
Title: President's Office records
Call Number: Coll050
Creator: University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Office of the President.
Dates: 1951-2009
Size: 102 boxes (74.5 linear feet)
Language: English
Abstract: Contains records from the President's Office, previously referred to as the Chancellor's Office. Records contain documents relating to all aspects of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County campus including the development of academic programs, growth of the faculty and staff, events and issues affecting the student body, and the relationship between other University System of Maryland colleges and the Board of Regents with UMBC's chancellor or president. Other notable topics covered by the records include UMBC Administration, UMBC Campus Construction, UMBC History, the 50th Anniversary of UMBC (2016), Middle States Review, Middle States Self Study, and the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). This collection covers the offices of Chancellor Albin O. Kuhn (1966-1971), Chancellor Calvin Lee (1971-1976), Interim Chancellor Louis Kaplan (1976-1978), Chancellor John Dorsey (1978-1986), Chancellor, then President, Michael Hooker (1986-1992), and President Freeman A. Harbowski, III (1992-present).
Citation: President's Office records, University Archives, Collection 50, Special Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Baltimore, MD).

Administrative/Biographical Note

1955 The Pullen Commission recommends expanding public higher education in Maryland.
1963 Board of Regents approves location of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) in Catonsville, Maryland.
1965 Albin O. Kuhn to head both the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB or UMAB) and UMBC campus.
1966 September 19, 1966 is the first day of classes at UMBC.
1967 Albin O. Kuhn appointed first Chancellor of UMBC.
1971 Albin O. Kuhn resigns from UMBC but retains his leadership role at UMB. Calvin Lee to serve as UMBC's 2nd Chancellor.
1976 Calvin Lee resigns after a vote of no confidence by the faculty. Louis Kaplan, former Chariman of the Board of Regents, is appointed Interim Chancellor.
1977 John Dorsey is appointed UMBC's 3rd Chancellor. Dorsey had previously served at the University of Maryland College Park as the head of the Economics Department, as Vice Chancellor for Administration, and as Acting Chancellor.
1986 Michael Hooker becomes UMBC's 4th Chancellor.
1988 The University System of Maryland (USM) is formed. The reorganization results in a USM Chancellor and a President for each campus.
1992 Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, is named as UMBC's 5th President. Hrabowski had previously served as Executive Vice President and Vice Provost under Michael Hooker.

Scope & Content


The President's Office records have been divided into five series, representing each of the full-time terms:

Series I. Albin O. Kuhn

    Series II. Calvin Lee

    1. Chancellor's Office
    2. Academic Affairs
    3. Administrative Affairs
    4. Human Resources
    5. University Resources
    6. Data Processing
    7. Middle States

    Series III. John Dorsey

    1. Chancellor's Office
    2. Academic Affairs
    3. Administrative Affairs
    4. Graduate Studies and Research
    5. Student Affairs
    6. Human Relations

    Series IV. Michael Hooker

    1. President's Office
    2. Academic Affairs
    3. Administrative Affairs
    4. Graduate Studies and Research
    5. Institutional Advancement
    6. Student Affairs

    Series V. Freeman A. Hrabowski, III (unprocessed)


      This collection covers the offices of Chancellor Albin O. Kuhn (1966-1971), Chancellor Calvin Lee (1971-1976), Interim Chancellor Louis Kaplan (1976-1978), Chancellor John Dorsey (1978-1986), Chancellor, then President, Michael Hooker (1986-1992), and President Freeman A. Harbowski, III (1992-present). Originally called the Chancellor's Office, the title was changed to President after the University System of Maryland reorganization in 1988 and the latter name has been used as the title of this collection.

      The President's Office interacts with all aspects of the campus to some extent, and the arrangement of this collection is meant to represent this interaction at the highest level. Each Series contains the records of a single Chancellor or President and each sub-series contains records relating to the main offices on campus, for example Academic Affairs, Administrative Affairs, and Human Resources. Main topics of interest include the development of the academic programs, recruitment and retention of faculty, the campus budget and finances, interaction with the State of Maryland, the Board of Regents and the Maryland Council for Higher Education, interaction with other colleges and universities within Maryland, the United States, and internationally, preparation for the Middle States accreditation review, and planning for the physical growth of the campus. Please note that these records only include those retained or generated by the President's Office; if available, departmental record collections may contain more extensive and/or specific information.

      Series I, Albin O. Kuhn, is not divided into sub-series due to the smaller amount of records available and to mimic the structure of the previously processed Albin O. Kuhn papers. The records of Interim Chancellor Louis Kaplan have been retained with Series III, the office of John Dorsey, to minimize the separation of files that were housed and maintained together prior to their transfer to the University Archives. Series V, Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, is not yet processed due to the limited amount of material but the accessions are available to researchers; please contact Special Collections for additional information.

      Provenance Information

      Provenance and Acquisition Information

      UARC 1990-03, UARC 1992-04, UARC 1993-03, UARC 1995-06, UARC 2008-38, UARC 2010-002, UARC 2010-017, UARC 2010-018, UARC 2010-025, UARC 2011-003, UARC 2013-005; All materials in this collection were donated by the Office of the Chancellor or President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Records were stored and maintained by the University Archives and access was granted to researchers prior to processing.

      The previously processed Albin O. Kuhn papers were kept separate from this collection to reflect the differences in the source of the materials. The Kuhn papers were donated by Kuhn directly and contain files detailing his time at the University of Maryland campuses at College Park, Baltimore County, and Baltimore. The files in the President's office records were donated from the President's office and relate only to time served while in that office.

      Donations are currently being accepted from the President's office for the term of Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski but will remain unprocessed until there is sufficient material to process. The unprocessed accessions are open to researchers and have been included under Series V in the container list.

      Related Collections

      Albin O. Kuhn papers, University Archives, Collection 44, Special Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Baltimore, MD).

      Processing Note

      The President's Office records were processed in 2009-2010 by Project Archivist Jeff Karr as part of a campus-wide initiative to prepare for the 50th anniversary of UMBC in 2016. Designated funding was allocated by Provost Elliot Hirshman. Assistance was provided by Special Collections Archivist Lindsey Loeper, graduate assistant Homira Pashai, and student assistants Michelle Kessler, Nicole Smith, Amelia Jennings, and Sarah Hovde. This is the first collection of department records from the University Archives to be processed at UMBC.

      Several processing decisions deserve explicit explanation. Due to the anticipated high level of use for all of the University Archives collections leading up to the 50th anniversary and the temporary status of the Project Archivist position, folder level arrangement was set as the standard. This means that the title and order of the contents of a folder were retained. Folder level processing allowed the Project Archivist to process more material than if processing had been done at the more detailed item level arrangement. Folders were examined for items that were sensitive, confidential, or outside of the University Archives collecting policy (last updated September 2008) and these items were removed. Publications relating to UMBC or the larger University System of Maryland were also removed and transferred to the University Publications collection. All items removed are noted in the original folder with a document removal form. Oversized or physically compromised materials were transferred to appropriate storage and preservation photocopies were created for newspaper clippings. Staples were not removed unless rusting or damage was observed. Sort phrases were added to the front of some folder titles to expedite arrangement.

      Users will note that the date ranges within a series do not match the exact dates of service by the President or Chancellor. It was apparent that some files created by one President were retained and actively used by the succeeding President; in these cases the files were kept with the later President. If a collection of folders on one topic spanned multiple President's terms, the entire grouping was kept with the later President. Additionally, due to the short length of Louis Kaplan's interim term and the lack of a clear distinction between offices, Kaplan files have been retained with the John Dorsey files in Series III.

      Descriptive Rules Used

      Describing Archives: a Content Standard (DACS)

      Archives Processing Manual: Description (2015): The processing manual used in Special Collections for all descriptive platforms, including PastPerfect.

      Access & Use

      Finding Aids

      Finding aid available.

      Finding Aid: http://library.umbc.edu/speccoll/findingaids/coll050.php

      Access Conditions

      No restrictions.

      Conditions Governing Reproductions and Use

      Reproductions allowed for research purposes. UMBC is the copyright owner; permission to reproduce is required.

      Subject Headings


      University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Office of the President.

      Kuhn, Albin Owings, 1916-

      Lee, Calvin B.T.

      Dorsey, John W., 1936-

      Hooker, Michael

      Hrabowski, Freeman A.

      Kaplan, Louis L. (Louis Lionel), 1902-2001


      University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Office of the President -- Archives

      University of Maryland, Baltimore County -- Administration

      University of Maryland, Baltimore County -- Planning

      University of Maryland, Baltimore County -- History

      Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

      Baltimore County (Md.)

      University System of Maryland

      University System of Maryland. Board of Regents

      Series Description & Container List

      1. Series I. Albin O. Kuhn

        Date: 1951-1973; bulk 1966-1971

        Extent: 10 boxes (5 linear feet)

        Description: Albin O. Kuhn served as the first Chancellor of UMBC and was heavily involved in the initial planning, development, and construction of the campus. The records included here were transferred from the President's Office and primarily reflect Kuhn's work as Chancellor from 1966-1971. Kuhn donated his personal papers to UMBC in 1982; these papers were processed as the Albin O. Kuhn papers and contain documents from Kuhn's employment at the University of Maryland College Park, UMBC, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. This series is arranged similarly to the Albin O. Kuhn papers: folders are arranged alphabetically by main office or subject and then chronologically. Original titles are retained with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

