Ares Guide for Faculty

Ready to get started?
Log In to Ares

Using the System

Register and Log In

  1. The first time you use the system, you will have to provide some information about yourself and your department. You should automatically be directed to the myUMBC login page.
  2. The next screen will allow you to create an account. Fill in the appropriate fields with your name and contact information to register with Ares.
  3. Once you have filled in your information, click the Register button.
    1. Show courses - Shows you a list of courses you have already added.
    2. Add a course - Allows you to add a new course. This is the first step you need to complete to add your reserve requests.
    3. Change profile - Allows you to change your name, department, campus phone number, fax phone number, and/or building/office information.
    4. Log out - Allows you to log out when you are finished.

Add Items to the Course

  1. Items can be added to a course from the Show Courses page.
  2. Select Show or Add Reserve Items, and then select Add Reserve Items. Choose the item type to display the appropriate input screen.
  3. The entries at the top of the input screen are those included in a standard bibliographic entry. Complete all required fields so staff can process copyright for your items.
  4. The 'Additional info' field is an optional comment box. It has two purposes. One, you may enter any information you want to communicate to the Course Reserve staff (e.g., 'I have the book and will bring it to the library.'). Two, you may enter any information you want to communicate to your students (e.g., 'Material will be covered during week 6.').
  5. When finished filling out the form, click the Add this Item Button.
  6. The Reserve Ticket will now be displayed. Print this ticket only if you are bringing a personal copy of a book or a paper copy of an Electronic Reserve Item.

Deleting an Item

The option to delete an item is available from the reserves list for a course. You can only delete an item while it has the status of New. Once staff have begun processing the item, you will need to contact staff to change or delete it (the option to Edit/delete will not appear).

Copy Course

Once items are entered into Ares, they do not have to be re-entered when you use them again. From the Show courses screen, you may select Copy course.

This gives you two options:

  1. Copy items from the selected course to another existing course.
  2. Copy items from the selected course to a new course.

A. Copy Items to an Existing Course

  1. To copy items from the selected course to another existing course, select which existing course you wish to copy to from the list presented on the right-hand side of the upper screen. (This is the field with the orange background).
  2. Select the items you wish to copy.
  3. When all items have been selected, click on the Copy Selected Reserves button at the bottom of the screen.

B. Copy Items to a New Course

  1. To copy items from the selected course to a new course, build the new course by filling in the descriptive information about the new course on the left-hand side of the upper screen. (This is the field with the red background).
  2. Select the items you wish to copy.
  3. When all items have been selected, click on the Copy Selected Reserves button at the bottom of the screen.

General Information About Copy Course

Guidelines for Submitting

Hard Copy Reserves Guidelines

Course reserve material should be submitted at least two weeks before students will need it for class. If the library does not own an item, additional time must be allowed for ordering and processing.

Things you can do to help our staff process reserves faster:

Library staff are willing do these things if you are not able, but they do involve extra steps that will increase processing time.

For your questions about Hard Copy course reserves, please contact:

Media Reserves Guidelines

The media stacks are located on the second floor of the library; any item from this collection can be put on reserve. Personal copies of media may be placed on reserve if the library cannot purchase a circulating copy for the collection. All course reserves are housed at the Check Out desk. The loan period for media reserves is limited to three or seven hours. Media reserves should be submitted in Ares as soon as possible to ensure availability on the first day of classes.

Professors who would like the library to purchase Media items for course reserve should complete a Ares request with the title, director, etc. at least one month prior to the date it is needed.

Media titles from other campuses or UMBC Special Collections cannot be put on reserve.

For questions about media course reserves, please contact Nicole Smith at 410-455-5967 or

E-Reserves Access

How Do I Access E-Reserve Readings?

  1. Go to:
  2. Under the Using the Library tab, select Course Reserves.
  3. From the Course Reserves web page, use the drop-down menu to select your department, and then select the Show Reserves button.
  4. Within the Departmental Pages, the Reserves are arranged by course number, followed by the course name, semester, section (if available), and the instructor.
  5. To obtain the list of items on reserve for your course, click on the course number/name.
  6. Choose the link for the reading that you wish to view.
  7. Copyrighted articles will require a Username and Password for access. This information is supplied to you by your instructor.
  8. If you are still unable to access your readings, please contact Kathleen Hubbard at or 410-455-6871.

Copyright Guidelines

Copyright Guidelines for Electronic Reserves

Library Guideline 261

The purpose of the Electronic Reserves service is to provide access to materials selected by faculty that are required or recommended for their students' course of study.

In order for the Library to provide this service under compliance with Copyright law and the limitations of exclusive rights outlined by Fair Use (17 U.S.C. +107), reserve items submitted by faculty should meet the following guidelines:

  1. The amount of material should be reasonable in relation to the total amount of material assigned for one term of a course taking into account the nature of the course, its subject matter, and level. (See: 17 U.S.C +107 Section 3) Generally this is interpreted as no more than 10% of a work or one article, one or two chapters of a book, or a complete poem.
  2. The effect of using the material should not be detrimental to the market for the work. (In general, the Library should own at least one copy of the work.) (See: 17 U.S.C +107 Section 4) Faculty should be aware that conditions of spontaneity are exhausted after the first use of material for a particular course, and subsequent use may require payment of Copyright fees.
  3. A full bibliographic citation must be provided for all copyrighted material requested for Electronic Reserve.

In addition, the Library, will take the following measures to assure Fair Use of a copyrighted work:

  1. Access to copyrighted materials on Electronic Reserve will be password protected. Library staff will provide the professor with a password for each course for which there is copyrighted material online. The professor is responsible for telling students the appropriate password and informing them of the importance of the copyright protection.
  2. All material on Electronic Reserve that falls under copyright restrictions will have a notice of copyright and a full bibliographic citation on the front page.
  3. Material in Electronic Reserves can be found through Course Name and Number and Professor Name only. There will be no indexing on authors or titles available.
  4. When necessary, the library will request and pay for permissions up to $100, any costs over $100 will require administrative review and may be denied.
  5. If a faculty member informs the library that they own the copyright, or have obtained written permission from the copyright holder (which is not always the author/creator) to use selected material, the library will not seek further permissions for the use of specified material for that instructor's course.

The ACRL Statement on fair use and electronic reserves (November 2003) governs the Library's e-reserve practices. They illustrate how libraries can apply the four factors for determining fair use:

First factor: The character of the use.

Second factor: The nature of the work to be used.

Third factor: The amount used.

Fourth factor: The effect of the use on the market for or value of the work.

Approved by Larry Wilt and reviewed by University Counsel on 5/25/04