal of Cell Regulation (JCR)

      Date: 1987-1992

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Notes, budgets, agendas, reports, correspondence, brochures and surveys arranged in alphabetical order by subject and then in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Business Proposal 1987-1988 56 57
        Correspondence/Executive Committee 1987-1989 56 26
        Correspondence/General 1988-1989 56 27
        Brochures and Samples 56 28
        Design and Advertising 1987-1989 56 29
        Editor in Chief 1988-1989 56 30
        Editor in Chief and Associate Editors Meeting 1990 56 31
        Editorial Board Meeting 1990 56 32
        Feasibility Study 1988 56 33
        Miscellaneous Information 56 34
        Name Change/Molecular Biology of Cell 1992 56 35
        Oversight Committee Meeting 1990 56 36
        Planning Notes 56 37
        Survey 1988 56 38
        Trademark 1987-1988 56 39
    8. Subseries III.H. Rockefeller University Press (RUP)

      Date: 1974-1988

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      Description: Invoices, memos, correspondence, and notes in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1974 1974 56 40
        1975 1975 56 41
        1977-1979 1977-1979 56 42
        1980 1980 56 43
        Special Journal Committee 1980 1980 56 44
        1981 1981 56 45
        1982, 1984 1984 56 46
        1988 1988 56 47
    9. Subseries I.I. News Releases

      Date: undated

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        undated undated 56 48
    10. Subseries I.J. Printed Matter

      Date: 1978-2000

      Extent: 8 boxes (3.75 linear feet)

      Description: Journals, abstracts, and newsletters arranged by title and date.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Cell Regulation 1988/Spring-1991/12 1988-1991 57
        Molecular Biology of the Cell 1992/12-1994/11 1992-1994 58
        Abstracts of Papers Presented at Annual Meetings of the American Society For Cell Biology 1961/11-1974/11 1961-1974 58
        The Journal of Cell Biology 1970/11-1991/11 1970-1991 59
        The American Society For Cell Biology Newsletter 1979/3-1993/6 1979-1993 60
        The American Society For Cell Biology Newsletter 1993/7-1997/6 1993-1997 61
        The American Society For Cell Biology Newsletter 1997/7-2000/4 1997-2000 62
        InVitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 1995/1-1997/10 1995-1997 63
        InVitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant 1995/1-1997/9 1995-1997 64
  4. Series IV. Public Affairs

    Date: 1970-1994

    Extent: 1 box (.75 linear feet)

    Description: Minutes, agendas, reports, correspondence, budgets, proposals, news releases, and copies of HR bills pertaining to the committees responsible for monitoring legislative and regulatory activities. Documents are arranged in alphabetical order by committee and subsequently in date order.

    1. Subseries IV.A. Legislative Oversight Committee

      Date: 1989

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Legislative Oversight Committee 1989 1989 65 1
    2. Subseries IV.B. Public Affairs Committee

      Date: 1994

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Public Affairs Committee 1994/6 1994 65 2
    3. Subseries IV.C. Public Information Committee

      Date: 1989-1993

      Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1989-1991 1989-1991 65 3
        1992- 1993 1992- 1993 65 4
    4. Subseries IV.D. Public Policy Committee

      Date: 1970-1994

      Extent: .25 box (.5 linear feet)

      Description: Correspondence, minutes, reports and agendas in date order.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        Correspondence 1970 1970 65 5
        Correspondence 1971 1971 65 6
        Correspondence/Conquest and Cancer Act (H.R. 10681 and H.R. 14199) 1971 1971 65 7
        Minutes 1971 1971 65 8
        1972 1972 65 9
        1973 1973 65 10
        1974 1974 65 11
        1975 1975 65 12
        1976-1977 1976-1977 65 13
        1978 1978 65 14
        Correspondence 1979 1979 65 15
        FASEB Public Affairs Committee Meeting 1979 1979 65 16
        1980 1980 65 17
        1982-1983 1982-1983 65 18
        1985 1985 65 19
        Report 1986 1986 65 20
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1987 1987 65 21
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1988 1988 65 22
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1989 1989 65 23
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1990 1990 65 24
        Attendance 1990/12 1990 65 25
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1991 1991 65 26
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1992 1992 65 27
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1993/4 1993 65 28
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1993/12 1993 65 29
        Agendas, Minutes, Reports 1994/12 1994 65 30
  5. Series V. Committees

    Date: 1974-1994

    Extent: 10 boxes (12.75 linear feet)

    Description: Records of additional society committees arranged into three subseries by committee title: Education Committee, Minorities Affaires Committee, and Women in Cell Biology.

    1. Subseries V.A. Education Committee

      Date: 1978-1994

      Extent: 5 boxes (6.75 linear feet)

      Description: Applications, resumes, correspondence, memos, notes, abstracts, minutes, agendas, reports, rosters, program drafts, directories, brochures, announcements, clippings, and proposals detailing the activities of the Education committee. Files are organized by year and then in alphabetical order by subject.

      1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
        1978-1980 1978-1980 65 31
        Travel Awards Application Evaluations 1980 1980 65 32
        1982 1982 65 33
        Correspondence File 1983 1983 65 34
        June Committee Meeting 1983 1983 65 35
        Questionnaire 1983 1983 65 36
        Student Travel Awards Evaluations 1983 1983 65 37
        Committee Meeting 1984/5/31-1984/6/1 1984 65 38
        November Committee Meeting 1984 1984 65 39
        Student Travel Awards 1984 1984 65 40
        Workshop/Annual Meeting/Kansas City, MO 1984 1984 65 41
        May Committee Meeting 1985 1985 65 42
        November Committee Meeting 1985 1985 65 43
        April Committee Meeting 1986 1986 65 44
        December Committee Meeting 1986 1986 65 45
        Education Workshop/Washington 1986/12/7 1986 65 46
        Report for Newsletter 1986 1986 65 47
        ASCB Questionnaire 1987 1987 65 48
        Education Workshop 1987 1987 66 1
        Education Workshop 1987/Applications 1987 66 2
        Education Workshop 1987/Handouts 1987 66 3
        May Committee Meeting 1987 1987 66 4
        November Committee Meeting 1987 1987 66 5
        General File 1988 1988 66 6
        April Committee Meeting 1988 1988 66 7
        Education Workshop 1989/Handouts 1989 66 8
        Education Workshop 1989/Handouts 1989 66 9
        Education Workshop/Registration 1989 66 10
        Education Workshop 1989/Speakers and Registrants 1989 66 11
        Films for Teaching 1989/Lists 1989 66 12
        May Committee Meeting 1989 1989