Folder Title/Description |
Date |
Box # |
Folder # |
Additional Info. |
Notes on historical theory |
1882-1979 |
17 |
1 |
Description |
Two chapters from "America Revisited: From the Bay of New York to the Gulf of Mexico,
From Lake Michigan to the Pacific" by George Augustus Sala, 1882; "Social History
as Lived and Written" by James A. Henretta, 1979; JLA notes on "Origins of Modern
English Society" by Harold Perkin, 1969; JLA notes on other secondary sources; brochure
on National Archives
Census & population, 1790-1850 |
1801-2000 |
17 |
2 |
Description |
Manila folder labeled Census: Baltimore City & County, 1790-1850 includs 13 pages
of population estimates from 1659-2000 from various sources such as census records
Census & population, 1790-1900 |
1860-1998 |
17 |
3 |
Description |
25 pages of statistics & JLA notes; 7 pages clipped together of population tables
(1790-1900); 35 pages of tables & JLA notes on population characteristics; 36 pages
of tables clipped together of population descriptions 1900-1920
Census & population, 1860-1920 |
1865-2000 |
17 |
4 |
Description |
4 pages populations stats; 11 pagesof agricultural stats (1899-1900) clipped together;
rmanila folder labeled Victorian Baltimore: Charts, Statistics includes 4 pages Batlimore
city stats (1790-1900); 19 pages of stats on incumbered properties and property revenues
(1890 census) clipped together; population/occupation stats (1890-1930); manufacturing
& industry stats (1850-1900); indus. districts in Baltimore (1905); manufactures stats
(1860); 4 pages JLA notes; comparative manufactures stats (1850-1900); 6 tables of
manufactures stats (1900)
Census & population, 1850 |
1854 |
17 |
5 |
Description |
Copy of pages from the Statistical View of the United States…1854, includes pages
from 1850 census referring to Maryland
Census & population, 1870-1900 |
1867-2000 |
17 |
6 |
Description |
4 pages on city/council census & proprietorship of homes (1900); manila folder
w/1867 map of schools and details; 1920 census of MD (types of people, counties, wards);
1870 census pages; stats from 1870, 1880, 1890 & 1900 census; JLA notes on comparisons;
manila folder labeled Maps and Census Maps containing 1910 & 1920 tables on population
characteristics; map details; enumeration districts
Census & population, 1880-1900 |
1880-1980 |
17 |
7 |
Description |
Enumeration districts (1880 &1900), copies, and instructions; copy of chapter 2
of W.B. Stephens, "Sources for U.S. History, 19th century communities"; manila folder
titled, Baltimore Census Tracts, 1880 & 1900 includes ED's & wards; Frederick Bohme,
"Twenty Censuses, Population & Housing Questions, 1790-1980.
Census & population, 1 of 2 |
1876-1994 |
17 |
8 |
Description |
11 articles incl. list of Census information at MdState Arch.
Census & population, 2 of 2 |
1890-1910 |
17 |
9 |
Description |
48 articles
Background on early Baltimore: The First Measured Century |
2001 |
17 |
10 |
Description |
47 pages copied from, Theodore Caplow, The First Measured Century , an illustrated
guide to trends in America, 1900-2000, (2001)
Background on early Baltimore, 1730-1780, 1 of 2 |
1906-1992 |
17 |
11 |
Description |
c. of pages from G.A. Leakin, "The Migrations of Baltimore Town", MdHisMag (1906);
c. of 3 maps (1671, 1851, nd); 7 pages of JLA notes on readings of early Balt.; c.
