
Title: University Senates records
Call Number: Coll052
Creator: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dates: 1966-2014
Size: 68 boxes (63.5 linear feet)
Language: English
Abstract: The University Senates records cover governance at UMBC and contain the papers of UMBC’s representative governing bodies, including the UMBC Assembly, UMBC Senate, Faculty Senate, Student Government Association (SGA), Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Professional Associate Staff Senate (PASS), and Classified Staff Senate (CSS). The bulk of papers include meeting minutes, reports, information regarding proposals and policy changes, agendas, motions, election records, and budgets. Materials also relate to Non-Exempt Excluded Staff (NEES) and the Office of Student Life.
Citation: University Senate records, University Archives, Collection 52, Special Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Baltimore, MD).

Administrative/Biographical Note

1966 The UMBC Faculty, under the direction of Dr. Albin Owings Kuhn, created an Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Organization in order to develop a permanent faculty organization at UMBC.
1967 The first Plan of Organization laid out a governing structure. There were to be two governing bodies in addition to a Student Government Association (SGA): the UMBC Assembly, which was to be the general electorate, and the UMBC Senate, which represented the Assembly. The Assembly was composed of faculty, full-time employees, and full-time visiting faculty. Its main functions were to initiate discussions on any matter of concern to UMBC; to act as a referendum body on questions raised by the Senate; and to receive general information from the vice president of UMBC, the Senate, and other members of the academic community. UMBC Senate's functions included making recommendations to university administrators; reviewing the actions of the Faculty Senate and the SGA; establishing bylaws; formulating and recommending educational policies, as well as policies pertaining to student life and activities; and advising the University President, Vice President, and the Board of Regents. On October 3, the UMBC Assembly held their first meeting. The Assembly elected a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Assembly and six members at large.
1968 The Organizational Committee recommended that students participate in UMBC governance. Four student members began serving on the UMBC Assembly and the UMBC Senate.
1971 The Teaching Evaluation Committee was created to develop measures for the effectiveness of teaching.
1976 The UMBC Senate created an Ad Hoc Committee on Governance to evaluate the structure of governance at UMBC and to make recommendations to the faculty and the Board of Regents for reforming that structure. The Committee's final report came in the Fall of 1976.
May 1980 The Professional Associate Staff Senate (PASS) was created. PASS represented the interests and concerns of the associate staff at UMBC and formulated policies with regard to associate staff personnel. The Faculty Senate replaced the UMBC Senate, which ceased to exist. The Faculty Senate had the authority to formulate policies with regards to faculty promotion, tenure, retention, rules and regulations. The Faculty Senate oversaw a number of committees including the Academic Planning and Budget Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Research Council.
September 1, 1980 A new Plan of Organization went into effect. There were now three representative bodies: Faculty Senate, SGA, and PASS. A Steering Committee consisted of representatives from all three of the representative bodies. The SGA consisted of elected members who represent all undergraduate students enrolled at UMBC. It could formulate policies regarding budgets for funds and governance of clubs and student associations. The Plan of Organization also laid out roles for University Committees.
1981 The UMBC Faculty Senate recommended to President John Dorsey and Board of Regents that UMBC's library be named in honor of Dr. Albin O. Kuhn, upon his retirement.
1987 The Classified Staff Senate was formed with the mission of reviewing academic policies and practices as they affect the classified staff; promoting an improved work environment; and enhancing morale among classified staff.
1994 The Faculty Senate approved a motion supporting the principle of full representation of UMS faculty on the Board of Regents.
1997 The Board of Regents established the Regents' Faculty Awards to recognize distinguished performances of faculty members.
2002 A proposal was originated to organize a Paraprofessional Staff Senate. The purpose was to represent the interests and concerns of all of the excluded Non-Exempt staff who did not have any other means of representation at UMBC before the initiation of the proposal.

Scope & Content


The University Senate records have been divided into seven series:

Series I. UMBC Assembly

    Series II. UMBC Senate

    1. Minutes and General Records
    2. Ad Hoc Committee on Governance

    Series III. Faculty Senate

    1. Minutes, Transcripts, and Committee Papers
    2. Index of Motions
    3. Academic Policy and Budget Committee
    4. Faculty Affairs Committee
    5. Research Council

    Series IV. Student Government Association

    1. Minutes and General Records
    2. Committees
    3. Financials
    4. Clubs

    Series V. Undergraduate Council

    1. Minutes and General Records
    2. Department Files

    Series VI. Professional Associate Staff Senate

      Series VII. Classified Staff Senate


        The University Senates records include the papers of the UMBC Assembly, the UMBC Senate, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Association (SGA), the Undergraduate Council, the Professional Associate Staff Senate (PASS), and the Classified Staff Senate (CSS). The collection, which is 63.5 linear feet, includes records from 1966 to 2014. Records include, but are not limited to, meeting minutes, transcripts, agendas, correspondence, bylaws, recommendations to the UMBC administration, committee reports, budgets, and election materials.

        The UMBC Assembly (Series I) and the UMBC Senate (Series II) were the first two governing bodies at UMBC. Some notable topics addressed in these two series are governance, academic policies and programs, promotion and tenures, and faculty regulations. In 1980, UMBC governance underwent a shift. The Faculty Senate replaced the UMBC Senate. The records of the Faculty Senate (Series III) include information on such topics as athletics, the Library, minority affairs, tenure, pay, academic planning, and budgets.

        This collection also includes the records of the SGA (Series IV) and the Undergraduate Council (Series V). Topics covered in the SGA series include student clubs, budgets, academic programs, parking, Greek life, student conduct, and governance. Topics addressed in the Undergraduate Council series include the academic departments, changes in undergraduate degrees, degree requirements and majors, curricula, and the Ner Israel agreement.

        With the reorganization of the governance system in 1980 also came the emergence of the PASS. PASS records (Series VI) address the topics concerning professional staff, including pay, holidays, tuition remission, staff awards, collective bargaining, exempt pay plan, and staff development and morale. The Classified Staff Senate began in 1986. Topics covered in this series (Series VII) include staff awards, the Honors Task Force, development, and collective bargaining.

        Included throughout this collection are records pertaining to University Committees. Committees accept assignments from and report back to the senates and the Steering Committee. Records of the University Committees are included with the senate that specifically oversees that committee. A selection of the Committees include: Facilities Planning Committee, Scheduling and Facilities Use Committee, Athletics Committee, Library Policy Committee, Academic Policy and Budget Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee, Research Council, Faculty Review Committee, Special Sessions Policy Committee, Academic Conduct Committee, Student Life Committee, and the Professional Association Staff Review Committee.

        The collection includes several audiovisual recordings on audiotape and cassette, as well as records on zip disks and CD. Audio-visual recordings of the UMBC Senate are available from approximately May 1977 through September 1974, the Faculty Senate from approximately September 1980 through December 2009, and the Research Council are available from approximately March 2002 through September 2009. Records on zip disk and CD contain minutes and files relating to the Faculty Senate, the Academic Policy and Budgeting Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Research Council.

        Provenance Information

        Provenance and Acquisition Information

        All the materials were donated by the UMBC Assembly, UMBC Senate, Faculty Senate, the Student Government Association (SGA), Senate Council, Graduate Council, Non-Exempt Excluded Staff, Faculty Development Center, Professional Associate Staff Senate (PASS), and the Office of Student Life of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Records were stored and maintained by the University Archives and access was granted to researchers prior to processing. Accessions include: UARC 1995-03, UARC 1995-05, UARC 1997-06, UARC 1997-13, UARC 1997-27, UARC 1997-30, UARC 1998-01, UARC 1999-04, UARC 2001-03, UARC 2003-14, UARC 2004-01, UARC 2006-09, UARC 2006-13, UARC 2007-25, UARC 2008-23, UARC 2008-37, UARC 2009-008, UARC 2009-025, UARC 2009-026, UARC 2010-016, UARC 2012-006, UARC 2014-002, UARC 2014-016, and UARC 2014-017.

        Processing Note

        The University Senates records were processed by graduate assistants Homira Pashai and Johanna Schein under the supervision of the Special Collections Archivist Lindsey Loeper as part of a campus-wide initiative to prepare for the 50th anniversary of UMBC. Designated funding was allocated by the Provost's office. Assistance was provided by Special Collections' student assistants Steve Ammidown and Dan German. Additional processing done by graduate assistant Nichole Zang. This collection was processed to the folder level. Folders were examined for sensitive and confidential items, which were removed. All items removed are noted in the original folders with a document removal form. Audio and visual records as well as oversized or physically compromised materials were transferred to appropriate storage.

        Descriptive Rules Used

        Describing Archives: a Content Standard (DACS)

        Archives Processing Manual: Description (2015): The processing manual used in Special Collections for all descriptive platforms, including PastPerfect.

        Access & Use

        Finding Aids

        Finding aid available.

        Finding Aid: http://library.umbc.edu/speccoll/findingaids/coll052.php

        Access Conditions

        No restrictions.

        Conditions Governing Reproductions and Use

        Reproductions allowed for research purposes. UMBC is the copyright owner; permission to reproduce is required.

        Subject Headings


        University of Maryland, Baltimore County

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Assembly

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Senate

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Faculty Senate

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Undergraduate Council

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Student Government Association

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Professional Associate Staff Senate

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Department of Student Judicial Programs


        Baltimore County (Md.)

        University of Maryland, Baltimore County -- Archives

        Series Description & Container List

        1. Series I. UMBC Assembly

          Date: 1967-1980

          Extent: 1 box (1 linear foot)

          Description: This series contains the records of the UMBC Assembly. It is arranged chronologically. Original folder titles are retained with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Minutes: September-October, 1967 1967 1 1
            Reports: December 14, 1967 1967 1 2
            Minutes: December 19, 1967 1967 1 3
            Minutes: March 28, 1968 1968 1 4
            Minutes: May 14, 1968 1968 1 5
            Minutes: September 10, 1968 1968 1 6
            Correspondence: December 24, 1968 1968 1 7
            Minutes: February 25, 1969 1969 1 8
            Minutes: March 18, 1969 1969 1 9
            Minutes: April 29, 1969 1969 1 10
            Minutes: May 5, 1969 1969 1 11
            Minutes: May 20, 1969 1969 1 12
            Membership 1969-1970 1 13
            Minutes: September 23, 1969 1969 1 14
            Minutes: November-December 1969 1969 1 15
            Minutes: March 24, 1970 1970 1 16
            Reports: March 24, 1970 1970 1 17
            Correspondence and Reports: April 1970 1970 1 18
            Minutes: May 1, 1970 1970 1 19
            Minutes: May 5, 1970 1970 1 20
            Reports: May 6, 1970 1970 1 21
            Correspondence and Reports: September 23, 1970 1970 1 22
            Minutes: October 1970 1970 1 23
            Minutes: November 24, 1970 1970 1 24
            Minutes: December 1, 1970 1970 1 25
            Minutes: March 23, 1971 1971 1 26
            Minutes: May 11, 1971 1971 1 27
            Membership 1971-1972 1 28
            Minutes: October 5, 1971 1971 1 29
            Minutes: December 7, 1971 1971 1 30
            Minutes: December 13,1971 1971 1 31
            Minutes: March 7, 1972 1972 1 32
            Reports: May 2, 1972 1972 1 33
            Membership 1972-1973 1 34
            Reports: October 10, 1972 1972 1 35
            Minutes: February 13, 1973 1973 1 36
            Minutes: May 11, 1973 1973 1 37
            Plan of Organization: May 1973 1973 1 38
            Correspondence: October 9, 1973 1973 1 39
            Membership 1973-1974 1 40
            Correspondence: October 8, 1974 1974 1 41
            Correspondence: 1974-1975 1974-1975 1 42
            Assembly 1973-1975 1 43
            Correspondence: 1975 1975 1 44
            Reports: October 28, 1975 1975 1 45
            Correspondence: 1977-1978 1977-1978 1 46
            Correspondence: 1979-1980 1979-1980 1 47
        2. Series II. UMBC Senate

          Date: 1966-1980

          Extent: 7.75 boxes (7.75 linear feet)

          Description: This series contains the records of the UMBC Senate, which represented the UMBC Assembly from 1967 to 1980. This series is arranged in two sub-series: Minutes and General Records and Ad Hoc Committee on Governance. The folders within each subseries are arranged chronologically. Original folder titles are retained with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