        1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
          ADM: V.C. For Academic Affairs: Instructions for Registration 1969 1 1
          ADM: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs: Schamp, Dr. Homer W., Jr. 1966-1971 1 2
          ADM: V.C. For Academic Affairs: Schamp, Dr. Homer W., Jr.: Status of Faculty, Aug. 1971 1971 1 3
          Admissions & Registrations: Admission Requirements: SJR #15 and HJR #27: Academic Affairs 1969 1 4
          Admissions & Registrations: Cable Address 1966 1 5
          Admissions & Registrations: College Code Number (5835) 1967 1 6
          Admissions & Registrations: Dean's List 1967, 1968 1 7
          Admissions & Registrations: Equal Opportunity Statement 1969 1 8
          Admissions & Registrations: Legislative Grants, Fall 1968 1969 1 9
          Admissions & Registrations: Predictive Index 1966, 1969 1 10
          Admissions & Registrations: Registration, Split 1965 1 11
          Admissions & Registrations: 4-1-4 Schedule 1969, 1970 1 12
          Admissions & Registrations: Standards and Policies, 1969 (Undergraduate Admission) 1968 1 13
          Apartments: Purchase or Rental 1970 1 14
          Appalachian Region 1960 1 15
          UMBC Assembly: Spec. Comm. On Political Involvement 1970 1 16
          UMBC Assembly: Spec. Comm. Student Activities Fee 1970 1 17
          UMBC Assembly: Committee: Committee to investigate the University's Stock Portfolio 1970 1 18
          UMBC Assembly: Committee: Status of Women at UMBC (Ad Hoc Committee) 1970 1 19
          Budget: Asking: General Fund Allotment 1970 1 20
          Budget: Bond Fund Money Procedure for Purchases 1 21
          Budget: Fisher, Mr. Harry D. 1970, 1971 1 22
          Budget: Non-State Budgeted Funds 1970-1972 1 23
          Budget: Special Fund Reserve 1969 1 24
          Budget: Working: Appropriations Settlement 1970 1 25
          Budget: Working: Budgeted Positions Not Occupied 1971 1 26
          Budget: Working: Dormitories 1971 1 27
          Budget: Working: Sponsored Research 1965 1 28
          Business Office: Classified EMP. Code of Ethics: Governor's Office 1969 1 29
          Business Office: Payroll: Fair Labor Standards Act 1968 1 30
          Business Office: Personnel: Personal Leave Credits 1971 1 31
          Business Office: Personnel: Wage and Overtime Exemption Exec., Adm., & Prof. Employees 1970 1 32
          Business Office: Purchasing: Move of Equipment and Offices 1970 1 33
          Business Office: Teacher Remission of Fixed Fees Obligations Not Fulfilled 1970 1 34
          Business Office: Vocational Rehabilitation 1971 1 35
          Capital Improvements: Suggestions for Non-Academic Improvements and Use Changes 1971 1 36
          Classified Employees: Supper, Buffet, August 29, 1967 1967 1 37
          Council: Fair Housing Council, Catonsville 1969 1 38
          Degree Programs: Pre-Dental Students 1969 1 39
          Dining Halls: Bids for Feeding 1970 1 40
          Education, Division of: Anne Arundel County Project Phase I 1969, 1970 1 41
          Education, Division of: Anne Arundel County Project Phase II 1970 1 42
          Education, Division of: AV Equipment 1969 1 43
          Education, Division of: Baltimore City - UMBC Staff Development Centers 1969-1971 1 44
          Education, Division of: Citizens Committee for Ed. in Baltimore County 1969 1 45
          Education, Division of: Community College Faculty 1970 1 46
          Education: Faculty Requests for1972-1973 1969-1971 1 47
          Education, Division of: Maryland School for the Deaf 1970 1 48
          Education, Division of: Pharmacy Program, Undergraduate 1970 1 49
          Education: Preperation of Elementary: Secondary Teachers (Proposal) 1969-1970 1 50
          Education: Professional Prison Educators 1970 1 51
          Education, Division of: Projected Program Development 1970 1 52
          Education, Division of: Proposed Program 1970 2 1
          Education: Revolving Fund 1970 2 2
          Education, Division of: Space Requests circa 1969 2 3
          Education: Staffing 1970 2 4
          Education, Division of: Stein, Mrs. Sherrie 1969 2 5
          Education, Division of: Student Advisory Council 1969 2 6
          Education, Division of: Students 1970, 1971 2 7
          Education: Student Teachers Fall-Spring 1970-1971 2 8
          Education: Summer School 1970 2 9
          Education, Division of: Supervising Teachers 1970 2 10
          Education, Division of: Teacher Education Advisory Council 1971 2 11
          Faculty: Loans for Faculty Members 1968 2 12
          Faculty: Physical Education: Moore, Mr. Herbert 1969 2 13
          Faculty: Physical Eduation: Wolfe, Mr. Lynndall John, Assistant 1971 2 14
          Faculty: Promotions 1969, 1970 2 15
          Faculty: Summer Research Grants 1969-1971, 1981 2 16
          Faculty: Supper and Scholarship Society 1970, 1971 2 17
          Faculty and Staff: Anti-Nepolism Policies 1970-1972 2 18
          Faculty and Staff: Archaeology Club Application for Permit 1971 2 19
          Faculty and Staff: Black Caucus 1969-1971 2 20
          Faculty and Staff: Bowling League 1968-1970 2 21
          Faculty and Staff: Bridge Club circa 1970 2 22
          Faculty and Staff: Christmas Dinner, December 11, 1969 1969 2 23
          Faculty and Staff: Concerts 1970-1971 2 24
          Faculty and Staff: Cultural Council 1969 2 25
          Faculty and Staff: Cultural Events 1969, 1970 2 26
          Faculty and Staff: Evening Women's Group 1970 2 27
          Faculty and Staff: Listing 1966-1967 2 28
          Faculty and Staff: Reception-Dance, October 11, 1968 1968 2 29
          Faculty and Staff: Tea, Chancellor's Home, October 16, 1968 1968 2 30
          Faculty-Staff-Students: Christmas Ballet for Children 1969 2 31
          Fees: Auxiliary Facility 1967-1968 2 32
          Fees: Graduated Fixed Fee Plan 1969 2 33
          Fees: Laboratory 1967 2 34
          General Assembly: Legislation: H.B.171: Acquisition of Land for UMBC 1964 2 35
          General Assembly: Legislation: H.B.339: Natural Resources 1963-1969 2 36
          General Assembly: Legislation: H.B.473: State Scholarships, Termination 1969 2 37
          General Assembly: Legislation: H.B.720: State Fellowship Program 1963 2 38
          General Assembly: Legislation: H.B.890: Spec. Policemen-State Agencies 1968 2 39
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.34: Vehicles, Efficient Use of 1964 2 40
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.84: State Board of Higher Education 2 41
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.324: State Scholarship Board 1969 2 42
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.325: Higher Ed. Loan Program 1969 2 43
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.326: Senatorial Scholarship Program 1969 2 44
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.327: Loans to Students 1969 2 45
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.328: Loan Program - Interest Rate 1969 2 46
          General Assembly: Legislation: S.B.476: Trespass 1966 2 47
          General Assembly: Senate: Dorf, The Honorable Paul A. 1965 3 1
          General Assembly: S.J.R:. #25: Student Financial Assistance 1969 3 2
          Governor's Budget Amendment 1970-1971 3 3
          Graduate Programs: Applied Mathematics - Final Version (January 1970) 1970 3 4
          Graduate Program: Approval of Faculty Members 1968 3 5
          Graduate Program: Martin Company 1965-1966 3 6
          Graduate Program: Nursing 1967-1969 3 7
          Graduate School: Changes in Doctoral Degree Requirements 1969, 1970 3 8
          Graduate School: Full-Time Status of Graduate Students 1969 3 9
          Graduate School: Grad. Council: Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate School Organization 1971 3 10
          Graduate School: Selective Service 1967-1969 3 11
          Graduation 1971 3 12
          Graduation: Ad Hoc Committee - 1970 1969-1970 3 13
          Graduation: Correspondence 1970 3 14
          Graduation: Diplomas 1969-1970 3 15
          Graduation: Dr. Milsten, Chairman of Committee 1970-1971 3 16
          Graduation: General 1969-1970 3 17
          Graduation: Menu 1970 3 18
          Graduation: Parking 1970 3 19
          Graduation: Preliminary Planning 1970 3 20
          Graduation: Process, Suggestions on 1971 3 21
          Graduation: Program 1970 3 22
          Graduation: Special Guests 1970 3 23
          Health, Education and Welfare: Academic Facilities, Use of 1969 3 24
          Health, Education and Welfare: Admission Policies and Practices, U. of Md. 1951-1964 3 25
          Health, Education and Welfare: Center for Studies in Human Ecology 1966 3 26
          Health, Education and Welfare: Equal Opportunity in Higher Education 1969-1971 3 27
          Health, Education and Welfare: Grants For Training Projects 1965-1966 3 28
          Health, Education and Welfare: Higher Ed. Facilities Act of 1963, As Amended 1969-1970 3 29
          Health, Education and Welfare: Higher Education Opportunities to the Disadantaged 1970 3 30
          Health, Education and Welfare: Librarianship Training 1969 3 31
          Health, Education and Welfare: Real State Appraisals 1968 3 32
          Health, Education and Welfare: Research Support Program 1965 3 33
          Health, Education and Welfare: Violations by Students 1969 3 34
          Health, Education and Welfare: Youth Opportunity Campaign 1965-1969 3 35
          Humanities: Consultants 1969 3 36
          Humanities: Creative Writing Conference 1969 3 37
          Humanities: Cultural Echange with Coppin State College 1969 3 38
          Humanities: Speech and Drama 1967-1968 3 39
          Humanities: Speech Festival 1969 3 40
          Insititute: Wye Institute 1964-1966 3 41
          Instruction: Bachelor of Arts Degree 1969 3 42
          Instruction: Black Studies Program 1969 3 43
          Instruction: Geography 1971 3 44
          Instruction: Intermediate Accounting 1971 3 45
          Instruction: Poverty in America: Past and Present 1969 3 46
          Instruction: Summer Session: History of Christianity: Storch, Dr. Rudolph 1970 3 47
          Instruction: Use of Graduate Assistants in Teaching 1967 3 48
          Library: Circulation Regulations 1966 4 1
          Library: Faculty Publications 1969 4 2
          Library: Grant: Health, Education & Welfare: OE-92-000731-30-9001 1967-1968 4 3
          Maryland, State of: Board: Board of Ethics 1971 4 4
          Maryland, State of: Board of Public Works: Advisory Council to 1969 4 5
          Maryland, State of: Board: Public Works, Board of: Approvals 4 6
          Maryland, State of: Constitution 1968 4 7
          Maryland Council for Higher Ed.: Transfer of Credits, Tri-partite 1968-1969 4 8
          Maryland, State of: Council: Legislative Council: Campus Disorders 1970 4 9
          Maryland, State of: Council: Study of Student Unrest 1970 4 10
          Maryland, State of: Council: Legislative Council: Taxation and Fiscal Matters 1965 4 11
          Maryland, State of: Department: Public Welfare, Department of 1968 4 12
          Maryland, State of: Department: Social Services 1968, 1969 4 13
          Maryland, State of: Executive: Code of Ethics for Exec. Branch Officers & Employees 1969 4 14
          Maryland, State of: Executive: Discrimination 1964 4 15
          Maryland, State of: Executive: Murphy, Mr. Arthur G., Sr.: Community Relations Advisor 1971 4 16
          Maryland, State of: Executive: PomLes, Mr. William A.: Spec. Asst. to the Governor 1971 4 17
          Maryland, State of: Executive: Task Force on Modern Management 1967 4 18
          Maryland Tax Study 1964, 1965 4 19
          Mathematics: Advanced Courses 1969 4 20
          National Institutes of Health: Funding System 1967 4 21
          Newspapers: Herald-Argus 1965 4 22
          Photography: Forms for Ordering Services 1968, 1971 4 23
          Photography: Szczepanski, Mr. Philip F. 1965-1969 4 24
          Physical Education: Cross Country Program 1969 4 25
          Physical Education: Extramural Athletics 1969 4 26
          Physical Education: Intercollegiate Athletics Health Insurance 1969 4 27
          Physical Education: Modern Dance 1967, 1968 4 28
          Physical Education: Score Board for Gym 1967 4 29
          Physical Plant: Library: Architects: Architectural Requirements 1965 4 30
          Physical Plant: Brick Sample Panels 1965 4 31
          Physical Plant: Budget 1963 1945-1965 4 32
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic No. 3 UA-673 4-3-00367-0 1967-1971 4 33
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Classroom-Laboratory UA-673 4-3-00056-0 1969 4 34
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Demolishment 1970 4 35
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Dormitories 1967-1971, 1977 4 36
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Dormitory #2 1970 4 37
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Dormitories & Dining Halls, XUA6-6612B, 1967 1968 4 38
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Dormitories , Dining Halls & Student Union 1966 4 39
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Dwellings on Campus 1967, 1968 4 40
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Physical Education 1966-1971 4 41
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Hillcrest 1964, 1965-1967 4 42
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Humanities Building 1966, 1968 4 43
          Physical Plant: Buildings: Library and Classrooms 1965-1968 4 44
          Physical Plant: Central Campus Development 1965-1968 4 45
          Physical Plant: Communications: Page-Call System 1969 4 46
          Physical Plant: Data link with College Park 1971 5 1
          Physical Plant: Directives: Smoking Regualtions 1969 5 2
          Physical Plant: Engineers: EgLi and Gompf, Inc. 1966-1968 5 3
          Physical Plant: Engineers: Rummel, Klepper and Kahl 1966 5 4
          Physical Plant: Engineers: Whitman, Requardt and Assoc 1963, 1964 5 5
          Physical Plant: Fallout Structures 1968 5 6
          Physical Plant: Fiscal Year Report: 1965-1966 1966 5 7
          Physical Plant: Floodng, Herbert Run 1971 5 8
          Physical Plant: Grading 1965-1968 5 9
          Physical Plant: Grants: Federal Construction of Facilities 1967 5 10
          Physical Plant: Laboratories: Conversions 1966-1969 5 11
          Physical Plant: Library: Architects: Selection of Architectural Advisor-Consultant 1965 5 12
          Physical Plant: Library: Construction Areement: John K. Ruff, Inc. 1966 5 13
          Physical Plant: Library Grading 1966 5 14
          Physical Plant: Library: Shelving 1965 5 15
          Physical Plant: Maps: Campus Use Diagram 1965 5 16
          Physical Plant: Master Plan: Additional Pages 1964 5 17
          Physical Plant: Master Plan: #p 13-63 Department of Improvements 1963 5 18
          Physical Plant: Master Plan, Development of 1963-1969 5 19
          Physical Plant: Phase 1: Estimated Costs 1966 5 20
          Physical Plant: Plaza 1968 5 21
          Physical Plant: Policy for Servicing Requests to Physical Plant Department 1970 5 22
          Physical Plant: Rental Value of Houses on Campus 1970 5 23
          Physical Plant: Roads: State Roads Commission 1971 5 24
          Physical Plant: Roads: Walker Avenue 1966-1969 5 25
          Security: Consultant for Security Services 1974 5 26
          Physical Plant: Security, Gillease, Mr. 1970 5 27
          Physical Plant: Security Use of Secured Buildings 1971 5 28
          Physical Plant: Serv. Contracts: Cleaning 1966-1968 5 29
          Physical Plant: Serv. Contracts: Trash Removal 1966 5 30
          Physical Plant: Shuttle Bus Connections 1969-1970 5 31
          Physical Plant: Space Allocations circa 1965 5 32
          Physical Plant: Tennis Courts 1971 5 33
          Physical Plant: Tennis Courts 1967 5 34
          Physical Plant: Traffic: Rules and Regulations 1969 5 35
          Physical Plant: Tunnel 1964 5 36
          Post Office: Catonsville, Maryland 1965-1966 5 37
          Press Conference: College Park, July 31, 1970 1970 5 38
          Publications: Consensus 1969 5 39
          Publications: Dialogue 1968-1969 5 40
          Publications: Dialogue: Dr. Kuhn's Statement 1969 5 41
          Publications: Dialogue, Winter 1967 1967 5 42
          Publications: Newsletter 1968, 1969-1972 5 43
          Publications: Newsletter, Students 1969 5 44
          Publications: Publications Board 1969-1970 5 45
          Publications: The Red Brick 1969-1970 6 1
          Publications: The Red Brick, Spring 1970 1970 6 2
          Publications: The Red Brick Radio Program 1969 6 3
          Publications Board: Statement by the Chancellor 1969 6 4
          Publications: Yearbook: The Skipjack 1967-1970 6 5
          Radio: Fullerton, Mr. Max: This is Maryland (UMBC) 1965 6 6
          Radio Station: UMBC-FM 1968-1970 6 7
          Science: Biology: Committee on Curriculum and Program Planning 1967 6 8
          Science: "Pig Pen Pond" 1971 6 9
          Science: University Studies and Careers, April 20, 1968 1968 6 10
          Social Sciences: Assembly 1971 6 11
          Social Sciences: Committee on Urban Development 1968 6 12
          Social Sciences: Sociology - Social Work Courses 1969, 1971 6 13
          Social Sciences: Travel Funds 1971 6 14
          Social Work & Community Planning: Continuing Education Fund 1971 6 15
          Society: Maryland Archeological Society 1962 6 16
          Society: Maryland Society of Training Directors 1965 6 17
          Space Inventory and Requirements Analysis 1969-1975 6 18
          State Colleges: Board of Directors 1966-1971 6 19
          Students: Black Students Honors Scholarships 1969 6 20
          Students: Contests: Coat of Arms 1966, 1968 6 21
          Students: Contests: Naming of Mascot circa 1967 6 22
          Students: Contests: Naming of the Newspaper circa 1967 6 23
          Students: Cooperative Housing Project 1968 6 24
          Students: Courses Rejected and Approved circa 1970 6 25
          Students: Criminal Statutes 1969 6 26
          Students: Cultural Council Steven Clarke Fraiser 6 27
          Students: Cultural Series 1967 6 28
          Students: Cultural Series 1968 6 29
          Students: Disciplinary Hearings 1970 6 30
          Students: Discipline: American Arbitration Assoc. 1971 6 31
          Students: Student Discipline: Board to Consider Cases 1971 6 32
          Students: Discipline: Disciplinary Rules and Procedures (Board of Regents) 1970, 1971 6 33
          Students: Discipline: Injunctions, Questions on 1969 6 34
          Students: Discipline: Interim Procedures for Governing Student Conduct 1970 6 35
          Students: Discipline: Legislation, H.B.No.177, Crimes and Punishments 1970 6 36
          Students: Disciplinary Rules, Proposed 1970 6 37
          Students: Student Discipline, Part III 1970, 1971 6 38
          Students: Student Disciplin, Theft, Keg of Beer 1976 6 39
          Student Dissent: Class Attendance 1970 6 40
          Student Dissent: Disruption of Classes 1970 6 41
          Student Dissent: Examination Options 1970 6 42
          Student Dissent: Student Rights and the Law 1970 6 43
          Student Dissent: Schedule of Activities 1970 6 44
          Students: Dissent: Student Unrest 1964, 1968-1969 6 45
          Students: Employment: Summer 1966 1966 6 46
          Students: Employment: Summer 1967 1967 7 1
          Students: Employment: Summer 1968 1968 7 2
          Students: Employment: Pay Rates 1967-1971 7 3
          Students: Employment: Wage Policy (Proposed) 1970 7 4
          Students: Film Series 1967, 1970 7 5
          Students: Football Marathon 1969 7 6
          Students: ID Cards 1967 7 7
          Student Publications: Censorship 1971 7 8
          Students: Publications: International Publication from UMBC Student 1969 7 9
          Students: Judiciary System of the University 1968 7 10
          Students: Loans 1969 7 11
          Students: Marathon Debate 1968 7 12
          Students: Marathon Position of the University 1969 7 13
          Students: Moratorium, October 15, 1969 1969 7 14
          Student: New Democratic Coalition 1970 7 15
          Students: On-Campus Visitations: Fran Allen and Larry Thomas 1969, 1970 7 16
          Students: Prinz, Mr. Howard E. 1970 7 17
          Students: Representation, Board of Regents 1968 7 18
          Students: Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund 1969 7 19
          Student: United Colleges of Maryland 1968 7 20
          Students: Senior Dinner Dance 1970 7 21
          Students: Theater: Scholarships 1968 7 22
          Students: Pharmacy Majors 1967 7 23
          Students: Promotional Committee 1969 7 24
          Students: Publications, List of circa 1970 7 25
          Students: Nursing Majors 1968 7 26
          Students: Casino Night 1969 7 27
          Students: Advanced Standing 1966 7 28
          Students: Student Advisory Council Education Division 1971 7 29
          Students: Elections 1967 7 30
          Students: Elections, State 1970 7 31
          Students: Fraternities and Sororities: Sigma Alpha 1967, 1968 7 32
          Students: Fraternities and Sororities: Procedures 1968 7 33
          Students: Incoming Freshmen Letters 1967 7 34
          Students: Disciplinary Hearings (Student Proposal) circa 1967 7 35
          Students: Discipline Hearing Board 1971 7 36
          Student Life: Student Discipline 1969, 1970 7 37
          Student Life, Office of: Campus Disturbances 1969 7 38
          Student Life: Counseling & Placement: Survey of Senior Intentions 1969 7 39
          Student Life: Donaldson Brown Center 1967, 1969 7 40
          Student Life, Office of: Drug Program 1970 7 41
          Student Life: Financial Aid: EOG, CWSP & NDEA Programs 1967-1972 7 42
          Student Life: Financial Aid: Short Term Loans 1969 7 43
          Student Life: Financial Aid: UMBC Grant: Beckett, Thomas 1967 7 44
          Student Life, Office of: Fraternities and Sororities: 1968-1969 7 45
          Student Life: Housing: Off-Campus Housing 1968 7 46
          Student Life: Housing: Parent's Day Questionnaire 1971 7 47
          Student Life: Housing: Residence Hall Manual 1969-1971 7 48
          Student Life: Housing: Rules and Regulations 1971 7 49
          Student Life: Housing: Summer Session 1970 7 50
          Student Life: Office Space circa 1970 7 51
          Student Life: Organizatiom: Student Organizations, Recognition of 1968 7 52
          Student Life: Publications Board 1971 7 53
          Student Life: Purchase of Type Writer 1969 7 54
          Student Life: Residence Halls: Waiting List 1971 7 55
          Students: Parent's Day Orientation, January 24, 1971 1971 7 56
          Students: Black Student Union Newsletter circa 1969 7 57
          Students: Spring Week Musicale 1967 7 58
          Students: Roster Fall 1966 1966 7 59
          Student Government Association: Associated Student Council for University Reorganization 1971 8 1
          Student Government Association: President Hagy, Mr. Darryl 1969 8 2
          Student Government Association: Soltesz, Bill: President 1970-1971 8 3
          Student Government Association: Statement of Principles 1968 8 4
          Student Government Association: Statement of Responsibility circa 1970 8 5
          Student Government Association: Student Activities Fee 1970 8 6
          S.G.A.: Students Activities Room 1973 8 7
          Student Health: Ambulance Service 1968 8 8
          Student Health: Budget 1969-1970 8 9
          Student Health: Garcia, Dr. Dionisio Jr. 1970 8 10
          Student Health: Hospitalization of Students 1970 8 11
          Student Life, Office of: Health: Minors, Treatment of 1971 8 12
          Student Health: Physician 1970 8 13
          Student Health: Pregnancy Tests 1971 8 14
          Student Health: Psychiatric Consultation 1970 8 15
          Student Health: Residence Hall Nurses 1970 8 16
          Student Health: Student Health Insurance Plan 1970 8 17
          Student Health: Tuberculosis Tests 1967-1971 8 18
          Television: Closed Circuit 1966-1970 8 19
          Television: Metropolitan Campaign 1969-1970 8 20
          Television: WBAL-TV 1966 8 21
          Trust Funds: Charitable: Robert R. McCormick 1968 8 22
          United States: Executive Office: Office of Economic Opportunity 1969 8 23
          U.S. Government: Facility Grants circa 1962 8 24
          U.S. Government: International Development 1966 8 25
          U.S. Government: Research Grants 1962-1973 8 26
          U.S. Government: Water Resources: College Park Program 1964-1978 8 27
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Academic Structure (Ad Hoc) 1969 8 28
          UMBC Senate: Committee: Affairs Committee 1967-1970 8 29
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Budget (Ad Hoc) 1968 8 30
          U.S. Government: Post Office 1966 8 31
          Research Grant: Part A, Title VI, NIH-01-74864 Md. 6-0666 1965-1967 8 32
          UMBC Senate: Committee: Committee to Study the Organization of the Academic Program 1969 8 33
          UMBC Senate: Committees 1970-1971 8 34
          UMBC Senate: Committees: EP&P 1971 8 35
          UMBC Senate: Committees: GDR and BAR Requirements (Ad Hoc) 1969-1970 8 36
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Graduate Program 1969-1971 8 37
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Graduate Programs 1971 8 38
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Graduate Programs: Biological, Biochemical Sciences 1971 9 1
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Promotion & Tenure, 1 of 2 1968-1973 9 2
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Promotion & Tenure, 2 of 2 1968-1973 9 3
          UMBC Senate: Committees: Urban Studies 1968 9 4
          UMBC Senate: Committee: Woman's Grievance Committee 1971 9 5
          UMBC Senate: Education, Planning, Policy 1966-1968 9 6
          UMBC Senate: Educational Planning & Policy, 1969 9 7
          UMBC Senate: Educational Planning & Policy 1970 9 8
          Univ. Relations: Alumni & Dev. Mailing Permit, First Class 1970-1971 9 9
          United States: U.S. Marine Corps 1969, 1970 9 10
          UR: Alumni & Dev. Program: Seagram, Joseph E. and Sons 1970 9 11
          UR: Alumni & Development: Gifts: Beckley, Mrs. Elizabeth G. 1971 9 12
          Univ. Rel.: Alumni & Development: Mail Permit 1970 9 13
          UR: Alumni & Dev. Program: Martin Marietta Corporation Foundation 1967-1970 9 14
          University Relations: Book Marquee 1970-1971 9 15
          UR: Alumni & Dev. Program: Carling Brewing Company: Memo of Agreement 1970 9 16
          University Relations: Alumni and Development Foundation Handbook 1971 9 17
          Univ. Relations: Alumni & Dev.: Alumni Association Steering Committee 1971 9 18
          UR: Alumni & Dev. Program: Alumni Association Constitution 1971 9 19
          University: North Dakota: Ellendale, N.D. 1967 9 20
          Urban Institute: Survey of Institutions of Higher Education 1967-1970 9 21
      2. Series II. Calvin Lee

        Date: 1961-1985; bulk 1970-1977

        Extent: 30 boxes (15 linear feet)

        Description: Calvin Lee served as Chancellor from 1971 until 1976. This series is arranged in 7 subseries, each subseries containing files relating to a specific office or departmental division: Chancellor's Office, Academic Affairs, Administrative Affairs, Human Resources, University Relations, Data Processing, and Middle States. The files within each subseries are then arranged alphabetically by a sort phrase; the majority of these sort phrases were assigned by the Lee office.