of 1790 census; McGrain map of mills; c. of Gould, "The Economic Causes of the Rise
of Baltimore" (1931); Earle, "Why Tobacco Stunted the Growth of Towns and Wheat...(1992),
Porter, "From Backcountry to County..MdHMag (1975), McGrain, "The Development & Decline
of Dorseys Forge" MHMag (1977); 6 pages of JLA notes on reading B.B. Hardy; c. of
Gould, "Money and Transportation in Maryland, 1750-1765, JHUP (1915), c. of Robbins,
"The Principio Company: Iron-Making...1720-1781" DSS (1972), c. of Gardner, "Presbyterians
of Old Baltimore" MHMag (1940), Giddens, "The French and Indian War in Maryland" MHM
(1935), Bevan, "The Continental Congress in Baltimore, 12/20/76-2/27/77" MHM (1947),
Butterfield, "Diary and Autobiography of John Adams", Harvard (1962); JLA note & plat
map; c. of "Provisioning the Continental Army" MHM (1914), Johnson, "The Baltimore
Company Seeks English Subsidies for the Colonial Iron Industry" MHM (1951), Levin,
"Colonel Nicholas Rogers and His Country Seat "Druid Hill" MHM (1977), Marys, "Some
Baltimore City Place Names" MHM (1959), "Buchanan FAmily Reminiscences" MHM(1940);
1798 Tax List; c. of Papenfuse, "In Pursuit of Profit" JHUP (1975); map of Settlement
Background on early Baltimore, 1730-1780, 2 of 2 |
1906-1992 |
17 |
12 |
Description |
c. of Robbins, "The Principio Company: Iron-Making...1720-1781" DSS (1972), c.
of Gardner, "Presbyterians of Old Baltimore" MHMag (1940), Giddens, "The French and
Indian War in Maryland" MHM (1935), Bevan, "The Continental Congress in Baltimore,
12/20/76-2/27/77" MHM (1947), Butterfield, "Diary and Autobiography of John Adams",
Harvard (1962); JLA note & plat map; c. of "Provisioning the Continental Army" MHM
(1914), Johnson, "The Baltimore Company Seeks English Subsidies for the Colonial Iron
Industry" MHM (1951), Levin, "Colonel Nicholas Rogers and His Country Seat "Druid
Hill" MHM (1977), Marys, "Some Baltimore City Place Names" MHM (1959), "Buchanan FAmily
Reminiscences" MHM(1940); 1798 Tax List; c. of Papenfuse, "In Pursuit of Profit" JHUP
(1975); map of Settlement Period.
Background on early Baltimore, 1752-1783 |
1981 |
17 |
13 |
Description |
Copy of "Chesapeake Bay in the American Revolution", edited by Ernest McNeill Eller,
Tidewater (1981)
Background on early Baltimore, 1783-1816, 1 of 2 |
1948-1982 |
17 |
14 |
Description |
Copies of Douglas Stickle, Death and Class in Baltimore: The Yellow Fever Epidemic
of 1800, MHMag (1979); Paul Gilje, The Baltimore Riots of 1812 and the Breakdown of
the Anglo-American Mob Traditions, J. of Soc. Hist. (1980); G. Terry Sharrer, The
Merchant-Millers: Baltimore's Flour Milling Industry, 1783-1860, Agric. Hist. (1982);
Lois Green Carr, The Metropolis of Maryland: A Comment on Town Development Along the
Tobacco Coast, MHMag (1974); Howard E. Wooden, The Rectory of St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore,
MHMag (1962); Charles Peterson, Why Bricks were Imported, MHMag (1950); John S. Ezell,
The Church Took a Chance, MHMag (1948); Mary Jane Dowd, The State in the Maryland
Economy, 1776-1807, MHMag (1962 in 2 parts);
Background on early Baltimore, 1783-1816, 2 of 2 |
1817-1977 |
17 |
15 |
Description |
Copies of John W. McGrain, Englehart Cruse and Baltimore's First Steam Mill,MHMag
(1976); Basil Crapster, ed., In the Finest Cuntrey: A Baltimore Cooper at the End
of the Revolution, MHMag (1977); Batlimore County Old & New Election Districts in
American; Morton Rothstein, Antebellum Wheat and Cotton Exports, Agric Hist (1966);
John H. Naff, Recollections of Baltimore, MHMag ; Philip A. Crowl, Maryland during
and after the Revolution, JHU Studies in Hist. & Pol. Sci (1943); 3 other handwritten
refs.; articles from the American (1816-1817) on the poor, weather, streets, crime
& police patrols, uptown vs. downtown, population growth, pigs, mayors, schools, slave
trade, city extension & separatism.