          1. Subseries II.A. Minutes and General Records

            Date: 1966-1980

            Extent: 7.5 boxes (7.5 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series includes UMBC Senate meeting minutes and transcripts; bylaws; plans of organization; and records of the Senate's various committees, including the Education Planning and Policy Committee, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Subcommittee on Scholarly Activities, Social Science Curriculum Committee, and Planning and Organization Committee. Records also include Faculty Meeting notes from 1966, prior to the creation of the UMBC Senate. This series is arranged chronologically. Original folder titles are retained with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Subcommittee on Scholarly Activities 1966-1967 2 1
              Minutes: October-December 1966 1966 2 2
              Minutes: January 1967 1967 2 3
              Minutes: February 1967 1967 2 4
              Minutes: March 1967 1967 2 5
              Minutes: April 1967 1967 2 6
              Minutes: May 1967 1967 2 7
              Member and Committee Roster 1967-1968 2 8
              Organizational Committee 1967-1972 2 9
              Social Science Curriculum Committee 1967 2 10
              Minutes: October 1967 1967 2 11
              Minutes: November 1967 1967 2 12
              Minutes: December 1967 1967 2 13
              Curriculum Committee 1968 2 14
              Plan of Organization 1968 2 15
              Policy and Planning Committee 1968 2 16
              Urban Affairs Committee 1968 2 17
              Minutes: February 1968 1968 2 18
              Minutes: March 1968 1968 2 19
              Minutes: April 1968 1968 2 20
              Minutes: May 1968 1968 2 21
              Minutes: June-August 1968 1968 2 22
              UMBC Senates, 1968-1969 1968-1969 2 23
              Minutes: September 1968 1968 2 24
              Minutes: October 1968 1968 2 25
              Minutes: November 1968 1968 2 26
              Minutes: December 1968 1968 2 27
              Minutes: February 1969 (1 of 2) 1969 2 28
              Minutes: February 1969 (2 of 2) 1969 2 29
              Minutes: March 1969 1969 2 30
              Minutes: April 1969 1969 2 31
              Minutes: May 1969 1969 2 32
              Plan of Organization: May 1969 1969 2 33
              UMBC Senate, 1969-1970 1969-1970 2 34
              Minutes: September 1969 1969 2 35
              Minutes: October 1969 1969 2 36
              Minutes: November 1969 1969 2 37
              Minutes: December 1969 1969 2 38
              Plan of Organization 1969 3 1
              Bylaws 1969 3 2
              Senator Birch Burd, October 20, 1969 1969 3 3
              Division Senators, Representative 1969 3 4
              Committee on Prominence of Instructors 1969 3 5
              Planning and Organization Committee 1969 3 6
              Social Science Division 1969 3 7
              Curriculum Committee 1969-1970 3 8
              Academic Conduct Committee 1969 3 9
              Assembly Meeting, December 2, 1969 1969 3 10
              Senate Correspondence 1969-1970 3 11
              Senate Resignation 1969 3 12
              Minutes: January 1970 1970 3 13
              Minutes: February 1970 (1 of 2) 1970 3 14
              Minutes: February 1970 (2 of 2) 1970 3 15
              Minutes: March 1970 1970 3 16
              Minutes: April 1970 (1 of 2) 1970 3 17
              Minutes: April 1970 (2 of 2) 1970 3 18
              Minutes: May 1970 (1 of 3) 1970 3 19
              Minutes: May 1970 (2 of 3) 1970 3 20
              Minutes: May 1970 (3 of 3) 1970 3 21
              UMBC Senate, 1970-1971 1970 3 22
              Minutes: September 1970 1970 3 23
              Minutes: October 1970 1970 3 24
              Minutes: November 1970 1970 3 25
              Minutes: December 1970 1970 3 26
              Executive Council 1970 3 27
              Search Committee/Chancellor 1970 3 28
              Membership 1970-1971 3 29
              Constitution of the Graduate Committee 1970 3 30
              Social Science Committee 1970 3 31
              Senate Affairs Committee 1970 3 32
              University Grading Committee 1970 3 33
              Minutes: February 1971 1971 3 34
              Minutes: March 1971 1971 3 35
              Minutes: April 1971 1971 3 36
              Minutes: May 1971 (1 of 5) 1971 4 1
              Minutes: May 1971 (2 of 5) 1971 4 2
              Minutes: May 1971 (3 of 5) 1971 4 3
              Minutes: May 1971 (4 of 5) 1971 4 4
              Minutes: May 1971 (5 of 5) 1971 4 5
              UMBC 1971-1972 1971-1972 4 6
              Minutes: October 1971 1971 4 7
              Minutes: November 1971 1971 4 8
              Minutes: December 1971 1971 4 9
              Executive Council 1971 4 10
              Senate Classification for Curriculum 1971 4 11
              Women's Grievance Committee (1 of 3) 1971 4 12
              Minutes: February 1972 1972 4 13
              Minutes: March 1972 1972 4 14
              Minutes: April 1972 1972 4 15
              Minutes: May 1972 (1 of 2) 1972 4 16
              Minutes: May 1972 (2 of 2) 1972 4 17
              Minutes: June-August 1972 1972 4 18
              UMBC Senate 1972-1973 1972-1973 4 19
              Minutes: September 1972 1972 4 20
              Minutes: October 1972 1972 4 21
              Minutes: November 1972 1972 4 22
              Minutes: December 1972 1972 4 23
              Membership 1972-1973 4 24
              Executive Council 1971-1972 4 25
              Grievance Committee 1972 4 26
              Education Planning and Policy Committee 1972 4 27
              Education Planning and Policy Committee 1972 4 28
              Plan of Organization 1972 4 29
              Senate Organizational Committee 1972-1975 4 30
              Minutes: January-February 1973 1973 4 31
              Minutes: March 1973 1973 4 32
              Minutes: April 1973 (1 of 2) 1973 4 33
              Minutes: April 1973 (2 of 2) 1973 5 1
              Minutes: May 1973 1973 5 2
              UMBC Senate 1973-1974 1973 5 3
              Minutes: September 1973 1973 5 4
              Transcript: Sept. 18, 1973 1973 5 5
              Minutes: October 1973 1973 5 6
              Transcript: Oct. 16, 1973 1973 5 7
              Minutes: November 1973 1973 5 8
              Transcript: Nov. 11, 1973 1973 5 9
              Minutes: December 1973 1973 5 10
              Transcript: Dec. 11, 1973 1973 5 11
              Education Planning and Policy Minutes 1973 5 12
              UMBC Senate Meetings 1973-1974 5 13
              All University Contract Committee 1973 5 14
              Faculty Review Committee 1974 5 15
              UMBC Senate Meetings 1974-1975 5 16
              Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Correspondence 1974 5 17
              Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Guidelines 1974 5 18
              Faculty Affairs Committee 1974-1980 5 19
              Correspondence 1974-1975 5 20
              Minutes: January-February 1974 1974 5 21
              Transcript: February 19, 1974 1974 5 22
              Minutes: March 1974 1974 5 23
              Minutes: March 19, 1974 1974 5 24
              Minutes: April 1974 1974 5 25
              Transcript: April 23, 1974 1974 5 26
              Minutes: May 1974 1974 5 27
              Transcript: May 7, 1974 1974 5 28
              Transcript: May 21, 1974 1974-1975 5 29
              UMBC Senate, 1974-1975 1974 5 30
              Minutes: September 1974 1974 5 31
              Transcript: September 24, 1974 1974 5 32
              Minutes: October 1974 1974 5 33
              Transcript: October 15, 1974 1974 5 34
              Minutes: November 1974 1974 5 35
              Transcript: November 19, 1974 1974 5 36
              Education Division Graduate Program, Fall 1974 1974 6 1
              Minutes: December 1974 1974 6 2
              Transcript: December 10, 1974 1974 6 3
              Minutes: February 1975 1975 6 4
              Transcript: February 11, 1975 1975 6 5
              Transcript: February 18, 1975 1975 6 6
              Minutes: March 1975 1975 6 7
              Transcript: March 4, 1975 1975 6 8
              Transcript: March 18, 1975 1975 6 9
              Minutes: April 1975 1975 6 10
              Transcript: April 15, 1975 1975 6 11
              Minutes: May 1975 1975 6 12
              Transcript: May 13, 1975 1975 6 13
              UMBC Senate, 1975-1976 1975-1976 6 14
              Minutes: September 1975 1975 6 15
              Transcript: September 23, 1975 1975 6 16
              Minutes: October-December 1975 1975 6 17
              Transcript: October 21, 1975 1975 6 18
              Transcript: November 18, 1975 1975 6 19
              Transcript: December 9, 1975 1975 6 20
              Meetings, 1975-1976 1975-1976 6 21
              Plan of Organization and Rules of Procedure 1975-1977 6 22
              Minutes: February-March 1976 1976 6 23
              Transcript: February 17, 1976 1976 6 24
              Transcript: March 16, 1976 1976 6 25
              Minutes: April-May 1975 1976 6 26
              Transcript: April 20, 1976 1976 6 27
              Transcript: May 11, 1976 1976 7 1
              UMBC Senate 1976-1977 1976-1977 7 2
              Senate Committees 1976-1977 7 3
              Minutes: September 1976 1976 7 4
              Transcript: September 21, 1976 1976 7 5
              Minutes: October-November 1976 1976 7 6
              Transcript: October 19, 1976 1976 7 7
              Transcript: November 16, 1976 1976 7 8
              Minutes: December 1976 1976 7 9
              Transcript: December 7, 1976 1976 7 10
              Minutes: February 1977 1977 7 11
              Transcript: February 22, 1977 1977 7 12
              Minutes: March 1977 1977 7 13
              Transcript: March 1, 1977 1977 7 14
              Transcript: March 22, 1977 1977 7 15
              Minutes: April 1977 1977 7 16
              Transcript: April 19, 1977 1977 7 17
              Minutes: May 1977 1977 7 18
              Transcript: May 10, 1977 1977 7 19
              UMBC Senate 1977-1978 1977-1978 7 20
              Minutes: September-November 1977 1977 7 21
              Transcript: September 20, 1977 1977 7 22
              Transcript: October 18, 1977 1977 7 23
              Transcript: November 15, 1977 1977 7 24
              Minutes: December 1977 1977 7 25
              Transcript: December 20, 1977 1977 7 26
              Faculty Review Committee 1977 7 27
              Senate Assembly 1977-1978 7 28
              Social Science Division: Assembly Meeting Minutes 1978 7 29
              Minutes: February 1978 1978 7 30
              Minutes: March 1978 1978 8 1
              Transcript: March 21, 1978 1978 8 2
              Transcript: March 28, 1978 1978 8 3
              Minutes: April 1978 1978 8 4
              Transcript: April 11, 1978 1978 8 5
              Transcript: April 18, 1978 1978 8 6
              Minutes: May 1978 1978 8 7
              Transcript: May 16, 1978 1978 8 8
              Transcript: May 23, 1978 1978 8 9
              UMBC Senate 1978-1979 1978 8 10
              Minutes: September 1978 1978-1979 8 11
              Transcript: September 19, 1978 1978 8 12
              Minutes: October 1978 1978 8 13
              Transcript: October 17, 1978 1978 8 14
              Transcript: October 24, 1978 1978 8 15
              Minutes: November-December 1978 1978 8 16
              Transcript: November 21, 1978 1978 8 17
              Transcript: December 19, 1978 1978 8 18
              Correspondence: January 1979 1979 8 19
              Minutes: March 1979 1979 8 20
              Transcript: March 6, 1979 1979 8 21
              Transcript: March 20, 1979 1979 8 22
              Minutes: April 1979 1979 8 23
              Transcript: April 17, 1979 1979 8 24
              Transcript: April 24, 1979 1979 8 25
              Minutes: May 1979 1979 9 1
              Transcript: May 15, 1979 1979 9 2
              Transcript: May 22, 1979 1979 9 3
              UMBC Senate: 1979-1980 1979 9 4
              Minutes: September-December 1979 1979 9 5
              Transcript: September 18, 1979 1979 9 6
              Transcript: October 16, 1979 1979 9 7
              Transcript: November 20, 1979 1979 9 8
              Transcript: December 18, 1979 1979 9 9
              Faculty Assembly: Social Science Division 1980 9 10
              Reorganization 1980 9 11
              Minutes: January-March 1980 1980 9 12
              Transcript: February 11, 1980 1980 9 13
              Transcript: February 19, 1980 1980 9 14
              Minutes: April-May 1980 1980 9 15
              Transcript: April 15, 1980 1980 9 16
              Transcript: April 29, 1980 1980 9 17
              Transcript: May 20, 1980 1980 9 18
          2. Subseries II.B. Ad Hoc Committee on Governance

            Date: 1974-1977

            Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series includes the records of the Ad Hoc Committee on Governance. Papers are arranged chronologically, with original folder titles retained.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Organization of the Committee 1974-1976 9 19
              Reply to Middle State Accreditation Letters 1976 9 20
              Summation of Analysis and Evidence 1976 9 21
              Internal Organization and Governance Reports 1976-1977 9 22
              Status of Associate Staff and Turnover Rates 1976 9 23
              Final Reports and Related Materials 1976-1977 9 24
        3. Series III. Faculty Senate

          Date: 1980-2009; bulk 1980-2009

          Extent: 34.5 boxes (33.75 linear feet)

          Description: This series contains the records of the Faculty Senate. Major topics covered in this series include governance, athletics, the Library, tenure, pay, academic planning, and budgets. The series is divided into 5 sub-series: Meeting Minutes and Committees, Index of Motions, Academic Planning and Budget Committee (APB), Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC), and Research Council (RC). Records are arranged chronologically within each sub-series. Audio-visual recordings, zip disks, and CDs removed and placed in oversized at end of collection with document removal forms placed in original folder.