        1. Subseries II.A. Chancellor's Office

          Date: 1965-1977

          Extent: 5.5 boxes

          Description: The files in this subseries relate to Chancellor Lee's duties as the head of UMBC and as the campus's main representative to the State of Maryland, General Assembly, Board of Regents, Maryland Council for Higher Education, other University of Maryland schools, and external agencies and media.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Removed Documents Found Loose in Accession 92-04 1972-1974 10 1
            Academies: Maryland Academy of Sciences 1972, 1975 10 2
            Administration: Annual Report 1972 10 3
            Administration: Chancellor's Information Gathering Meetings [On University Promotion] 1974 10 4
            Administration: Chancellor's Office 1971, 1975 10 5
            Administration: Enrollment of Minority Groups, Statement Concerning 1972 10 6
            Administration: Governance UMBC 1976 10 7
            Administration: CBTL "Riot" File 1976 10 8
            Administration: Ten-year plan, University Relations, 1 of 2 1972-1974 10 9
            Administration: Ten-year plan, University Relations, 2 of 2 1972-1974 10 10
            Associations: AASCU Buchtel, Foster 1972 10 11
            Associations: ASSCU Collective Bargaining, Academic 1975-1976 10 12
            Associations: AASCU Liaison Officer's Meeting 1972-1975 10 13
            Associations: AASCU Native American Program 1975 10 14
            Associations: AASCU Nominating Committee 1975 10 15
            Associations: AASCU Operation Outreach 1973-1975 10 16
            Associations: AASCU Oster, Alan 1975 10 17
            Associations: AASCU-Policies and Purposes Comm., Denver 1972 10 18
            Associations: AASCU Proposal for Reform of the Liberal Arts 1972 10 19
            Black Alumni Association 1976 10 20
            Board of Regents: Agenda 1975-1976 10 21
            Board of Regents: Committees Public and Government Relations, Committee on 1973 10 22
            Board of Regents: Goldman, Barry 1976 10 23
            Board of Regents: Policy Statement - Regarding Human Relations Codes 1973 10 24
            Board of Regents: Scarbath, Mr. John C. 1976 10 25
            Board of Regents: Student Relations Committee 1973, 1975-1976 10 26
            Boards: Board of Education: Baltimore County 1975-1976 10 27
            Boards: Community Colleges, Boards of Trustees 1974-1975 10 28
            Boards: Community Colleges, Maryland State Board 1974-1975 10 29
            CBTL'S Budget Remarks 1976 11 1
            CBTL: Project 2000; Distribution Letters, Etc. 1972 11 2
            CBTL: Speeches Classified Employees 1972 11 3
            Central Administration: University Relations 1975 11 4
            Chancellor's Compensation and Fringe Benefits (President and Others) 1976-1977 11 5
            College Park Career Development Center 1972 11 6
            Colleges: Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio (4WN) 1972 11 7
            Colleges: Clarion State College, Penn. Black Experience Component 1972 11 8
            Colleges: Messiah-Temple Project 1972-1973 11 9
            Colleges: Montgomery College 1972 11 10
            Colleges: Mount St. Joseph at Cinecinnati Wolverton, Dr. Robert E. 1972 11 11
            Colleges: Mount Saint Mary's Maryland 1972 11 12
            Colleges: Notre Dame of Maryland 1974-1975 11 13
            State Colleges:Ohio State Colleges 1972 11 14
            College: Junior; Pensacola, Pensacola, Florida 1974 11 15
            Colleges: Proposed Merger undated 11 16
            Colleges: Saint Mary's College 19,721,974 11 17
            Colleges: Salve Regina College 1973 11 18
            Community Colleges: Allegany Community College 1971 11 19
            Community Colleges: Chesapeake Community College 1972 11 20
            Community Colleges: Employment Relations, (Collective Bargaining etc) 1975 11 21
            Community Colleges: Harford Community College 1973-1976 11 22
            Community College: Meetings with Presidents 1972-1974 11 23
            Community College: Prince Georges Community College 1968-1975 11 24
            Community College: Proposed Community College Lower Easter Shore 1975 11 25
            Community Colleges: Survey Committee 1973 11 26
            Council's: Community Advisor Council, Chancellor's 1975 11 27
            Council's: County Council of Baltimore Council 1972 11 28
            Degrees, Honorary: Bafford, Edward L. 1974-1976 11 29
            Degree, Honorary: Sabin, Albert B. M.D. 1976, 1977 11 30
            Desegregation Materials 1970, 1973-1974 11 31
            Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1976 11 32
            Executive Planning Process: Change-Range Plan 1976 11 33
            Fellowship: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 1975 11 34
            General Assembly Autonomy Bill 1972, 1973 11 35
            General Assembly: Avara, Chas. 1975 11 36
            General Assembly: Baltimore Co. Delegation 1975 11 37
            General Assembly: Bills affecting the University 1975 11 38
            General Assembly: Bill 347 - Wilner Report 1976 12 1
            General Assembly: Bills: MTA Fares for Students 1974 12 2
            General Assembly : Collective Bargaining for Higher Education 1974-1975 12 3
            General Assembly: House Appropriations: 1975 Interim Report (sub-committee) 1975, 1977 12 4
            General Assembly: H.B. 1418 Evaluation of Faculty 1976 12 5
            General Assembly: H.B. S3511 Credit Card Payments of Hi. Ed. 1976 12 6
            General Assembly: House of Delegates Memberships 1974-1976 12 7
            General Assembly: Members: Senate, House of Delegates 1974 12 8
            General Assembly: House Bill 1706 Academic IV 1975 12 9
            General Assembly: Legislative Committees 1974, 1976 12 10
            General Assembly: Legislative Study Group 1975 12 11
            General Assembly: Liaison Officer of the U. of MD for legislative Relations 1973 12 12
            General Assembly: S.B. 289 Re: Open Meetings 1976 12 13
            General Assembly: S.B. 466 Grievance Procedures 1976 12 14
            General Assembly: Senate Committees/Sub-Committees 1975 12 15
            General Assembly: Study of State's Personnel System 1974 12 16
            Graduation: June 2, 1974 1973-1974 12 17
            Graduation: May 25, 1975 1975 12 18
            Graduation: May 23, 1976 1976 12 19
            Graduation: Guidelines 1971-1972 12 20
            Graduation: Honors 1970, 1974 12 21
            Health, Education and Welfare: Athletic Injuries: Investigation into 1974 12 22
            Health, Education and Welfare: Basic Student Charges 1976 12 23
            Health, Education and Welfare: Request for Catalog, UMBC 1974-1975 12 24
            Health, Education and Welfare: Civil Rights Procedure 1976 12 25
            Health, Education and Welfare: College Library Resources Grant 1974 12 26
            Health, Education and Welfare: Consortion for Inter-Institutional Programs Post Secondary Education; In Maryland 1975 12 27
            Health, Education and Welfare: Correspondence 1965-1973 12 28
            Health, Education and Welfare: Education Commissions 1972 12 29
            Health, Education and Welfare: Educational Talent Search Program 1968, 1972 12 30
            Health, Education and Welfare: Executive Order: 112 46 OCR 1974-1975 12 31
            Health, Education and Welfare: Federal Funds Reports 1976 12 32
            Health, Education and Welfare: Federal Policy and Graduate Education 1975 12 33
            Health, Education and Welfare: Financial Statistics of Institution of Higher Education 1976 12 34
            Health, Education and Welfare: Grants for Research Projects 1967-1975 13 1
            Health, Education and Welfare: Handicapped: Physically/Mentally 1976 13 2
            Health, Education and Welfare: Handicapped Students 1975, 1976 13 3
            Health, Education and Welfare: Higher Education Facilities 1966-1974 13 4
            Health, Education and Welfare: Institutional Fiscal Operations Reports, FY 1972 1972 13 5
            Health, Education and Welfare: International Women's Year 1974 13 6
            Health, Education and Welfare: National Commission on Financing Higher Education 1973 13 7
            Health, Education and Welfare: National Defense Education Act, Title VI 1967, 1969 13 8
            Health, Education and Welfare: NDEA, Title IV Division of Foreign Studies 1972 13 9
            Health, Education and Welfare: Negotiative Agreement A-88 1972 13 10
            Health, Education and Welfare: New Careers 1973 13 11
            Health, Education and Welfare: OCR: Survey Records as to Race/Ethnic Categories 1975 13 12
            Health, Education and Welfare: Social and Rehabilitation Service 1968, 1973 13 13
            Health, Education and Welfare: Surplus Property 1968-1972 13 14
            Health, Education and Welfare: Title II 1973 13 15
            Health, Education and Welfare: Title II Basic Grants 1973 13 16
            Health, Education and Welfare: Title IV-D Application Instructions 1973 13 17
            Health, Education and Welfare: Title VI Federal Assistance to International Studies Centers 1972-1974 13 18
            Health, Education and Welfare: Veterans Program 1973-1975 13 19
            Health, Education and Welfare: Youn, Ted I.K. 1972 13 20
            Institutes: Institute for Higher Educational Opportunity 1971, 1974 13 21
            Institutes: Institute on Administrative Advancement 1974 13 22
            Institutional Research: Review of Freshmen Responses on ATP Summaries 1976 13 23
            Institutional Research: Study of Retention and Attrition 1974 13 24
            Institutional Research: Study of "Stop-outs" 1974 13 25
            Kaplan, Dr. Louis L. Chairman, Board of Regents 1973, 1974 13 26
            Maryland, State of: CICHA 1974 13 27
            MD., State of: Commissions Rosenberg Gov. Study Com. On Structure + Governance of Education for MD 1973-1975 13 28
            Maryland, State of: Commission on Status of Women 1972, 1974 13 29
            Maryland, State of: Councils: Regional Planning 1974-1975 13 30
            Maryland, State of: Dept: Office of Aging 1974 13 31
            Maryland, State of: Dept: Education Department Career Conference 1972 13 32
            Maryland, State of: Dept of Emploment + Social Services 1973 13 33
            Maryland, State of: Dept. of Employment + Social Service - Maryland Service Corp 1974 13 34
            Maryland, State of: Depts. Rapid Transit 1974-1976 13 35
            Maryland, State of: Environmental Health Education: Funds alloted to 1974 14 1
            Maryland, State of: Executive Dept. State-of-the-State Speech 1975 14 2
            Maryland, State of: Exec. Dept Exec. Evaluation Process (Alias Five Year Plan) 1975 14 3
            Maryland, State of: Governor's Task Force to Recommend Improvements in Student Financial Aid 1971 14 4
            Maryland, State of: Executive Governor's Youth Advisory Council 1975 14 5
            Maryland, State of: Executive Planning Progress, Executive Long and Short Range Planning 1974 14 6
            Maryland, State of: Executive: Spigler, Fred H., Jr. Adm. Officer for Education 1971-1975 14 7
            Maryland, Girls State 1976 14 8
            Maryland Girls State 1971-1976 14 9
            Maryland, State of: Governor's List of Graduating Seniors 1974 14 10
            Maryland, State of: Higher Education Loan Corp. 1975 14 11
            Maryland, State of: Law Examiners, State Board of 1977 14 12
            Maryland, State of: Personnal Employment of UMBC Graduates 1976 14 13
            Maryland, State of: Special Asst. to the Governor (Grad List for June, 1974) 1974 14 14
            Maryland State Teacher Publication of 1976 14 15
            MCHE: Cox Report 1974 14 16
            MCHE: Executive Master Plan 1975 14 17
            MD Council for Higher Educ.: Glossary of Definitions 1971 14 18
            Maryland Council for Higher Education 1971-1973 14 19
            MCHE: HEGIS: Opening Fall Enrollments 1975 14 20
            MCHE: Long Range Planning 1974, 1975 14 21
            MCHE: Master Plan Five-Year 1968, 1974-1975 14 22
            For Chancellor Lee: MCHE Mtg 1971, 1973 14 23
            MCHE: Meeting & Luncheon: UMBC, April 4 1975 14 24
            MCHE: Comprehensive Study of Baltimore-Metropolitan Institutions 1974 14 25
            MCHE: Pear Committee Reports, December 1974 14 26
            MCHE: Rosenberg Commission 1974, 1975 14 27
            MCHE: Rosenberg Commission: Final Report 1975 15 1
            MCHE: Rosenberg Commission: MCHE Response to 1976 15 2
            MCHE: Rosenberg Commission Governers Task Force to Implement Recommendations 1975 15 3
            MCHE: Rosenberg Report, Analysis of 1975 15 4
            Rosenberg Commission Report: Md. Council/State Board Community College Responses 1975, 1976 15 5
            Rosenberg Commission Testimony, December 5 1974 15 6
            MCHE: Rosenberg Report, MAHE Conference 1975 15 7
            MCHE: Rosenberg Report: University Responses to 1975 15 8
            Wilner Report: Recommendations on Rosenberg Report 1975 15 9
            MCHE: Space Projection Manual III 1972, 1974 15 10
            MCHE: SUMBA: State University Metropolitan Baltimore Area 1970-1974 15 11
            MCHE: UMBC Meeting, June 23, 1975 1975 15 12
            Music: Cantata 1976 15 13
            National--- Misc. 1973 15 14
            National: N.O.W. (National Organization of Women) 1973 15 15
            National Science Foundation: Budget, FY 1975 1974, 1975 15 16
            Newspaper Interviews 1976 15 17
            President's Annual Report 1975 15 18
            Publications: Articulator: U. of Md. 1974 15 19
            Publications: Baltimore Magazine 1972 15 20
            Publications: College Management, Dr. Wilson Elkins, Interview with 1974 15 21
            SBHE: Chancellors/Presidents Perquisites for 1976 15 22
            SBHE: Meeting at UMBC 1977 15 23
            State Colleges: Master Plans, Towson and Morgan 1970-1973 15 24
            Student: (possible) Glaze, Mark 1975 15 25
            Student: Talton, Jane 1976 15 26
            Students: Memorial to Susan Frankford 1972 15 27
            Building Names Committee 1976 15 28
            TV: Postsecondary Education Broadcasting Project 1974 15 29
            Television: Television Programs: Student Participation 1974-1976 15 30
            Television: WJZ-TV 1967, 1974 15 31
            U.S. Committee for Employer Support of The Guard & Reserve 1974 15 32
            U.S. Congress Legislation: H.R. 5901 1975 15 33
            U.S. Congress: H.B. 3471 - Financial Aid 1975 15 34
            United States: U.S. Government: Higher Education Bill 1972 15 35
            United States Government: Intergovernmental Personnel Act: Grant Program Information 1971 15 36
            U.S. Government Maryland Representatives 1972-1976 15 37
            United States Representative: United Nations 1973 15 38
            United States Senate: Committee on Apprpriations 1974 15 39
            United States Senate: Honorable J. Glenn Bell 1974, 1976 16 1
            Universities: New Institutions, Chief Administrative Officers 1976 16 2
            Universities: California at Berkeley 1973-1975 16 3
            Universities: De Pauw 1973 16 4
            Universities: Georgetown University, Washington D.C. 1973, 1974 16 5
            Universities: Michigan, University of 1974 16 6
            Universities of Missouri - St. Louis, Missouri 1973 16 7
            Universities: University of Missouri - Visit by Dr. Merl Baker 1974 16 8
            University: Northeast Missouri State University 1974 16 9
            Universities: Pennsylvania State University 1974 16 10
            Universities: Rutgers University 1972 16 11
            Universities: St. Johns College 1972 16 12
            Universities: St. Johns College 1972 16 13
            University of Texas at Dallas 1975 16 14
            U of Md: College Park: Middle States Self-Study, Submitted to 1976 16 15
            UMCP Research Exchange Grant 1974 16 16
            University of Maryland: Role of University of Maryland 1975 16 17
            University of MD: Task Force for UMBC (Per Pres. Elkins) 1975 16 18
            University Relations, Radio with 1973 16 19
            UR: Alumni & Dev. Program: Unrestricted Gifts 1968-1973 16 20
        2. Subseries II.B. Academic Affairs