Background on early Baltimore, 1783-1860 |
1801-2002 |
17 |
16 |
Description |
Materials for lectures; stastistics and information about the growth of Baltimore,
slavery; excerpts from "Baltimore in the Nation, 1789-1861" by Gary Lawson Browne,
Background on early Baltimore, 1816-1853 |
1797-1981 |
17 |
17 |
Description |
Pages from R.J. Matchett's Baltimore Directory for 1824 (Names of Heads of Families
& Persons in Business); pages from Eliza Steele, A Summer Journey in the West, (1840-41);
pages from Parkinson, A Tour in America, (1797), reference Capt. O'Donnell and Canton;
Thomas Bender, Law, Economy and Social Values in Jacksonian America: A Maryland Case
Study, MHMag (1976); Paul Norton, The Architect of Calverton, MHMag (1981); Joseph
Cox, The Origins of the Maryland Historical Society: A Case Study in Cultural Philanthropy,
MHMag (1979); Bank Riot, 1835 [ltr from Wm.Bartlett] in MHMag (1914); 4 articles and
JLA notes.
Background on early Baltimore, 1828-1860 |
1938-1978 |
17 |
18 |
Description |
Copies of MdHist Mag articles: Gettleman, "The Maryland Penitentiary in the Age
of Tocqueville, 1828-1842"; Gunderson, "The Great Baltimore Whig Convention of 1840"
(1952); Wolf, "An Abolition Martyrdom in Maryland" (1952); Hill and Gara, "Henri Herz:
Description of Baltimore" (1957); Patterson, "Brantz Mayer, Mann of Letters" (1957);
Weston, "Art and Artists in Baltimore" (1938) clipped together with Pole, "Constitutional
Reform and Election Statistics in Maryland, 1790-1812" (1960); Culver,"Lineage of
Edgar Allan Poe..." (1942); Smith, "Diary of Reuben Dorsey of Howard County" (1945).
JLA notes and copied pages from Tina Hirsch Sheller, "The Origins of Public Education
and the Evolution of an Urban Society: Baltimore City, 1790-1830" MA Thesis, 1975);
Ellen Holmes Pearson, "Imperfect Equality: The Legal Status of Free Persons of Color
in New Orleans, 1803-1860"
Background on early Baltimore, 1853-1867, 1 of 2 |
1851-1998 |
17 |
19 |
Description |
Banded together: David K. Sullivan, William Lloyd Garrison in Baltimore, 1829-1830,
MHMag (1973); 25 American articles, references and JLA notes on laws, real estate,
important men, washing machine; Ray Della, Jr., An Analysis of Baltimore's Population
in the 1850's, MHMag (1973); pages from William Robert Sutton, "To grind the faces
of the poor": Journeymen for Jesus in Jacksonian Baltimore, UMI Diss, 1993; pages
from Marilyn C. Baseler, "Asylum for Mankind": America, 1607-1800, Cornell, 1998,
24 articles, references, and notes on alleys, market receipts, manufacturing, populations,
B&O RR Mus. Ann. Rpt. 1997; pages from Mary P. Ryan, Civic Wars: Democracy and Public
Live in the American City during the Nineteenth Century, UCal, 1997.