          1. Subseries III.A. Meeting Minutes and Committees

            Date: 1968-2009; bulk 1980-2009

            Extent: 29.5 boxes (29 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series contains meeting minutes and corresponding papers of the Faculty Senate. Also included in this sub-series are papers relating to the workings of various Faculty Senate committees, including the Facilities Planning Committee, Library Committee, Faculty Grievance Committee, and Academic Conduct Committee. The sub-series is arranged chronologically. Original folder titles are retained, with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed. Folders labeled simply by month and year and include meeting minutes and related papers from that time period. 11.5 boxes of audio-visual recordings of meetings removed and placed in oversized at end of collection. 0.75 boxes of zip disks and CDs of meeting minutes and documents removed and placed in oversized at end of collection.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Minutes: August-December 1980 1980 9 25
              Minutes: September 1968-December 1978 1968-1978 9 25
              Minutes: September 1968-March 1990 1968-1990 9 26
              Minutes: April 1969-October 1977 & May 2001-October 2001 1969-1977, 2001 9 27
              Minutes: February 1978-October 1982 1978-1982 9 28
              Minutes: August-December 1980 1980 9 29
              Faculty Affairs Committee 1980 9 30
              Minutes: July-September 1981 1981 9 31
              Minutes: October-November 1981 1981 9 32
              Minutes: December 1981 1981 10 1
              Minutes: February-June 1981 1981 10 2
              Minutes: January-February 1982 1982 10 4
              Minutes: March-August 1982 1982 10 5
              Ad Hoc Committee 1982 10 6
              Correspondence 1982 10 7
              UMBC Associate Staff Senate 1982 10 8
              Special Session 1982 10 9
              Scheduling 1982 10 10
              Faculty Affairs Committee 1982-1983 10 11
              Academic Conduct Committee 1982 10 12
              Computer Center Users' Committee 1982 10 13
              Committee Membership 1982-1983 11 1
              Steering Committee 1982-1984 11 2
              Facilities Planning Committee 1982-1984 11 3
              State Board for Higher Education (SBHE) 1982 11 4
              SGA 1981-1982 11 5
              Rolmphone 1983 11 6
              Committee on Naming University Buildings 1983 11 7
              Athletics Committee 1983 11 8
              Library Committee 1983 11 9
              Graduate Council 1982-1984 11 10
              Faculty Grievance Committee 1982-1983 11 11
              Special Sessions Committee 1983 11 12
              Minutes: January-February 1983 1983 11 13
              Minutes: March 1983 1983 11 14
              Minutes: April-May 1983 1983 11 15
              Minutes: June-August 1983 1983 11 16
              Minutes: September-October 1983 1983 11 17
              Minutes: November-December 1983 1983 11 18
              Correspondence 1983 11 19
              Agendas 1983 11 20
              Plan of Organization 1983 11 21
              Bylaws 1983 11 22
              Minutes: Agenda (1 of 2) 1983 11 23
              Minutes: Agenda (2 of 2) 1984 11 24
              Educational, Planning & Budget Committee 1983-1984 11 25
              Committee on Organization and University Operations 1983-1984 11 26
              Nominating Committee 1983-1984 11 27
              Computer Committee 1983-1984 11 28
              Minutes: January-February 1984 1984 11 29
              Minutes: March 1984 1984 11 30
              Minutes: April 1984 1984 11 31
              Minutes: May 1984 1984 11 32
              Minutes: June-July 1984 1984 11 33
              Minutes: August 1984 1984 11 34
              Minutes: September 1984 1984 11 35
              Minutes: October 1984 1984 11 36
              Minutes: November 1984 1984 11 37
              Minutes: December 1984 1984 11 38
              Music 1983-1984 11 39
              Correspondence 1984 11 40
              State Board for Higher Education (SBHE) 1984 11 41
              Academic Conduct Committee 1984 12 1
              Undergraduate Council 1984 12 2
              Faculty Affairs Committee 1984 12 3
              Minutes: January-February 1985 1985 12 4
              Minutes: March 1985 1985 12 5
              Minutes: April 1985 1985 12 6
              Minutes: May 1985 1985 12 7
              Minutes: May 1985 1985 12 8
              Minutes: June-August 1985 1985 12 9
              Minutes: September 1985 1985 12 10
              Minutes: October 1985 1985 12 11
              Minutes: November 1985 1985 12 12
              Minutes: December 1985 1985 12 13
              Roster 1985/86 1985-1986 12 14
              Minutes: January 1986 1986 12 15
              Minutes: February 1986 1986 12 16
              Minutes: March 1986 1986 12 17
              Minutes: April 1986 1986 12 18
              Minutes: May 1986 1986 12 19
              June 1986 1986 12 20
              July 1986 1986 12 21
              August 1986 1986 12 22
              September 1986 (1 of 2) 1986 12 23
              September 1986 (2 of 2) 1986 12 24
              October 1986 1986 12 25
              November 1986 1986 12 26
              Roster 1986-1987 1986 13 1
              December 1986 (1 of 2) 1986 13 2
              December 1986 (2 of 2) 1986 13 3
              Library Policy Committee 1986 13 4
              Minority Affairs 1987 13 5
              Facilities Planning & Scheduling Committee 1987 13 6
              January 1987 1987 13 7
              Minutes: February 1987 1987 13 8
              March 1987 1987 13 9
              April 1986 1987 13 10
              May 1987 1987 13 11
              June 1987 1987 13 12
              July 1987 1987 13 13
              August 1987 1987 13 14
              September 1987 (1 of 2) 1987 13 15
              September 1987 (2 of 2) 1987 13 16
              October 1987 1987 13 17
              November 1987 1987 13 18
              December 1987 1987 13 19
              Faculty Senate 1987-1988 1987 13 20
              Board of Regents 1987 13 21
              Committee on Off-Campus Program 1988 13 22
              Classified Council and Faculty Council 1988 13 23
              Board of Regents 1988 13 24
              Committee on the BS/BA Degree 1985-1988 13 25
              January 1988 1988 13 26
              February 1988 (1 of 2) 1988 13 27
              February 1988 (2 of 2) 1988 13 28
              March 1988 (1 of 2) 1988 13 29
              March 1988 (2 of 2) 1988 13 30
              April 1988 1988 13 31
              May 1988 (1 of 2) 1988 13 32
              May 1988 (2 of 2) 1988 13 33
              August 1988 1988 14 1
              September 1988 1988 14 2
              October 1988 1988 14 3
              November 1988 (1 of 2) 1988 14 4
              November 1988 (2 of 2) 1988 14 5
              December 1988 (1 of 2) 1988 14 6
              December 1988 (2 of 2) 1989 14 7
              January 1989 1989 14 8
              February 1989 1989 14 9
              March 1989 1989 14 10
              April 1989 1989 14 11
              May 1989 (1 of 2) 1989 14 12
              May 1989 (2 of 2) 1989 14 13
              June 1989 1989 14 14
              July 1989 1989 14 15
              August 1989 1989 14 16
              September 1989 1989 14 17
              October 1989 1989 14 18
              November 1989 1989 14 19
              December 1989 1989 14 20
              Computer Policy Committee 1986-1989 14 21
              Committee to Examine Faculty Benefits 1989 14 22
              Roster 1989-1990 1989-1990 14 23
              January 1990 1990 14 24
              February 1990 1990 14 25
              March 1990 1990 14 26
              April 1990 1990 14 27
              May 1990 1990 14 28
              June 1990 1990 14 29
              July 1990 1990 14 30
              August 1990 1990 14 31
              September 1990 1990 14 32
              October 1990 1990 14 33
              November 1990 1990 14 34
              December 1990 1990 14 35
              January 1991 1991 14 36
              February 1991 1991 14 37
              March 1991 1991 14 38
              April 1991 1991 14 39
              May 1991 1991 15 1
              July 1991 1991 15 2
              August 1991 1991 15 3
              September 1991 1991 15 4
              October 1991 1991 15 5
              November 1991 1991 15 6
              December 1991 1991 15 7
              January 1992 1992 15 8
              February 1992 1992 15 9
              March 1992 1992 15 10
              April 1992 1992 15 11
              May 1992 1992 15 12
              June 1992 1992 15 13
              July 1992 1992 15 14
              September 1992 1992 15 15
              October 1992 1992 15 16
              November 1992 1992 15 17
              December 1992 1992 15 18
              February 1993 1993 15 19
              March 1993 1993 15 20
              April 1993 1993 15 21
              May 1993 1993 15 22
              July 1993 1993 15 23
              September 1993 1993 15 24
              October 1993 1993 15 25
              November 1993 1993 15 26
              December 1993 1993 15 27
              January 1994 1994 15 28
              February 1994 1994 15 29
              March 1994 1994 15 30
              April 1994 1994 15 31
              May 1994 1994 15 32
              June 1994 1994 15 33
              July 1994 1994 15 34
              August 1994 1994 15 35
              September 1994 1994 15 36
              October 1994 1994 15 37
              November 1994 1994 16 1
              December 1994 1994 16 2
              Library Move 1994 16 3
              January 1995 1995 16 4
              February 1995 1995 16 5
              March 1995 1995 16 6
              April 1995 1995 16 7
              May 1995 1995 16 8
              June 1995 1995 16 9
              July 1995 1995 16 10
              August 1995 1995 16 11
              September 1995 1995 16 12
              October 1995 1995 16 13
              November 1995 1995 16 14
              December 1995 1995 16 15
              Knoll/Field House 1995-1996 16 16
              PCUP (Provost's Committee on University Priorities) 1995-1996 16 17
              Bylaws 1995-1996 16 18
              Plan of Organization 1992-1995 16 19
              Research Park 1994-1996 16 20
              Domestic Partners 1994-1996 16 21
              Retrenchment 1995-1996 16 22
              January 1996 1996 16 23
              February 1996 1996 16 24
              March 1996 (1 of 2) 1996 16 25
              March 1996 (2 of 2) 1996 16 26
              April 1996 1996 16 27
              May 1996 (1 of 2) 1996 16 28
              May 1996 (2 of 2) 1996 16 29
              June 1996 1996 16 30
              July 1996 1996 16 31
              August 1996 1996 16 32
              September 1996 (1 of 2) 1996 16 33
              September 1996 (2 of 2) 1996 16 34
              October 1996 (1 of 2) 1996 16 35
              October 1996 (2 of 2) 1996 17 1
              November 1996 (1 of 2) 1996 17 2
              November 1996 (2 of 2) 1996 17 3
              December 1996 1996 17 4
              Roster 1996-1997 17 5
              Agendas 1995-1996 17 6
              Police Corps 1996 17 7
              Bylaws, Faculty Senate 1968-1996 17 8
              Grievance Committee 1997-1998 17 9
              Regents Awards 1997-1998 17 10
              Regents' Faculty Awards 1997 17 11
              Master Plan Update 1997 17 12
              Scientific Misconduct 1997 17 13
              Academic Calendar 1997-2000 17 14
              Motions 1996-1998 17 15
              January 1997 1997 17 16
              February 1997 (1 of 2) 1997 17 17
              February 1997 (2 of 2) 1997 17 18
              March 1997 1997 17 19
              April 1997 (1 of 2) 1997 17 20
              April 1997 (2of 2) 1997 17 21
              May 1997 1997 17 22
              June 1997 1997 17 23
              July 1997 1997 17 24
              August 1997 1997 17 25
              September 1997 1997 17 26
              October 1997 (1 of 2) 1997 17 27
              October 1997 (2 of 2) 1997 17 28
              November 1997 (1 of 3) 1997 17 29
              November 1997 (2 of 3) 1997 18 1
              November 1997 (3 of 3) 1997 18 2
              December 1997 1997 18 3
              Graduation Proposal 1997 18 4
              February 1998 (1 of 2) 1998 18 5
              February 1998 (2 of 2) 1998 18 6
              March 1998 (1 of 2) 1998 18 7
              March 1998 (2 of 2) 1998 18 8
              April 1998 (1 of 2) 1998 18 9
              April 1998 (2 of 2) 1998 18 10
              May 1998 1998 18 11
              June 1998 1998 18 12
              July 1998 1998 18 13
              Faculty Executive Committee (1 of 3) 1998-1999 18 14
              Faculty Executive Committee (2 of 3) 1998-1999 18 15
              Faculty Executive Committee (3 of 3) 1998-1999 18 16
              Bylaws of the Faculty Senate 1997 18 17
              Plan of Organization 1998 18 18
              Correspondence: Faculty Executive Committee 1998-1999 18 19
              August 1998 1998 18 20
              September 1998 (1 of 2) 1998 18 21
              September 1998 (2 of 2) 1998 18 22
              October 1998 1998 18 23
              December 1998 1998 18 24
              Office of Institutional Research 1991-1998 18 25
              Committee Binder, Procedures For Establishments & Review 1995-1998 18 26
              Committee Binder, Committees 1998 18 27
              Committee Binder, UFRC 1998 18 28
              Committee Binder, Undergraduate Council 1998 18 29
              Committee Binder, Special Sessions Policy Committee 1998 18 30
              Committee Binder, Human Relations Committee 1998 18 31
              Committee Binder, MHEC Faculty Advisor Council 1998 18 32
              Committee Binder, Nominating Committee 1998 18 33
              Committee Binder, Grievance Committee 1998 18 34
              Committee Binder, Faculty Affairs Committee 1998 18 35
              Committee Binder, Computer Policy Committee 1998 18 36
              Draft Policy on Sexual Preferences 1997 18 37
              Instructors 1989-1997 19 1
              Policy For Tenured Faculty 1998 19 2
              Drug & Alcohol Abuse Policy 1998 19 3
              Comprehensive and Annual Review Policies 1998 19 4
              Senate Bylaws 1998 19 5
              Faculty Senate Committee 1997-1998 19 6
              January 1998 1998 19 7
              Council of University System Faculty 1998 19 8
              Committee Binder, Academic Planning & Budget 1998 19 9
              Undergraduate Council 1998 19 10
              Nominating Committee 1988 19 11
              Graduate Council 1988 19 12
              General Education Committee 1998 19 13
              Early Retirement 1998 19 14
              November 1998 1998 19 15
              Problem of Class Size 1998 19 16
              Nominating Committee 1998 19 17
              Lost Souls Survey 1998 19 18
              January 1999 1999 19 19
              February 1999 1999 19 20
              Mission Statements 1999 19 21
              Pathways 1999 19 22
              Health Issues on Campus 1998 19 23
              Committees, 1999 19 24
              March 1999 1999 19 25
              April 1999 1999 19 26
              May 1999 1999 19 27
              June 1999 1999 19 28
              July 1999 1999 19 29
              August 1999 1999 19 30
              September 1999 1999 19 31
              October 1999 (1 of 2) 1999 19 32
              October 1999 (2 of 2) 1999 19 33
              November 1999 (1 of 2) 1999 19 34
              November 1999 (2 of 2) 1999 19 35
              December 1999 1999 19 36
              Ad-Hoc Subcommittee 1998-1999 19 37
              Courses & Curriculum 1998-1999 20 1
              Steering Committee 1988-1999 20 2
              Faculty Senator 1997-1999 20 3
              Budget Agendas 1998-1999 20 4
              Course Fees 1999 20 5
              Committee Rosters 1998-2002 20 6
              Academic Planning & Budget 1998-1999 20 7
              Steering Committee 1998-1999 20 8
              New Program Approval 1999 20 9
              Core Curriculum Committee 1999 20 10
              The Retriever Weekly: Corporate Presentations & Student Protests 1999 20 11
              Committee Education Policy 1999 20 12
              Undergraduate Council 1999 20 13
              Faculty Review Committee 1999 20 14
              Shared Governance 1999 20 15
              Peer Institutions 1999 20 16
              Faculty Workload Policy Committee 1999 20 17
              Enrollment Management Strategy 1999 20 18
              January 2000 2000 20 19
              February 2000 2000 20 20
              March 2000 2000 20 21
              April 2000 2000 20 22
              May 2000 (1 of 2) 2000 20 23
              May 2000 (2 of 2) 2000 20 24
              June 2000 2000 20 25
              September 2000 2000 20 26
              October 2000 2000 20 27
              November 2000 2000 20 28
              December 2000 2000 20 29
              Faculty Senate Executive Committee and PeopleSoft 2000-2005 20 30
              February 2001 2001 20 31
              Agendas, March-September 2001 2001 20 32
              March 2001 2001 20 33
              April 2001 2001 20 34
              May 2001 2001 20 35
              September 2001 2001 20 36
              October 2001 2001 20 37
              November 2001 2001 20 38
              December 2000 2001 20 39
              Faculty Senate Executive Committee 2001-2005 20 40
              February 2002 2002 20 41
              March 2002 2002 20 42
              April 2002 2002 20 43
              Agendas, May-November 2002 2002 20 44
              May 2002 2002 21 1
              September 2002 2002 21 2
              October 2002 2002 21 3
              November 2002 2002 21 4
              December 2002 2002 21 5
              Graduate Council 2002-2004 21 6
              Adjustment Task Form undated 21 7
              Agendas, February-December 2003 2003 21 8
              February 2003 2003 21 9
              March 2003 2003 21 10
              April 2003 2003 21 11
              May 2003 2003 21 12
              Tangent Hard Drive Backup, 8/03 2003 21 13
              September 2003 2003 21 14
              October 2003 2003 21 15
              November 2003 2003 21 16
              December 2003 2003 21 17
              Agendas, February-May 2004 2004 21 18
              February 2004 2004 21 19
              March 2004 2004 21 20
              April 2004 2004 21 21
              May 2004 2004 21 22
              September 2004 2004 21 23
              October 2004 2004 21 24
              November 2004 2004 21 25
              December 2004 2004 21 26
              Agendas 2004-2005 21 27
              February 2005 2005 21 28
              March 2005 2005 21 29
              April 2005 2005 21 30
              May 2005 2005 21 31
              September 2005 2005 21 32
              October 2005 2005 21 33
              November 2005 2005 21 34
              December 2005 2005 21 35
              January 2006 2006 21 36
              February 2006 2006 21 37
              March 2006 2006 21 38
              April 2006 2006 21 39
              May 2006 2006 21 40
              September 2006 2006 21 41
              October 2006 2006 21 42
              November 2006 2006 21 43
              December 2006 2006 21 44
              February 2007 2007 21 45
              March 2007 2007 21 46
              April 2007 2007 21 47
              May 2007 2007 21 48
              September 2007 2007 21 49
              October 2007 2007 21 50
              November 2007 2007 21 51
              December 2007 2007 21 52
              February 2008 2008 21 53
              March 2008 2008 21 54
              April 2008 2008 21 55
              May 2008 2008 21 56
              September 2008 2008 21 57
              October 2008 2008 21 58
              November 2008 2008 21 59
              December 2008 2008 21 60
              February 2009 2009 21 61
              March 2009 2009 21 62
              May 2009 2009 21 63
              Septebmer 2009 2009 21 64
              October 2009 2009 21 65
              November 2009 2009 21 66
              December 2009 2009 21 67
              Graduate Council undated 21 68
              Undated Faculty Senate Meeting Recordings, circa 1990-2009 undated 21 69
          2. Subseries III.B: Index of Motions