          Date: 1965-1979; bulk 1970-1977

          Extent: 11.5 boxes

          Description: This sub-series documents Chancellor Lee's interactions with the department of Academic Affairs. Overseeing the development of faculty, instruction, admissions, academic programs, and during this time period, student life, the department of Academic Affairs remains a key resource for an institution-level view of the development of UMBC's educational output. Please note that at this time academic programs were arranged by Divisions; the Divisions of Education, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences are represented here. Other key departments under the purview of Academic Affairs include the Library, Physical Education, the Graduate School, Student Life, the UMBC Senates, and Faculty promotion and tenure review.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Academic: State Accredited Md. Colleges & Universities 1973 16 21
            Academic Affairs: Inst. Research Section Size Distribution (Class and Laboratory) 1972-1974 16 22
            Academic Affairs: Institutional Research Agenda 1974 16 23
            Academic Affairs: Institutional Research, NCHEMS CEM 1971-1972 16 24
            Academic Affairs: Pass-Fail - Math 150 1972 16 25
            Academic Affairs: Textbook List circa 1975 16 26
            Academic Affairs: Vice Chancellor Annual Report 1973 16 27
            ADD - Drop 1976 16 28
            Administration: Medical College Admission Test Report 1972 16 29
            Administration: UMBC Catalog 1975 16 30
            Admissions: Agreements: Anne Arundel Co. Teacher Ed. Center 1972 16 31
            Admissions: "Credit by Examination" 1972-1975 16 32
            Admissions: Credits in Health at UMCP 1974-1975 16 33
            Admissions: Diploma, Design of 1972-1974 16 34
            Admissions: Diploma Requirements, Waiving 1972-1973 16 35
            Admissions: Enrollment, Intercampus - Graduate Student 1974 16 36
            Admissions: Enrollments: Maintaining Student & Meeting Forecasts w/ Data Report 1974 16 37
            Admissions: Exam Schedule 1973 16 38
            Admissions: Foreign Students, Georgetown's Pilot Program 1974 16 39
            Admissions: Greater Baltimore Area Public Four-Year Institutions Project 1973 16 40
            Admissions: OIS Analysis of Success Factors 1973-1974 16 41
            Admissions: Pre-Transfer Advising Visits 1976 16 42
            Admissions: Racial-Ethnic Census 1973 16 43
            Admiss: Students Per Population 1976 16 44
            Admissions: Student Records; Policy & Disclosure of 1976 16 45
            Admissions: Transfer Students, Academic Dismissal of 1974 16 46
            Admissions and Registrations: Community College Transfers, Admission of 1972-1974 16 47
            Admissions/Registration: Director & Reorganization Proposal 1976 16 48
            Admissions & Registration: Enrollment Patterns (Div. of Institutional Res.) 1965-1976 16 49
            Admissions & Registrations: Fees and Refunds 1965-1973 16 50
            Admissions Aand Registrations: Predictive Index Computation 1971 16 51
            African American Studies: 1973 - Review of 1973 16 52
            African American Studies: Program Review 1973-1974 16 53
            Agreements: Baltimore City Public Schools 1974 16 54
            Agreement: Cooperative Agreement - State Colleges in Balto. Area & UMBC 1968-1971 16 55
            Commissions For: Chancellor's Commission for Monitory Educational Studies, 1 of 2 1974-1975 17 1
            Commissions For: Chancellor's Commission for Monitory Educational Studies, 2 of 2 1974-1975 17 2
            Committees: Special Events 1972 17 3
            Committee: Student Course Evaluation - Creating an Instrument for Teaching Effectiveness 1971-1975 17 4
            Conferences: 4-1-4 Conference 1973 17 5
            Consultant: Communications Swinwburn, Mr. Lawrence 1973 17 6
            Consultant: Job-Entry Skills: Honenberger, Mr. E.J. 1973 17 7
            Consultant Retention & Develop.: Boyd, Dean Rozelle 1972 17 8
            Councils: ACE Freshmen Questionnaire 17 9
            Degrees: Degree Requirements 1975 17 10
            Education: Assignments of Lines, Requests for Ranking 1975 17 11
            Education, Division of: Budget 1970-1975 17 12
            Education: Career Developments Placement Center 1975 17 13
            Education: Competency Based Training w/ Anne Arundel Schools 1975 17 14
            Education: Community Learning and Development Center 1973 17 15
            Education: Cooperative Efforts in Graduate Study and Research Proposal 1972 17 16
            Education: Coppin State College, Cooperative Program in Special Educ. 1973 17 17
            Education: Divito Commission 1973 17 18
            Education: Early Childhood Education 1971-1979 17 19
            Education Division: Educational Media; Associate Program 1975 17 20
            Education: EDUCOM Meeting 1975 17 21
            Education Division: Evaluation Team, Md. State 1973-1975 17 22
            Education Evaluation Report 1975 17 23
            Education: Faculty Load/ Schedule Report 1972 17 24
            Education: MD State Sept. of Education Accreditation Visit, Apr. 18, 1975 1974-1975 17 25
            Education, Division of: Md. State Dept. of Education Visit - October 1972 1971-1972 17 26
            Education, Division of: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 1970-1974 17 27
            Education: Newsletter 1972 17 28
            Powers, Thomas, Acting Chairman, Div. of Education 1973 17 29
            Education: Radio Station/ T.V. Program 1972-1976 17 30
            Education: Search Committee's Activities - Accusations 1975-1976 18 1
            Education: Special Education, By laws on 1974 18 2
            Education: Division of: Student Advisory Committee 1972 18 3
            Education: Division of: Studennts in Professional Ed. Interim Rept. & Field Exp. 1969-1974 18 4
            Education: Student Teaching 1975 18 5
            Education Division Survey 1976-1977 18 6
            Education, Division of: Teacher Education Professional Program 1970-1976 18 7
            Education: Teacher Education Program, Accreditation of 1973 18 8
            ED Tech Center, Campus Services 1972-1976 18 9
            Education Technology Center, Smith, Elmer, Classified Employee, Complaint 1973 18 10
            Education Division: Triennial Review 1976 18 11
            Education: Vocational Technical Workshop 1971, 1972 18 12
            Educational Personnel Development Center 1972-1976 18 13
            Educational Policies Study Proposal 1976 18 14
            Faculty: Academic Malpractice 1975 18 15
            Faculty: Contact Hours and Average Student Load 1971 18 16
            Faculty: Appointments, One Year 1973, 1975 18 17
            Faculty: Cataloging of Faculty Expertise 1975, 1976 18 18
            Faculty: Convention Funding 1975 18 19
            Faculty: Enrollment/FTE Faculty 1975 18 20
            Faculty: Governance 1975-1976 18 21
            Faculty - Hiring "freeze" 1976 18 22
            Faculty: Informal Meetings with Chancellor & Vice Chan. 1976 18 23
            Faculty: New Appointments 1975 18 24
            Faculty: Newly Tenured 1974-1975 18 25
            Faculty: Pay Schedule, 1972/73 F.Y. 1972 18 26
            Faculty: Paychecks 1976 18 27
            Faculty: Physical Education, Pfronger, James 1971-1974 18 28
            Faculty: Promotion, Retention & Tenure 1972, 1975 18 29
            Faculty: Tenure Recommendations 1974 18 30
            Faculty: Tenure Recommendation 1975, 1976 18 31
            Faculty: P&T Decisions Academic Year 1975 18 32
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure 1975 18 33
            Faculty: Recruitment of Minority Faculty 1975 18 34
            Faculty: Remission of Fees 1974 18 35
            Faculty: Promotion/Tenure, Review (Seltzer Material) 1974, 1975 18 36
            Faculty: Retention/Dismissal of Instructors, etc. 1974 19 1
            Faculty: Senior Rank Promotions 1972 19 2
            Faculty: Senior Rank Promotions 1973, 1974 19 3
            Faculty: Senior Rank Promotions 1974 19 4
            Faculty: Survey, Life Insurance 1974 19 5
            Faculty: Teaching Evaluation UMBC Policies 1974 19 6
            Faculty Staff: AAUP, New Regulations 1975 19 7
            A.A.U.P. - UMBC Chapter 1976 19 8
            Faculty-Staff: AFL-CIO (Amer. Fed. Of State County and Municipal Employees) 1973-1976 19 9
            Faculty and Staff: Annual Picnic 1967-1971 19 10
            Faculty Staff: Black Caucus - The Manresa Conference Declaration 1971, 1972 19 11
            Faculty-Staff: Cultural Events: Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 1970-1972 19 12
            Faculty/Staff: Insurance Disability, Long Term 1975 19 13
            Faculty/Staff: Intermurals 1973 19 14
            Faculty-Staff: Luncheon Faculty 1976 19 15
            Faculty-Staff: Memorandums 1973 19 16
            Faculty/Staff: Performance - Standards + Staffing Patterns 1975 19 17
            Faculty/Staff: Deferred Anniuty Programs 1972 19 18
            Faculty-Staff: Theater 1970, 1973 19 19
            Faculty and Staff: Thursday Night Dinners 1972 19 20
            Faculty Staff: Women's Union of UMBC circa 1970 19 21
            Faculty-Staff-Student: Food Week 1976 19 22
            Fellowship: Award 1974 19 23
            Fellowship: Browne, Dr. Gail, (psychology) 1975 19 24
            Fellowships: Cancer Research, Damon Runyon Memorial Fund 1974, 1975 19 25
            Fellowships: Graduate 1975 19 26
            Fellowships: Horizond '76 Assistance Program 1974-1975 19 27
            Fellowships: National Fellowship Foundation 1973-1976 19 28
            Fellowships: National Safety Council 1975 19 29
            Fellowships: Program Management Fellowship 1974 19 30
            Financial Aid: Director, Selection of 1973-1977 19 31
            Foundations: Brunswick Foundation 1972 19 32
            Foundations: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 1974 19 33
            Foundations: Lilly: Cove Project 1975 19 34
            Foundations: Martin Luther King Foundation 1972 19 35
            Foundations: Research Corp. 1974 19 36
            Foundations: The 1907 Foundation, Inc. 1972 19 37
            Graduate Center: Graduate Education at the University of Maryland, Policy Statement on 1972 19 38
            Graduate Center: Brochures on Graduate Programs 1974 19 39
            Graduate Council: Graduate Unit System 1975 19 40
            Graduate Council: May 23, 1975 Meeting 1975 19 41
            Graduate Council: Reports on Graduate Programs 1974 19 42
            Graduate Fellowships 1975 19 43
            Graduate Program: Applied Sociology Proposal, Master's 1974-1975 19 44
            Graduate Programs: Actual, Proposed 1975 19 45
            Graduate Program: First PhD Grad - Nishihama, Masahiro 1976 19 46
            Graduate Programs: Biological and Medicinal Sciences, 1 of 2 1973-1976 20 1
            Graduate Programs: Biological and Medicinal Sciences, 2 of 2 1973-1976 20 2
            Graduate Programs: Brochures 1975 20 3
            Graduate Programs: Chancellor's Report to President on Graduate Programs 1973 20 4
            Graduate Programs: Clinical Psychology Proposal 1971-1975 20 5
            Graduate Programs: Community - Clinical Psychology Final Version circa 1974 20 6
            Graduate Program: Community College Teachers circa 1970 20 7
            Graduate Programs: Learning Systems Development (Education) 1974 20 8
            Graduate Programs: Policy Sciences - Wm. Rothstein 1974, 1975 20 9
            Graduate Programs: Public Policy 1974 20 10
            Graduate Program Proposals: Medical-Aging Proposal 1975, 1976 20 11
            Graduate School: Applications 1975, 1976 20 12
            Graduate School: Detailed Description of 1974 20 13
            Graduate School: Development Projects Funding Sources 1973 20 14
            Graduate School: Educational Testing Service 1976 20 15
            Graduate School: Enrollment, Nat'l Statistics 1973 20 16
            Graduate School: Graduate Assistantship Appts. 1970, 1974 20 17
            Graduate School: Recruitment 1975, 1976 20 18
            Graduate Students: University Resources, Availability of 1973-1975 20 19
            Graduate Studies & Research: Graduate Study Statement, Undated 20 20
            Graduate Studies: Research Support Statistics 1974 20 21
            Graduate Study & Research: Graduate Teaching Assistants 1974 20 22
            Graduate Programs: Outside Support for 1973, 1974 20 23
            Graduate Programs: Policy Sciences - Final Version (November 1973) 1973-1976 21 1
            Humanities: Division of, Art: Exhibits 1969 21 2
            Humanities: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Visual & Performing Arts, 1 of 2 1973-1977 21 3
            Humanities: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Visual & Performing Arts, 2 of 2 1973-1977 21 4
            Humanities: Distribution List 1975 21 5
            Humanities: Fine Art Bldg. Dedication of 1975 21 6
            Humanities: Philosophy Dept. 1974 21 7
            Humanities: Publicity (Printed Material) 1974 21 8
            Humanities: Long Range Plans for the Division 1972-1974 21 9
            Humanities: Budget 1971-1972 21 10
            Humanities: Chamber Singers 1974-1976 21 11
            Humanities: Change, Planning for 1972 21 12
            Humanities: Community Orchestra - Balto. Orioles Pennant Appearances 1973 21 13
            Humanities, Division of: Course Lists 1969-1974 21 14
            Humanities, Division of: Donations, Art & Sculpture 1973 21 15
            Humanities: Maryland Arts Council 1975 21 16
            Humanities: Maryland Studies 1975 21 17
            Humanities: National Council on 1975 21 18
            Humanities: Screen Arts Department 1973-1976 21 19
            Humanities: Summer Arts Festival Director 1970-1972 21 20
            Humanities: Symphony Seascape, Nov. 17, 1974 1974 21 21
            Humanities: Theater Major Program 1972 21 22
            Theater Festival: TNT 1975-1976 21 23
            Instruction: Bridge Program 1975-1976 21 24
            Instruction: Business Administration or General Management 1974 21 25
            Instruction: Course and Instructor Evaluation 1972-1975 21 26
            Instruction: Course Changes 1973 21 27
            Instruction: Evening Courses 1975-1976 21 28
            Instruction: Legal Intern Program circa 1975 21 29
            Instruction: Management Econ 1971-1972 21 30
            Instruction: Remedial English Dept's Seminar 1976 21 31
            Instruction: Remedial Training 1976 21 32
            Instruction: Saturday - Sunday Scholar's Programs w/ UMBC 1975, 1976 21 33
            Instruction: Urban Leadership Development Program 1971 22 1
            UMBC Lacrosse Investigation 1976 22 2
            Library: College Park 1976 22 3
            Library: John Hopkins U. Library Borrowing 1974 22 4
            Raimo, Antonio, Director of Library 1970-1976 22 5
            Library: Raimo, Mr. Antonio, Librarian 1970-1972 22 6
            Library: Relocating Slide Collection 1972 22 7
            Memorandum to Concerned Colleagues 1973 22 8
            LRP Advisory Committee 1974 22 9
            Learning Resources Center: Pre-Major Advisement 1976 22 10
            Memorandum: Plagiarism Learning Resource Center 1975, 1979 22 11
            LRP: Learning and Retention 1975-1976 22 12
            Maryland, State of: Library Malcap (Md. Academic Library) Center for Automated Processing 1973, 1974 22 13
            Maryland, State of: Md. Service Corps 1974 22 14
            MCHE: Allied Health Profession 1974 22 15
            MCHE: Inter-Institutional Exchange of Date, Policy on 1974 22 16
            MCHE: Media Survey 1974, 1975 22 17
            MCHE: Pass Study, Report of 1972, 1976 22 18
            MCHE: Task Force, Inter-Agency 1974 22 19
            MCHE: UMBC Academic Program, to be Submited for Approval 1974, 1975 22 20
            Minority Recruitment: Annual Report 1974 22 21
            Minority Recruitment: Approaches SREB's Non-traditional/ to Assess Potential of Black Students 1975 22 22
            Minority Recruitment: Career Education: Baltimore City Schools 1973 22 23
            Minority Recruitment: Grad Students 1976 22 24
            Minority Recruitment: Honor Students 1975, 1976 22 25
            National: NSF - Announcement of Education Programs 1973 22 26
            Phys. Ed.: Athletic Events at UMCP, Tickets to 1976 22 27
            Physical Education: Athletic Program, Abuses of 1976 22 28
            Physical Education: Basket Ball Tournament, Schaefer 1973, 1974 22 29
            Physical Education: Department of Recreation and Parks 1974 22 30
            Physical Education: Employee: Larkins, Winfield, Complaint 1973 22 31
            Physical Education: Faculty: Fairfield, Mrs. Ruth 1974 23 1
            Physical Education: Faculty Intermural Sports 1972 23 2
            Physical Education: Fees 1972 23 3
            Physical Education: Five-Year Projection (1971-1976) 1972 23 4
            Physical Education: Golf 1974 23 5
            Physical Education: Gym II: Floor Covering 1976 23 6
            Physical Education: Karate Instructor Job Description 1974 23 7
            Physical Education: Program and Regulations 1971-1973 23 8
            Physical Education: Tennis Program for Faculty 1972-1976 23 9
            Phys. Ed. Balt. Int. Indoor Tennis Championships at UMBC 1975-1976 23 10
            Physical Education: Tennis Tournament, Balto. Intern'tl Indoor 1975-1976 23 11
            Physical Education: UMCP 1976 23 12
            Physical Education: Vehicles, Procedures for Using Physical Education Vehicles 1973 23 13
            Placement: Annual Report 1975 23 14
            Policy Sciences: Idea for Center for Policy Analysis 1975 23 15
            Policy Sciences Program 1975, 1976 23 16
            Policy Sciences : MPS/JD Joint Program 1975, 1976 23 17
            Promotion & Tenure: Confidentiality 1976 23 18
            Promotion/Tenure: From Faculty Affairs Committee 1974, 1976 23 19
            Proposed Art Major 1971 23 20
            Publications: Journalism Workshop 1975 23 21
            Publications: Retriever 1973 23 22
            Research Grant: Curriculum Development in Egypt (Peake) 1975 23 23
            Research: Grants: Limitation on Expenditures 1968, 1975 23 24
            Research Grants: Rate Changes for Grants/Contracts 1974, 1975 23 25
            RID Project 1975-1976 23 26
            Scholarships: Psi Chi Research Award 1974 23 27
            Scholarships: Senatorial 1975, 1976 23 28
            Science: American Chemical Society 1975 23 29
            Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: Undergrad Course 1976, 1977 23 30
            Science: Chemistry: American Chemical Society 1975 23 31
            Chemistry Major Program 1974, 1975 23 32
            Science: Division Budget 1976 23 33
            Science Division: Confidential Divisional Funds, Use of 1974 23 34
            Science Division: Joint Graduate Program by Inter Campus Groups, Undated 23 35
            Science Division: Laser Use, Saftey in Classroom (Dept. of Health & Mental Hyg.) 1973 23 36
            Science Division: National Medal of Science 1976 23 37
            Science: Operian Lecture 1976 23 38
            Science: RANN - Chesapeake Bay Research Consortium 1972 23 39
            Science Division: Visiting Professor 1974 23 40
            Social Science Division: Annual Report - 1973, 74 1974 23 41
            Conference: Social & Health Perspectives 1976 23 42
            Social Sciences: Division Assembly Resolutions 1973 23 43
            Social Sciences: Faculty Needs 1971, 1972 23 44
            Social Sciences: Geography 1975 23 45
            Social Sciences, Division of: Peake, Dr. Charles F., Acting Chairman 1967-1975 23 46
            Social Sciences: Political Leadership Intern Program 1972 23 47
            Social Science: Political Science Summer Task Force 1972 23 48
            Social Sciences: Policy Sciences Graduate Program Proposal, 1 of 3 1973-1975 24 1
            Social Sciences: Policy Sciences Graduate Program Proposal, 2 of 3 1972-1973 24 2
            Social Sciences: Policy Sciences Graduate Program Proposal, 3 of 3 1972-1973 24 3
            Political Science at UMBC 1974 24 4
            Proposed Majors in Social Science (Health Sciences & Management) 1976 24 5
            Sociology: Aging Conference 1975-1976 24 6
            Social Science Division: Ten Year Projection 1972 24 7
            Social Science: Undergraduate Social Work Program 1972 24 8
            Social Sciences: Urban Studies Assembly 1974 24 9
            Social Sciences: Urban Studies Major Proposal 1971 24 10
            Social Science/Economics: Department/Chairman 1974 24 11
            Social Work 1975-1977 24 12
            Social Work: Young, Dr. Ruth 1975 24 13
            Student: Alexander, Lillian 1976 24 14
            Student: Hahn: Jeffrey 1974 24 15
            Student: Kleinberg; David C. 1976 24 16
            Students: Pociluyko, Peter J. 1973 24 17
            Student: Rictor, Freshman Applicant 1976 24 18
            Student: Disciplinary: Disciplinary Board 1972, 1973 24 19
            Student: Discipline: Faculty Pool for Hearing Boards 1971 24 20
            Student: Disciplinary: Jackson, Edward A. undated 24 21
            Students: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) 1974, 1975 24 22
            Students: Free Hour 1975, 1976 24 23
            Students: Graduate Assistants: Stipends and Conditions 1973 24 24
            Student: Women's Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament 1972, 1973 24 25
            Student Life: SGA: Board of Regents Standards 1972 24 26
            SGA: Budget Review Committee 1972 24 27
            Student Government Association Committee, Liason on Campus Facilities 1972 24 28
            SGA: Contingency Fund 1972 24 29
            Student Government Association: Day Care Center 1971, 1972 24 30
            SGA: Information Committee, Undated 24 31
            SGA: People's Lunch Program 1971 24 32
            Student Government Assoc.: President 1971-1972: Rowe, David A. 1972 24 33
            SGA: Tibbetts, David, President 1972 24 34
            SGA: President Robert Thompson 1971, 1973-1974 25 1
            SGA President: Beth Wayne 1974 25 2
            SGA President: Johnson, Harry 1975, 1976 25 3
            SGA Presidential Elections 1971, 1976 25 4
            Student Government Association: Rathskeller 1972-1973 25 5
            Student Government Association: Reclamation Center 1973 25 6
            SGA: Special Events 1974-1975 25 7
            Student Government Association: United College of Maryland 1972 25 8
            Caplan, Roger V.P., Student Government Association 1974 25 9
            SGA: Past Vice President, Bruce H. Lubich 1974 25 10
            SGA Vice President, Neil, Jack 1976 25 11
            Student Health: Flu Shots undated 25 12
            Student: Health: Freedenberg, Dr. Daniel 1974 25 13
            Student Health Service: Health Forms 1972 25 14
            Student Health: Health Service Policy 1968, 1972 25 15
            Student Health Service: Psychiatic Services 1972 25 16
            Student Life: Campus Ministry 1975 25 17
            Student Life: Chaplains 1965-1976 25 18
            Student Life, Office of: Contract Review Procedure 1972 25 19
            Student Life: Counseling, Academic Advisors, Transfer to IRP 1975, 1976 25 20
            Counseling: B'nai Birth Career & Counseling Service 1972 25 21
            Counseling: Educational & Vocational Orientations of UMBC Freshmen 1975 25 22
            Counseling: "How to do UMBC" Series 1976 25 23
            Student Life: Counseling, Farver, Buck 1972 25 24
            Counseling: Freshmen, Self Directed Search Program 1975, 1976 25 25
            Counseling: Irregularities in Employment Status 1976 25 26
            Counseling: Orientation 1976 25 27
            Student Life: Counseling Registration Packet 1974 25 28
            Counseling & Placement: Career Discover & Focus Program 1974, 1975 25 29
            Student Life: Placement: Employment of 1975 25 30
            Counseling & Placement: Federal Internship Program 1974 25 31
            Student Life: Counseling & Plcmt.: Helms, Mr. Samuel T., 3rd 1970 25 32
            Student: Counseling & Placement: Md. D.C. Placement Conference, Sept. 6, 1972 1972 25 33
            Student Life: Sells, J. Duncan, Director 1972-1976 25 34
            Students: Drugs 1972 25 35
            Student Life: Ecumenical Organization 1972-1974 25 36
            Central Scholarship Bureau Referrals 1976 25 37
            Student Life: Financial Aid, Fee Waiver Program 1972-1975 25 38
            Student Life: Financial Aid, Financial Aid Policy 1972 25 39
            Financial Aid: Middle States Report on 1975 25 40
            Scholarships: Admissions Achievement Award 1971-1974 25 41
            Student Life: Financial Aid: Scholarships, Advertising Club 1974 25 42
            Scholarships: Denice Cooper 1976 25 43
            Student Life: Financial Aid: Scholarship Funds 1966-1974 25 44
            Financial Aid: UMBC Scholastic Award 1972, 1973 25 45
            Financial Aid: Assistant Director of, Mrs. Joyce Williams 1976 25 46
            Student Life: Financial Aid: Work Incentive Program 1971, 1972 25 47
            Student Life: Financial Aid: Workshop, Financial Aid 1973 25 48
            Student Life, Office of: Memo re Future Development 1972-1973 25 49
            Student Life: Residence Halls: Board of Regents 1971-1977 25 50
            Residential Life: Housing, Contract Rules & Regulations etc. 1976 25 51
            Housing: Housing Deposit 1976 25 52
            Student Life: Housing Dormitory Budget 1974, 1975 25 53
            Student Life: Residential Life: Student Advisory Board (Grievances) 1973 25 54
            Student Life: Housing Grievances, List of 1973 25 55
            Residential Life (Housing): Orientation, Summer, New Student 1976 25 56
            Student Life: MAAS Memorial Fund 1975 25 57
            Student Life: Student Marshall Corps 1972 25 58
            Student: Black Student Union: "Northstar" TV Show 1973 25 59
            Students: BSU, Meeting Notes April 17, 1972 1972 25 60
            Student: Foreign 1976 25 61
            Student Organization: Education Student Council circa 1975 25 62
            Students: Organizations, Left Study Project 1975 25 63
            Student Organization: Phi Alpha Theta 1976 25 64
            Student Organizations: Psychology Council 1975 25 65
            Students: Typewriters for Student Use 1976 25 66
            Students: The Student Vote 1972 25 67
            Students: Tutorial Assistance in Math 1969 25 68
            Students: Young Republicans circa 1968 25 69
            Student Life: Posters for Concert, Violation of City Ordinance 1975 25 70
            Students: Chess Club circa 1968, 1974 25 71
            Students: Organizations, Radio: WUMD 1976 26 1
            Television: WLPL, Student Internship Program 1975 26 2
            Television: WMAR-TV 1972-1976 26 3
            LRP Summer Program - Address by Dr. Lee 1974, 1977 26 4
            Students Affairs: Urban Studies Program 1972 26 5
            Student Affairs: College Park Campus: Student Judicial System 1974 26 6
            Undergraduate Council & College Cluster Comm. Joint Meeting 1976 26 7
            U.S. Government Department of Transportation, Program for University Research and Study 1971 26 8
            Associations: AASCU Torgenson, Maureen 1973, 1974 26 9
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Academic Conduct 1969, 1973-1974 26 10
            Senate: Committee: Bachelors of Arts: Option II 1970-1972 26 11
            Buildings, Names of: Senate Committee 1976 26 12
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Educational Planning and Policy 1971 26 13
            UMBC Senate Committees: Educational Planning and Policy 1971-1974 26 14
            UMBC Senate Committees: B.A. in Afro-American Studies 1972 26 15
            UMBC Senate Committees: Educational Planning and Policy, New Course Justification 1974, 1975 26 16
            UMBC Senate Committees: Educational Planning and Policy Planned Course List 1970-1971 26 17
            UMBC Senate Committees: Educational Planning and Policy planned Course List 19,711,972 26 18
            UMBC Senate Committees: Equal Rights Oppurtunities 1974-1976 26 19
            UMBC Senate Committees: Extending Academic Day: Ad Hoc Committee On 19,721,973 26 20
            UMBC Senate Committees: Faculty Affairs 1968-1975 26 21
            UMBC Senate Committees: Faculty Affairs undated 26 22
            UMBC Senate Committees: Faculty Hand Book 1975 26 23
            UMBC Senate Committees: Faculty Staff undated 26 24
            UMBC Senate Committees: Faculty Review 1974-1976 26 25
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Future of the University 1969-1975 27 1
            UMBC Assembly Committees: Female Studies Committee 1971, 1972 27 2
            UMBC Senate Committees: Future of the University 1971-1974 27 3
            UMBC Senate Committees: The Future of the University 1975 27 4
            UMBC Senate: Committees (Ad Hoc) 1977 27 5
            UMBC Senate Committees: Graduate Programs: Biological Science Proposal: 1 of 2 1972 27 6
            UMBC Senate Committees: Graduate Programs: Biological Science Proposal: 2 of 2 1972 27 7
            UMBC Senate Committees 1971, 1973 27 8
            UMBC Senate Committees: Graduate Programs, Policy Sciences 1973 28 1
            UMBC Senate Committees: Graduate Programs, Psychology Proposed M.A. Degree, 1 of 2 1972 28 2
            UMBC Senate Committees: Graduate Programs, Psychology Proposed M.A. Degree, 2 of 2 1972 28 3
            Senate Committee: Graduate School Constitution 1971 28 4
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Graduate Program 1969-1975 28 5
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Library Committee 1971 28 6
            UMBC Senate Committees: Organizational, 1 of 2 1967-1976 28 7
            UMBC Senate Committees: Organizational, 2 of 2 1967-1976 28 8
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Organizational, 1 of 2 1966-1972 28 9
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Organizational, 2 of 2 1966-1972 29 1
            UMBC Senate: Committees: Plan of Organization, Ad Hoc Committee on 1972 29 2
            UMBC Senate: Committees: 6% Exception Committee 1972 29 3
            UMBC Senate Committees: Special Services Sub-Committees 1975 29 4
            UMBC Senate Committees: Special Events 1969-1973 29 5
            UMBC Senate Committees: Publication 1971-1974 29 6
            UMBC: Committees: Student Life 1966-1976 29 7
            UMBC Senate Committees: UMBC Affairs 1974-1975 29 8
            UMBC Senate Committees: UMBC Affairs 1969-1974 29 9
        3. Subseries II.C. Administrative Affairs