Background on early Baltimore, 1853-1867, 2 of 2 |
1860-1997 |
17 |
20 |
Description |
Student paper, Baltimore During the Civil War as Seen Through the Eyes of the Baltimore
Sun, September through November, 1862 (1997); Harold M. Parker, Jr., Much Wealth and
Intelligence: The Presbytery of Patapsco, MHMag (nd); Richard R. Duncan, The Impact
of the Civil War on Education in Maryland, MHMag (1966); Donald Walter Curl, The Baltimore
Convention of the constitutional Union Party, MHMag (1972); Richard Fuke, The Baltimore
Association for the Moral and Educational Improvement of the Colored People, 1864-1870,
MHMag (1971);pages from Kevin Conley Ruffner, Maryland's Blue & Gray: A Border State's
Union and Confederate Junior Officer Corps, LSU (1997); pages from Franklin Parke,
George Peabody: A Biography, Vanderbilt (1995); two American articles (1860 &1864);
Ed Parkison, Sidelights, Glenn's "Hilton", MHMag (1970); Governor Bradford's Private
List of Union Men in 1861, MHMag (1912); Bruns & Fraley, "Old GunnY": Abolitionist
in a Slave City, MHMag (1973); JLA notecards on the Germans.
Background on early Baltimore, 1865-1893 |
1875-1990 |
17 |
21 |
Description |
Clippings and references; 1875 paper by Henry Stockbridge, "Baltimore in 1846";
1990 review essay "Technology and the City"; chapter by Joel A. Tarr, "Infrastructure
and City-Building in the 19th and 20th Centuries"; excerpt from Karen Halttunen's
"Confidence Men and Painted Women: A Study of Middle-Class Culture in America, 1830-1870";
excerpt from 1879 book "The Great South" by Edward King
Background on early Baltimore, 1901-1918 |
1901-1918 |
17 |
22 |
Description |
54 articles written between 1901 - 1909 reflecting on past. Subjects include old
inns, razing of landmarks, old mansions, French Andre's hoard, The Ancient & Honorable
Mechanical Company (1768), Old Defender, Maryland Original Research Society, obituaries,
wealthy Baltimoreans ante-bellum, old roads, markets,
Joppa vs. Baltimore Town petitions, 1768 |
1768 |
17 |
23 |
Description |
Reprint of 1768 petition to remove Baltimore County seat from Joppa Town to Baltemore
Journal of David Woodward, 1876-1881 |
1876-1991 |
17 |
24 |
Description |
Copy of Baltimorean David Woodward's journal
Sun clippings, 1861 |
1861 |
18 |
1 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1862 |
1862 |
18 |
2 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1863 |
1863 |
18 |
3 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1864 |
1864 |
18 |
4 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1865 |
1865 |
18 |
5 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1880 |
1880 |
18 |
6 |
Description |
Handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1881 |
1881 |
18 |
7 |
Description |
Handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1884 |
1884 |
18 |
8 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1885 |
1885 |
18 |
9 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1886 |
1886 |
18 |
10 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1887 |
1887 |
18 |
11 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1888 |
1888 |
18 |
12 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1889 |
1889 |
18 |
13 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1890 |
1890 |
18 |
14 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1891 |
1891 |
18 |
15 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1892 |
1892 |
18 |
16 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1896 |
1896 |
18 |
17 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1897 |
1897 |
18 |
18 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1898 |
1898 |
18 |
19 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Sun clippings, 1899 |
1899 |
18 |
20 |
Description |
Copies of articles and handwritten notes on Sun articles
Notes on American clippings, 1893-1897 |
1996 |
18 |
21 |
Description |
32 pages of JLA notes clipped together from 1893 American on prosperity, churches,
sanitation & health, business, transit, politics; 62 pages of JLA notes clipped together
from 1894-1895 American on church reaction to society, labor and unions, women's education,
sports, Phoenix Club, toll booths, suburbs, Oscar Wilde, butchers, home construction,
WCTU; 45 pages of JLA notes clipped together from 1896-1897 American on women churches,
streets, prize-fighting, Orioles, public health, cycling
American clippings, 1865-1868 |
1865-1871 |
18 |
22 |
Description |
141 pages of articles in the American on the National Labor Congress meeting, Public
School Board, hawking & peddling, colored schools, corruption in city government,
Md Agric & Mech Assn., the great flood of the Patapsco Valley (1868) and relief efforts,