            Date: 1968-1989

            Extent: .25 box, .25 linear feet

            Description: This sub-series contains the index of motions from the Faculty Senate from 1968 to 1989, excluding the 1985/86 and 1986/87 school years. The records are arranged chronologically by academic year.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Index of Motions: 1968-1969 1968-1969 21 70
              Index of Motions: 1969-1970 1969-1970 21 71
              Index of Motions: 1970-1971 1970-1971 21 72
              Index of Motions: 1971-1972 1971-1972 21 73
              Index of Motions: 1972-1973 1972-1973 21 74
              Index of Motions: 1973-1974 1973-1974 21 75
              Index of Motions: 1974-1975 1974-1975 21 76
              Index of Motions: 1975-1976 1975-1976 21 77
              Index of Motions: 1976-1977 1976-1977 21 78
              Index of Motions: 1977-1978 1977-1978 21 79
              Index of Motions: 1978-1979 1978-1979 21 80
              Index of Motions: 1979-1980 1979-1980 21 81
              Index of Motions: 1980-1981 1980-1981 21 82
              Index of Motions: 1981-1982 1981-1982 21 83
              Index of Motions: 1982-1983 1982-1983 21 84
              Index of Motions: 1983-1984 1983-1984 21 85
              Index of Motions: 1984-1985 1984-1985 21 86
              Index of Motions: 1987-1988 1987-1988 21 87
              Index of Motions: 1988-1989 1988-1989 21 88
          3. Subseries III.C. Academic Planning and Budget Committee (APB)

            Date: 2001-2004

            Extent: 1 box (1 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series contains the records of the Academic Planning and Budget Committee (APB). Records include meeting minutes, correspondence, agendas, rosters, and other related papers. The records are arranged chronologically. One zip disk containing records from 2001-2004 and one CD containing records from 2001-2005 removed from folder and placed in oversize at end of collection.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Minutes: January 2001 2001 21 33
              Minutes: February 2001 2001 21 90
              Minutes: March 2001 2001 21 91
              Minutes: April 2001 2001 21 92
              Minutes: May 2001 2001 21 93
              Minutes: June 2001 2001 21 94
              Minutes: September 2001 2001 21 95
              Minutes: October 2001 2001 21 96
              Minutes: November 2001 2001 21 97
              Minutes: December 2001 2001 21 98
              Minutes: January 2002 2002 21 99
              Minutes: February 2002 2002 21 100
              Minutes: March 2002 2002 21 101
              Minutes: April 2002 2002 21 102
              Minutes: May 2002 2002 21 103
              Minutes: June 2002 2002 21 104
              Minutes: September 2002 2002 21 105
              Minutes: October 2002 2002 21 106
              Minutes: November 2002 2002 21 107
              Minutes: December 2002 2002 21 108
              Minutes: January 2003 2003 22 1
              Minutes: February 2003 2003 22 2
              Minutes: March 2003 2003 22 3
              Minutes: April 2003 2003 22 4
              Minutes: May 2003 2003 22 5
              Minutes: September 2003 2003 22 6
              Minutes: October 2003 2003 22 7
              Minutes: November 2003 2003 22 8
              Minutes: December 2003 2003 22 9
              Minutes: January 2004 2004 22 10
              Minutes: February 2004 2004 22 11
              Minutes: March 2004 2004 22 12
              Minutes: April 2004 2004 22 13
              Minutes: May 2004 2004 22 14
              Minutes: September 2004 (1 of 2) 2004 22 15
              Minutes: September 2004 (2 of 2) 2004 22 16
              Minutes: October 2004 2004 22 17
          4. Subseries III.D. Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)

            Date: 1991-2005; bulk 2002-2005

            Extent: 1.25 boxes (1.25 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series contains the records of the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC). Records include meeting minutes and schedules, committee rosters, handouts, correspondence, and other related papers. The records are arranged chronologically. One zip disk containing records from 2001-2004 and one CD containing records from 2001-2005 removed and placed in oversized at end of collection

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Periodical Review Articles 1991-1996 22 18
              FAC 1992-1993 1992-1993 22 19
              FAC 1993-1994 1993-1994 22 20
              August 1994-July 1995 1994-1995 22 21
              Domestic Partners 1995 22 22
              July 1995-May 1996 (1 of 2) 1995-1996 22 23
              July 1995-May 1996 (2 of 2) 1995-1996 22 24
              May-April 1996 1996 22 25
              September-December 1996 1996 22 26
              June 1996-May 1997 (1 of 3) 1996-1997 22 27
              June 1996-May 1997 (2 of 3) 1996-1997 22 28
              June 1996-May 1997 (3 of 3) 1996-1997 22 29
              Scientific Misconduct November 1997 1997 22 30
              Spring 1997 1997 22 31
              Post-Tenure Review, Fall 1997-1998 (1 of 2) 1997-1998 22 32
              Post-Tenure Review, Fall 1997-1998 (2 of 2) 1997-1998 23 1
              Minutes and Agendas September-November 1997 1997 23 2
              Minutes and Agendas December 1997-May 1998 1997-1998 23 3
              University Faculty Review Committee, June 1998 1998 23 4
              Task Forces FAC-DEV 1998 23 5
              Task Force Cen and INST 1998 23 6
              FAC 1998-1999 1998-1999 23 7
              Post-Tenure Review Committee, January 1999 1999 23 8
              Minutes and Agendas Fall 2000 2000 23 9
              Minutes and Agendas Spring 2001 2001 23 10
              Minutes and Agendas Fall 2001 2001 23 11
              Minutes: February 2002 2002 23 12
              Minutes: March 2002 2002 23 13
              Minutes: April 2002 2002 23 14
              Minutes: May 2002 2002 23 15
              Minutes: September 2002 2002 23 16
              Minutes: October 2002 2002 23 17
              Minutes: January 2003 2003 23 18
              Minutes: February 2003 2003 23 19
              Minutes: April 2003 2003 23 20
              Minutes: May 2003 2003 23 21
              Minutes: August 2003 2003 23 22
              Minutes: October 2003 2003 23 23
              Minutes: November 2003 2003 23 24
              Minutes: December 2003 2003 23 25
              Minutes: January 2004 2004 23 26
              Minutes: February 2004 2004 23 27
              Minutes: March 2004 2004 23 28
              Minutes: April 2004 2004 23 29
              Minutes: May 2004 2004 23 30
              Minutes: September 2004 2004 23 31
              Minutes: October 2004 2004 23 32
              Minutes: November 2004 2004 23 33
              Minutes: December 2004 2004 23 34
              Minutes: February 2005 2005 23 35
              Minutes: March 2005 2005 23 36
              Minutes: April 2005 2005 23 37
              Minutes: May 2005 2005 23 38
              FAC Evaluation Reports 2005 23 39
          5. Subseries III.E: Research Council (RC)

            Date: 2001-2009

            Extent: 2.5 boxes, 2.25 linear feet

            Description: This sub-series contains the records of the Research Council (RC), which includes meeting minutes and related documents. Records are arranged chronologically. 1.25 boxes of audio-visual recordings removed and placed in oversize at end of collection. One zip disk containing records from 2001-2004 and one CD containing minutes from 2001-2005 removed and placed in oversize at end of collection.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              June 2001 2001 23 36
              June 2001 2001 23 40
              October 2001 2001 23 41
              November 2001 2001 23 42
              December 2001 2001 23 43
              Intellectual Property, December 2001 2001 23 44
              January 2002 2002 24 1
              February 2002 2002 24 2
              March 2002 2002 24 3
              April 2002 2002 24 4
              May 2002 2002 24 5
              September 2002 2002 24 6
              October 2002 2002 24 7
              November 2002 2002 24 8
              December 2002 2002 24 9
              February 2003 2003 24 10
              March 2003 2003 24 11
              April 2003 2003 24 12
              May 2003 2003 24 13
              September 2003 2003 24 14
              October 2003 2003 24 15
              November 2003 2003 24 16
              December 2003 2004 24 17
              February 2004 2004 24 18
              March 2004 2004 24 19
              April 2004 2004 24 20
              September 2004 2004 24 21
              October 2004 2004 24 22
              November 2004 2004 24 23
              December 2004 2004 24 24
              February 2005 2005 24 25
              March 2005 2005 24 26
              April 2005 2005 24 27
              September 2005 2005 24 28
              October 2005 2005 24 29
              November 2005 2005 24 30
              February 2006 2006 24 31
              March 2006 2006 24 32
              May 2006 2006 24 33
              September 2006 2006 24 34
              November 2006 2006 24 35
              February 2007 2007 24 36
              April 2007 2007 24 37
              May 2007 2007 24 38
              September 2007 2007 24 39
              October 2008 2008 24 40
              November 2008 2008 24 41
              December 2008 2008 24 42
              February 2009 2009 24 43
              March 2009 2009 24 44
              September 2009 2009 24 45
        4. Series IV. Student Government Association (SGA)

          Date: 1976-2004; bulk 1995-1998

          Extent: 6.5 boxes and 56 binders (16.5 linear feet)

          Description: This series includes the records of the Student Government Association (SGA). Topics covered in the SGA series include student clubs, budgets, academic programs, parking, Greek life, student conduct, and governance. Records are divided into four sub-series: Minutes and General Records, Committees, Financials, and Clubs.