          Date: 1964-1982; bulk 1972-1976

          Extent: 2.5 boxes

          Description: Main topics and departments included in this sub-series are the campus budget, the Business Office, Personnel and Payroll, and the Physical Plant (including the campus master plan and space projections).

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Accounting: Petty Cash 1975 29 10
            Administration: Action Agenda on Major items 1972 29 11
            Administration: Articulation, Draft Statement on 1972-1975 29 12
            Administration: Long-Range Planning 1972-1974 29 13
            Administration: Personnel Roster 1975 29 14
            Administration: Revenue-Producing Activities on Campus 1972 29 15
            Administration: Vice Chancellor Performance Objectives 1973 29 16
            Administration: Wage Freeze 1971-1972 29 17
            Administrative Affairs: Administrative Office Responsibilities 1975 29 18
            Administrative Affairs: Annual Report 1974 1974 29 19
            Administrative Affairs: Campus Appearance 1975 29 20
            Administrative Affairs: Capital Projects, Liason w/ State Agencies 1974 29 21
            Administrative Affairs: Employment Administration, Agreement with 1972 29 22
            Administrative Affairs: Speakers Fees 1972 29 23
            Administrative Affairs: Summary of All Employees (Sex, Age, Race, Etc.) 1972 29 24
            Administrative Policies: Central Administration circa 1972 29 25
            Administrative Policies: Human Relations Code, Policy Statement on 1973 29 26
            Administrative Policies: Political Activities 1972 29 27
            Administrative Proceedures, U of MD: Appointments, Academic and Administrative 1971-1976 29 28
            Associate Staff 1974-1975 29 29
            Associate Staff Committee 1975-1976 29 30
            Associate Staff: Manual, Background on 1972-1973 29 31
            Associate Staff: Performance Review 1974-1975 29 32
            Associate Staff: Salaries and Policy and Procedures Booklet 1973-1974 29 33
            Budget: Auxiliary Enterprises, Subsidizing of 1972 29 34
            Budget: Dedicated Funds, 1973-74 1973 29 35
            Budget: Office of, 1976 29 36
            Budget: Responsibility for Maintenance Budgeting 1972 29 37
            Budget: Unrestricted Accounts 1973 29 38
            Budget: Working: Self-Liquidating Projects 1969, 1974 30 1
            Business Office: Classified Employees Committee 1972, 1974 30 2
            Business Office: Data Processing ADP 1972, 1975-1976 30 3
            Business Office: Facilities Planning Office 1969-1975 30 4
            Business Office: Finance & Bus.: Cissel, Mr. C. Wilbur 1970-1972 30 5
            Business Office: Insurance - Boiler and Machinery Policy, Md. Casualty Co. 1973 30 6
            Business Office: Meals for Food Service Employees, Policy of 1976 30 7
            Business Office: Out of State Travel Requests 1971-1973 30 8
            Business Office: Payroll, Confidentiality of 1974 30 9
            Business Office: Personnel Affirmative Action Program at UMBC 1972-1973 30 10
            Business Office: Personnel Conversion of Secretarial Titles 1972 30 11
            Business Office: Personnel Employee's Hearing: Buck, Leonard 1972 30 12
            Business Office: Personnel Employee Requistions 1972 30 13
            Business Office: Personnel: Grievance: Smith, Stanley 1975-1976 30 14
            Business Office: Personnel: Personnel Publications 1973 30 15
            Business Office: Personnel Probationary Employee Progress Report 1974-1975 30 16
            Business Office: Personnel Suggestion Program 1972 30 17
            Business Office: Personnel: Teachers' Retirement System 1964-1973 30 18
            Business Office: Personnel Unionization, Paper on 1974 30 19
            Business Office: Personnel: Veteran's On-The-Job Training 1974 30 20
            Business Office: Purchasing, Information Gathering Project 1975 30 21
            Business Office: Purchasing State Use Industries 1972-1976 30 22
            Business Office: Reclassification 1976 30 23
            Business Office: Removal Charges: Donovan, Sharon Ms. 1976 30 24
            Business Office: Shoplifting, Disciplinary Procedures 1973 30 25
            Business Office: Telephone Policy 1976, 1978 30 26
            Capital Budget: Bldg. Programs Submission of 1974 30 27
            Capital Budget: Budget Cycle 1974 30 28
            Capital Budget: Design of Requested Capital Projects 1975 30 29
            Capital: Capital Projects, Liason Procedures 1974 30 30
            Classified Employees: Annual Leave 1976 30 31
            College Park Campus: Administrative Policies: Revenue Producing Activities on Campus 1972 30 32
            College Park: U of MD Endowments and Gifts, Office of circa 1973-1976 30 33
            Committee: Ad Hoc Committee for Fair and Impartial Treatment 1976 30 34
            Committee: Sign Committee, 1976 30 35
            Consultants: AIDES (Assistance in Developing Educational Systems) 1973, 1975 30 36
            Consultants: Architects: Diamond & Myers 1974 30 37
            Consultants: Myers (Formerly Diamond and Myers) 1975-1976 30 38
            Facilities Planning: Project Expenditure Authority Forms, etc. 1976 30 39
            Faculty/Staff: Retroactive Salary 1972, 1975 30 40
            Fees: Application Fees 1978, 1982 31 1
            Fees: Credential Information (Employers and Graduate Schools) 1975 31 2
            Fees: General 1965-1968, 1976 31 3
            Fees: Graduate Studies, Compilation of 1974-1975 31 4
            Fees: Graduate Tuition 1967 31 5
            Fees: Parking 1975 31 6
            Fees: Student Fees: Structure and Cost 1976 31 7
            Fees: Teacher Educator Fee: Remission Revised Policy 1973-1974 31 8
            Fees: Transcript Charges 1973 31 9
            Fees: Undergraduate, Nonresident Students 1968 31 10
            Fees: Voluntary: Statement of Qualifications for Organizations Seeking Vol. Fees 1973 31 11
            Maryland, State of: Auditor's File 1975 31 12
            Maryland, State of: Councils: Advisor, Construction of Undergraduate Academic Facilities 1972 31 13
            Maryland, State of: Dept. of Budget and Fiscal Planning "Federal Funds Report" 1974-1975 31 14
            Maryland, State of: Department of Fiscal Services 1971-1975 31 15
            Maryland, State of: Dept. of General Services: Liaison Procedures 1974-1975 31 16
            Maryland, State of: Departments: General Services "Maryland Manual" 1973-1976 31 17
            Maryland, State of: Depts: Labor and Industry 1976 31 18
            Maryland, State of: Departments: Police, Maryland State: Fleet Safety Committee 1973 31 19
            Maryland, State of: Departments: Public Improvements: State Bond Sale 1969 31 20
            Maryland, State of: Departments: State Planning 1965-1967, 1976 31 21
            Maryland, State of: Energy Policy Office 1976 31 22
            Maryland, State of: Md. State Police 1974 31 23
            Maryland, State of: Offices: Fire Marshal 1969 31 24
            Maryland, State of: Offices: Treasurer 1973 31 25
            Maryland, State of: Personnel Retirement Contributions 1976 31 26
            Maryland, State of: Purchasing Bureau 1972 31 27
            MCHE: Budget System: Format + Criteria 1972 31 28
            MCHE: Form E-1 1975 31 29
            MCHE: Race of Students Made a Matter of Official Record, Resolution 1973, 1975 31 30
            MCHE: Task Force Meeting 1972-1975 31 31
            Memorandum of Understanding: U of Md. and Office of State ADP Administrator 1971 31 32
            Personnel:Annual Data Verification Form 1976 31 33
            Personnel: Applications, Compliance to Law 1975 31 34
            Personnel: Consolidated Manual of Personnel Practices 1976 31 35
            Personnel: Grievances, Groundskeepers 1974 31 36
            Personnel: Grievances: Hiltner, Millard F., Jr. (Reinstatement of) 1977-1980 31 37
            Personnel: EEO Officer 1975 31 38
            Personnel: Personnel Transaction Procedure (Form MS-310) 1975 31 39
            Personnel: Public Safety Salaries 1975 31 40
            Physical Plant: Access from I-95 to UMBC 1972 31 41
            Physical Plant: Architects: Booth & Somers 1972 31 42
            Physical Plant: Architects: The Leon Bridges Company 1973 31 43
            Physical Plant: Architects: Procedures for the Appointment of 1974 31 44
            Physical Plant: Board of Architectural Review 1964, 1975 31 45
            Physical Plant: Budget 1971-1973 31 46
            Physical Plant: Budget 1974-75 1974 31 47
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic No. 1 1964-1966, 1974 31 48
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic Building #2 1966-1975 31 49
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic Building #2, Wing Additions 1971-1975 31 50
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic Building #3 1970-1972 31 51
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic IV (1) 1971-1976 32 1
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Academic V, 1973 32 2
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Administration Bldg. (Temp.) 1965, 1972 32 3
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Apartment Housing 1979 32 4
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Biological Science Building, Laboratory Reconversion 1973 32 5
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Cafeteria 1973-1975 32 6
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Chemistry - Physics Classoom 1965-1974 32 7
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Commons Facilities 1974-1976 32 8
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Fire in Addition to Theatre 1974 32 9
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Greenhouse 1968-1970 32 10
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Gymnasium in MP Building 1967-1973 32 11
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Dormitory #3 1970-1972 32 12
            Physical Plant: Buildings: Physical Education Bldg. Swimmin Pool Addition 1970-1974 32 13
            Physical Plant: Buildings: South Entrance Plaza 1972 32 14
            Physical Plant: Charges for Facilities and Services 1969-1973 32 15
            Physical Plant: Communications: Centrek Service 1969-1971, 1976 32 16
            Physical Plant: Contracts: Grading, Lighting and Landscaping 1966, 1974 32 17
            Physical Plant: Signing of Contracts and Change Orders 1968-1975 32 18
            Physical Plant: Misc. Contract, Standard General Conditions 1976 32 19
            Physical Plant: Dam 1976 32 20
            Directives: Fleet Operation Instructions (Vehicles) 1973, 1975 32 21
            Physical Plant; Employee Training Programs 1972-1973 32 22
            Physical Plant: Floor Plans 1971 32 23
            Physical Plant: Foreman, McAdams, Franklin P. Sr. 1974 32 24
            Physical Plant: Garden (Organic - Nr. Library) 1972 32 25
            Physical Plant: "Info Centers" 1973 32 26
            Physical Plant: Library: Architects: RTKL 1965-1967, 1973 32 27
            Physical Plant: Library: Change Order 1967, 1975 32 28
            Physical Plant: Master Plan 1970-1975 32 29
            Physical Plant: Master Plan, Review of 1974-1975 32 30
            Physical Plant: Master Plan, Review of 1974, 1976 32 31
            Physical Plant: Miscellaneus, Air Quality/Noise Control 1975-1976 32 32
            Physical Plant: Miscellaneous Consultant - Donn Coffee 1970-1973 32 33
            Physical Plant: Misc. Projected Operating Costs for Requested Capital Projects 1972 32 34
            Physical Plant: Parking 1966-1973 33 1
            Physical Plant: Security Dormitory Breakin Reports 1973 33 2
            Physical Plant: Security Manual 1972, 1973 33 3
            Physical Plant: Security: Whittington, Frederick F. 1974 33 4
            Physical Plant: Site Improvements 1966-1974 33 5
            Physical Plant: Swimming Pool 1972, 1973 33 6
            Physical Plant: Traffic: Metropolitan Blvd, Pattern 1975, 1976 33 7
            Physical Plant: Utilities 1971, 1974 33 8
            Physical Plant: Violation, Air Pollution Control 1974 33 9
            Physical Plant: Warehouse Project UA-688m 1973, 1974 33 10
            Public Safety: Break-Ins, Bomb Scares, etc. 1974 33 11
            Public Safety: Cathy Hardy Incident 1976 33 12
            Public Safety: Confidential Narcotic Investigation 1974 33 13
            Public Safety: Liability Insurance for Police Officers 1975 33 14
            Purchasing: Tax Liability in Leases of Equipment 1976 33 15
            Recreation and Parks, Wagner, Myles P., Director, Arbutus 1971, 1972 33 16
            Salaries: Police Officers on Campus 1975 33 17
            Science Division: Biological Sciences Facility, Planning Academic 5 as a 1972 33 18
            Security: Administration BLDG. 1976 33 19
            Societies: Refrigeration Service Engineers Society 1972 33 20
            Space Inventory: Space Guidelines 1974, 1975 33 21
            Space: Projected Space Requirements 1972-1982, Dated May 1973 1970, 1973 33 22
            Space Projections 1973, 1974 33 23
            Space: Space Utilization 1972-1975 33 24
            Student: Reisfeld, Laurie 1975 33 25
            Student: Young, Kenneth 1976 33 26
            Student Activities: Student Activities & Public Safety 1976 33 27
            Jewish Student Association: Kosher Food Services 1976 33 28
            United States: General Acct'g Office 1976 33 29
            U.S. Government: Federal Energy Agency 1975 33 30
        4. Subseries II.D. Human Resources