baseball, emancipation celebration, 15th amendment celebration, politics, Jones Falls,
American clippings, 1885-1893 |
1885-1893 |
18 |
23 |
Description |
134 pages of articles and JLA notes from the American (a few from the Sun) on race,
Isaac Myers, Mayor's messages, agricultural market, YMCA, "Lily Whites", relief associations,
Jews, insane, education, port news, Gibbons' prayer,
American clippings, 1893 |
1893 |
18 |
24 |
Description |
98 pages of JLA notes on articles in the1893 American (JLA note: These articles
have been selected our and are not to be used in MSS, 3/31/96); manila folder containing
13 pages of JLA-selected articles to be copied & used, 16 more pages of article references
American clippings, 1894 |
1894 |
18 |
25 |
Description |
51 articles from the American on churches, Wilson tariff bill, roads, grange, city
life, horse cars, taxes, St. Leo's, Catonsville Club Casino, electricity, public bathes,
synagogues, music
American clippings, 1895 |
1895 |
18 |
26 |
Description |
45 articles from the American on business depression, retail up, plight of poor,
Queensberry/Wilde, taxes, real estate, fire house, East Balt. Businessmen's Assoc.,
strikes (cratemakers), water, bicycles, politics, women, B&O
American clippings, 1896 |
1896 |
18 |
27 |
Description |
10 pages of JLA notes on references in the 1896 American
American clippings, 1897 |
1897 |
18 |
28 |
Description |
23 pages of JLA notes on references in the 1897 American
American clippings, 1898 |
1898 |
18 |
29 |
Description |
56 articles from the American and JLA notes on theaters, health, music, schools,
JHU State funding, retail, Balt. County, dogs, loans, Charcoal Club, transportation
American clippings, 1899 |
1899 |
18 |
30 |
Description |
41 articles from the American on mules, crime, ignorance, poor, mayor's race, school
standards, lynchings, churches, sewer/water, deer fence, racial assaults, baseball,
Paderweski, women's rights, growth of the American
American clippings, 1900 |
1900 |
18 |
31 |
Description |
13 articles from the American on crime, music & theatre, truck farms, Druid Hill
Park sheep, fashion
American clippings, 1901 |
1901 |
18 |
32 |
Description |
48 articles from the American on new century, miscegenation, Laurel, bible in schools,
kindergartens, school problems, sewer bill, liquor question, elections, B&O, Marsh
Market, Germans, cows, Bowly's Wharf, census, Posner's sold,
American clippings, 1902 |
1902-1903 |
18 |
33 |
Description |
21 articles from the American on Gutman & Co., Kreisler, incorporation of Catonsville,
churches, cose, Jim Crow, department stores, butchers, lynching, German singers, baseball,
wooden pavement,
American clippings, 1903 |
1903-1904 |
18 |
34 |
Description |
50 articles and JLA notes from the American on playgrounds, health & fitness, real
estate, schools, Adela Patti, sewage, parks, narcotics, Baltimore Fire & rebuilding,
McLane suicide, Jim Crow, proposed American building
American clippings, 1905-1907 |
1885-1907 |
18 |
35 |
Description |
92 articles from the American on I.F. Rasin, autos vs. horses, Mayors Timanus &
Malster, whipping post, tenements, race, religion, R.C. Davidson, cities, Russian
massacre, Poe Amendment, H. Watty, Chinese, public health, theater, art, railroads,
immigrants, city beautiful, W.P.Tonry, H.R. Vonderhorst, the Rochambeau
John Brown Raid |
1859 |
18 |
36 |
Description |
20 articles from the Sun about John Brown Raid at Harper's Ferry and politics in
Civil War & Reconstruction, 1 of 5 |
1992 |
18 |
37 |
Description |
Two copies of outline for class on Civil War & Reconstruction, 1861-1870; 3 pages
of notes; student paper on "A Look at Four Months of Life in Baltimore"; JLA paper
on "Poverty and Charity in Urban America During the Nineteenth Century: Balatimore,
Maryland As a Case Study" (JLA note - Draft copy - not for publication), 23 pp; manila
folder containing 18 pages of JLA notes & refs including c. of parts of Snay, "Gospel
of disunion..." Cambridge; student paper "Military Occupation and Repression in Baltimore,
May to July, 1861"; student paper, "Baltimore and the Civil War; c. of pages from,
Neely, "The Fate of Liberty..." Oxford (1991); newspaper article on Gettysburg
Civil War & Reconstruction, 2 of 5 |
1958-1996 |
18 |
38 |
Description |
Robert F. Bailey, "The Pratt Street Riots: Addressing the Importance of the First
Bloody Encounter of the Civil War through the Nations' Newspapers", in UMBC Review;
pages from Slaves No More by Berlin, Cambridge (1992); c. of "Recruitment of
Union Troops in Maryland, 1861-1865" by Clark in MdHMag (1958); pages from The Salmon
P. Chase Papers, Vol.3, Kent State UPress (1996); JLA notes on Henry Winter Davis
papers at Hagley Foundation Library, 1995).