          1. Subseries IV.A. Minutes and General Records

            Date: 1976-2014

            Extent: 7.5 linear feet (7.5 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series includes the general records of the SGA, from 1976 to 2014. Materials include meeting minutes and reports, budgets proposals, proposed and approved legislation, bylaws and committee reports. Major topics covered include parking, hazing, club’s constitutions, elections, student legal aid, and procedure. Records are arranged chronologically by academic year.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Approved Minutes of the SGA Senate 1976-1977 25 1
              Acts of SGA Senate 1976-1977 25 2
              Senate, 76-80 1976-1980 25 3
              Approved Minutes of the SGA Senate 1977-1978 25 4
              Senate, 80-81 1980-1981 25 5
              Senate, 81-82 1981-1982 25 6
              Senate, 82-83, 84-85 1982-1985 25 7
              SGA Senate Procedural Rules 1982-1988 25 8
              Senate, 83-84, 86-87 1983-1984, 1986-1987 25 9
              Student Legal Aid: Domicile and Residency 1985 25 10
              Parking Policy 1985 25 11
              Hazing Policy 1985 25 12
              UMBC Faculty Senate 1985-1986 25 13
              Senate, 85-86-87-88 1985-1988 25 14
              Legislation, 85, 87, 88-89 (1 of 2) 1985, 1987-1989 25 15
              Legislation, 85, 87, 88-89 (2 of 2) 1985, 1987-1989 25 16
              Legislation, 85-95 1985-1995 25 17
              Constitutions 1986-1995 25 18
              University of Maryland Libraries Five-Year Plan 1987 25 19
              Greek Life Correspondence-UMBC Student Media Center 1987-1991 25 20
              Procedural Rules 1988 25 21
              Student Projects Board 1988 25 22
              SGA Entertainment Contract 1988 25 23
              Senate, 88-89 (1 of 2) 1988-1989 25 24
              Senate, 88-89 (2 of 2) 1988-1989 25 25
              By-laws 1988-1996 25 26
              Previous SGA Policies (1 of 5) 1988-2003 25 27
              Previous SGA Policies (2 of 5) 1988-2003 25 28
              Previous SGA Policies (3 of 5) 1988-2003 25 29
              Previous SGA Policies (4 of 5) 1988-2003 25 30
              Previous SGA Policies (5 of 5) 1988-2003 25 31
              SGA Constitution 1989 26 1
              Greek Life Correspondence-Space Free Hour 1989 26 2
              Senate, 89-90, 90-1 1989-1991 26 3
              Constitution and Bylaws 1989-1995 26 4
              By-Laws 1989-1996 26 5
              Annotated Code of Maryland 1991 26 6
              Legislation, 91-92 1991-1992 26 7
              Greek Life Correspondence-Space Allocation 1992-1993 26 8
              Legislation Form 1992-1996 26 9
              Subcode Directory, 1993 1993 26 10
              Student Conduct Code 1993 26 11
              Legislation, 93-94, 94-95 1993-1995 26 12
              Senate 95-96, 97-98 1995-1998 26 13
              Student Activities Fee Review Notes, 95-96 1995-1996 26 14
              FY 97 SGA Binder (1 of 3) 1995-1996 26 15
              FY 97 SGA Binder (2 of 3) 1995-1996 26 16
              FY 97 SGA Binder (3 of 3) 1995-1996 26 17
              University Relations Report 1996 26 18
              University Relations Report 1996 26 19
              Library Survey Requests 1996 26 20
              Emergency Election Article 1996 26 21
              Notes and Memos Policy Issues 1996 26 22
              Bylaws Review Committee 1996-1997 26 23
              Agenda, Bylaws 1996 26 24
              Constitution Bylaws 1996 26 25
              SGA Legislation/Resolutions Original Copies, 1996-1997 (1 of 2) 1996-1997 26 26
              SGA Legislation/Resolutions Original Copies, 1996-1997 (2 of 2) 1996-1997 26 27
              SGA Legislation, 96-97 (1 of 2) 1996-1997 26 28
              SGA Legislation, 96-97 (2 of 2) 1996-1997 26 29
              Senate Meeting Reports 1996 26 30
              Senate Agenda 1996 26 31
              SGA Senate Agenda 1996-1997 26 32
              Senate Election Board 1996-1997 26 33
              SGA Senate Finance Committee 1996-1997 26 34
              Club’s Constitution 1997 26 35
              Senate, 97-98 (1 of 2) 1997-1998 26 36
              Senate, 97-98 (2 of 2) 1997-1998 26 37
              Senate, 97-98 (1 of 2) 1997-1998 26 38
              Senate, 97-98 (2 of 2) 1997-1998 26 39
              Senate, 98-99 (1 of 2) 1998-1999 26 40
              Senate, 98-99 (1 of 2) 1998-1999 26 41
              Legislation, 98 (1 of 3) 1998 27 1
              Legislation, 98 (2 of 3) 1998 27 2
              Legislation, 98 (3 of 3) 1998 27 3
              Executive Minutes, 98 (1 of 2) 1998-1999 27 4
              Executive Minutes, 98 (2 of 2) 1998-1999 27 5
              Executive Minutes, 98 1998-1999 27 6
              Misc. Senate Notes, 1998-1999 (1 of 3) 1998-1999 27 7
              Misc. Senate Notes, 1998-1999 (2 of 3) 1998-1999 27 8
              Misc. Senate Notes, 1998-1999 (3 of 3) 1998-1999 27 9
              Senate Notes, 99-00 (1 of 2) 1999-2000 27 10
              Senate Notes, 99-00 (2 of 2) 1999-2000 27 11
              Senate, 99-00 (1 of 2) 1999-2000 27 12
              Senate, 99-00 (2 of 2) 1999-2000 27 13
              Senate, 99-00 (1 of 3) 1999-2000 27 14
              Senate, 99-00 (2 of 3) 1999-2000 27 15
              Senate, 99-00 (3 of 3) 1999-2000 27 16
              Senate, 1999-2000 1999-2000 27 17
              Senate In House Elections 1999-2000 27 18
              Senate Policies and Legislation 1999-2000 27 19
              Task Force, 00 (1 of 2) 2000 27 20
              Task Force, 00 (2 of 2) 2000 27 21
              Undergraduate Council Notes (1 of 4) 2000 27 22
              Undergraduate Council Notes (2 of 4) 2000 27 23
              Undergraduate Council Notes (3 of 4) 2000 27 24
              Undergraduate Council Notes (4 of 4) 2000 27 26
              Senate, 00-01 (1 of 4) 2000-2001 27 26
              Senate, 00-01 (2 of 4) 2000-2001 27 27
              Senate, 00-01 (3 of 4) 2000-2001 27 28
              Senate, 00-01 (4 of 4) 2000-2001 27 29
              Senate, 00-01 (1 of 3) 2000-2001 28 1
              Senate, 00-01 (2 of 3) 2000-2001 28 2
              Senate, 00-01 (3 of 3) 2000-2001 28 3
              Senate, 00-01 (1 of 4) 2000-2001 28 4
              Senate, 00-01 (2 of 4) 2000-2001 28 5
              Senate, 00-01 (3 of 4) 2000-2001 28 6
              Senate, 00-01 (4 of 4) 2000-2001 28 7
              Senate Tabled Legislation 00 2000-2001 28 8
              Legislation, 00-01 2000-2001 28 9
              SGA 101 2000-2001 28 10
              Student Organizations Information 2000-2001 28 11
              Senate Minutes, 2000-2001 (1 of 2) 2000-2001 28 12
              Senate Minutes, 2000-2001 (2 of 2) 2000-2001 28 13
              SGA Guide 2001 28 14
              Senate, 01-02 (1 of 3) 2001-2002 28 15
              Senate, 01-02 (2 of 3) 2001-2002 28 16
              Senate, 01-02 (3 of 3) 2001-2002 28 17
              Senate, 01-02 (1 of 3) 2001-2002 28 18
              Senate, 01-02 (2 of 3) 2001-2002 28 19
              Senate, 01-02 (3 of 3) 2001-2002 28 20
              Senate, 2001-2002 (1 of 3) 2001-2002 28 21
              Senate, 2001-2002 (2 of 3) 2001-2002 28 22
              Senate, 2001-2002 (3 of 3) 2001-2002 28 23
              House, 01-02 (1 of 4) 2001-2002 28 24
              House, 01-02 (2 of 4) 2001-2002 28 25
              House, 01-02 (3 of 4) 2001-2002 28 26
              House, 01-02 (4 of 4) 2001-2002 28 27
              UMBC Transit Advisory Panel 2002 28 28
              House, 02-03 (1 of 3) 2002-2003 29 1
              House, 02-03 (2 of 3) 2002-2003 29 2
              House, 02-03 (3 of 3) 2002-2003 29 3
              SGA Policies (1 of 2) 2002-2003 29 4
              SGA Policies (2 of 2) 2002-2003 29 5
              SGA Guide 2002-2003 29 6
              Policies an House of Organizations, 2002-2003 (1 of 3) 2002-2003 29 7
              Policies an House of Organizations, 2002-2003 (2 of 3) 2002-2003 29 8
              Policies an House of Organizations, 2002-2003 (3 of 3) 2002-2003 29 9
              Senate, 2002-2003 (1 of 2) 2002-2003 29 10
              Senate, 2002-2003 (2 of 2) 2002-2003 29 11
              Senate, 2002-2003 (1 of 3) 2002-2003 29 12
              Senate, 2002-2003 (2 of 3) 2002-2003 29 13
              Senate, 2002-2003 (3 of 3) 2002-2003 29 14
              Senate, 2002-2003 Archive (1 of 2) 2002-2003 29 15
              Senate, 2002-2003 Archive (2 of 3) 2002-2003 29 16
              Senate, 2002-2003 Archive (3 of 3) 2002-2003 29 17
              Senate, 2002-2003 Presidential Report (1 of 2) 2002-2003 29 18
              Senate, 2002-2003 Presidential Report (1 of 2) 2002-2003 29 19
              House of Organizations Archive (1 of 2) 2002-2003 29 20
              House of Organizations Archive (2 of 2) 2002-2003 29 1
              House of Organizations (1 of 2) 2002-2003 30 2
              House of Organizations (2 of 2) 2002-2003 30 3
              Proposed Revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Student Government Association of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2003 30 4
              Task Force on the Arts, Oct. 2003 2003 30 5
              House, 03-04 (1 of 3) 2003-2004 30 6
              House, 03-04 (2 of 3) 2003-2004 30 7
              House, 03-04 (3 of 3) 2003-2004 30 8
              House, 03-04 (1 of 2) 2003-2004 30 9
              House, 03-04 (2 of 2) 2003-2004 30 10
              UMBC Student Organizations Handbook 2003-2004 30 11
              Senate Legislation, 2003-2003 2003-2004 30 12
              Senate, 2003-2004 (1 of 3) 2003-2004 30 13
              Senate, 2003-2004 (2 of 3) 2003-2004 30 14
              Senate, 2003-2004 (3 of 3) 2003-2004 30 15
              House of Organizations Information & Resource (1 of 2) 2004-2005 30 16
              House of Organizations Information & Resource (2 of 2) 2004-2005 30 17
              House Legislation 2004-2005 2004-2005 30 18
              Action Guide 2004-2005 30 19
              Senate, 2004-2005 (1 of 3) 2004-2005 31 1
              Senate, 2004-2005 (2 of 3) 2004-2005 31 2
              Senate, 2004-2005 (3 of 3) 2004-2005 31 3
              Senate, 2004-2005 (1 of 3) 2004-2005 31 4
              Senate, 2004-2005 (2 of 3) 2004-2005 31 5
              Senate, 2004-2005 (3 of 3) 2004-2005 31 6
              Treasurer, 2004-2005 (1 of 4) 2004-2005 31 7
              Treasurer, 2004-2005 (2 of 4) 2004-2005 31 8
              Treasurer, 2004-2005 (3 of 4) 2004-2005 31 9
              Treasurer, 2004-2005 (4 of 4) 2004-2005 31 10
              House of Organizations, 2005-2006 2005-2006 31 11
              SGA Agendas & Legislation (1 of 2) 2005-2006 31 12
              SGA Agendas & Legislation (2 of 2) 2005-2006 31 13
              Executive, 2005-2006 (1 of 2) 2005-2006 31 14
              Executive, 2005-2006 (2 of 2) 2005-2006 31 15
              SGA Senate, 2006-2007 2006-2007 31 16
              Reality. Results. Renewal. Resources for Leaders in a Time of Transition 2007 31 17
              Crime Awareness & Campus Security Clery Report, 2007-2008 2007 31 18
              Senate Legislation, 2007-2008 2007-2008 31 19
              Prove It! Proposals, 2008 2008 31 20
              USM Student Council 2008-2009 32 1
              SGA Senate, 2008-2009 (1 of 2) 2008-2009 32 2
              SGA Senate, 2008-2009 (2 of 2) 2008-2009 32 3
              Executive Report, 2009-2010 2009-2010 32 4
              Executive Report, 2010-2011 2010-2011 32 5
              SOS Office Binder 2010-2010 32 6
              Senate, 2010-2011 2010-2011 32 7
              Health & Wellness, 2010-2011 2010-2011 32 8
              Agenda & Legislation, 2012 2012 32 9
              Prove It! Program Description and Application Form, 2014 2014 32 10
              Real Property Article Undated 32 11
              Student Legal Aid Forms Undated 32 12
          2. Subseries IV.B. Committees

            Date: 1975-1996

            Extent: 1 box (1 linear feet)

            Description: The files in this sub-series relate to SGA committees and organizations. Records are arranged alphabetically by committee name, and chronologically within each committee.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Finance Committee 1990 32 13
              Finance Committee 1990-1991 32 14
              Finance Committee 1990-1991 32 15
              Finance Board Legislation (1 of 2) 2007-2008 32 16
              Finance Board Legislation (2 of 2) 2007-2008 32 17
              Finance Board Legislation, 2007-2008 (1 of 3) 2007-2008 32 18
              Finance Board Legislation, 2007-2008 (2 of 3) 2007-2008 32 19
              Finance Board Legislation, 2007-2008 (3 of 3) 2007-2008 32 20
              Finance Board Minutes, 2009-2010 (1 of 2) 2009-2010 32 21
              Finance Board Minutes, 2009-2010 (2 of 2) 2009-2010 32 22
              Finance Board Legislation, 2009-2010 (1 of 2) 2009-2010 32 23
              Finance Board Legislation, 2009-2010 (2 of 2) 2009-2010 32 24
              Finance Board Chair’s Binder, 2010-2011 (1 of 3) 2010-2011 32 25
              Finance Board Chair’s Binder, 2010-2011 (2 of 3) 2010-2011 32 26
              Finance Board Chair’s Binder, 2010-2011 (3 of 3) 2010-2011 32 27
              Miscellaneous FD Fall 2011-beginning Spr. 12 2011 33 1
              Judicial Board 1992 33 2
              NLADA 1986-1987 33 3
              Organization's Directory Forms 1996 33 4
              Organization Surveys undated 33 5
              Raymond Onley 1995-1996 33 6
              SEB Executive Committee 1990 33 7
              SGA/Library Policy Committee 1988-1990 33 8
              Steering Committee 1975 33 9
              Steering Committee 1988-1989 33 10
              Steering Committee 1990 33 11
              Steering Committee 1990 33 12
              Steering Committee Plan of Organization 1990-1992 33 13
              University Steering Committee 1998-2000 33 14
              Student Government Association 1986 33 15
              Student Organization List 1992-1993 33 16
              Undergraduate Council 1983 33 17
          3. Subseries IV.C. Financials

            Date: 1977-1998; bulk 1986-1998

            Extent: 5.5 boxes (5.5 linear feet)