          Date: 1969-1977

          Extent: 1.25 boxes

          Description: The bulk of this sub-series relates to UMBC's Affirmative Action Plan and campus-affiliated state court cases.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Administration: Human Relations Office 1972, 1974 33 31
            Affirmative Action: Background Material 1971-1973 33 32
            Affirmative Action: Plan 1977 33 33
            Affirmative Action: Plan, 1 of 3 1971-1977 34 1
            Affirmative Action: Plan, 2 of 3 1971-1977 34 2
            Affirmative Action: Plan, 3 of 3 1971-1977 34 3
            Affirmative Action: Faculty Hiring 1974, 1975 34 4
            Affirmative Action: Planning Committee 1976 34 5
            Affirmative Action: Recruiting for Political Science 1975 34 6
            Commissions: Governor's Commission to Study Implementation of Equal Rights 1973 34 7
            Committee: Affirmative Action for the Handicapped 1974-1975 34 8
            Human Relations: Code of Fair Practices, July 9, 1976 1976-1977 34 9
            Human Resources: Affirmative Action, Audit Trail (Racial Coding) 1975 34 10
            Human Resources: Affirmative Action, Revised Plan 1972-1973, 1975-1976 34 11
            Human Resources: Faculty Data Bank; Black & White Candidates (SREB) 1976 34 12
            Human Resources: Following Search Procedures 1975 34 13
            Human Resources: Internships - Minority/Other Race Grants 1976 34 14
            Human Resources: Premium Pay for Minority Faculty 1975 34 15
            Human Resources: Racial and Sexual Composition of Senate Committees 1974 34 16
            Human Resources: Workshop "The Psychological Bombardment of Black Students" 1973-1974 34 17
            Maryland, State of: Attorney General - Compton & Shaller vs. University of Maryland 1974-1976 34 18
            Maryland, State of: Attorney General Office RE Shaller, Deborah 1975 34 19
            Maryland, State of: Commissions: Human Relations, Commission on Williams v. UMBC 1971-1974 34 20
            Maryland, State of: Commissioner of Personnel: Grievance Procedure 34 21
        5. Subseries II.E. University Relations

          Date: 1961-1976; bulk 1970-1976

          Extent: 1.5 boxes

          Description: University Relations serves as the main point of outreach and information sharing for UMBC. Documents included in this sub-series include publications and files distributed both externally and internally to faculty and staff, prospective students, visitors, alumni, and members of the press. Press clippings are not included here but are available in the University Archives; please contact Special Collections for additional information.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            University Relations: Accountability/ Job Follow-thru undated 34 22
            University Relations: Alumni & Development, Brunswick, Corporation 1976 34 23
            University Records: Alumni and Development Program: Foundation Reporting Service Fund Raising 1961-1971, 1974 34 24
            University Relations: Alumni and Development: Dr. McLean Consulant 1971-1972 34 25
            University Relations: Alumni & Development: Policies and Procedures 1970-1971 34 26
            University Relations: Announcements of Appointments 1972-1975 34 27
            University Relations: Bafford Gifts to the Library 1975 35 1
            University Relations: Beach, Mr. Robert, Assistant to the President for Univ. Relations 1967-1976 35 2
            University Relations: Bicontenial Relay for Higher Education 1976 35 3
            University Relations: Budget 1975 35 4
            University Relations: Campus Tours 1973 35 5
            University Relations: Center, Virginia L. - University (C.P.) Publications Editor & Coordinator of University Relations 1974 35 6
            University Relations: Catalog, Undergraduate 1975 35 7
            University Relations: Concert Programs 1974-1976 35 8
            Consultants: Barton-Gillet Company (David Barton) 1974 35 9
            Consultants: Barton-Gillet Report (September 30, 1974) 1974-1976 35 10
            University Relations: Directory for New Academic Highrise Building 1972 35 11
            University Relations: Endorsements, University Policy Covering 1973 35 12
            University Relations: Internship Program 1974 35 13
            Maryland, State of: Commissions: Bicentennial Commission, Historical Committee of the 1973, 1975 35 14
            Miscellaneous: Baltimore Broadcasters Coalition 1972 35 15
            University Relations: Observer 1973-1976 35 16
            University Relations: Potential Studies and Promotion Material, Report on 1974 35 17
            University Relations: Press Coverage 1974 35 18
            University Relations: Printing, Projected Costs 1973-1974 35 19
            University Relations: Promotional Materials 1975 35 20
            University Relations: Promotional Material: Background on (Graduate Council etc.) 1975 35 21
            University Relations: Promotional Material: Feeder Institution Letters to Highschools w/ UMBC Honor Graduates 1975 35 22
            Promotional Material: Graduate Programs at UMBC 1975 35 23
            University Relations: Property, Loss, Destruction, Claims, etc. 1976 35 24
            Publications: UMBC Now - 1971-1972 1972-1973 35 25
            University Relations: Recruitment, Feeder Institutions 1975 35 26
            University Relations: Reporting the Views of UMBC 1972-1973 35 27
            University Relations: Schedule of "Happenings" 1975 35 28
            Scholarship: PTA: Baltimore Council of (PTA) 1974 35 29
            University Relations: Speakers Bureau 1969-1973 35 30
            University Relations: "Story Idea Project" 1975 35 31
            Students: Honor Society, Psi Chi 1973 35 32
            Student Services: Organizations - Delta Sigma Theta 1974 35 33
            University Relations: Television 1973 35 34
            University Relations: UMBC Now "UMBC in Motion" (Open House) 1976 35 35
            University Relations: Theater Evenings 1971 35 36
            University Relations: UMBC Seal and Ring 1972 35 37
            University Relations: United Communities Campaign undated 35 38
            United States: White House, The 1970-1975 35 39
            University of Maryland: Administrative Procedures: re Gifts and Solicitations 1974 35 40
            University Relations: Visitors Brochure 1975 35 41
        6. Subseries II.F. Data Processing

          Date: 1971-1976

          Extent: .5 box

          Description: This sub-series includes information on UMBC's early use of computers and electronic information and data processing equipment.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Data Processing: Business Information System 1974 36 1
            Data Processing: Centralized University Personal Data System 1975-1976 36 2
            Data Processing: CCACC Advisory Committee on Computing 1973-1975 36 3
            Data Processing: Computer Equipment, Constraints on 1975 36 4
            Data Processing: Incoterm SPD 930 Remote Batch Communicator Terminal 1974 36 5
            Data Processing: Management Summary 1971, 1976 36 6
            Data Processing: Purchase or Rental Form 1975 36 7
            Data Processing: Sauter, J. Supervisor VI 1976 36 8
            Data Processing: UMBC Statistics Center 1976 36 9
            Data Processing: Visual Arts Needs 1975 36 10
        7. Subseries II.G. Middle States

          Date: 1963-1985; bulk 1972-1976

          Extent: 2.5 boxes

          Description: The Middle States Commission on Higher Education serves as the main accreditation body for colleges and universities in the Mid-Atlantic region. Files in this sub-series are primarily associated with the preperation and resulting recommendations from the 1976 Middle States Review. The 1976 report is available in the University Publications (call number UPUB P12-016).

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Steering Committee: Middle States Preliminary Findings A2: UMBC 1969 36 11
            Steering Committee: Middle States Preliminary. Visit to the Campus A1 1969, 1973-1977 36 12
            Steering Committee: Middle States Association General A3 1966-1968, 1973-1974 36 13
            Steering Committee: Steering Committee Correspondance 1970-1971, 1974-1975 36 14
            Steering Committee: Committee Correspondence A5 1975-1976 36 15
            Steering Committee: Assembly Discussion A7 1975 36 16
            Steering Committee: Correspondence Steering Committee 1972, 1974-1975 36 17
            Steering Committee: Education A8 1974-1975 36 18
            Steering Committee: Misc. Correspondence: Middle States, A9. Visit to UMBC 1975-1976 37 1
            Steering Committee: Self Study Report Action. A10 1974, 1976 37 2
            Steering Committee: Report of Chairman of Visitation Committee. A11 1976 37 3
            Steering Committee: Working Materials (System Wide). A12 1974-1975 37 4
            Steering Committee: Report of the Self Study of the State Univ. of NY at Stony Brook. A13 1973 37 5
            Steering Committee: Handbook on the Institutional Self Study. A14 1974 37 6
            Program Areas: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. B1. Morton S. Baratz Middle States Report 1973-1975 37 7
            Program Areas: Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs. (Sallie Griffin) Report. B2 1963, 1971-1976 37 8
            Program Areas: Administrative Office Reports. B3 1969, 1975 37 9
            Program Areas: Office of Administrations and Registrations. Report. B4 1972-1975 37 10
            Program Areas: African American Studies Report. B5 1972-1975 37 11
            Program Areas: Division of Arts and Humanities Report. B6 1972, 1975 38 1
            Program Areas: Division of Education Report, B7 1975 38 2
            Program Areas: Graduate School Report. B3 1969, 1972-1975 38 3
            Program Areas: Institutional Planning and Budgeting. B9 1985 38 4
            Program Areas: Library Report. B10 1974-1975 38 5
            Program Areas: Report of Office of P.E. & Athletics Bill 1973-1975 38 6
            Program Areas: Division of Mathematics and Physics. Report, B12 1974-1975 38 7
            Program Areas: Division of Science Report. B13 1975 38 8
            Program Areas: Division of Social Sciences. Report. B14 1971, 1974-1975 38 9
            Program Areas: Working Materials. R.E. Student Enrollment. B15. 1 of 2 1973-1976 38 10
            Program Areas: Working Materials. R.E. Student Enrollment. B15. 2 of 2 1973-1976 38 11
            Program Areas: Student Services (Duncan Sells) Report (Self Study) B16 1974-1975 39 1
            Task Forces: 1 of 2 1968-1975 39 2
            Task Forces: 2 of 2 1968-1975 39 3
            Task Force on Organization and Governance 1975 39 4
            Task Forces I, II: Middle States Report 1975 39 5
            Task Forces: Review Academic Program 1975, 1978 39 6
            Task Forces: Reports on Faculty Rights and Responsibility: Pgs 1-110, 1 of 2 1975 39 7
            Task Forces: Reports on Faculty Rights and Responsibility: Pgs 111-228, 2 of 2 1975 39 8
            Task Forces: Report on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, 1 of 2 1975 40 1
            Task Forces: Report on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, 2 of 2 1975 40 2
      3. Series III. John Dorsey

        Date: 1968-1989, undated; bulk 1981-1986

        Extent: 14 boxes

        Description: Chancellor John Dorsey began at UMBC in 1977, succeeding Interim Chacellor Louis Kaplan. Due to the short term of service by Kaplan and the degree to which Kaplan and Dorsey's files were combined, Kaplan's records have been included in Series III. The series is arranged in 8 subseries, each subseries containing files relating to a specific office or departmental division: Chancellor's Office, Academic Affairs, Administrative Affairs, Graduate Studies and Research, Student Affairs, Human Relations, University Relations, and Middle States. The files within each subseries are then arranged alphabetically by a sort phrase; the majority of these sort phrases were assigned by the Dorsey office.