Civil War & Reconstruction, 3 of 5 |
1861-1998 |
18 |
39 |
Description |
19 articles and references including pages from John Pendleton Kennedy by Bohner,
JHU; pages from Pretense of Glory by Hollandsworth, Jr., LSU (1998); pages from Loudon
Park by Thomsen (1979); Ellenberger, "Whigs in the Streets? Baltimore Republicanism
in the Spring of 1861", MdHMag (1991); Browne, "Baltimore in the Civil War" (exhibit);
pages from catalogue and history from Walters Art Gallery
Civil War & Reconstruction, 4 of 5 |
2002 |
18 |
40 |
Description |
Manila folder labeled Baltimore & Civil War containing 5 overheads of outlines
for course, 14 pages of JLA notes for class, student paper on "Bridge Burner: The
Time and Circumstance Surrounding John Merryman" (2002); Chapt 2 - Baltimore's Reconstruction,
1865-1867 dated 10/18/94 moved to box
Civil War & Reconstruction, 5 of 5 |
1864-1990 |
18 |
41 |
Description |
11 articles, refs, JLA notes including Percy Martin, "Baltimorean in Big Trouble…",
in Baltimore County History Trails (1990); copied pages from Phillip Paludan, "A People's
Contest", The Union and the Civil War…Harper & Row in New America Series
Baltimore & the Confederacy, 1 of 3 |
1865-1900 |
18 |
42 |
Description |
86 articles and references including obituaries of Confederates; incidents between
civil war adherents to both sides; impeachment acquittal; Southern Relief charity;
reception for ex-President Johnson; resignation of Annie Surratt as teacher; burial
of J.W. Booth; U.of MD a southern institution; memorial services for both sides; Jefferson
Davis; death of Lee; biased school books; Confederate home; return of 6th Mass. infantry;
civil war memories;
Baltimore & the Confederacy, 2 of 3 |
1901-1989 |
18 |
43 |
Description |
85 articles and refs including obituaries of Confederates; continuing influence
of Confederacy and South on education, professional graduates, Memorial Day Parades
Baltimore & the Confederacy, 3 of 3 |
1881-1918 |
18 |
44 |
Description |
23 articles and notes including obituaries of Confederates, influence of Confederacy
on Catholics; debate about celebrating Lincoln's birthday
Old Defenders (War of 1812) |
1865-1900 |
19 |
1 |
Description |
38 articles & notes on celebrations of the Battle of North Point, obits of old
defenders, Association of Old Defenders, Association disbanded,
Weather & Seasons, 1 of 3 |
1865-1882 |
19 |
2 |
Description |
123 articles on: flood (1868) - damage and response; seasonal nature of markets;
crabs; Christmas and Easter; weather effect on prices; effect of thawing on shipping;
ice consumption; Spring vegetables and fruits; fatal effects of heat; beautiful scenes/sunsets;
Weather & Seasons, 2 of 3 |
1866-1900 |
19 |
3 |
Description |
72 articles
Weather & Seasons, 3 of 3 |
1901-1913 |
19 |
4 |
Description |
46 articles