            Description: The files in this sub-series relate to SGA budgets, and include accounting system reports and working budgets. The records are arranged chronologically.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Working Budget, SGA Senate (1 of 2) 1977-1978 33 18
              Working Budget, SGA Senate (2 of 2) 1977-1978 33 19
              Budget 1986-1994 33 20
              Budget 1988-1989 33 21
              Budget 1989 33 22
              Budget SGA 1988-1989 33 23
              Budget 1989-1990 33 24
              Budget Proposal FY 1991 1990 33 25
              Budget Allocations/Reallocations 1990 33 26
              Budget 1990-1991 33 27
              Budgets Submitted 1991-1992 33 28
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 29
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 30
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 31
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 32
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 33
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 34
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 35
              Budget Request 1991-1992 33 36
              Budget Request 1991-1992 34 37
              Budget 1992 34 1
              Retriever Financial Status 1992 34 2
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 3
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 4
              Budget Records 1992-1993 34 5
              Budget Records 1992-1993 34 6
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 7
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 8
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 9
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 10
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 11
              Budget Requests 1992-1993 34 12
              Budgets (1 of 2) 1993 34 13
              Budgets (2 of 2) 1993 34 14
              Budget 1994 34 15
              Budget Requests 1994-1995 34 16
              Budget Requests 1994-1995 34 17
              Budget Requests 1994-1995 34 18
              Budget 1994-1998 34 19
              Accounting System Reports Club/A 1995-1997 34 20
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/B 1995-1996 34 21
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/C 1995-1996 34 22
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/D 1995-1996 34 23
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/E 1995-1996 34 24
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/F 1995-1996 34 25
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/G 1995-1996 35 1
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/H 1995-1996 35 2
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/I 1995-1996 35 3
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/J 1995-1996 35 4
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/K 1995-1996 35 5
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/L 1995-1996 35 6
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/M 1995-1996 35 7
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/N 1995-1996 35 8
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/O 1995-1996 35 9
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/P 1995-1996 35 10
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/R 1991-1996 35 11
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/S 1995-1996 35 12
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/T 1995-1996 35 13
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/U 1995-1996 35 14
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/V 1995-1996 35 15
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/W 1995-1996 35 16
              Accounting System Reports Clubs/XYZ 1995-1996 35 17
              Accounting System Reports SGA Student Activities and SGA Income 1995-1996 35 18
              Budget Requests 1996-1997 35 19
              Financial Information for SGA Funded Organizations 1996-1997 35 20
              Budget Proposal, 98-99 1998-1999 35 21
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (1 of 5) 1998-1999 35 22
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (2 of 5) 1998-1999 35 23
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (3 of 5) 1998-1999 35 24
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (4 of 5) 1998-1999 35 25
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (5 of 5) 1998-1999 35 26
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (1 of 2) 1998-1999 35 27
              FY 99 Budget Proposal (2 of 2) 1998-1999 35 28
              FY 99 Budget Proposal 1998-1999 35 29
              FY 99 Budget Proposal 1998-1999 35 30
              FY 99 Budget Proposal 1998-1999 35 31
              Additional Allocation Forms 2000 35 32
              FY 2001 Budget Requests 1999-2000 35 33
              FY 99-00 Budget Spending 1999-2000 35 34
              Operating Expenses, 99-01 1999-2001 35 35
              FY 2000 Budget Requests 2000 35 36
              FY 2000 Budget Requests (1 of 2) 2000 35 37
              FY 2000 Budget Requests (2 of 2) 2000 36 1
              FY 2000 Budget Requests 2000 36 2
              FY 2000 Budget Requests (1 of 2) 2000 36 3
              FY 2000 Budget Requests (2 of 2) 2000 36 4
              FY 2000 Budget Requests 2000 36 5
              Finances FY2000 2000 36 6
              FY00 Budget Proposal (1 of 5) 2000 36 7
              FY00 Budget Proposal (2 of 5) 2000 36 8
              FY00 Budget Proposal (3 of 5) 2000 36 9
              FY00 Budget Proposal (4 of 5) 2000 36 10
              FY00 Budget Proposal (5 of 5) 2000 36 11
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (1 of 2) 2000-2001 36 12
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (2 of 2) 2000-2001 36 13
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (1 of 2) 2000-2001 36 14
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (2 of 2) 2000-2001 36 15
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (1 of 2) 2000-2001 36 16
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (2 of 2) 2000-2001 36 17
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (1 of 2) 2000-2001 36 18
              FY 2001 Annual Budget Proposal (2 of 2) 2000-2001 36 19
              FY01 Budget Proposal 2000-2001 36 20
              Budget Request, 00-01 2000-2001 36 21
              Budget Request, 00-01 (1 of 2) 2000-2001 36 22
              Budget Request, 00-01 (2 of 2) 2000-2001 36 23
              FY01 Budget (1 of 3) 2000-2001 36 24
              FY01 Budget (2 of 3) 2000-2001 36 25
              FY01 Budget (3 of 3) 2000-2001 36 26
              Finances, 2001-2002 2000-2001 36 27
              FY 2002 Budget Requests (1 of 3) 2001 36 28
              FY 2002 Budget Requests (2 of 3) 2001 37 1
              FY 2002 Budget Requests (3 of 3) 2001 37 2
              FY 2002 Budget Request (1 of 2) 2001-2002 37 3
              FY 2002 Budget Request (2 of 2) 2001-2002 37 4
              Finances FY03 2001-2003 37 5
              FY 2003 Budget Requests (1 of 3) 2002-2003 37 6
              FY 2003 Budget Requests (2 of 3) 2002-2003 37 7
              FY 2003 Budget Requests (3 of 3) 2002-2003 37 8
              FY 2003 Budget Requests, Part 2 (1 of 3) 2002-2003 37 9
              FY 2003 Budget Requests, Part 2 (2 of 3) 2002-2003 37 10
              FY 2003 Budget Requests, Part 2 (3 of 3) 2002-2003 37 11
              House Budget Hearing, FY 03 2002-2003 37 12
              House Budget Hearing, FY 03 2002-2003 37 13
              House Budget Hearing, FY 03 2002-2003 37 14
              Finances FY 2003 (1 of 2) 2000-2002 37 15
              Finances FY 2003 (2 of 2) 2000-2002 37 16
              Budget Hearing Schedule, 2003 2003 37 17
              Finances, 2003-2004 2003-2004 37 18
              FY 2004 Budget Requests (1 of 3) 2004 37 19
              FY 2004 Budget Requests (2 of 3) 2004 37 20
              FY 2004 Budget Requests (3 of 3) 2004 37 21
              FY 2004 Budget Requests (1 of 3) 2004 37 22
              FY 2004 Budget Requests (2 of 3) 2004 38 1
              FY 2004 Budget Requests (3 of 3) 2004 38 2
              FY 2004, FY 2005 Budget Requests (1 of 3) 2004 38 3
              FY 2004, FY 2005 Budget Requests (2 of 3) 2004 38 4
              FY 2004, FY 2005 Budget Requests (3 of 3) 2004 38 5
              FY 2005 Budget Requests (1 of 3) 2004-2005 38 6
              FY 2005 Budget Requests (2 of 3) 2004-2005 38 7
              FY 2005 Budget Requests (3 of 3) 2004-2005 38 8
              Treasurer, 2004-2005 (1 of 2) 2004-2005 38 9
              Treasurer, 2004-2005 (2 of 2) 2004-2005 38 10
              UMBC Fiscal Year 2006 Working Budget (1 of 2) 2006 38 11
              UMBC Fiscal Year 2006 Working Budget (2 of 2) 2006 38 12
              FY 2006 Student Fee Breakdown 2005-2006 38 13
              Finance Board Allocations, 2007-2008 2007-2008 38 14
              Fiscal Year 2008 Working Budget (1 of 3) 2008 38 15
              Fiscal Year 2008 Working Budget (2 of 3) 2008 38 16
              Fiscal Year 2008 Working Budget (3 of 3) 2008 38 17
              SAFRB FY 2008 2008 38 18
              UMBC Fiscal Year 2009 Working Budget (1 of 3) 2009 38 19
              UMBC Fiscal Year 2009 Working Budget (2 of 3) 2009 38 20
              UMBC Fiscal Year 2009 Working Budget (3 of 3) 2009 38 21
          4. Subseries IV.D. Clubs

            Date: 1970-1999; bulk 1983-1999

            Extent: 3 boxes (3 linear feet)

            Description: The files in this sub-series relate to SGA clubs. Papers are arranged alphabetically by name or organization.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Accounting Society of UMBC undated 39 1
              AFRAM Council of Majors 1977-1984 39 2
              African Students Association 1997-1998 39 3
              AGAPE Campus Ministry 1992-1996 39 4
              Aikido Club 1996-1998 39 5
              Alpha Delta Lambda undated 39 6
              Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 1988 39 7
              Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 1995 39 8
              Ambassador's Club 1995 39 9
              American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1987-1997 39 10
              American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1996-1998 39 11
              American Society of mechanical Engineers 1996-1998 39 12
              American Studies Council of Majors 1988 39 13
              Amnesty International 1997-1998 39 14
              Ancient Studies Club 1985-1998 39 15
              A.N.G.E.L.S (AIDS Needs Greater Education Love and Support) 1996-1999 39 16
              Anime Society 1996-1998 39 17
              Anthropology Club/ Sociology Anthropology Council 1985-1997 39 18
              Art Com 1992 39 19
              Asian Student Connection 1996-1998 39 20
              Badminton Club 1996-1998 39 21
              Bahai's Student Association 1997-1999 39 22
              Ballroom Dancing Club 1997-1998 39 23
              Baptist Student Ministry 1986-1997 39 24
              Bartleby 1985-1998 39 25
              Best Buddies 1997-1998 39 26
              Biology Council 1989-1996 39 27
              Black Visions 1990 39 28
              Black Student Union 1986-1996 39 29
              Bowling Team 1991-1998 39 30
              Campus Crusade for Christ 1984 39 31
              Campus Ministry 1994 39 32
              Caribbean American Student Association 1992-1996 39 33
              Chemistry Club 1988-1990 39 34
              Chemistry/Biochemistry Council of Majors 1996-1997 39 35
              Chess Club 1988-1999 39 36
              Chinese Students and Scholars Association 1985-1999 39 37
              Chinese Students Association 1997-1998 39 38
              Christian Fellowship 1988-1989 39 39
              Circle K 1984, 1985 39 40
              Classics Club 1985-1986 39 41
              College Democrats (Formerly Young Democrats) 1997-1999 39 42
              College Republicans 1996 39 43
              Commuting Student Association 1988-1997 39 44
              Computer Science Council of Majors 1985-1998 39 45
              Computer Science Graduate Council 1988 39 46
              Conservative Student Alliance 1987-1989 39 47
              Council of English Majors 1996 39 48
              CRIINAM (Cricket in America) 1997-1998 39 49
              Crew Club 1992-1999 1992-1999 39 50
              Dance Council of Majors 1997-1999 39 51
              Debate Society 1985-1998 39 52
              Delta Alpha Delta undated 39 53
              Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority 1984 39 54
              Delta Sigma Theta Sorority undated 39 55
              Delta Sigma Upsilon undated 39 56
              Disabled Students Advocacy Association 1990 39 57
              Emergency Health Services 1985-1998 39 58
              Engineering Council of Majors 1986-1999 39 59
              English Council of Majors 1988-1997 39 60
              Equestrian Team 1991 39 61
              Fellowship of Christian Under Study (F.O.C.U.S) 1996-1998 39 62
              Fencing Club 1996 39 63
              Field Hockey Club 1996-1997 39 64
              Filipino American Student Association 1995-1998 39 65
              Film Makers Anonymous 1996-1998 39 66
              Freedom Alliance 1989-1998 39 67
              French Club 1988-1997 39 68
              Frisbee Club undated 39 69
              Future Educators of UMBC 1990-1998 39 70
              Gamma Delta Fraternity 1990 39 71
              Gamma Theta Upsilon undated 39 72
              Gay/Lesbian Organization 1985 39 73
              German Club 1985-1998 39 74
              Golf Club 1989 39 75
              Gospel Choir and Ensemble 1996-1998 39 76
              Graduate Student Association 1998 39 77
              Greek Club undated 39 78
              Habitat for Humanity 1996-1998 39 79
              Health Science and Policy Control 1985-1990 39 80
              Hillel Jewish Student Union 1995-1998 39 81
              Hispanic Club undated 40 1
              History Council of Majors 1985-1986 40 2
              Honors Student Association 1989-1998 1989-1998 40 3
              Ice Hockey Club 1992-1998 40 4
              IFSM Council of Majors 1988-1998 40 5
              IFSM Graduate Student Council undated 40 6
              Indian Student Association 1992-1999 40 7
              Indie Rock Kids Club 1997 40 8
              Interdisciplinary Studies Council 1996-1998 40 9
              Interfraternity Council 1989 40 10
              Inter Greek Council 1987-1989 40 11
              International Students 1983-1990 40 12
              Intervarsity Christian Fellowship 1996-1997 40 13
              Islamic Society of UMBC 1990 40 14
              Jewish Students 1985-1996 40 15
              Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc 1990-1993 40 16
              Kappa Delta Alpha undated 40 17
              Kappa Delta P. 1996 40 18
              Kappa Theta Epsilon Society 1990 40 19
              Korean Student Association 1985-1998 40 20
              Lacrosse Club 1995-1997 40 21
              Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 1978 40 22
              Latino Student Union 1987 40 23
              Linux Users Group 1997-1998 40 24
              Maryland Student Legislature 1997-1999 40 25
              Math Council of Majors undated 40 26
              Men's Rugby Football Club 1997-1998 40 27
              Men's Volleyball Club 1996-1998 40 28
              Misc. Networks Registration Forms 1997-1999 40 29
              Modern Language and Linguistics Council of Majors 1985-1977 40 30
              Model of United Nations Organization 1995-1998 40 31
              Muslim Student Association 1996-1997 40 32
              National Society of Engineers 1988-1997 40 33
              National American Society undated 40 34
              NAACP, UMBC Chapter 1991-1998 40 35
              New Art Organization 1997-1998 40 36
              Newman Club/Catholic Students Association 1997-1999 40 37
              Northern American Student Center 1995-1996 40 38
              Nursing Council of Majors 1985-1992 40 39
              Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society 1995-1996 40 40
              Organization Network Registration 1994-1996 40 41
              Outdoor Club 1985-1997 40 42
              Pagan Student Association 1996-1998 40 43
              Pakistani Student Association undated 40 44
              Persian American Student Organization 1996-1997 40 45
              Pershing Rifles 1988 40 46
              Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc 1983 40 47
              Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity undated 40 48
              Philosophy and Society 1988-1998 40 49
              Phi Mu undated 40 50
              Phi Sigma and Sigma Sorority undated 40 51
              Physics Club 1988-1990 40 52
              PI Mu Epsilon 1988 40 53
              Phi Sigma Alpha 1992 40 54
              Political Economy Club 1995-1999 40 55
              Political Science Council of Majors 1972-1988 40 56
              Pre-Dental Society 1985-1997 40 57
              Pre-law Society 1985-1999 40 58
              Pre-Medical Society 1995-1998 40 59
              Professional Practice Student Organization 1988 40 60
              Progressive Action Committee 1988-1998 40 61
              PSI CHI The National Honor Society 1988-1998 40 62
              Psychology Council of Majors 1988 40 63
              Resident Student Association Undated 40 64
              Retriever 1983 40 65
              Rugby Club 1985-1990 40 66
              Russian Club 1989 40 67
              RYU Karate Club undated 40 68
              Schiller Club 1997-1998 40 69
              Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 1984-1989 40 70
              Sigma Pi Tau Honor Society 1988-1989 40 71
              Singapore Club 1989 40 72
              Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society 1997-1998 40 73
              Sisters Seeking Excellence 1996 40 74
              Skateboarding Club 1997-1998 40 75
              Skydiving Club 1996 40 76
              Social Works Club 1985-1996 40 77
              Social Work Student Association 1997-1998 40 78
              Society of American Engineers 1997-1998 40 79
              Society of Physics Students 1985-1998 40 80
              Society of Women Engineers 40 81
              Spanish Club 1996-1998 41 1
              Sports Club Council undated 41 2
              Strike 1970 41 3
              Sport Shooting Club 1998 41 4
              Student Athletic Advisory Council 1995-1996 41 5
              Student Branch of Society of Automotive Engineers 1990-1996 41 6
              Student Education Association 1985-1986 41 7
              Student Events Board 1997-1999 41 8
              Students for Choice 1990-1992 41 9
              Students for Environmental Awareness 1989 41 10
              Students for Environmental Awareness 1996-1999 41 11
              Student Health Advisory Committee 41 12
              Student History Council 1996-1999 41 13
              Student Marketing Association undated 41 14
              Student Media 1994 41 15
              Student Socialist Forum 1989-1999 41 16
              Table Tennis Club 1996-1997 41 17
              Tae Kwon Do 1982-1999 41 18
              Tau Beta Pi 1990-1997 41 19
              Tennis Club 1993 41 20
              Theatre Council of Majors undated 41 21
              The Caribbean American Students Association 1996-1998 41 22
              The Entertainers 1989 41 23
              The Political Economy Club 1985-1996 41 24
              Toast Masters International 1997-1998 41 25
              Tri Weapons Fencing Club 1991 41 26
              UMBC Fencing Club 1991-1999 41 27
              UMBC Foreign Affairs Association 1989 41 28
              UMBC Ballroom Dance Club 1997 41 29
              UMBC Council of Majors undated 41 30
              UMBC Gaming Association 1988-1990 41 31
              UMBC Ice Hockey Club 1992 41 32
              UMBC Lacrosse Club 1989-1996 41 33
              UMBC Macintosh Group 1996-1997 41 34
              UMBC Men's Rugby Football Group 1996 41 35
              UMBC Mock Trial Team 1998 41 36
              UMBC Personnel Association 1988 41 37
              UMBC Rowing Club 1990 41 38
              UMBC Ski Club 1986 41 39
              UMBC Sport Karate 1995-1996 41 40
              UMBC Student Reparatory Company undated 41 41
              UMBC Trap and Skeet Club undated 41 42
              Underground Film Coalition 1996 41 43
              Unfettered Mind Organization 1992 41 44
              Union of African-American Students (Black Student Union) 1997-1998 41 45
              United Campus Ministry 1990 41 46
              University Christian Outreach 1992 41 47
              Upsilon Kappa Nu undated 41 48
              Varsity Club 1990 41 49
              Vietnamese Student Association 1997-1998 41 50
              Visual Arts Council of Majors 1984-1985 41 51
              Wider Quaker Fellowship 1991-1992 41 52
              Women's Field Hockey 1996-1999 41 53
              Women's Rugby Football Club 1997-1999 41 54
              WUMD Radio Club Student Broadcasting Association 1989-1997 41 55
              Women's Union 1985-1986 41 56
              Women's Volleyball Club 1996-1999 41 57
              Wrestling Club 1966-1999 41 58
              Young Democrats 1985-1992 41 59
              Zeta Beta Tau 1989 41 60
        5. Series V. Undergraduate Council