        1. Subseries III.A. Chancellor's Office

          Date: 1976-1989; bulk 1981-1986

          Extent: 7 boxes

          Description: Folders in this subseries relate to Dorsey's interaction with the campus at large, the University of Maryland system, and the State of Maryland. Materials are arranged alphabetically within several sort phrases, including: Subject Files, Faculty, Students, Budget, Other Campuses, Administrative Council, Central Administration, Board of Regents, and the State of Maryland.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Subject Files: Center for the Study of the Presidency 1985 41 1
            Subject Files: China (Taiwan)--Youth Goodwill Mission 1985 41 2
            Subject Files: Commencement: June 3, 1984 1984 41 3
            Subject Files: Commencement: June 9, 1986 1978, 1985-1986 41 4
            Subject Files: Commission: Cooperative Education, National Commission for 1979-1986 41 5
            Subject Files: Commission: Montgomery County Commission on Higher Education 1983 41 6
            Subject Files: Commission on College Retirement 1984 41 7
            Subject Files: Conferences: Educational and Business Conference (Partnership in International Trade) 1985 41 8
            Subject Files: Conferences: The Faculty Role in Campus Governance 1984 41 9
            Subject Files: Conferences: Fall Leadership Conference 1982 41 10
            Subject Files: Conferences: MEUC Computer Bowl 1986 41 11
            Subject Files: Conferences: Mid Atlantic Yeast Geneticists & Molecular Biologists 1985 41 12
            Subject Files: Conferences: Tenth Annual African Literature Association Conference 1984 41 13
            Subject Files: Conferences: White House Conference on Small Business 1986 41 14
            Subject Files: Conferences: Yeast Meeting 1985 41 15
            Subject Files: Cooperative Partnership 1985 41 16
            Subject Files: Death Classified 1979-1980, 1984-1986 41 17
            Subject Files: Faculty/Staff: PR/Entertainment Wine & Cheese 1981, 1983-1985 41 18
            Subject Files: Fine Arts Center (Also Performing Arts Center) 1984 41 19
            Subject Files: Goals and Objectives: 83-84 (MBO) 1984 41 20
            Subject Files: Goals and Objectives: For UMBC (MBO) 1983 F.Y. 1984 41 21
            Subject Files: Goals and Objectives: (MBO) 1984-85 Academic Year 1985 41 22
            Subject Files: Goals and Objectives: MBO - F.Y. 1986 1985 41 23
            Subject Files: Graduation: June 3, 1984 1984 41 24
            Subject Files: Graduation: June 9, 1985 1984-1986 41 25
            Subject Files: Maryland: Economic Development: Study of, by University of Maryland 1986 41 26
            Subject Files: Movie Censorship 1984 41 27
            Subject Files: National Endowment on the Humanties 1984-1985 41 28
            Subject Files: Programs with Baltimore City Schools 1985 41 29
            Subject Files: Publications: Bielec, John--"Using Catastrophe Theory in Policy Planning, Etc." 1981 41 30
            Subject Files: Publications: Black Student's Guide to Colleges (UMBC) 1984 41 31
            Subject Files: Publications: "Buisness and the Academy" 1981 41 32
            Subject Files: Publications: Governmental Relations 1979 41 33
            Subject Files: Publications: Growth Potential: A Paper by Johns Hopkins (Gail Garfield Schwartz) 1981 41 34
            Subject Files: Publications: Peer Review and the Public Interest 1985 41 35
            Subject Files: Publications: Releases 1985-1986 41 36
            Subject Files: Publications: University Publishing Associates 1986 41 37
            Subject Files: Research Grants: NSF Institutional Grant Program 1985-1986 41 38
            Subject Files: Retention and Disposal Schedule 1982-1984 41 39
            Subject Files: Task Force on Foreign Language (University-wide) 1984 41 40
            Subject Files: Task Force: Misconduct in Scholarly Activities 1986 41 41
            Subject Files: TV: Retrain America--Teleconference 1986 41 42
            Subject Files: University of Maryland Policies and Procedures 1982 41 43
            Subject Files: University Symbols 1984, 1986 41 44
            Faculty: AIDS, Policy on 1985-1986 41 45
            Faculty: Academic Integrity 1981-1982 41 46
            Faculty: Advisory Committee: Report to State Board of Higher Education 1978 41 47
            Faculty: Age/Tenure Track Faculty 1985 41 48
            Faculty: Appointment Agreement 1984, 1987 41 49
            Faculty: Awards 1984-1986 41 50
            Faculty: Board of Review: Constitution 1981 41 51
            Faculty: Compensation of Increased Administrative Duties 1985 41 52
            Faculty: Contract Abnormalities (Visiting Professors) 1985 41 53
            Faculty: Convocation 1983 41 54
            Faculty: Copyrights, Royalties, Music Licenses, etc (3) 1983-1986 41 55
            Faculty: Credentials 1986 41 56
            Faculty: Demise of 1981-1986 41 57
            Faculty: Development circa 1984 41 58
            Faculty: Early Retirement 1984 41 59
            Faculty: Elkins Professorship 1985-1986 41 60
            Faculty: Emeritus Status 1981, 1983-1984 41 61
            Faculty: Endowments, Matching 1985 41 62
            Faculty: Excellence in Teaching 1985-1986 41 63
            Faculty: Fringe Benefits 1984 41 64
            Faculty: Full Time, 1984-85 1984 41 65
            Faculty: Group Life Insurance Proposal 1975, 1981-1985 41 66
            Faculty: Instructional Materials, Faculty Produced 1985 41 67
            Faculty: Kings Dominion 1985 41 68
            Faculty: Leave of Absence without Pay 1984, 1986 41 69
            Faculty: Library Policy Committee of the UMBC Senate 1978 41 70
            Faculty: Organ Donations 1985 41 71
            Faculty: Orientation 1983-1985 41 72
            Faculty: Part-time 1984, 1986 41 73
            Faculty: Part-time Faculty Handbook 1986 41 74
            Faculty: Per Diem Salary Computation 1984 41 75
            Faculty: Policy on Misconduct in Scholarly Work 1985 41 76
            Faculty: Privacy, Executive Order 1983 41 77
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure: Appeals Committee 1986 41 78
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure: 1983-84 Academic Year 1983-1984 41 79
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure: Social Work, Promotion & Tenure Procedures 1985 41 80
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure: Summary 1984 41 81
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure: Summary and Senior Appointments (1985-1986) 1985-1986 41 82
            Faculty: Promotion & Tenure 1986-1987 1986 41 83
            Faculty: Public Service Directory (University-wide) and Questionnaire--Hot Line 1981, 1985 41 84
            Faculty: Recruitment 1983-1984 41 85
            Faculty: Recruitment--Recruits Lost as a Result of Salary and/or Research Support circa 1982 41 86
            Faculty: Sabbatical Leave 1986 41 87
            Faculty: Safty Awareness Day 1986 41 88
            Faculty: Scholarly Accomplishments of Faculty Members 1980-1986 41 89
            Faculty: Senate: 1983-84 1983-1984 41 90
            Faculty: Senate: 1984-85 1 of 2 1984-1985 41 91
            Faculty: Senate: 1984-85 2 of 2 1984-1985, 1989 41 92
            Faculty: Senate: 1985-86 1 of 4 1985-1986 41 93
            Faculty: Senate: 1985-86 2 of 4 1986 41 94
            Faculty: Senate: 1985-86 3 of 4 1985-1986 41 95
            Faculty: Senate: 1985-86 4 of 4 1985-1986 41 96
            Faculty: Senate 1986 41 97
            Faculty: Senate 1986 42 1
            Faculty: Senate: Academic Conduct Committee: Disciplinary Notations on Student Transcripts 1979, 1983-1984 42 2
            Faculty: Senate: Academic Conduct Committee: Procedures & Policies 1983-1984 42 3
            Faculty: Senate: Academic Dishonesty 1984 42 4
            Faculty: Senate: Academic Planning and Budget Committee 1986 42 5
            Faculty: Senate: Bylaws 1985 42 6
            Faculty: Senate: Bylaws 1983-1985 42 7
            Faculty: Senate: Computer Policy Committee 1986 42 8
            Faculty: Senate: Computer Policy Committee, Requests and Correspondence 1986 42 9
            Faculty: Senate: Core Curriculum Committee 1984 42 10
            Faculty: Senate: Core Curriculum/General Education Requirements 1986 42 11
            Faculty: Senate: Plans of Organization: 1984-1985 1984 42 12
            Faculty: Senate: Plans of Organization Proposal 1983, 1985 42 13
            Faculty: Senate: Proposed Bylaws 1978 42 14
            Faculty: Senate: UMBC--Minutes from Meetings 1986 42 15
            Faculty: Senate: UMBC, Plan of Organization/Bylaws 1985 42 16
            Faculty: Speaker's Forum 1985 42 17
            Faculty: Steering Committee of New UMBC Senates 1983-1986 42 18
            Faculty: Summer Programs 1984 42 19
            Faculty: TIAA-(Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association) 1981-1986 42 20
            Faculty: Titles & Terms of Faculty in Non-tenure Tracks, Resolution on 1982 42 21
            Faculty: Voters Registration Drive 1984 42 22
            Faculty: Visiting Scholar (Sun Scholar Proposal) 1984 42 23
            Faculty: Women 1985 42 24
            Faculty: Women, Status of at UMBC 1985 42 25
            Faculty: Year of Disabled Persons (1981) 1981 42 26
            Students: Biems, Daughter of Connie Biems 1984 42 27
            Students: Brandorfsky, Ava 1985 42 28
            Students: Halperin, Michael 1986 42 29
            Students: Hunt, John 1984-1985 42 30
            Students: Liao, Audrey (Miss Chinatown USA) 1985 42 31
            Students: Margolies, Jeffrey (alumnus) 1981, 1983 42 32
            Students: Norton, Corinne 1983 42 33
            Students: O'Boyle, Mary R. 1982 42 34
            Students: O'Neill, Joseph E. 1983 42 35
            Students: Ramos, Lisa 1985 42 36
            Students: Ritter, Jeremy 1984 42 37
            Students: Rodgers, Deidre L. 1982 42 38
            Students: Schultz, Ron 1982 42 39
            Students: Smolar, Robin 1983 42 40
            Students: Williams, Alice 1982 42 41
            Students: Yen, Wen-Hsiung (Graduate Student) 1983 42 42
            Budget: Compiled 1983-86 UMBC Budget (3 original 2 duplicate): Original 1 of 3 1983-1986 42 43
            Budget: Compiled 1983-86 UMBC Budget (3 original 2 duplicate): Original 2 of 3 1983-1984 42 44
            Budget: Compiled 1983-86 UMBC Budget (3 orginal 2 duplicate): Original 3 of 3 1983-1986 42 45
            Budget: Detailed Budget: '81-'82 1981-1982 42 46
            Budget: FY 85(?): 1 of 3: Extensive Faculty & Student Summary Data 1983-1985 42 47
            Budget: FY 85(?): 2 of 3: Much Summary Info on Student Body Characteristics 1983-1985 42 48
            Budget: FY85(?): 3 of 3: More Summary Data, Including Faculty 1982-1984 42 49
            Budget: Materials FY 1987 (1 of 3) 1984 42 50
            Budget: Materials FY 1987 (2 of 3) 1985 42 51
            Budget: Materials FY 1987 (3 of 3) 1985 42 52
            Budget: Materials FY 1987: Opening Remarks by President Toll, Capital Budget Hearing, University of Maryland 1985 42 53
            Budget: Materials FY 1987: Responses to Questions of the Department of State Planning, UMCP 1985 42 54
            Other Campuses: College Park: Higher & Adult Education Program 1982-1984 42 55
            Other Campuses: Dr. Hornbake: UMCP 1977-1978 42 56
            Other Campuses: Joint Program in Community Plannings, UMAB-UMCP 1984 42 57
            Other Campuses: Task Force: Principal Centers (UMAB/UMBC Coopretive Academic Enhancement) 1983 42 58
            Other Campuses: UMCP: Human Relations 1984 42 59
            Other Campuses: UMCP: Institute for Governmental Service 1984-1986 42 60
            Other Campuses: UMUC: 2 + 2 Articulation Agreement: Howard Community College & Towson State (originally Articulation with UMUC + HCC) 1985-1986 42 61
            Administrative Council: 1983-84 1983-1984 42 62
            Administrative Council: 1984-85 1 of 3 1985 42 63
            Administrative Council: 1984-85 2 of 3 1985 42 64
            Administrative Council: 1984-85 3 of 3 1984 42 65
            Administrative Council: 1985-86 1 of 2 1986 42 66
            Administrative Council: 1985-86 2 of 2 1985 43 1
            Administrative Council: Handwritten Notes 1983-84 1983-1984 43 2
            Administrative Council: Handwritten Notes 1984-85 1984-1985 43 3
            Administrative Council: Handwritten Notes 1985-86 1985-1986 43 4
            Central Administration: Academic Affairs, Vice President for: Dr. Rita R. Colwell 1983-1984 43 5
            Central Administration: Articulation, Office of 1982-1985 43 6
            Central Administration: Assistant Vice President for General Administration 1983-1984 43 7
            Central Administration: Assistant Vice President for General Admission & Financial Affairs: Ms. Donna Cunninghame 1985 43 8
            Central Administration: Bentz: Agricultural Affairs & Legislative Relations 1978-1979 43 9
            Central Administration: Bentz: Agricultural Affairs & Legislative Relations 1979-1980, 1984-1985 43 10
            Central Administration: Bowker, Dr. Albert H., Executive Vice President 1983-1985 43 11
            Central Administration: Brandt: General Administration 1979-1980, 1984 43 12
            Central Administration: Classified and Proprietory Work, Policy on 1984-1985 43 13
            Central Administration: Chavez, Fred, Acting Comptroller 1983-1984 43 14
            Central Administration: Engineering, Dr. Jules, Special Assistant to President 1984 43 15
            Central Administration: Keith, Dr. Leroy, Vice President for Policy and Planning 1984 43 16
            Central Administration: Miller, Doctor Raymond J., Vice President for Agricultural Affairs 1985 43 17
            Central Administration: New Appointments 1984-1986 43 18
            Central Administration: Policy & Planning--Projection of Enrollment & Degree Awarded by Degree Programs 1986 43 19
            Central Administration: President's Report 1985 43 20
            Central Administration: Reports: Administrative and Faculty Resignations Tracable to Noncompetitive Salaries 1982-1984 43 21
            Central Administration: Reports: Community and Public Service Report 1984 43 22
            Central Administration: Reports: Governor's Commission on Excellence 1985 43 23
            Central Administration: Reports: Governor's Request for Program Evaluation 1985 43 24
            Central Administration: Reports: UMBC's Community & Public Service Contributions (Faculty) 1985 43 25
            Central Administration: Reports: UMBC Summary Report 1985-86 1986 43 26
            Central Administration: Ridky, Doctor Robert William undated 43 27
            Central Administration: Search Committee: Chancellor for UMAB 1984 43 28
            Central Administration: Search Committee: Chancellor, UMBC 1985 43 29
            Central Administration: Search Committee: Vice Chancellor For Graduate Schools 1984-1985 43 30
            Central Administration: Smith: University Development: 1979-80, UMCP 1979-1984 43 31
            Central Administration: Sparks: Graduate Studies and Research 1979-80, 1984 43 32
            Central Administration: Stenger, Dr. W. Jackson, Assistant to the President 1984 43 33
            Central Administration: Toll 1983-1984 43 34
            Central Administration: Toll 1984-1985 43 35
            Central Admininstration: Toll, Mrs. John S. 1978, 1985 43 36
            Central Administration: Trademark Policy (Seal & Registered Marks) 1981, 1984 43 37
            Board of Regents: April 13, 1982 1982 43 38
            Board of Regents: May 7, 1982 1982 43 39
            Board of Regents: May 7, 1982 1982 43 40
            Board of Regents: June 18, 1982 1982 43 41
            Board of Regents: June 18, 1982 1982 43 42
            Board of Regents: August 20, 1982 1982 43 43
            Board of Regents: August 20, 1982 1982 43 44
            Board of Regents: October 5, 1982 1982 43 45
            Board of Regents: October 5, 1982 1982 43 46
            Board of Regents: November 9, 1982 1982 43 47
            Board of Regents: November 9, 1982 1982 43 48
            Board of Regents: November 9, 1982 1982 43 49
            Board of Regents: November 29, 1982 (Special Meeting) 1982 43 50
            Board of Regents: January 21, 1983 1983 43 51
            Board of Regents: January 21, 1983 1983 44 1
            Board of Regents: January 21, 1983 1983 44 2
            Board of Regents: March 8, 1983 1983 44 3
            Board of Regents: March 8, 1983 1983 44 4
            Board of Regents: March 8, 1983 1983 44 5
            Board of Regents: May 13, 1983 1983 44 6
            Board of Regents: May 13, 1983 1983 44 7
            Board of Regents: May 23, 1983 (Special) 1983 44 8
            Board of Regents: June 17, 1983 1983 44 9
            Board of Regents: June 17, 1983 1983 44 10
            Board of Regents: August 19, 1983 1983 44 11
            Board of Regents: August 19, 1983 1983 44 12
            Board of Regents: October 7, 1983 1983 44 13
            Board of Regents: October 7, 1983 1983 44 14
            Board of Regents: October 7, 1983 1983 44 15
            Board of Regents: November 18, 1983 1983 44 16
            Board of Regents: November 18, 1983 1983 44 17
            Board of Regents: November 18, 1983 1983 44 18
            Board of Regents: January 20, 1984 1984 44 19
            Board of Regents: January 20, 1984 1984 44 20
            Board of Regents: January 20, 1984 1984 44 21
            Board of Regents: March 23, 1984 1984 45 1
            Board of Regents: March 23, 1984 1984 45 2
            Board of Regents: May 11, 1984 1984 45 3
            Board of Regents: May 11, 1984 1984 45 4
            Board of Regents: June 15, 1984 1984 45 5
            Board of Regents: June 15, 1984 1984 45 6
            Board of Regents: August 28, 1984 1984 45 7
            Board of Regents: August 28, 1984 1984 45 8
            Board of Regents: September 21, 1984 1984 45 9
            Board of Regents: September 21, 1984 1984 45 10
            Board of Regents: November 16, 1984 1984 45 11
            Board of Regents: November 16, 1984 1984 45 12
            Board of Regents: January 18, 1985 1985 45 13
            Board of Regents: January 18, 1985 1985 45 14
            Board of Regents: March 15, 1985 1985 45 15
            Board of Regents: March 15, 1985 1985 45 16
            Board of Regents: March 15, 1985 1985 45 17
            Board of Regents: May 10, 1985 1985 45 18
            Board of Regents: May 10, 1985 1985 45 19
            Board of Regents: June 14, 1985 1985 45 20
            Board of Regents: June 14, 1985 1985 45 21
            Board of Regents: June 14, 1985 1985 45 22
            Board of Regents: August 23, 1985 1985 45 23
            Board of Regents: August 23, 1985 1985 45 24
            Board of Regents: August 23, 1985 1985 45 25
            Board of Regents: October 11, 1985 1985 45 26
            Board of Regents: October 11, 1985 1985 45 27
            Board of Regents: October 11, 1985 1985 45 28
            Board of Regents: December 13, 1985 1985 45 29
            Board of Regents: December 13, 1985 1985 45 30
            Board of Regents: December 13, 1985 1985 45 31
            Board of Regents: February 7, 1986 1986 46 1
            Board of Regents: February 7, 1986 1986 46 2
            Board of Regents: February 7, 1986 1986 46 3
            Board of Regents: May 9, 1986 1986 46 4
            Board of Regents: May 9, 1986 1986 46 5
            Board of Regents: May 9, 1986, President's Report to 1986 46 6
            Board of Regents: June 20, 1986 1986 46 7
            Board of Regents: June 20, 1986 1986 46 8
            Board of Regents: Excerpts from the Minutes Relating to UMBC: 1 of 5 1976-1977 46 9
            Board of Regents: Excerpts from the Minutes Relating to UMBC: 2 of 5 1978-1979 46 10
            Board of Regents: Excerpts from the Minutes Relating to UMBC: 3 of 5 1980-1981 46 11
            Board of Regents: Excerpts from the Minutes Relating to UMBC: 4 of 5 1982-1983 46 12
            Board of Regents: Excerpts from the Minutes Relating to UMBC: 5 of 5 1984-1986 46 13
            Board of Regents: Governors Commission on Excellence in Higher Education 1985 46 14
            Board of Regents: Governors Commission on Excellence in Higher Education-Report 1985 46 15
            Board of Regents: Reports to the Board 1983 1982-1983 46 16
            Board of Regents: Resumes 1984-1986 46 17
            State of Maryland: Executive: 350th Anniversary Celebration 1983-1984 46 18
            State of Maryland: Executive: Attorney General: Mehran Abdeshah vs. UMBC Residency Status 1985 46 19
            State of Maryland: Executive: Attorney General: Mingle 1978, 1984-1986 46 20
            State of Maryland: Executive: Attorney General: Opinion of Counsel--"Litigations & Other Agreements" 1984, 1986 46 21
            State of Maryland: Executive: Attorney General: Request for Opinion 1985 46 22
            State of Maryland: Executive: Attorney General: Status Reports of University Cases 1985 46 23
            State of Maryland: Executive: Attorney General: Summary File of Correspondence in Ms. Griffen's Office 1985 46 24
            State of Maryland: Executive: Board of Public Works 1983-1984 46 25
            State of Maryland: Executive: Board of Public Works: Sale--Leaseback, Lease-Leaseback Agreements 1984 46 26
            State of Maryland: Executive: Budget & Fiscal Planning 1986 46 27
            State of Maryland: Executive: Commission on Excellence in Higher Education (1) 1986-1987 46 28
            State of Maryland: Executive: Commission on Excellence in Higher Education (2) 1985-1986 46 29
            State of Maryland: Executive: Commission on Excellence in Higher Education (3) 1985-1986 46 30
            State of Maryland: Executive: Commission on Excellence in Higher Education, Briefing Book 1985-1986 46 31
            State of Maryland: Executive: Commission on Excellence in Higher Education: Special Project 1981-1987 46 32
            State of Maryland: Executive: Debra J. Gurtler, Director of Governor's Washington Office 1985 46 33
            State of Maryland: Executive: Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning 1985 46 34
            State of Maryland: Exceutive: Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning: Purchase of State-Owned Vehicles 1981-1986 46 35
            State of Maryland: Exceutive: Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning: State-Owned Vehicles, Commute Charge Program 1979-1985 46 36
            State of Maryland: Executive: Department of Personnel: Women in State Service, Annual Conference 1984-1985 46 37
            State of Maryland: Executive: Department of State Planning 1985 47 1
            State of Maryland: Executive: Employment of Minorities, Women, and Handicapped: Governor's High Priority 1984 47 2
            State of Maryland: Executive: Governor's Commission on Excellence in Higher Education 1985-1986 47 3
            State of Maryland: Excecutive: Governor's Task Force on Documents 1983-1985 47 4
            State of Maryland: Exceutive: Governor's Task Force on Nursing Education 1984-1985 47 5
            State of Maryland: Executive: Gubernatorial Candidates 1985 47 6
            State of Maryland: Executive: Insurance Division 1985 47 7
            State of Maryland: Executive: Insurance, Tort Claims Act 1986 47 8
            State of Maryland: Executive: Maryland: Woman Manager of the Year Award 1984 47 9
            State of Maryland: Executive: Maryland Commission for Women 1981-1987 47 10
            State of Maryland: Executive: Maryland State Scholarship Board 1981-1985 47 11
            State of Maryland: Executive: Miscellaneous 1984, 1986 47 12
            State of Maryland: Executive: Office of International Trade 1985 47 13
            State of Maryland: Executive: Sister State, Anhui, China 1985 47 14
            State of Maryland: Executive: Special Advisory Commission on Professional Sports and the Economy 1984 47 15
            State of Maryland: Executive: State Highway Administration 1984 47 16
            State of Maryland: Executive: State Historical Trust (and Preservation) 1985 47 17
            State of Maryland: Executive: State Planning Department 1981-1985 47 18
            State of Maryland: Executive: State Treasurer 1984, 1986 47 19
            State of Maryland: Executive: Treasurer: Insurance Claims on Vehicles 1983-1984 47 20
            State of Maryland: Executive: Voter Education Program 1984 47 21
            State of Maryland: Legislature: 1987 Hearings 1986 47 22
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Budget Hearings--1984 1983-1984 47 23
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Committees--General Correspondence 1984 47 24
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Cumulative Supplement 77A--Higher Education 1977 47 25
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Department of Legislative Reference 1984 47 26
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Economic Development Pro-proposal for the State of Maryland 1984-1985 47 27
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Education and Human Resources, Subcommittee on (Kopp Commission) 1981, 1984-1986 47 28
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Flexibility Bills: 1984 Correspondence 1980, 1983-1984 47 29
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Flexibility Bills--1984 Minutes, Task Force to Study Flexibility for Higher Education 1981, 1983-1984 47 30
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Flexibility Bills--1984 Reports Preceding Legislation 1983 47 31
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Flexibility Bills--1984 Senate Bill 957 and Senate Bill 960 1984 47 32
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Committee on Budget Flexibility for Higher Education 1983 47 33
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee 1985 47 34
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds 1984 47 35
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Management of Public Funds 1985 47 36
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Miscellaneous 1981, 1984 47 37
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Miscellaneous 1983-1985 47 38
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Public Information Act 1983-1985 47 39
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Special Joint Subcommittee on Trauma Care Rehabilitation 1984 47 40
            State of Maryland: Legislature: General Assembly: Testimony by University Employees 1986 47 41
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Committees Membership Roster 1984 47 42
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearing--1984(?)--Briefing Book(?) 1 of 2 1982-1983 47 43
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings--1984(?)--Briefing Book 2 of 2 1979-1985 47 44
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings: Briefing Book 1984-1985 47 45
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings: Briefing Book 1984-1985 47 46
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings: Briefing Book 1984-1985 47 47
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings: 1986-Briefing Book 1985-1987 47 48
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings: 1986-Briefing Book 1985-1987 47 49
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Legislative Hearings: 1986-Briefing Book 1985-1986 47 50
            State of Maryland: Legislature: Senate: Budget and Taxation Committee: Reduction in Out-of-State Travel 1979, 1984 47 51
            State of Maryland: Legislature: University of Maryland Medical System Corporation (University Hospital Governance) 1984 1983-1984 47 52
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Advisory Committee on Testing 1984 47 53
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Advisory Council on the Future of Academic Libraries 1985 47 54
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Alumni University 1986 47 55
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Bachelor Degree Recipients, 1983-84 Survey 1986 47 56
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Budget Guidelines 1985 47 57
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Budget Guidelines, Calculations 1986 47 58
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Chancellor's Special Task Force on SBHE's Desegregation Plan 1986 47 59
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Conference--Retention and Graduation Rates of First-time, Full-time Freshmen… 1986 47 60
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Cooperative Graduate Degree Program Guidelines 1985 47 61
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Desegregation Annual Reports 1984-1986 47 62
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Desegregation Annual Status Reports 1974-1984 47 63
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Desegregation Semi-Annual Reports 1985 47 64
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Desegregation, University-wide Committee on 1986-1987 47 65
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Directory of Public & Private Postsecondary Education Institutions 1980, 1985 48 1
            State of Maryland: SBHE: EEO, Annual Report 1986-1987 48 2
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Education of Economic Security Act 1985 48 3
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Enrollment Experience and Forecast 1984-1985 48 4
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Enrollment Projections, Ten Year (through 1993) 1984 48 5
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Enrollment Projections thru 1996 1985-1986 48 6
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Equal Post Secondary Educational Opportunity, Plan to Assure: 1980-85 1980-1981 48 7
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Faculty Advisory Committee 1983-1986 48 8
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Faculty Advisory Committee 1986 48 9
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Fall Enrollments in Maryland Institutions 1985 48 10
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Funding Guidelines 1984-1985 48 11
            State of Maryland: SBHE: G.I. Bill 1986 48 12
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Graduate Feedback from SBHE Questionnaire 1985 48 13
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Guide to Higher Education and Job & Training Services in Maryland 1965, 1981-1985 48 14
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) 1984 48 15
            State of Maryland: SBHE: HEGIS (Higher Education General Information Survey) 1984, 1986 48 16
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Higher Education in Maryland, Conference 1986 48 17
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Indicators of Institutional Viablility 1984-1985 48 18
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Job Bank 1985 48 19
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Library Staff Salary Survey 1986 48 20
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Maryland Statewide Plan--7th Annual Review 1985 48 21
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Maryland Statewide Plan, Revised 1985-1986 48 22
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Maryland Statewide Plan, Revised (2) 1985-1986 48 23
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Maryland Statewide Plan, Draft: Role and Mission Statement 1985-1986 48 24
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Master Plan, Revision Hearings on 1978-1985 48 25
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Master Plan, 5th Annual Review 1983-1984 48 26
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Master Plan, Annual Review 1983-1984 48 27
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Master Plan 1985-1986 48 28
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Membership 1975, 1982-1984 48 29
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Miscellaneous 1983-1984, 1988 48 30
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Miscellaneous Enrollment 1985 48 31
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Off-campus Course Offerings, New Sites for 1984 48 32
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Outline for Presentation on Higher Education in Maryland 1984 48 33
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Plan to Assure Equal Post-secondary Education Opportunity 1985 48 34
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Postsecondary Education Research Reports 1983 48 35
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Postsecondary Education Research Reports 1986 48 36
            State of Maryland: SBHE: President's Retreat 1985 48 37
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Program Accreditation & Planning Procedures 1984 48 38
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Program Inventory, Five-Year 1982-1985 48 39
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Program Inventory for UMBC 1984-1985 48 40
            State of Maryland: SBHE: "Record" (newsletter) 1980-1981, 1984-1986 48 41
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Religious Colleges, Minimum Requirements for 1984 48 42
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Remedial Education Study 1984-1985 48 43
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Report of All Programs by Institution and Degree Level 1985 48 44
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Research, Advisory Council 1983-1984 48 45
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Research Advisory Council 1984-1985 48 46
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Richard R. Kline, Chairman 1985 48 47
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Segmental Executives' Meetings 1985 48 48
            State of Maryland: SBHE: SPSS Frequencies, All Varsity-2/13/85 1985 48 49
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Status of Academic Libraries 1985 48 50
            State of Maryland: SBHE: "Student Guide to Higher Education" 1983, 1985 48 51
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Survey of Remedial Education 1984 48 52
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Testing 1986 48 53
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Testing Program, Statewide 1985 48 54
            State of Maryland: SBHE: Transition Course Committees 1985 48 55
        2. Subseries III.B. Academic Affairs

          Date: 1977-1987, undated; bulk 1981-1986

          Extent: 2.25 boxes

          Description: This subseries documents Dorsey's interaction with the Academic Affairs department and other offices under this division. Folders are arranged by a sort phrase designating the office, and then alphabetically within the sort phrase. Departments include the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Academic Services, Information Services, Intercollegiate Athletics, the Learning Resource Center, the Library, and Special Sessions.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Vice-Chancellor: Academic Planning 1984-1985 48 56
            Vice-Chancellor: ACE Selection Committee 1985-1987 48 57
            Vice-Chancellor: Calender Study: National Association of College Stores 1986 48 58
            Vice-Chancellor: Committee on Academic Structure 1985 48 59
            Vice-Chancellor: Consultant, Carolyn Jackson Sahni 1984 48 60
            Vice-Chancellor: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Recruitment of New Students a/vs/a Academic Planning 1982-1985 49 1
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Acadamy of Arts, Cairo, Egypt 1983-1985 49 2
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: American Academy in Rome, Italy 1983-1984 49 3
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Assuit University, Egypt undated 49 4
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Cairo University, Egypt 1984 49 5
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Fundan Shanghai University, China 1982, 1984-1985 49 6
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Lille University, France 1984-1985 49 7
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, Taiwan; Beijing University, China 1981-1982, 1984 49 8
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Pennsylvania State University, USA 1986 49 9
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Queens University, Ireland 1983, 1986 49 10
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: University of Science and Technology, China 1984 49 11
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: University of Sri Lanka 1984 49 12
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Université de Valenciennes 1982-1984 49 13
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: University of Valenciennes, France 1984-1985 49 14
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Valenciennes University, France 1985 49 15
            Vice-Chancellor: Exchange Agreement: Zagazig University, Arab Republic of Egypt 1984 49 16
            Vice-Chancellor: Ethics--Walbesser 1984 49 17
            Vice-Chancellor: General Distribution Requirements 1984 49 18
            Vice-Chancellor: Institution for Advanced Study of Computer Science 1984 49 19
            Vice-Chancellor: Instruction: Army ROTC 1985 49 20
            Vice-Chancellor: Intercampus Telecommunication Networks 1984 49 21
            Vice-Chancellor: International Education 1984-1985 49 22
            Vice-Chancellor: Jones, Walter 1984 49 23
            Vice-Chancellor: Neville, Dr. Richard F. 1983-1984 49 24
            Vice-Chancellor: Religious Holiday Schedule 1985 49 25
            Vice-Chancellor: Select Committee on Goals and Objectives 1984-1985 49 26
            Vice-Chancellor: Television: Campus Network 1985 49 27
            Vice-Chancellor: Television Tower & ITV System 1984-1986 49 28
            Vice-Chancellor: UMBC Full Time Faculty List 1985-1986 49 29
            Vice-Chancellor: University-wide Task Force on Foreign Languages 1984, 1986 49 30
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Academic Advising 1979-1986 49 31
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Academic Computer Users 1983-1985 49 32
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Adopt a School Program: Southern High 1985 49 33
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Adopt a School: University of Delaware 1985-1986 49 34
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Advising: Cote, Maxine: Advising Coordinator 1984-1985 49 35
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Advisory System, Projected undated 49 36
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: African American Studies 1984 49 37
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: American Studies Newsletter 1981 49 38
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Ancient Studies: Res Classicae 1984 49 39
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Visiting Faculty Appointments 1983-1984 49 40
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences: Dupont & Biosciences 1983-1986 49 41
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences: Hazardous Materials 1984-1985 49 42
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences: Hazardous Materials 1985 49 43
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences: Hazardous Waste 1984, 1986 49 44
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences: Medical School Admissions Data (UMBC) 1983 49 45
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences: Research Corporation--Dr. Lovett's Patent (Not Dupont) 1984 49 46
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Chairman Appointments 1977-1984 49 47
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Chairman Appointments 1985 49 48
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Chemistry: Chemical Spills 1985 49 49
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Classical Studies Proposal at UMCP (Conflict with UMBC's Ancient Studies) 1981 49 50
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Computer Science 1979-1982 49 51
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Department Chairman: Intercampus Workshop 1983-1985 49 52
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Department/Chairman Meetup 1984-1985 49 53
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Department Meetings 1983-1984 49 54
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Department Meetings Chairmen 1985-1985 49 55
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Economic/Administrative Sciences 1977-1978, 1985 49 56
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Emergency Health Services: Computer Acquisition 1986 49 57
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Engineering: Accreditation 1986 49 58
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Engineering: Annual Report 1986-1987 49 59
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Engineering: Engineering Implimentation at UMBC 1983-1986 49 60
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Engineering : Hagerstown Operation 1984, 1986 49 61
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Engineering Technology, BS 1980, 1982 49 62
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Extended Day Planning 1980-1985 49 63
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Faculty: Agreement, Special for Engineering Faculty 1985 49 64
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Faculty: Appointments & Promotions 1983-1984 49 65
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Final Exams Schedule 1984 49 66
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Geography Chairman 1984 49 67
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Grade Appeals, Student 1984 49 68
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: International Education Committee 1982-1984 49 69
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Mathematics: Actuarial Science and Annuity Theory 1985 49 70
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Minority Recruitment: Minority Graduate Student Recruitment 1985 49 71
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Music: Concert Tours 1979-1984 49 72
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Music: Concert, UMBC Community Symphony's Annual 1984 49 73
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Nursing: Articulation Model 1985 50 1
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Nursing: Position, etc. 1983, 1985 50 2
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Photography 1978, 1980-1984 50 3
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Photography: Photography Program Proposal 1984 50 4
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Physical Education: Athletes, Academic Performance of 1983-1986 50 5
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Physical Education: Athletic Facilities, Gift Receipts, Rentals, etc. 1984-1985 50 6
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Physical Education: Basketball 1985-1986 50 7
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Physical Education: Lacrosse 1983-1984 50 8
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Physical Education: Rowing 1985 50 9
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Physical Education: Watts--Hubbard Review 1984 50 10
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Political Science 1983-1984 50 11
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Professional Program Directors 1984 50 12
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: "Res Classicae": Ancient Studies Newsletter 1986 50 13
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Retention, Study Group on Undergraduate 1984 50 14
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Search Committee: Sociology Chairman 1984, 1986 50 15
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Search Committee Procedures 1984-1985 50 16
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Student Recognition Day 1984-1986 50 17
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Survey of Students: Political Science 1985 50 18
            Dean of Arts and Sciences: Travel Funds 1984 50 19
            Academic Services: Admissions: Ad Hoc Baltimore City Committee 1985 50 20
            Academic Services: Admissions: Admissions Requirements 1986 50 21
            Academic Services: Admissions: Adult Students Program 1985 50 22
            Academic Services: Admissions: Application, Combined Undergraduate 1984-1987 50 23
            Academic Services: Admissions: Catalog, Undergraduate 1985 50 24
            Academic Services: Admissions: Educational Testing Service 1984-1985 50 25
            Academic Services: Admissions: Foreign Students (Chinese) 1984-1985 50 26
            Academic Services: Admissions: Foreign Students Inquires 1981-1985 50 27
            Academic Services: Admissions: Golden ID Program 1984 50 28
            Academic Services: Admissions: High School Councelors Symposium 1984 50 29
            Academic Services: Admissions: Policies and Procedures 1985 50 30
            Academic Services: Admissions: Recruitment: Honors Reception circa 1981 50 31
            Academic Services: Admissions: Recruitment: Honors Symposiums 1983-1985 50 32
            Academic Services: Admissions: Recruitment: Info-Disc Corporation 1984-1985 50 33
            Academic Services: Admissions: Recruitment: Laser Discs 1984 50 34