          Date: 1974-2006; bulk 1996-2005

          Extent: 5 boxes (5 linear feet)

          Description: This series includes the records of the Undergraduate Council. Topics covered include the academic departments, changes in undergraduate degrees, degree requirements and majors, curricula, and the Ner Israel agreement. Records are divided into two series: Minutes and General Records, and Department Files.

          Box: 0

          1. Subseries V.A. Minutes and General Records

            Date: 1982-2003

            Extent: 1.5 boxes (1.5 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series includes the minutes, agendas, memos, correspondence, and reports of the Undergraduate Council. Records are arranged chronologically. Original folder titles are retained, with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Correspondence: Ner Israel 1982-1991 42 1
              Correspondence: Ner Israel 1988-1994 42 2
              Memos: Postings 1989-1990 42 3
              Community Service Volunteerism 1990 42 4
              Memos: Postings 1990-1992 42 5
              Faculty Senate Reports 1990-1994 42 6
              UGC Minutes 1992 42 7
              Correspondence 1992-1993 42 8
              UGC Minutes 1992-1994 42 9
              Memos: Postings 1992-1994 42 10
              Correspondence 1993-1994 42 11
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1993-1994 42 12
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1993-1994 42 13
              Faculty Senate Reports 1994-1995 42 14
              Memos: Postings 1994-1995 42 15
              UGC Minutes 1994-1995 42 16
              Correspondence 1994-1995 42 17
              Undergraduate Council Agenda, Millers file postings (1 of 2) 1994-1997 42 18
              Undergraduate Council Agenda, Millers file postings (2 of 2) 1994-1997 42 19
              Misc Memos 1994-1997 42 20
              Memos 1995 42 21
              Memos: Postings 1995-1996 42 22
              UGC Minutes 1995-1996 42 23
              Correspondence 1995-1996 42 24
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1995-1996 42 25
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1995-1996 42 26
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1995-1996 42 27
              Correspondence: UGC Logs 1995-1997 42 28
              Correspondence 1996-1997 42 29
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1996-1997 42 30
              UGC Minutes 1996-1998 42 31
              Memos: postings 1996-1998 42 32
              Correspondence 1996-1999 42 33
              Minutes: J.D. Bell's File Postings (1 of 4) 1997 42 34
              Minutes: J.D. Bell's File Postings (2 of 4) 1997 43 1
              Minutes: J.D. Bell's File Postings (3 of 4) 1997 43 2
              Minutes: J.D. Bell's File Postings (4 of 4) 1997 43 3
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1997-1998 43 4
              Correspondence 1997-1998 43 5
              UGC Minutes 1998-1999 43 6
              Correspondence 1998-2000 43 7
              Correspondence: UGC Logs 1998-2000 43 8
              Undergraduate Council Agenda 1998-2000 43 9
              Memos: Postings 1998-2000 43 10
              Faculty Senate Reports 1998-2000 43 11
              Original Forms 1999 43 12
              UGC Minutes 1999-2000 43 13
              Memos: Postings 1999-2001 43 14
              Agenda 2000-2001 43 15
              UGC Minutes 2000-2001 43 16
              Correspondence: Program Reviews 2002-2003 43 17
              UGC Letterhead undated 43 18
          2. Subseries V.B. Department Files

            Date: 1980-2006

            Extent: 3.5 boxes (3.5 linear feet)

            Description: This sub-series contains files of the Undergraduate Council that relate specifically to UMBC's academic departments. Files are arranged alphabetically by department, then chronologically. Original folder titles have been retained, with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

            1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
              Administrative and Managerial Sciences (1 of 2) 1989-2003 43 19
              Administrative and Managerial Sciences (2 of 2) 1989-2003 43 20
              African American Studies 1989-2004 43 21
              Aging 2005-2006 43 22
              American Studies 1989-2004 43 23
              Ancient Studies 1989-2003 43 24
              Ancient Studies 1999 43 25
              Anthropology 1999-2005 43 26
              Biology (1 of 2) 1989-2005 43 27
              Biology (2 of 2) 1989-2005 43 28
              Chemical and Biological Engineering 1989-2003 43 29
              Chemistry (1 of 2) 1989-2004 43 30
              Chemistry (2 of 2) 1989-2004 43 31
              College of Engineering 1989-2004 43 32
              Computer Engineering 1996-2004 43 33
              Computer Science (1 of 5) 1993-2005 43 34
              Computer Science (2 of 5) 1993-2005 43 35
              Computer Science (3 of 5) 1993-2005 43 36
              Computer Science (4 of 5) 2000-2004 44 1
              Computer Science (5 of 5) 2000-2004 44 2
              Dance 1988-2005 44 3
              Economics (1 of 2) 1989-1995 44 4
              Economics (2 of 2) 1995-2005 44 5
              Education 1989-2004 44 6
              Electrical Engineering 1989-2005 44 7
              Emergency Course Approval 1999 44 8
              Emergency Course Approval 2002-2003 44 9
              Emergency Health Services 1989-2005 44 10
              English (1 of 2) 1989-2006 44 11
              English (2 of 2) 1989-2006 44 12
              English Language Center 1991-2001 44 13
              First Year Seminar 1999-2004 44 14
              First Year Success Seminars: Background From Spring 02 1of 2 2000-2003 4 15
              First Year Success Seminars: Background From Spring 02 1of 2 2000-2003 44 16
              Geography (1 of 3) 1989-2005 44 17
              Geography (2 of 3) 1989-2005 44 18
              Geography (3 of 3) 2005 44 19
              GER 1988-1994 44 20
              Health Science & Policy 1990-2002 44 21
              History (1 of 2) 1989-2005 44 22
              History (2 of 2) 1989-2005 44 23
              Honors Program 1989-2005 44 24
              Humanities Center 1996-2006 45 1
              Information Systems 1989-1993 45 2
              Information Systems 1989- 2005 45 3
              Interdisciplinary Studies 1986-2005 45 4
              Judaic Studies 1990-2006 45 5
              Mathematics (1 of 2) 1980-1999 45 6
              Mathematics (2 of 2) 1999-2003 45 7
              Mechanical Engineering 1995-2005 45 8
              MLL Evaluation Report 1997 45 9
              Modern Language & Linguistics (1 of 5) 1989-2002 45 10
              Modern Language & Linguistics (2 of 5) 1989-2002 45 11
              Modern Language & Linguistics (3 of 5) 1996-1997 45 12
              Modern Language & Linguistics (4 of 5) 1997-2005 45 13
              Modern Language & Linguistics (5 of 5) 1997-2005 45 14
              Music (1 of 2) 1990-1995 45 15
              Music (2 of 2) 1994-2005 45 16
              Nursing 1991-1992 45 17
              Philosophy (1 of 2) 1990-2001 45 18
              Philosophy (2 of 2) 2001-2002 45 19
              Physical Education 1991-2005 45 20
              Physics (1 of 2) 1989-2005 45 21
              Physics (2 of 2) 1989-2005 45 22
              Political Science (1 of 3) 1989-1995 46 1
              Political Science (2 of 3) 1995-1999 46 2
              Political Science (3 of 3) 1999-2004 46 3
              Political Science 1996-2001 46 4
              Program Review Schedule 1992 46 5
              Program Review 1992-1993 46 6
              Program Review 1993-1994 46 7
              Program Review, Chemistry & Biochemistry 1947-1966 46 8
              Program Review, Chemistry & Biochemistry 1975-1986 46 9
              Program Review, Chemistry& Biochemistry 1990-1997 46 10
              Program Review 1996-1997 46 11
              Psychology 1989-2005 46 12
              Psychology 1999-2005 46 13
              Public Affairs 2002 46 14
              Social Work 1989-2005 46 15
              Sociology (1 of 2) 1981-1995 46 16
              Sociology (2 of 2) 1996-2005 46 17
              Special Sessions 1989-1994 46 18
              Theater (1 of 2) 1989-1995 46 19
              Theater (2 of 2) 1995-2005 46 20
              Visual Arts (1 of 4) 1989-1999 46 21
              Visual Arts (2 of 4) 1989-1999 46 22
              Visual Arts (3 of 4) 1999-2003 46 23
              Visual Arts (4 of 4) 2003-2005 46 24
              Women's Studies 1989-2005 46 25
        6. Series VI. Professional Associate Staff Senate

          Date: 1972-2011

          Extent: 3.5 boxes (3.5 linear feet)

          Description: This series contains the records of the Professional Associate Staff Senate (PASS). It includes the minutes, correspondence, and general records of PASS, as well as the minutes, bylaws, correspondence, and memos of the Professional Associate Staff Organization (PASO), the predecessor to PASS. The records are arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by subject or member's name. Original folder titles were retained when possible, with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed. Folders labeled simply by the year include a variety of records, such as minutes, correspondence, memorandum, and other pertinent documents. Records that were previously unarranged were sorted by year and arranged chronologically.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Subcommittee on the Status of Associate Staff 1972 47 1
            Correspondence, FY 1975-1979 1975-1979 47 2
            Steering Committee, Associate Staff Senate 1975-1976 47 3
            Bylaws/Governance 1976-1979 47 4
            General Records: 1977-1978 1977-1978 47 5
            Records of the President of PASO: David L. Hollander 1977-1978 47 6
            General Records: 1978-1979 1978-1979 47 7
            Records of the President of PASO: David E. Herman 1978-1979 47 8
            Faculty Senate 1978-1987 47 9
            Management Development Center of Maryland 1978-1979 47 10
            General Records: 1979-1980 1979-1980 47 11
            General Records: 1980-1981 1980-1981 47 12
            General Records: 1981-1982 1981-1982 47 13
            Minutes: 1981-1982 1981-1982 47 14
            General Records: 1982-1983 1982-1983 47 15
            Agendas and Meeting Notices 1982-1988 47 16
            General Records: 1982-1987 1982-1987 47 17
            Subject Files: Membership/Elections 1982-1990 47 18
            General Records: 1983-1984 1983-1984 47 19
            UMBC Steering Committee 1984-1987 47 20
            General Records: 1984-1985 1984-1985 47 21
            Subject Files, 1984-1985: Tuition Remission 1984-1986 47 22
            Subject Files, 1984-1985: Facilities Planning 1984-1985 47 23
            General Records: 1985-1986 (1 of 2) 1985-1986 47 24
            General Records: 1985-1986 (2 of 2) 1985-1986 47 25
            Records of the President of PASS: Chris Keating 1985-1987 47 26
            Records of the President of PASS: Lawrence Wilt 1985-1986 47 27
            Records of the Former President of PASS: Tom Beck 1985-1986 47 28
            Subject Files, 1985-1986: Library Salary Packet 1986 47 29
            Plan of Organization for the Senate 1985-1988 47 30
            General Records: 1986-1987 (1 of 2) 1986-1987 47 31
            General Records: 1986-1987 (2 of 2) 1986-1987 47 32
            Records of the President of PASS: Lawrence Wilt 1986-1987 47 33
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Associate Staff Handbook Revisions (1 of 2) 1986-1987 47 34
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Associate Staff Handbook Revisions (2 of 2) 1986-1987 47 35
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Associate Staff List 5/18/1987 1987 47 36
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Athletic Policy 1987 47 37
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Free Hour 1987 47 38
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Governor's Commission on Excellence in Higher Ed. 1987 47 39
            Subject Files, 1986-1987: Maryland Public Television and UMBC 1986, 1988 47 40
            General Records: 1987-1988 (1 of 2) 1987-1988 48 1
            General Records: 1987-1988 (2 of 2) 1987-1988 48 2
            Records of the President of PASS: Harry Seideman 1987-1988 48 3
            Records of the President of PASS: Lawrence Wilt 1987-1988 48 4
            Records of the President of PASS: Joanna Truitt 1987-1988 48 5
            Correspondence 1988-1989 48 6
            Subject Files, 1987-1988: Associate Staff 1987-1988 48 7
            Subject Files, 1987-1988: Bylaws and Plan of Organization 1987 48 8
            Subject Files, 1987-1988: Ner Israel Agreement 1987 48 9
            Subject Files, 1987-1988: PASS List 1987 48 10
            Subject Files, 1987-1988: Senator Election 1988 48 11
            General Records: 1988-1989 (1 of 2) 1988-1989 48 12
            General Records: 1988-1989 (2 of 2) 1988-1989 48 13
            Subject Files: Sexual Harassment 1988-1991 48 14
            General Records: 1989-1990 (1 of 4) 1989-1990 48 15
            General Records: 1989-1990 (2 of 4) 1989-1990 48 16
            General Records: 1989-1990 (3 of 4) 1989-1990 48 17
            General Records: 1989-1990 (4 of 4) 1989-1990 48 18
            Committee Reports: 1989-1990 1989-1990 48 19
            Subject Files, 1989-1990: Tuition Remission 1989-1990 48 20
            General Records: undated circa 1990-1992 48 21
            General Records: 1990-1991 (1 of 4) 1990-1991 48 22
            General Records: 1990-1991 (2 of 4) 1990-1991 48 23
            General Records: 1990-1991 (3 of 4) 1990-1991 49 1
            General Records: 1990-1991 (4 of 4) 1990-1991 49 2
            Steering Committee 1990-1991 49 3
            Subject Files, 1990-1991: 40 Hour Week 1991 49 4
            Subject Files, 1990-1991: Pass Line Scripts 1991 49 5
            Subject Files, 1990-1991: PASS Nominations (Oversized) 1990-1991 49 6
            Subject Files, 1990-1991: State of the State Address-Gov. Schaefer 1/18/1991 1991 49 7
            General Records: 1991-1992 (1 of 2) 1991-1992 49 8
            General Records: 1991-1992 (2 of 2) 1991-1992 49 9
            General Records: 1992-1993 1992-1993 49 10
            Subject Files, 1992-1993: Mercer Pay Study, October 1992 1992 49 11
            General Records: 1993-1994 1993-1994 49 12
            General Records: 1998-1999 (1 of 2) 1998-1999 49 13
            General Records: 1998-1999 (2 of 2) 1998-1999 49 14
            Meetings: 1998-1999 1998-1999 49 15
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Academic Planning and Budget Committee 1998-1999 49 16
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Bylaws and Plan of Organization 1998 49 17
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Bull Roast 1998-1999 49 18
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: BOR University System Staff Award 1998-2000 49 19
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Campus Committees 1998-1999 49 20
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: CUSS 1998-1999 49 21
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: CUSS Meetings 1998-1999 49 22
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Freeman Hrabowski, et. al. 1998-1999 49 23
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Treasury 1998-2000 49 24
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Undergraduate Council Committee 1999 49 25
            Subject Files, 1998-1999: Web site - Senate 1999 49 26
            University Steering Committee 1998-2000 49 27
            Records of the President of PASS: Linda Brown, Senate Minutes (1 of 2) 1996-1998 53 1
            Records of the President of PASS: Linda Brown, Senate Minutes (2 of 2) 1996-1998 53 2
            Records of the President of PASS: Linda Brown (1 of 2) 1997-1999 53 3
            Records of the President of PASS: Linda Brown (2 of 2) 1997-1999 53 4
            General Records: 1999-2000 1999-2000 49 28
            Meetings: 1999-2000 (1 of 2) 1999-2000 49 29
            Meetings: 1999-2000 (2 of 2) 1999-2000 49 30
            Fall Meetings 1999 49 31
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Associate Staff Roster circa 1999 49 32
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Awards and Employee of the Month 1999-2000 49 33
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Calendar 1999-2000 49 34
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Committees 1999-2000 49 35
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Collective Bargaining 2000 49 36
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Community Building 2000 49 37
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Continuing Education Task Force 1999 1999 49 38
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Development Fund 1999-2000 50 1
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Development Fund Application 1999 50 2
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Email to Associate Staff 1999 50 3
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Emeritus Status 1999-2000 50 4
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Exempt Play Plan (1 of 2) 1999-2000 50 5
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Exempt Play Plan (2 of 2) 1999-2000 50 6
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Exempt Pay Program Policies 1999 50 7
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Faculty Responsibilities 1999 1999 50 8
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: President Freeman Hrabowski 1999-2000 50 9
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Health and Fitness 1999-2000 50 10
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Landscape and Stewardship 2000 50 11
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Librarians 2000 50 12
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Performance Management Process 2000 50 13
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Scholarship 2000 50 14
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Senate Roster 1999-2000 50 15
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Sexual Assault 1999 50 16
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Shared Governance c.1999 50 17
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Smoking 1999 50 18
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Special Increments 1999 50 19
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Staff Development and Morale 2000 50 20
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Telecommuting 1999-2000 50 21
            Subject Files, 1999-2000: Unions 1999-2000 50 22
            Subject Files, October 2003 - November 2009: Special Projects 2003-2009 50 23
            General Records: 2004-2011 2004-2011 50 24
            Minutes and Agendas, April 2005-March 2007 2005-2007 50 25
            Meetings: May 2005-June 2007 2005-2007 50 26
            Subject Files, 2005-2009: Action Plans 2005-2009 50 27
        7. Series VII. Classified Staff Senate

          Date: 1989-2002

          Extent: 1.5 boxes (1.5 linear feet)

          Description: This series contains the records of the Classified Staff Senate, including rosters, committee reports, correspondence and bylaws. Records are arranged chronologically, and then alphabetically for subject files.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Personnel Policies and Rules for Classified Employees, March 1986 1986 50 28
            Proposed Bylaws, April 1986 1986 50 29
            Classified Staff Council 1987-1989 50 30
            General Records: 1989-1990 1989-1990 50 31
            General Records: 1990-1991 1990-1991 50 32
            General Records: 1991-1992 1991-1992 50 33
            General Records: 1992-1993 1992-1993 50 34
            General Records: 1993-1994 1993-1994 50 35
            General Records: 1994-1995 (1 of 2) 1994-1995 51 1
            General Records: 1994-1995 (2 of 2) 1994-1995 51 2
            General Records: 1995-1996 (1 of 3) 1995-1996 51 3
            General Records: 1995-1996 (2 of 3) 1995-1996 51 4
            General Records: 1995-1996 (3 of 3) 1995-1996 51 5
            Steering Committee, April-December 1997 1997 51 6
            Steering Committee, 1997-1998 1997-1998 51 7
            Meetings: January- June 1998 1998 51 8
            General Records: January-June 1999 1999 51 9
            Honors Task Force 1999-2000 (1 of 2) 1999-2000 51 10
            Honors Task Force 1999-2000 (2 of 2) 1999-2000 51 11
            NCAA Self Study 2000 2000 52 1
            Bylaws 200-2001 52 2
            Collective Bargaining 2001 (1 of 3) 2001 52 3
            Collective Bargaining 2001 (2 of 3) 2001 52 4
            Collective Bargaining 2001 (3 of 3) 2001 52 5
            For Collective Bargaining 2001 52 6
            Against Collective Bargaining 2001 52 7
            House Bill 536 2001 52 8
            People Soft Meeting 2001 52 9
            Staff Breakfast, August 2001 2001 52 10
            Staff Development Meeting, 2001 2001 52 11
            Middle States, February 2001 2001 52 12
            Open House, June 2001 2001 52 13
            CSS Committees 2001-2002 2001-2002 52 14
            General Records: 2001-2002 2001-2002 52 15
            Meeting: February 2001 2001 52 16
            Meeting: July 2001 2001 52 17
            Meeting: September 2001 2001 52 18
            Meeting: October 2001 2001 52 19
            Meeting: November 2001 2001 52 20
            Personnel Review Committee 2002 2002 52 21
            Board of Regents Staff Awards 2002 2002 52 22
            Bull Roast Input 2002 2002 52 23
            CSS Staff Development Seminar, January 2002 2002 52 24
            CSS Development 2002 2002 52 25
            Meeting: January 2002 2002 52 26
            Meeting: February 2002 2002 52 27
            Meeting: April 2002 2002 52 28
            June 1905 29 0
        8. Oversized Boxes

          Extent: 16 boxes (12 linear feet)

          Description: Items inappropriate for the standard document box have been removed to oversized boxes. The folder title from which the item was removed is used and the original location is listed in parentheses. These records include audio recordings on audiotapes and cassettes.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            June 1987 (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder Folder 12) 1987 0 1
            September 1988 (from Series III.A, Box 13, Folder Folder 2) 1988 0 2
            Special Sessions 1989-1994 (from Series V.2 , Box 33, Folder 18) 1989-1994 0 3
            Theater (1 of 2) (from Series V.2 , Box 33, Folder 19) 2 of 2 1989-1995 0 4
            September 1993 (from Series III.A , Box 14, Folder 44 ) 1993 0 5
            November 1994 (from Series III.A , Box 15, Folder 1) 1994 0 6
            Correspondence: UCG Logs 1998-2000 (from Series V.1 , Box 21, Folder 8) 1998-2000 0 7
            Correspondence: Program Reviews 2002-2003 (from Series V.1, Box 21, Folder 17) 2002-2003 0 8
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 10/5/1971 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder Folder 7) 1971 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting 10/10/1972, Dr. Lee Speaker (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder Folder 21) 1972 0 0
            UMBC Classified Employee Meeting 10/10/1972 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 21) 1972 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 12/6/1972 (II.A, Box 4, Folder 23) 19772 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 12/12/1972 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 23) 1972 0 0
            Board of Reagents 1/22/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 31) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 2/13/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 31) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 2/20/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 31) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 3/20/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 32) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 3/20/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 32) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 4/17/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 4, Folder 33) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 5/11/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 2) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 5/15/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 2) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 10/16/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 6) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 10/16/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 6) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 11/20/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 8) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting,12/11/1973 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 10) 1973 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 4/23/1974 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 23) 1974 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting, 5/7/1974 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 27) 1974 0 0
            UMBC Senate, 5/21/1974 (from Series II.A, Box 5, Folder 27) 1974 0 0
            UMBC Senate, 9/21/1976 (from Series II.A, Box 7, Folder 5) 1976 0 0
            Dr. Lee (undated) undated 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting 2/22/1977 (from Series II.A, Box 7, Folder 11 ) 1977 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting 3/1/1977 (from Series II.A, Box 7, Folder 13) 1977 0 0
            UMBC Senate Meeting 5/10/1977 (from Series II.A, Box 7, Folder 18) 1977 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting 9/9/1980 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1980 0 0
            Special Meeting of the Faculty Senate 9/23/1980 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1980 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/14/1980 (III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1980 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/11/1980 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1980 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/9/1980 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1980 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting,2/10/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/10/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/14/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/12/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/26/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 29) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/15/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 31) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/13/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 28) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/10/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 9, Folder 28) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/8/1981 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 1 ) 1981 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/9/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 2) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/9/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 3) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/13/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 5) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/11/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 5) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/21/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 3) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/12/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 3) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/9/1982 (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 3) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/14/1982 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 3) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/14/1982 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 10, Folder 3) 1982 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/8/1983 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 13) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/8/1983 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 13) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/1/1983 (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 14) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/12/1983 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 15) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/12/1983 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 15) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/20/1983 (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 17) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/8/1983 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 18) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/8/1983 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 18) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/13/1983 (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 18) 1983 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/14/1984 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 29) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/14/1984 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 29) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/6/1984 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 30) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/6/1984 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 30) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/10/1984 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 31) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/10/1984 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 31) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/8/1984 (1 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 32) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/8/1984 (2 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 32) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/8/1984 (3 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 32) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/18/1984 (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 35) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/9/1984 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 36) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/9/1984 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 36) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/16/1984 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 36) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/16/1984 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 36) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/13/1984 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 37) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/13/1984 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 37) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/11/1984 (1 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 38) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/11/1984 (2 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 38) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/11/1984 (3 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 38) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/11/1984 (4 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 11, Folder 38) 1984 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/12/1985 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 4) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/12/1985 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 4) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/12/1985 (1 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 5) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/12/1985 (2 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 5) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/12/1985 (3 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 5) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/9/1985 (1 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 6) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/9/1985 (2 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 6) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 4/9/1985 (3 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 6) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/14/1985 (1 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/14/1985 (2 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/14/1985 (3 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/14/1985 (4 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/16/1985 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 5/16/1985 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            UMBC Graduation Speeches, May 1985 (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 7) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/19/1985 (1 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 10) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 9/19/1985 (2 of 2) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 10) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/15/1985 (1 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 11) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/15/1985 (2 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 11) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/15/1985 (3 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 11) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 10/15/1985 (4 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 11) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/12/1985 (1 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 12) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/12/1985 (2 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 12) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/12/1985 (3 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 12) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 11/12/1985 (4 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 12) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/10/1985 (1 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 13) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/10/1985 (2 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 13) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 12/10/1985 (3 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 13) 1985 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/18/1986 (1 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/18/1986 (2 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/18/1986 (3 of 3) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/25/1986 (1 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/25/1986 (2 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/25/1986 (3 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 2/25/1986 (4 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 16) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/11/1986 (1 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 17) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/11/1986 (2 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 17) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/11/1986 (3 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 17) 1986 0 0
            Faculty Senate Meeting, 3/11/1986 (4 of 4) (from Series III.A, Box 12, Folder 17) 1986 0 0